Parody is now ILLEGAL :marseycop: according to xitter :marseyx: and 20k definitely-not-botted likes agree! :marseywatermark:
Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Denmark vs Serbia and England vs Slovenia




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Once again, an American team has won the Stanley Cup. :marseysaluteusa:

!burgers, get in here! !leafs, get fricked. :marseypatriot: :marseycanadagenocide:



The cope over this guy is astronomical and everywhere. This is just funniest one I found till now, will add more later maybe :marseyantiwork:

:marseychudnotes: :!marseychudnotes:

The Stonehenge was built by :marseyblack:s? :marseyshook:

Uggo cope


I can't LARP with kali yuga tho I'd love to cause fricking wignats ruined it with their r-sluration god why'd they have to pick our doomsday scenario pick something from your canon, Nordics even have one but no they had to come for ours fricking LARPyans. Its so hyper specific to Indian context with references to caste and everything you'd think it would be safe from appropriation. :chuditsover:

New walnut grove :marseyjam:

Main story

A week ago, a British teenager got lost in some mountain wilderness on Tenerife. The last thing anyone heard from him was when he spent his last 1% of phone battery to phone his foid and tell her he was lost somewhere and only had 1% battery.

Should have maybe shared location instead instead via text, but we can't all be Einstein's can we?

Anyway, he's dead. We all know it. This isn't the fun part. Facebook detective r-slurs and the are the fun parts.

Facebook Detective R-slurs

I don't need to do an effortpost on this because everything funny is included in this thread:

But I will share some highlights:

There has been a 7-day search by Tenerifes emergency services. His family are desperate for info. But worth asking. Yeah maybe no one's tried his phone.

Yeah worth a try. I'm sure the search team would appreciate someone's pet Labrador getting involved. Let him sniff some of the lads socks and let him loose on the mountain. It's a good idea and I'm sure the emergency services of Tenerife could use a Labrador with a sensitive nose.

Another good shout. Maybe the hospital treating an unidentified Bong teenager might not have made the connection that it could be the missing Bong teenager on the news.

Lmao a psychic is helping now.

There are also people livestreaming webcam footage hoping to catch a glimpse of him, as well as r-slurs flying out to Tenerife to "help".



As with all of these missing person cases that capture the imagination of Facebook losers, it doesn't take long for conspiracies to start developing.

Locals refusing to talk about it.

His foid is a drugs mule and it's a drugs deal gone awry.

And by page 4 of the Tattle thread, they have also devolved into conspiracies themselves:

Plot Twist

This little missing chav was convicted as part of a group of eight for attacking another lad with a machete and an axe:

So maybe all the conspiracies are true ...

Further reading

Another forum thread starts making fun of the Facebookers before getting drawn into the same irresistible trap of conspiracy posting:

Lots of threads to pull at courtesy of Twttier:

!Britbongs are you keeping abreast of the latest Jay Slater drama?

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Stepped on a Mouse Getting into the Shower

The other night I was anxious and decided to take a shower to calm myself down. I turned on the water and stepped into the shower, only to feel something wet and fuzzy under my foot. I intially thought that it was my grandmas weird washcloth or something. But, when I went to look at it. It was a FRICKING mouse.

It ran out into the shower and scared the living shit out of me. I turned off the water, gave up on showering and went back to my bedroom. I just stood in the middle of the floor with nothing touching me because every fabric felt like mouse. I did this for a good 10 minutes. I then did as any girl should and told my dad. He took care of it by capturing and releasing it into the woods. My concern is the mouse already knows how to get into my tub and might come back. Which I should mention, how the literal frick did it get into the tub? It looked so small and unhealthly, I dont understand how it was able to climb up. I also feel some guilt about turning the water on and then stepping on it.

Anyways, should I wash with the hose out back from now on?

Jesus died for all the sinful memes he knew you would create.


Incest porn is sanctified by god himself. Checkmate beliefcucks:

This struggle session goes on for a while:


Quick bring up Hitler too:

Antisemitism in my wholesome discussion about Jesus? Yikes:

@jesus defend yourself.


A taxpayer-funded research project has sparked a debate about the connections between milk and colonialism, raising questions about whether milk can be considered racist. The research project, undertaken by academics from various universities, aims to explore the historical and cultural implications of milk consumption and its ties to colonial practices.

The project delves into how milk was promoted as a symbol of purity and superiority during colonial times, often at the expense of local and indigenous cultures. This research seeks to understand the socio-cultural impact of such promotion and its lingering effects on modern society. By examining historical documents, marketing materials, and nutritional policies, the researchers aim to uncover the multifaceted ways in which milk became entwined with colonial ideologies, a Daily Mail report said.

During the colonial era, European powers introduced milk and dairy farming to various colonies, promoting it as a superior food product. This often led to the marginalization of indigenous dietary practices and the imposition of European norms. The research team is investigating how these practices were justified and perpetuated, and what impact they had on the colonies' native populations.

One aspect of the study looks at how milk was marketed in different regions, highlighting advertisements and policies that portrayed milk as essential for health and civilization. These narratives often carried implicit messages about racial superiority, reinforcing colonial hierarchies. The project also examines the introduction of dairy farming in colonies, which sometimes disrupted local agriculture and food systems.

Modern-day relevance

The project also examines the nutritional policies and their implications on different racial and ethnic groups. In contemporary society, milk is still promoted as a crucial part of a healthy diet, despite the fact that lactose intolerance is prevalent in many non-European populations. This raises questions about the universality of dietary guidelines and the extent to which they reflect or ignore cultural and biological diversity.

Public reaction and debate

The research has provoked a wide range of reactions. Critics argue that the project is a waste of taxpayer money and an example of academic overreach. They contend that it is absurd to label a food product as racist and believe the funds could be better spent on more pressing issues. Some have labeled the project as an attempt to rewrite history through a politically correct lens.

Supporters, on the other hand, believe the research provides valuable insights into the complex interplay of food, culture, and power dynamics. They argue that understanding the historical context of dietary practices can help address contemporary issues of food justice and cultural sensitivity. By re-examining how colonial legacies influence current food systems, the project could contribute to more inclusive and equitable nutritional policies.

Dr Samantha Jones, one of the leading researchers, said, "We are not saying that milk itself is racist, but rather looking at how it was used as a tool of colonialism and what that means for us today. This research helps us understand the broader historical narratives that have shaped our food systems and can inform more inclusive practices moving forward."

Broader implications for food justice

This project has brought to light the broader conversation about food justice and the need to re-examine historical narratives that have shaped our current food systems. Issues such as the promotion of certain foods over others, the marginalization of indigenous dietary practices, and the health implications of following Eurocentric dietary guidelines are all part of this complex dialogue.

As the research progresses, it is expected to generate more discussion and potentially influence future food policies and cultural understanding. The findings could have significant implications for how we think about nutrition, culture, and the legacies of colonialism in our daily lives.

I'm leaving

to go to the gym. I'll be back in an hour. Miss you already x



Minor fricking mistakes man

New Ranma 1/2 :marseyastolfo: anime announced :marseyscream:

!anime !neofoids !femboys

Don't know if it's a remake or a sequel :marseyshrug:.

>Director: Konosuke Uda

>Character Designer: Hiromi Taniguchi

>Production: MAPPA

>Production: CRAPPA

:marseydisgust:. Yeah, not looking forward to this :marseyno:.

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