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Zero new megastars created in the last 5 years. Ratings falling. Having to raid the retirement home to get people to watch the 3 point contests.
Sports is entertainment, and most people care more about rivalries, drama, flashiness, and superteams than about 3 point percentage or weird acronym statistics.
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(R.I.P. to https://rdrama.net/@GruestIetoe/ gone too soon never going to reach 500k downmarseys )
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Ukraine so cold
This video also explains why Russia has shitty infrastructure. Russian them self hate their roads and blaming Russian cheap asphalt yet Germans are buying Russian asphalt. Reason for shit Russian roads is that they have very big temperature swings. In most place the temperature now goes from 30+ to -20 Celsius. So in summer in Siberia the asphalt is melting then in winter it's cracking. That's why Russian decided to invest into trains. Russia also has tons of small villages middle of nowhere with old people because during Soviet Union, gov was forcing people to leave in those harsh regions and you couldn't just enter and live in Moscow. Basically every big city was treated as different country. So when Russia got rid of Soviet rules people just run to places with better climate. Like in Sochi the real estate is as expensive as in Moscow despite that place not having a lot of jobs
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This comment inspired me to look up on the internet what she wrote and I found out this ai slop called hitler jerking by Salvador Dali
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First sexual like looks
Second material like money
Women standards for looks is a lot higher than standards men have. Women find very few guys good looking, when men take what's available.
Material standards for men basically don't exist because women will spend money only on top tier guys, so most guys are the betabuxxer even if he mogs her by 7 points because every woman is at 10 in their heads.
With rise feminism and equality we basically destroyed material attraction for most guys. Women now find only like top 0,1% are attractive monetary wise and dateble like top 10%.
That's the reason guys from the west can go to shitholes and get girls. Some European countries now trying to combat it since gov need to hang foids on some guys. Like for example a foid can live her whole life on neetbux in EU nobody is ever going to kick her out even if she has a master that can easily find a job. If such girls don't find a husband's and don't pump kids they will be basically deadweight to the government. But it's kinda ironically gov destroyed men money attraction and then gets angry that local men don't date local women.
Then sexually wise modern society destroyed women sexuality. Media brainwashed women that men need to love them like they fat⦠I mean like they are. So a woman need to put zero efforts in her looks because men need to be attracted to women personality just like women are attracted to men personality. Like for frick sake they legit believe in that bullshit and don't see their own hypocrisy.
So in global scope now what's matters is if women find the guys attractive and don't give a frick what guy thinks or wants.
So no wonder than over half of women in the west will be single next year at age group 20-35 (and probably way more in age group 25-35)
And men will get blamed, like why you not studying to be doctors and earn more than women, why you not fit enough, why you don't want post wall land whales ?
Men to modern women are purses that should be tall, very fancy looking and be full with cash.
And things I also love about women is that they trying to shame men in to rising other men children. If you look historically, way more men have risen someone else children than women. And if you look at foids subs they are ultra against rising not their own child. In wildlife female animals very often kill children of other women
So they trying to gaslamp men to do things they never will do and honestly they do this in most cases.
So we live in sad times when it's hard for women to be attractive to men.
Women also have hypergamy, and their average is very screwed. One of hardest subjects for women at university is statistics, they have hard trouble with understanding it when they don't feel like it. Average guy on earth is like 170cm black Indian looking, but she don't feel like it she feel it's sure average guy is 185cm white with 500k buxx in his saving.
Women pushed men physique to such point that most guys that go to gym take roids because to women dadbod is D1 athlete body.
And then foid realised average guy can with drugs get in some shape and now they want cutie twink bodies with thin bones
Foids also doing this a lot:
They lowered their playfield a lot by putting each one down.
But don't worry bros there is light in the future and it's a lot darker than todays light
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Islamaphobia, mentions of the jewish people, multiple depictions of muhamed.
Marriage feature doesn't alllow marriage to multiple women/goats.
This is very egregious and goes to show the jew mods hate Muslims and are attempting to persecute them with marriage feature.
picture of muhamed
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Consistent put downs. Have fun with your godless website, full of stealing until i placed the word into a post and it changed.
Being told im wrong, but never told the correct way of doing things tells me how smart you really are
I dont care, yall can have it.
Im 100% i put more effort than copypasta but you each do you.
I dont giv a fuq. Im finished with people who will be quick to be naggy nags throwing an insult but tell me how bad i really am
You better take care
Good luck in life
Find Jesus
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— random videos with breakcore (@memesbreakcore) December 27, 2024
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/r/greenland is already freaking out about becoming the 51st-55th state (depending on how Panama, Canada and Mexico go) and want us Americans and our politics gone
Well if we are turning Greenland into extra cold Alaska we need a sub to plan what part of our new state to colonize
Southern Greenland is my personal West Bank