
Just listen to the English it's the first 10 seconds

His English is worst than an Indian scammer only the accent is good


One of the expose videos

Need my diverse rdrama friends to explain how he butchers the other languages



Australian jews about to get eaten by dingoes and by dingoes I mean **data expunged. Remember who rules you**


Reported by:
  • ShitMan : haha, wow that's whacky!
:marseychingchongraging: lunar new year after getting married sucks :marseychingchongpearlclutch!:

>have too dole out loads of $$$$$ too people you don't even usually see

>long queues for new dollar notes

>bank sets daily limits for said new dollar notes so it's a multi-day affair

>it's a crap shoot whether you get the notes you want by the time you get too the atm

>tfw you get too the ATM and they're out


!asians no trans women are women

since we are talking about mcduggles today

!trump2024 !project2025 !jidf !accelerationists


yeah man, he did that. it wasn't the hundreds of engineers he poached from JPL after using his money made from government issued carbon credits for tesla (the only reason the company didn't go bankrupt for a decade) in order to essentially privatize a section of NASA. no, he actually designed that rocket himself in his garage tony stark style. :soyjaktantrumfast:

At least he's actually launching shit unlike bezos space scam

ok but if those engineers had stayed working for NASA we wouldn't be seeing anywhere near this kind of progress :marseydownvotemad:

nasa put people in the moon in the 60s. if properly funded, they could've done this decades ago. decades and decades of work by corrupt congressmen and senators to create another private sector that lives out of government contracts so they have yet another area to skim off the top, get lobby money and promote their own interests with no accountability. great. true progress. :marseysneed:

Sneed harder, Musk is absolutely vital for SpaceX. Him owning the majority of voting shares and keeping the company private is the single biggest reason SpaceX are allowed to push the boundaries and take such immense risks.

Not to mention that he's the chief engineer and has the final say on all the engineering choices and have contributed greatly to its design.

There literally HOURS long videos of him with Everydayastronaut there he goes into GREAT detail of the engineering behind Starship and the reasoning behind the choices they made. Both of Eric Berger's book, Liftoff and Reentry, goes into great depth of just how crucial Musk work is for SpaceX's success.

Redditors need to realize that people they think are evil can also be really good at what they do. Von Braun was a literal nazi and lead the project to build the Saturn V ffs.

Elon musk was inside the rocket manually piloting it! Take that liberals

He also built the thing himself and wrote all the code

If every Reddit posters dad owned an emerald mine we would all be living on Jupiter right now :taysneer:

It's funny Elon went down this right wing pipeline given he hired arguably the most capable female executives ever in Gwen Shotwell who basically is the real head of spaceX.

Do you actually think conservatives hate women?

Of course not, but the faction of people who hate women in this way is pretty solidly in the conservative camp. Twitter has definitely become the go to place for people in the Andrew Tate type camp.

there's an abundance of liberals with the same mindset as andrew tate guys, they just pretend they're different to manipulate women

It really does make you think. Elon is a misogynistic racist transphobic homophobic small man who isn't very good at anything. So why doesn't he act that way? Almonds = activated. :soyjakanimeglasses:

Am I too female to understand why those guys in the video are all going crazy over this? Do men have these over the top reactions to machines or are these american boys acting?

Why is this downmarseyd 😞 :marseychonkerfoid:

absolute !foidmoment

Elon haters are 🚬 who are so clearly programmed by media :chudsmug:

Yeah, programmed the media of him doing gay little star jumps and stuttering like anemic neurodivergent hapsburg inbred. Guy's ugly and annoying, get over it :soycry:

Okay 🚬 :marseyxd:

The best for the last

"Historic milestone"

It's a metallic cylinder landing on some scaffolding with a bunch of nerds screaming before they go home to ruin TTRPGs and remove race modifiers. This doesn't improve my life in any way πŸ˜’

:#marseyoctopus2: ??

!spacechads !ifrickinglovescience !redscarepod


For this

which i Copypasted from here

:#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit: :#marseyxdorbit:

Apparently the games industry is kinda fricked

Game industry continues to be just incredibly bleak behind the scenes. Ecosystem is in free fall. Doubt there’ll be an easy solution, or a quick one. This darkest hour has dragged out to a darkest couple of years.

Mike Bithell ( 2024-12-01T19:04:43.910Z


They definitely love too say "I love sucking peepee"

main sub Ls


I don't know who else to tell about this but I feel the need to tell someone. For reference I'm a 25 year old guy who hasn't shit himself since he was a kid. Anyway I got up this morning as usual, left the house to go to work and as I was approaching the train I felt the sudden urge to shit. I searched around for a cafe or something with a bathroom I could use but couldn't find anything. It happened in that moment of complete defeat. For a split second I thought I was farting, but no. Naturally I ran home as fast as I could, trying to hold my pants up as much as I could for fear of the shit (diarrhea) dripping further down my legs, and washed up, washed as much off of my butt, pants, thermal underwear, underwear and sweatpants I was wearing under my regular pants to protect myself from this horrible NYC cold. I texted my boss saying I "had a problem at home" and was gonna be about 45 min late. I put all my dirty clothes in a trash bag and will do laundry when I get home tonight.

I kinda need help coming up with an excuse for being late. I don't really know what to say and I do not want to tell them what actually happened.

how bad is your diet if you shit yourself as an adult

Knockkers stay winning! :chadblack2: :chadblack2: :chadblack2:

MISSION, Kan. (AP) β€” An 86-year-old Missouri man has died just days after pleading guilty to a lesser charge in the 2023 shooting of Ralph Yarl, a Black honor student who rang the white man's doorbell by mistake, prosecutors announced Wednesday.

Yarl testified at a hearing that he rang the bell and then waited for someone to answer for what seemed "longer than normal." As the inner door opened, Yarl said, he reached out to grab the storm door, assuming he was at his brothers' friends' parents.

He said Lester shot him in the head and uttered, "Don't come here ever again." Although the bullet didn't penetrate Yarl's brain, the impact knocked him to the ground. Yarl said Lester then shot him in the arm. The teen was taken to the hospital and released three days later.

Imagine the terror if a Texas A&M student showed up at your door uninvited. :marseyyikes:

I love sucking peepee and seeing racist old Missourians die. Kill all Missourians, knockkers forever. :marseyblack:

What is a chud?

like.. i kinda know but its used so much i wanna hear what other people think



They also don't differentiate between people buying it, people playing it on their subscription service, or people playing the free trial lol.

Yup, I have played all the Dragon Age games multiple times, even enjoyed inquisition for what it was, and have absolutely zero desire to ever touch this game.

Edit: getting DM's calling me homophobic (very much not so), a Nazi (def not and no idea where this even comes in), and getting death threats over a video game is crazy lmao


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Donald Trump hints at deporting Prince Harry if he wins election: 'Appropriate action' :marseybased: :marseybonggenocide:

Idk who to share this with anyway she's probably gonna throw it up all over the carpet later

Reported by:
>it was suggested they were first nations, but I cannot confirm that :marseysurejan:


Babies and Momma Bombay!

:marseyheart: :marseyjam: :marseyhearts: :marseyfluffy: :marseybow:

!animalposters !cats

Europe is full of Nazis and must be bombed again


let's make love and lots of money, baby
The Navy With More Admirals Than Warships

!historychads !britbongs

!brics It's time to take the Falklands back!!

🚨 Anti-Musk Protest Taking Place In Cleveland RIGHT NOW! 🚨


There's DOZENS of people out in the cold....doing something!

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : As always no mention of the libertarianphilic grooming that furry is about
  • askheff : nothing wrong with that

How it started with furries throwing a fit

Complaining about violating the rules in the expected fashion and getting kicked out

The furcon vibes were off via blusky and telegram :marseyyikes:. So people are were reminded to follow the rules & the staff feedback panel was canceled

We have had reports of issues with the standard of behaviour displayed across the convention.

It has been the minority but we wish to take this opportunity to remind our attendees to abide by our Code of Conduct.

For any social gatherings in your accommodation, please can you keep these to sensible levels. As an example, 10 people in a 2 bedroom accommodation would be excessive. Please ensure to keep noise levels down after 10pm and enjoy drinks in moderation.

Please take the time to review the Code Of Conduct

Good use of Good Morning! which should have been followed by "I hate con goers"

Good Morning!

Just to inform everyone, that due to staff unavailability we are cancelling the staff feedback session today.

We recognise the requirement for feedback, so we will be setting up forms via our os support ticket system post con.

We also want to apologise for unavailability of our systems currently. This is due to technical issues beyond our control!


what was the damage

So… Furcation 2024…

-2 drug parties shut down

-1 Hotbox party shut down

-1 s*x party shut down

-a complete washout with falling trees

-calling out the welfare team bc your tummy hurts or you're lonely

And y'all wonder why the fandom gets a bad rep? πŸ’€ get a grip

Vibes check- people are persecuting furries!

Furcation has been a weird one this year. It's been good overall :3 - but I put that largely down to the friends I got to meet and chill with. (cont)

I know the furc staff work their balls off, so this is no criticism on the hard work they have put into making the convention happen. This year, however... the vibe just DIDN'T feel right. I doubt any official announcement will happen, after the mass purging cover up. But everything was just - off.

I feel like the park didnt want us there. Lot of little things, too many to list, all adding up to what I believe was a prejudice behaviour towards furries and the wider culture of the fandom. I have left feeling like the venue doesnt want us thete, and Furc has not been handling the fallout well.

The last couple of days, there was massive amounts of anxiety amoungst congoers, including myself. As we got fed outright faulse info, leaked internal details, exagerated butthurt memes, and observed an almost a militant approach towards curbing 'non family friendly' behaviour, even in private.

It might be a misguided understanding of what truely happened, but i feel like this all could have been handled and communicated significantly better, and never should have escalated to the blizzard rumour-mill outcome that it did. I do wonder how much Furc's hands were tied just to keep PD happy.

I do hope things recover for Furcation. Their reputation has taken a bit hit, and I would personally love to continue attending and supporting Furcation... ... Im just really unsure how much i'd be willing to go back to THAT venue, given how PD have behaved towards us, over the behaviour of a few.

Finally the Hotel strikes back.. Basically you're gross, you break shit, you collectively can't behave, we hate you, our guests hate you, we will never associate with you again.

Inshallah, they shall never find another venue :marseysalat:

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