Red leaf lettuce-chan

Are single Moms the real cheat code for older single guys? :marseythinkorino:

Think about it, say you're 40+, if you have a kid now by the time it's an adult you'll be 60.

But if you get a hot single mom with a 9 year old you're essentially exploiting a game mechanic. Now it'll already be an adult by the time you're 50.

Also if you date a single Mom you won't have to worry about paying child support as that's for the bio dad to do.


Singapore to consider caning scammers in more serious cases :marseycracka: :marseyjewoftheorientgenocide:


minister is cute :pepoboner: !coomers

!asians in shambles

SINGAPORE: Singapore will consider caning scammers in certain cases, in recognition of the serious harm they cause, Minister of State for Home Affairs and Social and Family Development Sun Xueling said on Tuesday (Mar 4).

She was responding to a suggestion from MP Tan Wu Meng (PAP-Jurong) in her speech laying out the Ministry of Home Affairs' (MHA) spending plans for the year ahead.

Dr Tan had earlier called for mandatory caning for scammers in egregious cases.

"We must send a clear message to scammers, the syndicates and those who abet them: If you mess with our people, make off with the life savings of Singaporeans, scam Singaporeans, we must do everything in our power to teach the scammers a lesson they won't forget," he said.

Ms Sun agreed with the need for stiff and deterrent sentences against those who facilitate scams.

After the recent introduction of new guidelines by a sentencing advisory panel, jail terms have generally been imposed for offences which facilitate scams, going as high as 19 months in one case, she noted.


Ms Sun also announced that efforts to better detect money mule activity will be ramped up this year.

"We have been clamping down on them, because they are the main way overseas scammers launder their ill-gotten gains and transfer it out of Singapore," she said.

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) will share more information with banks on known mule accounts, to improve their fraud analytics and enable them to uncover other mule accounts, she said.

"We will also work with the industry to implement cooling-off measures for certain activities which are tell-tale signs of money mule activity," she said.

Ms Sun warned that anyone seeking an easy profit by passing on their SIM cards or bank accounts to strangers, while "turning a blind eye" to what they are used for, would be breaching the law.

"Let me be clear. This is a crime and there is an imprisonment term for passing on your SIM cards or bank accounts to facilitate scams. Claiming ignorance does not get you off the hook," said Ms Sun.

Over 8,000 money mules and scammers were investigated last year, from 25 islandwide anti-scam enforcement operations by the SPF, said Ms Sun.

Of them, over 660 have been charged in court and will be jailed if found guilty, she said.

In one concluded case, a money mule had received RM1,000 (US$224) for sharing access to his internet banking account, without taking "reasonable steps to ascertain the purpose of this arrangement", said Ms Sun.

The bank account was later used to launder more than S$160,000 (US$118,989) of criminal proceeds.

"The money mule was convicted and sentenced to six months' imprisonment," said Ms Sun.

In her speech, Ms Sun reiterated that scams were a huge concern globally, and a scourge Singapore has been fighting for several years.

Despite efforts such as making banking apps malware-resistant and blocking calls from known scam numbers, the total amount lost to scams still hit a new high of S$1.1 billion last year, she said.

This was a 70 per cent increase from the year before, noted Ms Sun.

"Many people are rightfully very concerned about this, and so is the government. We must and we will redouble our efforts in this fight against scams," she said.

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what we need now to change america is... lots of shoes


I need help organizing....please

I have been fascinated by the Holocaust since I was a kid. Every time I see the shoes of the victims in that huge, endless pile it's a knife to my gut I would like congress to see a visual representation of what they are doing to us I want to literally invite them to "put themselves in our shoes." By piling.pairs of shoes representing all the people they are hurting, or in cases like mine quite possibly killing. Baby shoes, work boots, old lady shoes, worn out grandma house slippers, a trans woman's shoes that make her feel beautiful, all the shoes. And pile them on the Capitol steps to represent us. I am too darned sickto organize it myself but I think we seed to find a focal point that represents us all. Almost all of us wear shoes, even amputees. So it's inclusive What is happening in this country affects people from all walks of life, even if we follow different paths. We need to come together. We need action, focus, unity and a reminder of how much we have in common. To pull this off we need:

a dump date, the day we do this protest/art installation.

People to get the word out

Collection sites

People to pick shoes up from collection sites

Storage pods

People to transport the shoes to DC

People to pile the chores on the steps


Is anybody willing to take this protest and run with it?

guys i have this great idea! but i need someone else do all the work for me

Reported by:
  • AIDS_IS_A_CHOICE : There's no poll! I can't communicate if this is a hit or a miss (it's a hit)
Fresh Toss
guys the radical left will be such triggered snowflakes if you give me compliments haha imagine their soy crying if you give me headpats :marseyelonmusk:

So far no reddit posts about it, but chuds on Twitter are jerking off over it.

Why is enrollment in Eugene's public school system declining? : Eugene



!metashit !antibharatiya !builtfor !the !BWC







Dramatards, what is YOUR favorite region/city/country sub which is absolutely non representative of the median world view they represent on Reddit?! :daydream: :marseylaying:

HOW DARE YOU USE NON-WHITE, THAT CENTRALIZES WHITENESS :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :imwhite:

Reported by:
What causes this behaviour?

I assumed he was getting paid but he's not even a janny

@dang at least give him a mop



Crazy that ADHD has the side effect of letting you ignore thermodynamics :marseyhmm:




the electoral college obviously sounds r-slurred but I just wanted to laugh at the circlejerk levels reached here

Reported by:
  • Arran : we got called a "snark" site. they're not wrong
Update: Internet Responds to My Post Asking for Less Racism during r/Berkeley Crime Discussions


I found this interesting. I was notified that my post was cross posted onto rDrama. Interesting response, both on this subreddit and the greater internet.

Not surprised but it's definitely disappointing. I would write this off as trolling and ignore it, if it weren't for my fellow students pushing similar rhetoric. So based on the response to my thread on this subreddit and online, I guess the answer to my original question is no? I intended to have an honest dialogue, but it seems genuinely impossible to bring up this topic without people resorting to low-hanging racial attacks. I gave up once I realized I wouldn't find honest discussions under my post. I find it pretty sad that our online discourse has become…this.

All I asked was for our conversations to take place without 4chan racial dog whistles. I asked for more thoughtfulness when it comes to blaming the entire black race for the actions of individual criminals. No, you don't need to bring up "National FBI homicide statistics" every time a single black person commits a crime (that isn't homicide). Believe it or not, it's not actually relevant. Me suggesting that "13/50" doesn't need to be brought up in largely unrelated contexts, every single time a black person commits a crime, is apparently denying the "truth" and preventing necessary discourse. Sure lol.

Although 13/50 is a misleading (and inaccurate) statistic, I just want to make this point. Even if a statistic is "true" (all statistics are reductive), that doesn't make the statistic useful to mention in all contexts, that doesn't mean the statistic cannot be used for propagandistic reasons, and that doesn't mean any argument being made, using the statistic as support, is true. If you use "13/50" to suggest that the average black person needs to be treated with caution, regardless of their conduct, or that the Black community at large encourages violent crime and is out to get you — no that's not "true".

Let's not let racial resentment and right-wing propaganda get in the way of having honest and fair discussions.

@jesus @ConchShell

:doggohello: Another day, another pibble kiss fight on /r/goldenretrievers. :marseytrans:


Standard sneeding and arguing over the heckin' wholesome velvet hipporinos kissing the violence-prone golden r*trievers. Jannies have been alerted and have been mopping threats against the innocent smoochie machines.

I'm so sorry for your hardship OP. I wish your mom's Goldie a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 I also want to just take a minute to thank you for specifying that you still believe it's the owner, not the breed. I think that level of nuanced thinking takes a lot of emotional maturity and it's just nice to see. I'm very aware that this sub's prevailing opinion on that topic is very much "pitbull bad," so I'm sure this will get downmarseyd to heck and back lol, but as long as you see it that's what matters to me. I just wanted you to know that you're a wonderful human being and a great friend to dogs everywhere. And again, best wishes to your furry relative and the humans who kept her safe 💛

Not a great enough "friend to dogs everywhere" that you have to comment on every pitbull attack "pitbulls are wrongfully discriminated against."

The OP is still recovering, and yall gotta sprinkle that shit in to validate yourselves. It's disgusting. If you actually cared, you'd have stopped after the heart emoji. Everything else is just performative pit worshipper nonsense.


All the people talking about hating ALL pit bulls should 100% be banned. That is NOT a fair take and it's a dumb one at thag

I'd rather not play Russian roulette with owning a pitbull. Not every single pitbull attacks people or dogs, but it is a WAY higher chance than any other breed of dog. I'm not going to risk it. And I'm allowed to feel and think that way without you telling me I'm wrong for it. Why risk your family? Also let's be real there are much cuter family friendly and animal friendly breeds made for community living.

Idk just dumb in my opinion. I live next to a golden and a pit bull and I'm more scared of the spas of a golden they have than the pitti who doesn't even make a noise when I walk outside with my dog


This is why I walk with a knife when take my golden for a walk. [jannied]

I do the exact same thing. Ever since I saw a video of a golden in New York getting mauled by a pitbull with a crowd of people failing to separate them before the golden was left with wounds requiring the leg to be amputated, I keep a knife on me when walking my golden at all times.

I carry a revolver, CCW, in Virginia.

Yup. Tons of those garbage dogs here in California too. Getting my CCW soon.

Garbage owners, too. Not taking the chance with my old Golden girl. Good luck!

Just the decision of getting one is like dating a murderer who was in prison and trying to make him your nice cuddly loving partner.. I can totally see how someone wants a Rottweiler, Dobermann or German shepherd but why would you choose a breed which was used to fight bulls in ancient times and never bread to life with a family and meet other dogs.


Oh you poor thing. Sounds like the owner needs to be euthanized as well as the dog. Get better soon


Neighbour sounds like an idiot. Why would walk the dog off leash if it has incidents of aggression in the past? Hope you can take this idiot to court, you deserve full restitution and owner should serve time. Imagine if it was a child.

Neighbour owns a Pit Bull. That's the very definition of idiot.


Stand up for your Goldens against these aggressive breeds. Pepper spray, folding knife, and CCW always ready to go when I'm walking my 12yo golden.

You carry three weapons including a firearm every time you go for a walk?

Correct. Pepper spray in backpack, small folder in back pocket, and CCW appendix carry. 3/4 pounds total weight. I don't even notice it anymore.

We go way out of our way to avoid any issue dogs but it's nice to have options just in case. Avoidance and paying attention to surroundings is key.


That pitbull needs to be put down. I would sue


Well no it's not the dogs fault why should we put down every pitti. That's like saying we should put down every white person cause one of them committed a crime



The owner needs to be put down and the dog needs a muzzle & rehabilitation to see if they can take the aggression out before deciding to put down. Dogs are not aggressive by nature, most of them learned aggression and can be taught otherwise. Unfortunately some of them have such deep trauma that it's impossible to retrain. Pitbulls are often owned by people with aggressive behaviour, certainly not saying all of them. @OP, so sorry for your dog. Take good care of him and take your time to let him recover and build up trust with other dogs that they aren't a threat, otherwise you run the risk that he's so scared that he will start attacking other dogs out of fear.

Except pitbulls have been proven to be aggressive by nature, several times? 🤡

Please read some of these studies. There's a higher predisposition, doesn't make all pitbulls aggressive "Their association with such aggressive activities, combined with their portrayal in the media, has significantly influenced public perception of these breeds. Despite these challenges, Pit Bulls have also been valued as "nanny dogs" due to their loyalty, obedience, affection, and protectiveness [23,24,25,26]. Nevertheless, the negative stereotypes surrounding Pit Bulls, stemming from their historical association with illegal dog fights and sensationalized media coverage, have exacerbated the challenges of addressing aggression issues in these breeds. While research suggests that appropriate training and socialization could mitigate aggression in dogs, these negative stereotypes continue to influence public opinion and policy"Reference

Over 80% of dog attacks on humans are of some sort of pit/pit mix breed. They are not compatible creatures as they were breed to fight.

Could you share the article?


Kill all pitbulls. It's the dog and the owner or just the dog.


they are transvestigating shrek and the early findings are concerning


Canada is the top in her relationship with USA :marseyhorsecock:


r/teachers continues to be full of sane, well adjusted people


The post

I lost it with a class. A student made a Third Reich flag on the Chromebook in my class. Heard hitler and looked over then I went off in a profanity laced tirade about how many people died and they were not all Jews and you in a Parochial school. Showed a Holocaust video for the rest of the day for the rest of my classes. The video went went well and had some discussions I really don't need this job and may get fired but it's a good hill to die on.

Comment from the thread

I've had a few teachers flip their b-word switch when they saw something grotesquely wrong and immoral. Sometimes it's necessary to show your students your nonviolent rage to get a message across 🤷‍♀️

If you get fired, there's plenty of other schools that will hire you. Thanks for standing up to hate 👏

Reddit teachers continue to be normal people who definitely understand kids. I know the best way to get kids to not do something edgy is to have a massive reaction and break all the expected decorum towards them.

Are you concerned about Britain adopting the APPG definition of Islamophobia? : AskBrits


Mockery is a form of bullying and so I'm not allowed to mock people anymore.

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