Anna Kasparian from TYT goes nuclear :marseydarkfoidretard:

First Anna goes off on discount Anna Kasparian (Emma something, the r-slurred host of pod save america or similar podcast, doesn't matter which one they're all the same):

>You're a nepo baby rich b-word, frick you as a staff, record label and as a motherfrickin' crew

Then some dumbass tried to pin her as jealous of... hasan the r-slurred host of pod save america (all the same, doesn't matter)

Well, surprise, that dude hasan is the nephew (actual nephew, not an nword euphemism) of Anna's long time co-host Chunk Yoghurt and she spills the beans on how he's scared of his viewers and secretly hates them

Hope you enjoyed the post, have a nice day dramatard :marseyletsgo:

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Are hardcore BDSM practitioners mentally ill?

A recent discussion I had about AGP got me thinking about which fetishes cross the line into psychological disorders and it occured to me that every Masochist I've ever met has been self destructive outside of their BDSM shit and every sadist I've met has been sadistic outside of their s*x life too so the idea that the whole thing is a LARP isn't very convincing.

Granted, I'm working with a small sample size but the one hardcore sadist I met IRL was a huge bully in his teen years who did all his "roleplay" with severely depressed chicks and also liked hurting people or watching them get hurt for the fun of it outside of his s*x life and had other antisocial traits. He was also into the really extreme shit like crying and bleeding.

I've met several women into it and unsurprisingly all of them had really low self esteem and depression.


delayed, power out so I'm going out to lunch Making new badges for DKD events please hold

ETA 1-3 hours cuz occupied atm


what did Sephiroth mean by this?
/r/Idaho users seethe over proposed candy and soda ban for EBT


Reported by:

Basically this all starts, when this lovely wholesome video about totally underrated Biologist channel Team Candiru, about parasitic wasps laying eggs within the living bodies of caterpillar is shown. :marseyinabox: :marseydrinkwater: :marseytransplushie2: :marseyuwu: :carpbow2: VERY WHOLESOME FAMILY FRIENDLY

as you can imagine with such grisly morbid subjectmatter, the comments section is filled with jokes to cope about the horror of mother nature. Some inane jokes and comments are as follows.

jokes, people relating experiences, some praising the author of the video

You know, everybody having a good time, at the expense of the poor caterpillar which is the subject of our horror entertainment of the video.

AND THEN, our incredibly toughguy scottish cucks arrive when another inane innocuous comment is made

You guys get it, he's taking the piss about the fact that when British accented men with clear and handsome radio-voices are often commissioned to narrate Nature Documentaries, often many of then involving, unfortunate, gruesome and brutal natural events like Lions devouring recently born boks or whatever.

Unfortunately for the commenter, and all other non-Bongland native english-language speakers, whom are not well-versed in the various subdialects of the British Isles, the Narrator of the current video is not a blue blooded evil colonizer Englishman :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

and this causes seething RAGE and ANGER :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: for the Scotbongs in the comment section, because modern Scots want us to believe that they are still badass manly hairy-chested men, instead of the turbo p#ssies and weak meek wimps, whom are even bigger nanny state cucks than their Britbong southern neighbours,

and that they are VERY BADASS and will totally beat up outsiders :marseysurejan: :carpsurejan: :surejan: who dares to confuse them for their evil colonizer overlords!

:marseyakshually: :marseyakshually: :marseyakshually: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: ACTUALLY HE'S SCOTTISH, A MUCH LESS SHIT BONG

"Don't ever call him English again" :marseybraveheart: :soysnoo5:

"1. It's a Scottish narrator, don't ever call an Scotsman English he'll break your nose

2. I think it's hilarious that you think there is a commentator sitting in the forest actively narrating this like it's a football match" :scott: :phil: :marseyscottish:

Now the problem is that Youtube comment threads are r-slurred and nonsensical and often doesn't display the order in which comments are made, and often only ever when comments are directed at others, this means that often are difficult to follow past the 1st 50 or so.

But even so, usually u can get the gist of arguments which popped up down a thread.

basically in this one clip, for example we had 3 different slapfights :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: ongoing at the same time!

The "52% of Scots voted to remain with the English though, so number 1 isn't exactly true lol" is one train of fight about how not all Scots hate england and the Independence movement and Nationalism is a joke

The "we were Lied to regarding our nations value, debt and prosperity. Had Theresa May not been a lying cow Scotland would be independent" is random sneed about Mommy May raping wingcucks further down the thread

and the "He doesn't... it's pretty hilarious that you think he does because he made a joke" comment is calling the other scots pathetic for blowing this internet tantrum :marseytantrum: :marseytantrum: :marseytantrum: way out of proportion as the original comment was obviously an oblivious yank having made an innocuous comment!

This video was posted 4 years ago, yet the comments would continue this great debate for over a whole year lmoa.

Anyways it doesn't get anymore interesting, just constant sperging about :marseynpcsheep: :npc: :npcangry: :carpbeannpcmad: :carpbeannpc: scotland. IS. NOT. ENGLISHHHHH :npctantrum: :npctantrum: :npctantrum:

!britbongs also, @Aevann does this count as a non-reddit source of drama?

Reported by:
  • p : chonkergate - he kills his coons for sympathy updoots
All of my raccoons met a tragic end.


EFFORTPOST Let's Play Civ4: Dawn of Civilization Cute twinks Part 3: Catholic Golden Age :marseypope: :marseynun: :marseyflagvatican:

Civilization 4 week draws to a close and it has successfully gotten me to waste my weekend and procrastinate on a bunch of work :marseyjam: !g*mers

We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod that replicates world history. Part 1 Part 2

104AD, the Roman Empire is around it's historic peak. We have completed 2/3 of the Historic Victory Conditions, just recently securing the necessary territorial borders for Pax Romana, so we're in a 24 turn Golden Age :marseygolden2:

There are still some barbarian cities in Africa and Iberia, remnants of the Carthaginian Empire we might as well go take. Persia also controls Mesopotamia and Turkey, so these aren't true Trajanian borders :marseysad: but we're kinda close!!

For a Historic Victory we just need to research a couple more technologies first.

The Pagan Religious Victory is losing viability. We have 22 cities, 4 of which in Egypt and the Levant have Judaism, and Christianity (Orthodoxy) has been founded and started to spread to the Roman Empire. Pagan Temples are disappearing.

Brennus of the Celts is still alive, they live in Ireland. Their core moves from Gaul to Ireland following the Gallic conquests, so they aren't at risk of collapse. They could capitulate but they're worthless. We could wait for them to be willing to offer tribute but they are poor and underdeveloped as shit. We'll offer peace.

We can even offer charity to improve relations and advance them from being such disgusting backwards savages. We'll probably have to help them out a lot. Such is the Roman Man's Burden.

There are a couple peaceful tribal villages around the British Isles, our scouts can explore them for a bonus (a military unit runs the risk of angering them and spawning barbarians). Did I mention how much Civ5 fricking sucks? In Civ5 these are "Ancient Ruins". Why are there ruins? You start at the beginning of human civilization, you play through the ancient times! Are they ruins of the 12000BC Magic Kingdom of Zeal? I'll bet they changed it for cultural sensitivity or some weak shit like that.

The villagers give me a warrior. I name them the Britbong Warriors. Did you know in Civ5 you also can only name units when they are promoted? What an r-slured design choice. That game fricking sucks. You can't even draw on the map either.

Anyway, the above events are depicted here:

Christianity (Orthodoxy) has spread to Rome and the people are all pissed off about it, particularly because we have the Religion civic "Deification". It's past time for some government restructuring.

Unfortunately, unlike in vanilla, changing civics in a Golden Age is not free. Fortunately, unlike Rhyes and Fall, anarchy does not consume Golden Age turns. We just put our Golden Age on hold for a little while.

This will take some thinkorinoing :marseythinkorino:

In addition to the bonuses, we want to have super strong stability. Around 290AD the Eastern Roman Empire will fracture off if we don't have Solid stability. CHEERS to @RWBY for informing me of that this is preventable btw. :marseythanks:

Certain civic combos have synergy/negative synergy and when we start to approach the Medieval age some civics will lose stability for being obsolete.


We need to move from Deification 100%. Syncreticism would be dumb because we don't have a lot of religions available, and it's incompatible with Citizenship. Clergy is the obvious answer, although we don't have a State Religion yet, we will soon.


Redistribution is awful at this point with 22 cities and will soon be obsolete. Merchant Trade is much more lucrative.


I am still running the primitive default "Kinship" here and it is very embarrassing. I would have benefited from taking the anarchy hit to run one of these earlier. Same with Merchant Trade. I kinda forgot about my civics tbh :marseyteehee: I'm actually bad at this game

Thalassocracy is better with all the fishing boats we have around the Mediterranean, and has strong synergy with Merchant Trade.


This is still all we've got available for now.


Monarchy is very good and better than Republic majority of the time but we have more fishing boats than farmland right now and free specialists during a Golden Age will get us more Great People. Republic also has strong synergy with Citizenship. Elective sucks, I don't get the point of it.

Despotism will go obsolete I think, but the whip (population rush) is king. It will allow us to speed up building infrastructure (particularly jails and religious buildings we'll be getting soon) and allow us to control overextension (reducing population outside the Italian core). We're going to continue running it.

Soyciety :marseysociety2:

Slavery has positive synergy with Despotism, but both will go obsolete soon. Switching one more civic here will save a turn of anarchy later, so it's worth considering changing something now. We have more pastures than quarries/plantations and no longer have a lot of opportunities to capture workers, plus lots of undeveloped land, so changing to Manorialism might be a good idea. Unfortunately it has negative stability synergy with Merchant Trade :marseysad:. If the Eastern Roman Empire split weren't a concern, it would be worth it to just take the hit. Caste System has positive synergy with Clergy, but we can't benefit much from it. We'll just stick with Slavery for now and save a turn of anarchy for later.

Hindsight Fun Fact: This might've been the wrong decision. Slavery it turns out is the only civic that becomes outdated. Switching to Caste System now would have been better and helped with a plague later. Not sure when Despotism becomes outdated

Final: Despotism/Citizenship/Slavery/Clergy/Thalassocracy

120AD, during the revolution, Catholicism is founded in Roma. :marseypope: We of course will embrace it once our government restructuring is over. :marseyandjesus:

The revolution is over, and the reformed Catholic Roman Empire returns to work :marseyimmaculate: Look at how rich Greece's coast is :weibodollareyes: No way I'm letting that shit become Byzantine :marseysipping: Although it's still Orthodox over there :marseyorthodox:

The Religious victory available is now the Catholic Religious Victory. Being "Pope" means being the head of the Apostolic Palace, which in base game is basically the medieval U.N.

Great Prophet Petrus is born in Athens 200AD. Now that I have Roma as the holy city of Catholicism I can found the holy shrine wonder - Saint Peter's Basilica (which doubles as the Apostolic Palace from base game). I wasn't 100% sure I wanted to build the holy shrine yet but holy crap this is TOO perfect. :carppolycarp:


Our stability is still Solid. The "Foreign" stability is the only kicker for "Bad Relations". Pretty much always in DoC I have "bad relations" because half the world has a different religion and everyone is pissed off about something. One of the weakest areas in Civ4 is diplomacy, and the tendency for foreign leaders to come by constantly whining and asking for shit with a -1 penalty when you refuse is unfortunately common. I've heard trying to entertain this whining can improve Foreign stability.

For example, a few turns back the King of Aksum (Ethiopia) kept coming by trying to pull me into his irrelevant ooga booga conflict with the Nubian Kingdom of Kush. Typically I click "no go away" without hesitation and just accept the -1, but it may have been advisable to just annihilate Kush for these savages instead. Moving forward I will actually consider entertaining the requests of these lesser rulers, within reason.

And hey, why not join the Aksum war? Nubia is pretty lucrative land, and I now have spies to check up on their defenses. It's conquerable and I still have several soldiers and artillery from the Egyptian conquests stationed here. I may consider gearing up for a small invasion.

Speaking of spies, I'm able to look at Persia a little. They can research Machinery, one of the technologies required for the third victory condition. :woah:

But when I apply some espionage to them :slimedetective: I can see that they're currently researching Fortification - nothing to worry about yet. We have a strong military advantage too, but I'm still going to leave them alone.

We can put this espionage to good use thoughever. Our spies can't do much right now, but they can pilfer the Persian treasury a little. Dawn of Civilization has an expanded espionage mod that provides a full promotion tree for spies, and "Great Spies" from the original game are now generated like "Great Generals". You can see the counter for both Great Spies and Great Generals at the top. If we want to survive past Medieval times we will need espionage. New civilizations are intentionally placed at an advantage so it is near necessary to use espionage to even the odds. Now is a good time to start gaining espionage experience.

Dorylaion, the city Darius founded on top of the independent Greek city he destroyed is the most efficient place to send spies to, mainly because if it's proximity to Byzantion and Roman cultural influence. I was annoyed about this at first, but it will prove to be useful now, we can send spies from Byzantion easily and gain experience. Khosrow will catch a few and it will further piss him off and hurt our Foreign stability, but :shrug:

If we crank up our espionage and settle a spy there for a while we could even steal a technology. :marseymischevious:

Notice we can see inside the city now (though Fog of War is only cleared with the research of Electricity in RfC)

Also, with our Citizenship civic we have a fun little gimmick where we can have spies bribe Barbarian units.

290AD is approaching. We're still at Solid, but teetering a little close. Foreign sucks of course. We've lost some ships to barbary pirates and this has messed up our military stability :marseysad:. I'm building my warships in Rome now so they can get a boost from the Flavian Ampitheater to prevent any more of this. Fortunately, we're still booming and expanding, but we're very close to the overextension point and need to start concentrating on making sure our core population is higher than the population outside. Despotism is great for this because we can just whip all the extra population away. Domestic is lower than usual because Slavery is now outdated - if needed, we can change this to Caste System to take advantage of a further boost from it's compatibility with Clergy.

We just have to hope nothing unexpected could tank our economy...

Oh frick. While exploring the far east I discover a plague in India.

Oh God it's spreading west


We are hit with a Certified Hood Classic Plague from the East. On the plus side this will help cull our population and reduce overextension. This is a pretty shitty plus because I could've just whipped neighbors. The downside is our economic development will suffer. This is a justifiable time to invade the Nubians for their lucrative mines and please the Ethiopians (Aksum). I think maybe annihilating a civilization will also reduce Foreign stability penalties (cuz they're dead). I hope that's how it works. Nobody really likes them at least, so I won't get a "You declared war on our friend!" penalty.

The Nubian conquest is slightly riskier than anticipated because the plague is weakening our troops. The highest promoted crack troops are affected worst so the benchwarmers have to step up.

This ungrateful prick is still Annoyed at me, but now that we're in a mutual war he's willing to open borders. After destroying the Kingdom of Kush I can spread missionaries and bring Aksum into the Catholic fold. Maybe I'll have to supply some resources and technologies too. Truly, I am Atlas, carrying the rest of the world on my soldiers :marseysigh:

On that note, frick the Irish Celts too. Even after generously trying to pull them out of the Stone Age they're still all pissed off and probably contributing to the Foreign stability penalty, plus there's still some angry citizens in Paris wanting to rejoin them. They can't join shit if Brennus is dead.

The Germanic barbarians are starting to swarm. We take some losses - this is bad. Barbarian losses negate stability. Using the Citizenship ability to bribe barbarians with spies actually comes in handy.

We're so far ahead technologically that I found Islam just for the heck of it. Waset in Egypt becomes it's holy city. The Arabs (Mohammed) will still spawn and attempt to spread Islam by sword but they've been cucked out of the benefits of Mecca as a holy city.

The Kingdom of Kush/Nubia is conquered. But they're still alive for some reason?!? I have no idea where their last city is.

We send a missionary to spread Catholicism to Aksum but crankypants is still only "Cautious" and isn't ready to convert as a state religion. Hopefully when it spreads to his second city he'll join the fold. Once another leader is Catholic the Apostolic Palace/Saint Peter's Basilica will be able to hold diplomatic conventions.

336AD, the Golden Age has ended. We are no longer insanely propserous, and our stability is wavering. We've lost some battles to barbarians and are suffering war weariness for the invasion of Kush. For one positive "Foreign" has gone from -5 to -4, so I guess helping out Aksum and destroying the Celts might've worked. "Domestic" is down because of outdated civics (Slavery) and Religious Disunity (Catholicism is not in cities with Orthodox, Judaism, and Islam). Next time we may have change the Slavery civic and spread Catholicism to the Eastern world.

The Eastern Empire is still ours however. We apparently avoided the Byzantine schism. So mission accomplished :marseyparty:

I hope. I can't find this in the code and don't know how it works :marseyretard2: Some guy on the CivFanatics forum said if you pass 290AD you're good but he was also taking photographs of his monitor instead of taking screenshots. To be safe I'll try to stay in Solid stability as long as I can.

We only have one more technology (Civil Service) for the Historic Victory, so we might as well just win the game too. (:marseyteehee:)


But frick that! I want a Space victory. :marseytransastronaut:

I'm going to reload and intentionally stall researching Civil Service until I fail.

Next game, the scheduled decline of the Roman Empire begins. We attempt to defy history and go to medieval times and beyond. :marseycrusader:


China :marseychinesedevil: caught :marseyflirt: being sneaky :marseyninja: again



There is a YouTube channel I watch that goes through hours of body cam footage and edits it down to something that fits within my ~15 min attention span. I know most dramacels have even shorter attention spans so I edited it down further into a 3 minute video

Here is the full video I stole the clips from:

Some amusing comments: (can't link comments on YouTube, I tried)

Some news about the trial:

Alexia Gah Gi Gay Mary Cutbank, 19, of Duluth, and Seneca Warrior Steeprock, 39, of Savage, are accused of ambushing and shooting Cameron Maurice Jones at least eight times in an apartment near Lake Avenue and West Fourth Street.

The Minnesota Court of Appeals this week reversed the case of Seneca Warrior Steeprock, 43, who has been serving a statutory maximum 20-year sentence following his conviction by a Duluth jury in February 2023.

The attempt on Jones' life was believed to be connected to another Bemidji-area homicide, committed by Cutbank's brother in November 2020. The victim in that case was Charles "Chucky" Kingbird.

But according to court documents, Jones and Montana Cutbank had a "contentious history," and Jones' family believed he, not Kingbird, was the intended victim of that shooting.

I found another unrwlated homicide case involving Alexia Ga Gi Gay Mary Cutbank:

Funny interview with her codefendant


In August 2019, a year prior to the shooting in the video, Alexia Ga Gi Gay Mary Cutbank and her friend Mia Faye Sumner killed a man named "Fatback" on the Red Lake Indian Reservation. Mia Sumner then stole Fatback's car, drove to Duluth, and was suspiciously lurking around the scene of a third, unrelated drive by shooting.

United States of America, Plaintiff, v. Alexia Gah Gi Gay Mary Cutbank (1), Mia Faye Sumner (2), Defendants.

Duluth Police Sergeant Joseph DeJesus testified that on August 20, 2019, at approximately 2:30 am, he and other police officers were investigating a drive-by shooting at the intersection of 24th Avenue West and West 3rd Street in Duluth, Minnesota. While clearing the scene, he noticed Sumner at a nearby bus shelter.

Sergeant DeJesus asked Sumner if she was high, and asked her which drug she had used. He then stated, "[o]k. Hey, relax. It's not illegal to be under the influence of meth. You know that, right? It's illegal to possess it, not to be under the influence of it."

Sergeant DeJesus: So where are you going to go in Duluth, right now?

Defendant Sumner: Home.

Sergeant DeJesus: But home [is] in Red Lake?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: So how did you get down here to Duluth?

Defendant Sumner: I stole a car.

Sergeant DeJesus: Where's the car at? Whose car did you steal?

Defendant Sumner: It was my car.

Sergeant DeJesus: You stole your car?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: But how do you steal your own car?

Defendant Sumner: It wasn't mine. . . it was cause I killed him.

Sergeant DeJesus: It was what?

Defendant Sumner: I killed Fatback.

Sergeant DeJesus: You killed Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.**

Sergeant DeJesus: And you stole his car?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: Who's Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: I don't know

Sergeant DeJesus: How did you kill Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: With a gun.

Sergeant DeJesus: Where's the gun?

Defendant Sumner: I don't know, in Red Lake somewhere.

Sergeant DeJesus testified that he did not believe Sumner when she stated that she had stolen a car, or when she said she killed Fatback. During the pat down, he can be heard in the bodycam footage saying "she's telling me that she killed a guy in Red Lake, stole his car, and drove to Duluth, which, I find unlikely, but she's tweaking pretty [] hard here."

Sergeant DeJesus testified that it was not until the following day, August 21, 2019, at approximately 5:00 a.m., that he learned from another patrol sergeant that a homicide had occurred and was being investigated in Red Lake.

@JoeBiden !soren carp @ghostlighter @grizzly @elfbinn @getogeto @AraAra @MarseyIsMyWaifu !schizomaxxxers discuss this effort post


The boys are integrating into the house very well! Goodbye, baby jail!

!animalposters !cats

Koran Burner Salwan Momika Shot Dead in Sweden : news


Surprisingly he lived a long life after burning it

New Liberal :marseyclintongarrison: podcast asks why did young men break for Trump :marseydarktrump:? Neolibs :marseysoylentgrin:ask WHAT ABOUT REEEEEEMALES?!? :soyjaktantrumfast: :soyjaktantrumfast: :soyjaktantrumfast:


My Skincare Stash

I have gradually accumulated this 2025 year of skincare spares from dollar tree. Their glow recipe dupes are amazing, too! I love the collagen line (blue containers and droppers). If anyone has skincare questions, hmu! :marseyfluffy: :marseybow:

People must admit that it was a bad game . : ConcordGame


Vg journ*list loe

Some data chud just nuked Bill Kristol's (neocon war criminal) government scamming :marseyxd:

I am desperate for sleep, honey

!animalposters !cats

Getting country specific ban is really something new

So with new Dutch and Belgian laws, to release an online game you need to fill a lot of paperwork so smaller games even without loot boxes wouldn't put effort to release their games in that region.

So here giga r-slurred example: Lollipop Chainsaw remaster. Came out on 12 September and pre orders were available. In Dutch store nothing no preorders no release then on 25 September it drops out. On Belgium store it dropped out on 3rd October. Like why would we need EU standards and etc if countries can reject them and create their own standards. So what online did Lollipop Chainsaw have leaderboard. So Dutch localisation needed 2 weeks (game had preorder early access) to determine if the game was safe and Belgian minister even longer

Like I understand if Germany would do it devs would care or if France or for frick sake Canada but Belgium and Netherlands

With Lollipop Chainsaw it wasn't big deal since game was mostly offline so I just get germ version.

But some games require always online connections. In the past it wasn't an problem but new rule made that before a game comes out officially devs need to ban accounts from those countries from connecting to the services of the game and for PlayStation there is stricter rules that to release on Apple Store. Because omagat save the kids. Local kids are momo, fatima, erkan, adja and ivan (he is refugee from Ukraine)

You can create an account from other country but why would I create a new account ?

So Sony wouldn't update their services and infrastructure and use infrastructure from 2001 despite the massive hacks it had and waste 300 millions on game it throw away in one week.

But games without even loot boxes being banned just because they didn't wanted to deal with paperwork is hilarious


Wow they starting to hint and block vpn to save ze children

[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Analysis of PirateSoftware's "Apology" Tweet


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Watch grubby discuss it. There's a reason grubby is a 6x world champion at war3 and pirate is pretty garbage at playing mage. Zero self reflection and massive ego are a bad combination for self improvement.He won't learn. I read up yesterday some furry's had a hate campaign against him 20 years ago for the same exact shit. He's not learnt in 20 years he isn't gunna suddenly learn now. (2)

Yeah I think Grubby ended up laying the majority of fault on Ozy, Snupy, and Yamato. Pirate and Sara were least at fault for the entire situation, and Yamato flashing his inner League Rage was judged very poorly. And then Yamato dragged his community all over the place whining so loudly and spreading toxicity so determinedly that one of the chillest, most guild-dedicated streamers in Onlyfangs got gkicked. One day, the line is 'if the vibes are off, you gotta bail!' then Yamato starts whining and all of the sudden Pirate is scapegoated so that Onlyfangs can retain a larger viewer count. Soda did Thor wrong. Hope Yamato is as helpful to the guild as Pirate was... lulz. (-2)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

You mean, only asmongold thinks he didn't do anything wrong?Everyone else is in agreement that he could have helped more on the run out. (4)

No, anyone who is familiar with the event, onlyfangs and with hardcore wow knows he didn't do anything wrong. This is nothing more than a loud subsection of kissless redditors farming engagement, updoots and drama. (-3)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

All he needed to say was"I'm sorry looking back i could have done more to help the group i panicked a bit and ran when run was called" (11)

Nah, he shouldn't. He didn't do anything wrong. Not even right wing reactionary pundit Asmongold thinks he did anything wrong. (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

What a load of crap from reading this tweet. The only manipulation going on is the marks to pretend it's shit.How the frick do you get "gaslamping" from "I never said I was perfect". (0)

I get gaslamping from him telling everyone that whoever says something negative about him that they're just blaming the pull on only him, and that everyone who was banned were harassing and threatening him. Since the very start everyone has said the pull wasn't his fault. He banned a tonne of people who did absolutely nothing. Lots of people just asked simple questions or said the word mana lol. He's said all the streamers who reacted to him are just doing so for clout, and jumping on the hate bandwagon. Instead of addressing anyone and solving it, He's gaslamping any of his viewers into thinking that everyone else is just harassing him because it's the cool thing to do.Anyone actually harassing him are scum btw, I don't comment on twitch at all because there are too many of those people He's referring to, but the fact he seemingly doesn't even know why everyone's mad at him and blaming it on them just trying to blame the mage is crazy. Imo it shows he hasn't actually taken a seco... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

I watched a 40+ minute video of Grubby breaking down the entire thing, and Grubby was pretty clear about Yamato having Sara's death on his hands, because the tank really didn't deserve to be alive in a trade off like that, after such a terrible entry and pull in an instance as dangerous as this one. He also made it clear that Pirate likely would have been more amenable to help if Yamato wasn't being so hostile and confused about why Pirate was running after being told to. Personally, I believe that if Yamato had just kept his arm in his mouth and let Ozy call, Pirate wouldn't have been on the defensive and would have turned around to help at that last corner, where there was no longer any danger of more butt pulls.As it stands though, Yamato, who was spasming and making confused calls overtop of Ozy while he stood safely in Vanish range, convinced Sara to sacrifice himself for the tank who made the bad pull, and reinforced Pirate's uncooperative attitude. Yeah. I watched the video. W... (0)

Confused calls? Yelling? Bro is yapping about things that never happened.He called run. Everybody ran together except pirate. Pirate blinked 80 yards away. Then he called pirate to come back. Pirate listened to his "run" call but not his "come back" call, and blinked away + barriered while his mouse was literally hovering over his mana gem.Pirate then immediately calls himself more valuable than the other members (someone with 8 ears is objectively more valuable than onlyfangs 10th 300/300 enchanter, the raw skill expression alone is proof of that). Pirate had 1:40 before somebody died. That's how long he had to turn back. He had over a minute and a half to decide to blizzard for his friends.Trash mental. And that's all ignoring the complete lack of humility when their guild lead tried to smooth things over. He didn't even apologise to Sara and snupy who lost hundreds of hours. He didn't even apologise to the actual victims of the event.He makes his living off the public. Now he's p... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

100%. People caring about this shit so much is sad (0)

People hating on a genuine loser isn't sad. It's funny and entertaining. This dude has been on his high horse forever and never admits he is wrong. Bro he even fought against Ross games 'stop killing games' game preservation effort. Like the dude is an butt. (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/iCresp

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

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