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Hecko. We'll be posting every top level comment from the most upmarseyd list and looking at the users behind them until we find an actual dRumpf supporter.
Top comment, +8k, 4 golds (user is English)
Well I'm not, but my mom is, and she wouldn't stop supporting him, but she should. Also I'm Canadian (unspecified in this thread but he lives in Ottawa)
College student, BLM enjoyer, so lib she uses SA'd to avoid saying r*ped
Another Canadian. Other Canadians thank him.
Second sentence in this wall of text says he's never been a Trump supporter. Post history shows he had a long love affair with reddit snoovatar NFT trading but that's irrelevant.
This man's post history shows that none of this is true.
I'm going to have to scroll this entire thread aren't I
Yet another Canadian.
You even cry about orange man in /r/ufos bud
Also you're bald
I hate foreigncels so much it's unreal
I mean there are none so far but here's to hoping
I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you
You are fanatically childfree and also old
@HailVictory1776 jumpscare
jk he posts in /r/2aliberals
This one almost tricked me because I couldn't find anything to deboonk him at first blush, and I found a comment from two months ago starting with "Trump supporter here" but scrolling back further in post history shows that was a lie
I can't find anything identifying in this person's post history, it's mostly just being angry at or in love with Toyota. So sure, here's the winner
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This has 8,000 updoots and has been put as FED ONLY with 450 replies, send this too all your fricking non fed FRIENDS and RELATIVES so they can help, somehow
"I read online that some people are wondering why Federal employees are making such a fuss over being asked to list 5 things they did last week. After all, it isnt difficult to type up a response and send it, right? It truly isn't. I've been trying to come up with a way non civil servants will understand the problem, so I've created this analogy.
Let's say you are a delivery driver (FedEx, UPS, Amazon, etc). From Monday to Friday, 8-5 you drive around, delivering packages. Your company tracks your truck via satellite, your deliveries via various IT programs, and they know what you are doing because they plan your route, tell you where to drive, and check your truck at the end of the day to confirm you delivered all your packages.
Now let's say after a long week of work, you are relaxing at home with your family on a Saturday night, getting ready for bed, and you get a random email at 11pm from your state's dept of labor. The email comes from [email protected] and is automatically flagged by your company's email as coming from outside your organization. The email says that within 48 hrs, you have to send them a list of 5 places you drove over the past week. Keep in mind, this didnt come from your supervisor, or the leader of your individual company, but from an organization that has nothing to do with the packages you deliver or even package delivery services in general. The email has a generic return email and no signature block identifying who actually sent the email. Your boss didn't know you were going to be asked for this information, your boss's boss didn't know, even the leader of your company didn't know about the email. And let's not forget that the Dept of Labor has no real need to know where you drove this week.
Your decide to look online and see if anyone else got the email, and end up following a link to the personal social media page of someone that works at the Dept of Labor. From this personal social media page, you learn that the email was sent to every delivery driver in the country and that if you don't respond by the deadline, you will be fired.
You don't go back to work until Monday, so you spend the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday wondering why you are receiving this email and being asked where you drove, and why you are being threatened with being fired of you dont respond to a random email that came from outside your chain of command. You worry that if you don't describe your drive/route in enough detail, you will be fired. You worry that your supervisor only gave you 10 packages to deliver one day, when another route delivered 30, so maybe you will be fired because you were given fewer packages to deliver and there can't describe an impressive route as part of your 5 bullet points of driving.
When you return to work on Monday, the deadline looming over your head, your boss tells you not to respond to the email. And hour later, your boss's boss tells you that you MUST respond. And then just before quitting time, the leader of your company sends you an email that you are NOT to respond.
Meanwhile, you know full well that all of your deliveries were appropriately tracked to confirm delivery, and your entire route along (with every stop) can be verified by reviewing the GPS records on your delievry truck.
This is why the 5 bullet email is concerning to federal employees."
"But I already send status emails" whined the future wal mart greeter
"Doing fricking nothing involves a lot of status reports pal! It's hard work not doing any work!"
Wouldn't that make it easier to respond to?
The president of the united states of america knowing what the government employees in the united states of america do on a weekly basis is in fact a SECURITY RISK
"The executive asking for weekly updated is a VULGAR DISPLAY OF POWER like the Pantera album"
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This is why we need mayocide
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This isn't even new, they're been doing it for years
No posts about it yet on orange site, but Redditors keep on shilling
Who is this guy and what is he going on about? Who cares what he has to say...
the print quality goes bad and they blame the machine instead of the weird after market supplies they bought.
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Here we can see the lying /u/Sudden-Refuse-7915 commit an act of misinfomation by copying the entire article minus the following
An ICE spokesperson said in a statement to NBC News that the man arrested in Chicago was 37-year-old Francisco Andrade-Berrera. The agency alleged Andrade-Berrera was a member of a street gang and had criminal convictions for "drug trafficking, gang loitering, and damage to property" and that he had twice previously been removed from the United States.
Seems he's more interested in pushing a narrative than anything else.
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Trump says tomorrow night will be big. pic.twitter.com/RG2lirO5xo
— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) March 3, 2025
Predictions on what is going to happen?
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- whyareyou : false premise
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There seems to be a lack of cool gooners, nowadays gooners are just mindlessly scrolling whatever porn site or erotic media that tickles their fancy for hours on end; just corroding their brain with constant stimulus but what ever happened to cool intellectual gooners like Kafka? Like yeah he had a porn addiction so severe that it was integral to his life as a person and he frequented brothels like there was no tomorrow but at least he actual did something in his life like write Metamorphosis, The Penal Colony, and numerous other great stories. All this to say its sad just thinking about people wasting all their potential just gooning away when in reality they could possibly be the next great short story writer!
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The latest ERB video is 3:17 long. Minus intro, credits, and Civ 6th Ad it's only 1:40 long.
Snippets of /r/ERB's latest discussion thread about the episode
What's your honest opinion on Napoleon vs. Charlemagne?
What the frick was that Harlem Shake reference?
I was fine with the Harambe line in Zilla vs Kong but...
fr, theyre lagging 10+ years behind in references
I will say, "People still place my name next to God, Charlemagne" was pretty fire. Other than that..... idk it just felt so bland. It was short and nothing hit hard.
Sometimes they said stuff so plainly that it confused me. Like okay Charlemagne did create a "font" but him just saying that bewilders you. The same thing happens with Napoleon saying that years have four numbers but that line is a bit better
i can't even remember a single line from the battle
I can pretty much recite Napoleon vs Napoleon line by line (or at the very least some of the best zingers) and that was literally years and years ago.
Saw this one last week⦠genuinely cannot even remember the closing lines. It wasn't that I hated it while I watched it, but it just didn't evoke a single reaction from me.
(Kong vs Godzilla I know by heart now tho)
when the history rap show uses actual historical figures:
when they use japan slop affirming hyperfixation:
A little underwhelming for me personally but I also don't know the combatants that well
It's fine ig? People are right that there's too much "verbosely explain the context of the diss before saying the diss", and the flow is weird ("Holyromanempire? established it") but some lines were funny and I like Charlemagne's first verse
I think someone in the FRB Groomercord elucidated it well; ERB is still primarily about comedy, and if you want a battle that's very technical and takes itself seriously you'll usually turn to fanmade battles. So when they do a serious military pomp-and-circumstance battle (and the first joke is a reference that's, what, 10 years out of date?), it feels sort of toothless
This next one is my favorite post of the thread. Pure unbridled autism folx.
ERB used to be fearless. They used to tear into the biggest names in history and pop culture with no mercy. They weren't afraid to take shots, to push boundaries, to make battles that actually had bite. They went after corporate machines, they went after politicians, they went after iconsβand they did it with bars that actually burned. Now? They're nothing but sellouts.
Napoleon vs. Charlemagne was clean, safe, and soullessβengineered not for impact, but for sponsorship money. No real edge, no real fire, just a dull, sanitized product meant to keep advertisers happy. This wasn't made for the fans, it was made for the brand deals. The writing was soft, the beat was rushed garbage, and the performances were lifeless. It didn't feel like a rap battleβit felt like watching two actors read lines from a script they didn't believe in.
This isn't the same ERB that went toe-to-toe with corporations and spit bars that left people speechless. This is ERB: The Business, a company that prioritizes ad revenue over creativity. They don't make battles anymoreβthey make content. Forgettable, disposable, corporate-approved content. And the worst part? People still defend this, acting like ERB is untouchable when it's clear they stopped caring a long time ago.
Nobody will remember this battle in a week. Heck, nobody remembers their last five. And if this is all they've got left, they should just admit they're done instead of stringing us along with these weak, sponsor-friendly excuses for battles.
This video failed pretty hard, barely broke 1 million then it flatlined. They need to either quit beating this dead horse or show us they still have that grit and determination they used to have. I'm done with the games, come on ERB, STEP UP!!!
When was ERB ever this daring counter culture critique of the establishment like this guy has deluded himself into believing it is. Toe to toe with corporations? They were funded by Disney for YEARS. How anti-establishment was Lady Gaga vs. Sarah Palin or TMNT vs Artists? Was "both of these political candidates are bad (until it's against drumpf than hillary joe kamal MUST WIN!)" really that daring of a position? They're stupid rap comedy videos for nerds and geeks and if they actually are guiding you politically you're an r-slur. Simple as.
- Saitama : shoes
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I need help organizing....please
I have been fascinated by the Holocaust since I was a kid. Every time I see the shoes of the victims in that huge, endless pile it's a knife to my gut I would like congress to see a visual representation of what they are doing to us I want to literally invite them to "put themselves in our shoes." By piling.pairs of shoes representing all the people they are hurting, or in cases like mine quite possibly killing. Baby shoes, work boots, old lady shoes, worn out grandma house slippers, a trans woman's shoes that make her feel beautiful, all the shoes. And pile them on the Capitol steps to represent us. I am too darned sickto organize it myself but I think we seed to find a focal point that represents us all. Almost all of us wear shoes, even amputees. So it's inclusive What is happening in this country affects people from all walks of life, even if we follow different paths. We need to come together. We need action, focus, unity and a reminder of how much we have in common. To pull this off we need:
a dump date, the day we do this protest/art installation.
People to get the word out
Collection sites
People to pick shoes up from collection sites
Storage pods
People to transport the shoes to DC
People to pile the chores on the steps
Is anybody willing to take this protest and run with it?
guys i have this great idea! but i need someone else do all the work for me
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— Brian Allen (@allenanalysis) March 1, 2025
The USS Delaware (SSN-791), a Virginia-class nuclear attack submarine, found itself stranded off Norwayβs coast after Haltbakk Bunkers (HB), one of the countryβs largest marine fuel suppliers, refused to refuelβ¦ pic.twitter.com/ZVQxHWHo98
do NOT look up what a nuclear sub is especially not a virginia class nuclear sub just accept this very real thing that very really happened and europe is back on top baby
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Reminder that Millie has made more money at 21 than any of you losers will in your entire lives. And "looking old" is meaningless. What does it even mean to look 21? Nothing. It's just misogynistic whining
Millie hits back at incels https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a63971518/millie-bobby-brown-response-looks-old/
@ my blockers @Haberdasher @Lurker
@DildoBaggins: you can't stop feminism
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Redditors are even worse than chuds. Chuds can occasionally be funny. It's evidence of harm is posting that they cancelled a flight with a Canadian airline.
The Canadians can't even protest like humans. Protestors just totally fricked up VP Mountain Dew's vacation to Vermont. Had to cancel his planned ski trip because pro-ukie protestors fricked his shit up.
Why are Canadians so pathetic at everything they try?
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autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion