
I HAVE SEEN enough, Biden will see his poll numbers increase following this debate ๐ŸŠ


Either one of them can give you pointers, but neither are likely to help if you are not doing so respectfully, and neither will violate the person's free will to indulge you or increase your odds. Generally speaking, as a woman, don't seduce people; it's creepy and gross and none of us want that. The idea that men think they can just seduce us and we'll suddenly like them is honestly disgusting, shallow, and misogynistic; and the absolute last thing I want is to have somebody attempt that garbage on me. Most women will kick "seducers" to the curb in an instant.

Edit: To be honest dude, your entire account and schtick gives off some serious frickboy vibes. It feels really shallow, and pretty creepy. If you want to petition a literal divine being for help with something, it needs to be deeper than getting laid; asking for help seducing people first thing isn't exactly gonna help your case with them.s.

This is your last warning in regards to spreading blatant misinformation for the sake of pushing your morally righteous "free will" narrative. Next time you will get banned

You're encouraging me to not only lie, but also to encourage incel pickup "artists" that treat myself and those like me like pieces of meat.

It's misogynistic garbage, and literally the entire subreddit sees it for exactly what it is; otherwise they wouldn't be getting downvoted to heck for it. Read the room.

Also, it isn't about free will; I'm saying they won't because they don't have that power. Mind control isn't a real thing, and it'd take nothing less than mind control to make a woman fall for the creep "seducing" her. I'm not going to encourage buttholes like they to prey on more women, misogynistic crap like this is bad enough for us without introducing another predatory jackass to the mix.


Critics of the old ICT qualification complained that it taught little more than how to use Microsoft Office. In contrast, the new computer science GCSE, with its focus on computer theory, coding and programming, is perceived by many pupils as "difficult" when compared with other subjects.

CNN: Sources Close to Biden Say He Plans to Debate Trump Again in September


Lol. Lmao, even.

instead of printing dc, admins should sell bonds


Schizos :marseytinfoil2: discuss :marseyleftoidschizo: :marseyrightoidschizo: living in an alternate :marseyschizowave: universe since 2012 :obamium:
Does anybody else hapoened to learn this edition? I know not many play or even care


Feel cute mb delete later
Fricking jannoids define peepee you morons

!metashit do you like sucking peepee, dck or cck?

@ObamaBinLaden love sucking peepee

LeBron sleeping with his teammates mom :marseywtf2:

LeMickey has no boundaries. Can't be good for the lockeroom, Celtics win again.

And Delonte West did it first with LeBum's mom. LeUnoriginal.

Another reason MJ is the goat.

Reported by:
A vent thread for members of rDrama who may be suffering. I'll start.

I'm an old man of 37. Back in the 2000s, I was shy around girls I liked, and I would unintentionally put them in them in the friendsone. Not recognizing the social cues and signs that these girls liked me. I would wait for a girl to tell me she liked me. I never made the first move. We would go on "friend dates" and I would be the best friend I could be without expecting anything in return.

My story is sad tragic, pathetic tale that starts the day after our final senior exams. This girl I was decent friends with, Ashley, who was also the Varsity Cheerleading captain, asks me to meet her down at football field. I was running late and when i got to her I was trying to zoologist and she just jumped into my arms and we kissed, for what felt like forever. After, she told me she hated me and that I was stupid. Taken aback, I thought it was a joke so I chuckle, but she was actually mad. She said, and these words will be with me forever, she said, "Mikey, I have waited 19 months for you to kiss me. 19 months for you to show any interest. 19 months waiting for you to pull your head and tell me you love me." I stood there with my stupid mouth hanging open. She continued, "I know I'm with Salvatore and now that we are graduating it's too late for us, so I'm telling you, don't let someone slip away again. You're worth more than you think you are and you have unlimited potential."

I tried to say something but I'm an idiot. I knew I didn't deserve her then. I thought it was a prank. I was trying to rationalize why she was doing this until, I saw tears in her eyes. All I could muster was a pathetic, "I'm sorry." She grabbed my hand and said goodbye. I have always wondered what would be if I told her I loved her right then. If I grabbed her and pulled her close one more time, looked at her in her eyes and said, "I love you." As we kiss again, would anything have changed? Was that what she wanted?

Anyways, back then I honestly believed no one would want me, for a plethora of reasons. She was from a good family. I was a hippie and a junkie. A low life dope dealing criminal. She was better off.

Darn, I'm going to stop there. I'm doing good now, and have almost made it out of this hole. Don't worry about me. Just had to take the long way round instead of easy mode. That's the story of my troubled life. As I'm sure it is for a lot of you.


Does anyone else in ghosts need to vent and have their truth heard?

2024 :marseyclown2: :marseyclown2: :marseyclown2:

2016 Democrat: Wait, you're telling me that America's first racist white nationalist president is running again in 2024?

2024: Yes, but he's losing white support.

2016 Dem: Good! He can't possibly win without the racists!

2024: Well, actually he's ahead in the polls because his black support has sextupled.

2016 Dem: You're kidding, right?

2024: No, I'm dead serious.

2016 Dem: OK, but the Latinx will never vote for him.

2024: His support among Latinx might even be higher than it is among blacks.

2016 Dem: This is crazy. I feel like moving to Canada.

2024: Don't despair. White people might save the day for Biden.

2016 Dem: Wait, Biden is still alive?

New sediment spread


It's kind of weird that there's some kind of battle going on between the walking DSM-5 example cases of the Red Scare pod community and... Indians for some reason?

I don't get it.

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