FilipinX truly are the LatinX :marseybrasileiro: of the East
How to talk to a woman


RIP Shifty Shellshock

Come my lady

Come-come my lady

You're my butterfly, sugar baby



Something everyone who actually wants to understand human nature and stop living in bluepill fantasy world should accept is that "love" does not exist only a combination of sexual desire and social economics.

A woman doesn't "love" a man she's attracted to him and then confirms her attraction if he has socially desired traits like a high income or high social status. Men are even lower because they only look for what they're sexually attracted to and just check for a select few extreme warning signs.

Love is not real.

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Flying chicken steals Polish man's pizza

French people hate thread.

Tell us your negative experiences with the French and your general mean comments about them as a people.

Reminder that all French people are smelly, rude, and stupid.


I think its a tie between the bleeding outside of battle and the necessity to make 3k/hour eating flaming hot cheetohs from another womans butthole on OF but idk tho thats why i asked your thots


I know I am backup bf to decent amount of foids. You see on social media I get decent amount of likes, I do this because it's 2024 and if you get no likes people will think you are weirdo and nobody likes you. So there was this Asian girl, I would give her likes and sometime comment and she would do the same to me. But once she broke up with her bf, she wrote me “ooh you so nice to me every single time, are you in love with me and perhaps want to date me” I wrote “I am just a nice guy” she blocked me :marseythumbsup: :marseyxd: and another one is basically to me like an older sister I know her since childhood and after she good married like even 2 months didn't passed and she asked me would I marry her if her husband divorces her ? I was like :marseyconfused2: but to not hurt her I told yes :surejan: and she wrote good to know :marseywholesome:


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Where are you? Is the fence yours? Is it on the property line?Most likely, all you can do is trim what is encroaching onto your property. As for blocking the sun, that is not a viable reason to demand their removal (307)

I'm taking the picture from my house. The fence is mine. They will just grow back and damage the fence again, they grow like weeds. My property line is being eaten into by the trees. I can't access what needs to be trimmed because it's on the other side of the fence. (-207)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Nothing wrong with their yard, rosemary (72)

It's a mess. If this is how it always looks, I understand the trees too block the view. If this is just the middle of a project, it's no big deal. (-90)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You are daft. The fence, the trees, they exist and have a right to exist. Stop thinking like and entitled person. You have exactly the rights you have. To plant where you want, to prune if they lean over your property. Otherwise, deal with it like everyone else. (49)

What kind of advice is this. Why do people post unhelpful things. Does this help you manage your stress or something (-53)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Might be a peepee move, but you could power wash and “stain”your fence and possibly kill the trees. Again, not a great move, and could probably lead to some legal battles in the future. Maybe just suggest that you're looking to install a new fence or fix the existing fence. See if they'll allow you to cut them back by a foot or so just along the fence.Probably better to try the second idea first and see how it goes. If it blows up in your face then I'd say it's full on war! /s (-45)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

I have two neighbors going at it over some trees in Michigan. The 1st neighbor has a pool, fence and pavers he feels are being damaged by roots coming on to his property. He decided to use a chemical to kill the roots on his side and in turn has damaged the other neighbors tree. Once seeing the damage to The whole tree, he approached the 2nd neighbor and took responsibility. The 2nd neighbor said he was aware of the poisoning and plans to cut not only that tree, but the other two that were next to it. The 1st neighbor offered to pay to remove the one damaged tree and replant one as large as possible to make it right within reason. The 2nd neighbor is asking the 1st neighbor to pay for the full removal of all three trees at a cost of $4k. Does neighbor one have rights to anything he has done? I suggested the split the cost, but neither one is budging. Now they are thinking of going to court. Thoughts on laws or rights? (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

What a beautiful line of trees!!! ♥️That fence is old as balls if you're telling the truth about it being 40yrs old, and way past its lifespan. Just put a new fence in - if it's on the property line the neighbors may have to cover 50% of the cost. Move your garden to a sunnier patch and stop wasting energy/frustration on trees that are very much there to stay lol. Or, y'know, have them taken down illegally when the neighbors are away and then proceed to eat your own foot when you get the supermassive bill from the lawsuit they file. 👍🏻 (5)

Not advising this, but have an ""accidental"" spill of anything that kills plants near their roots. My butthole neighbour did this to kill off my lemon tree when I told him he could not steal my lemons, I sued but had no case and it was dismissed as an unfortunate accident :D (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Drascio1773

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


On a more serious note, imagine coming out with a song speaking of your body dysmorphia and some has-been posts 10 times in a row basically calling u ugly. Luckily miss lorde doesnt have a phone probably.

This is just straight up hateful and evil to the point that ai can't even laugh.

This is bad and not even funny.

Thank God I'm not famous. These type of comments would send me over the edge


AB is so pathetic and becoming such a miserable nobody. It's okay to just admit that you're obsessed with them, Azealia! 🤭

“Becoming” She's been one for like a decade

Whenever I see the circlejerk subs these days

Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Spain vs Albania and Croatia vs Italy



Betting thread:


Long thread of hottakes includes:

[–]brown_boognish_pants 0 points 15 days ago

>I honestly think the show is almost entirely about male issues and how little society cares about them. It's in every single scene.

[–]BlueWave2001 2 points 15 days ago

>No it's not that society doesn't care about them, it's men that don't talk about it, stop playing the victim.

[–]Smart_Ad_5316 -10 points 15 days ago

>This is such a one dimensional take. Gadds story developed further cos he entertained the weird creep at the bar. Few women would do that.

The Depp/Heard case makes an appearance:

[–][deleted] 17 points 15 days ago

>There isn't "plenty of documented evidence" against her, you've just fallen for the smear campaign.

>You went straight to talking about her pooping the bed, a claim made by Johnny that has zero evidence to back it up. You're just choosing to believe in it. If you want to talk about actual evidence, how about the sealed documents that were excluded from court? Have you read the texts between Johnny and his friend, talking about raping and burning Amber? You choosing to defend a man who would say such things, support him and believe him, because he claims she shit his bed (their* bed that she was the only one sleeping in at the time) when it was obviously their dog, is what's proving my point.

/u/AdSufficient8582 even whips out the ol' statistics showing the ratio of male on female killers to prove some point:

[–]AdSufficient8582 1 point 14 days ago

>How is saying that it's not comparable, saying that it's not important? It's like comparing the discrimination black people receive around the world equals the discrimination white people receives. I never said it's not important, but it's ridiculous to say it's the same or it's comparable. Did you even read the statistics? It's even explained that from the women who killed their partners, 20% did it in self defense and there was a history of abuse

[–]BlueWave2001 28 points 15 days ago

>This just proves that men don't have a clue of shit but still want to talk and give their opinion on it

[–]Creative_Snow9250 -2 points 14 days ago

>Rofl, except it's a woman.

>Would you say it proves that women don't have a clue of shit but still want to talk and give their opinion on it?

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  • pet : reddit slop :marseysoyhype:

Unless you're stuck on Commander Gaius that boss is insane

:marseygamer: I've spent most of today and yesterday evening playing it, mostly exploring. It's so much better than the base game.

Also the game's getting review-bombed by people seething over getting skill-checked, check the game's steam forums for fresh drama if you're interested link.

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