Pixies - Vamos

Frickin' Scotty. I miss you brother.

King Iso - Ayahuasca - YouTube


Ole Ivars - Jag trodde englarna fanns - YouTube


:marseyflagpakistan: :marseydead: :marseylaugh:
Avg Rdrama party
Stalin announces the :marseyjewofthesubcontinentgenocide:

@Stoicpeace :marseythinkorino:

there's something unstable

about the energy here

(well, energy everywhere is unstable, that's just the world innit)

but specific instability here

I'm getting lost in labyrinthine passages, still, unsure which direction to proceed and watching days tick by like flowers in summer.

stories are like boxes, they travel


Ranveer Singh is admittedly just disgustingly talented.

Chad Sexy Indian dude genetics, good acting, dancing and singing ability. This movie is way more than just this scene, it's a really fun fantasy-romance-action flick and English subs are available.


In a two-day trial that ran into the early-morning hours on April 22, a 12-person jury convicted a Fishersville duo of animal cruelty and maliciously killing a pig by stabbing it in the neck at least 31 times.

Aymarie Sutter, 27, was employed as a veterinary assistant at the Charlottesville Albemarle SPCA on July 3 of last year when two Albemarle County patrol officers dropped off a pig they had received several calls about and eventually found wandering near Proffit Road. The SPCA does not take livestock, so as employees worried about what they would do with the swine, Sutter testified that she offered to take it to the home she shared with her fiance, Lee Oakes, 33, house it in their dog run overnight and take it to a butcher in the morning.

In a tearful testimony, Sutter told the jury that when Oakes arrived at the SPCA that evening, his intention was to hogtie the animal and haul it home on a tarp in the trunk of his car.

โ€œThings didn't go as he had planned,โ€ said Bonnie Lepold, Oakes' attorney, during her opening statement. The jury reviewed an SPCA surveillance video, which showed Oakes struggling to walk the pig in a dog harness outside the facility. There, he and Sutter forced the animal to the ground and tried binding all four of its legs with dog leashes while the pig thrashed and eventually bit Oakes through the boot. He then instructed Sutter to get his hunting knife out of his car, and he slaughtered the pig himselfโ€”just out of the video's frame.

When the act was over and the pig was finally still, Sutter testified, โ€œLee closed his eyes and bowed his head, like I see him do over any animal life he takes.โ€

His own attorney called him a โ€œterrible butcher,โ€ but said when her client realized he would not be able to get the pig in the car alive, he killed it as quickly and humanely as he could. As a skilled deer and turkey hunter, she said he was not prepared for the thickness of the pig's skin.

Baby Cham - Ghetto Story (feat. Alicia Keys) [Official Video] - YouTube
Woman confuses Gynecologist [yt short]
California Magic (Live) - YouTube
Tommy Wright III - Runnin -N- Gunnin

Hard to watch. The cruelty of the tyranny of pigs is inhuman. It's fortunate this was caught on video so the pig unions had no defense but this shit happens every day.

Looks like Russians are white after all :marseyfrozenchosen: :heart: :marseybigdog:

Excerpt from Spymaster by Oleg Kalugin


In all my years in the KGB, the case of the Soviet wife and her big dog topped the list of bizarre sexual escapades.

The year was 1979. My office received a report from a placed source inside the Counterintelligence agency of a large Asian state. :marseychingchong: He informed us that we had an unusual problem on our hands. It seemed that the wife of the Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) :marseycomrade: station chief in this Asian country was having s*x with the family's dog. Our Asian source said that his agency's surveillance officers had numerous times watched :marseyceiling: the large animal copulating with its Russian mistress. The real problem was that the Asian Intelligence agency was planning to use the woman's perversity to black mail the husband into spying for them and the West. As far as we knew, the husbandโ€”a well-respected GRU officer-had no of his wife's strange sexual predilections. :marseybikecuck:

Normally in such a case we would immediately recall the officer who had been targeted. But this was no normal case. First, we didn't want to make a fuss over the situation, since it might compromise our Asian Intelligence asset. More importantly, this case would be so profoundly embarrassing to the GRU :marseyconeofshame: man that we had to handle it with extreme care so that neither he nor his colleagues would know about the woman's perverse behavior.

The problem was so sensitive that it was quickly kicked all the way up to Andropov. :marseysuit: He, Kryuchkov, and I all gathered in Andropov's office to discuss the weighty issue of what to do with this oversexed dog and his crazed Russian partner. We briefly discussed the situation, then Andropov fell silent.

Suddenly, the solution came to him.

"Kill the dog!" :marseydeterminedgun: the KGB chairman said, and we all concurred that this was, indeed, the Solomonic :marseyjustice: way out of the situation. The GRU officer was due home soon for his vacation, and when he came back to Moscow we would suggest that he not return because we had information that an undisclosed provocation was being planned against him.

My department talked with our technical specialists, the same ones who masterminded the poisoning of Markov. :marseycyanide: Oddly enough, they couldn't immediately decide which poison and what dose should be administered to the animal. Finally, they hit upon what they said was the right formula, and we sent the poison to one of our KGB officers in the Asian country. He knew the GRU station chief, and poison.

Unfortunately, our technical people screwed up: :marseyspecial: the amount on a visit to his home slipped the dog some meat laced with the of poison they prescribed didn't kill the dog, but only partially paralyzed him. Luckily, he was paralyzed from the waist down, and was rendered impotent. :snipsnip:

Our Asian Counterintelligence source said their bugs in the GRU officer's house showed that the woman was inconsolable when the dog became ill. :marseycrying: The GRU man and his spouse soon came back to the USSR, where his superiors told him that he couldn't return to his old posting for security reasons. The Asian Intelligence service didn't try to blackmail him, and he wasn't sent overseas again. Apparently, he never discovered that his wife had been intimate with the dog.

I never found out whether she replaced the family pet.


@FrozenChosen do it QUICKLY sis!!

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