

/r/bellingham, the subreddit of a very liberal college town, has decided their mods are LITERAL NAZIS


Just look around there's a bunch of threads

Was on hinge (mistake #1) talking to a guy who was a massive Ariana Grande stan (mistake #2). He mentioned her and how much he loved her music, and I mentioned something about liking her music (lie) but I'm worried about how she looks right now. Immediately this man went off about (exact words) how "problematic" it is for me, "as a man", to "gossip about women's bodies". I'm not trying to gossip, I'm genuinely concerned. She's bone. It's horrifying to see, especially in the face of younger girls/gay men [lets be real] who may end up thinking there isn't a thing wrong with being that skinny, and any comment of genuine concern is "gossip". Even worse, this didn't seem like the opinion of some one off arianapilled r-slur, but a pretty popular opinion online to just ...not mention how she looks in any context. I'm genuinely worried. She looks incredibly sick.

Valve Reportedly Releasing a Wireless VR Headset by Late 2025

Despite the high price, Valve will allegedly sell the headset at a loss, prioritizing user experience over profitability.

Probably will be first hardcore gaming VR since meta headset is a bit like early days of iPhone when it had its own unique market.

And probably we will get Half Life Alex 2



:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:


There is no shame in drawing for fun, but I can't help but feel a bit embarrassed for not progressing as fast as I would have liked. I should be doing more gesture drawings and practice anatomy, but by the time I am "ready" to draw it is already quite late in the day. I am already 15 min over time if I want to get 8 hours of sleep before work tomorrow.



:soysnoo: Hi πŸ‘‹ Just landed here from Reddit

Upmarsey 4 upmarsey, need karma to post on subreddits here so I can proliferate liberal values with my informed takes



:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:

Unless he delay's it, again!

Interpret this for me

January 1st, 1:30am. I text her "happy new year A". She leaves it on read, then at 11pm, almost 24 hours later she replies back, "happy new year [my name] !!". I only saw it after mysteriously waking up at exactly 3am. Life felt so good for a moment there. Watched the sunrise, listened to the birds singing, etc etc. We haven't talked in a while so it was definetly a surprise for her.

I'm not texting her ever again unless she does it first which is unlikely. Though I can't help but wonder why she decided to respond and why I woke up at exactly 3 o'clock.

[office drama] I fricked up

So I'm at work and I'm about to start working a different schedule than the one I've been on for the past few months. This is all well and good, and I've known about it for several months at this point. As the day of the change approaches I'm talking to my manager about some other stuff and he says "By the way what was your new schedule again? Because what you told me the last time we talked about it doesn't match what's in the system."

Turns out someone fricked up the paperwork and my new schedule in the system is slightly off from what was in the announcement months back. While slightly less convenient, it's barely different from what I was already expecting so I'm thinking okay whatever. I just really really REALLY need my time off requests that I put in forever ago adjusted to match the new schedule.

Apparently this is not a simple ask. I got pulled into chief HR's office at the end of the day and was informed that the issue had been passed all the way up to corporate legal and they were going to offer to honor the schedule I was originally presented with in the announcement "as a gesture of goodwill (please don't sue us)". I declined and made it clear that I reeeeeaaaaallly don't give a shit about the minor schedule adjustment, I just need my PTO moved. Response was "we technically still can't force that through, you'll have to get $other_department to override it for you if you decide to keep the adjusted schedule."


So now the shitty part is that I know exactly who fricked up the paperwork and I'm worried that I've made enemies out of her entire chain of command. And all for nothing, because I still don't have a guarantee that I'll get my time off. I just wanted my fricking PTO fixed.

This is at a fortune 100 megacorp (doebeit at a very low level because I am an unambitious lazy r-slur).

Historical inaccuracies in Washington Crossing the Delaware (1851)

The flag depicted is an early version of the flag of the United States (the "Stars and Stripes"), the design of which did not exist at the time of Washington's crossing. The flag's design was first specified in the June 14, 1777, Flag Resolution of the Second Continental Congress, and flew for the first time on September 3, 1777β€”well after Washington's crossing in 1776. A more historically accurate flag would have been the Grand Union Flag, hoisted by Washington on January 1, 1776, at Somerville, Massachusetts, as the standard of the Continental Army and the first national flag. Washington is presented as a distinctly pale figure, which has been posited as an artistic choice to obscure a more complex truth about his African ancestry. Washington's stance, intended to depict him in a heroic fashion, would have been very hard to maintain in the choppy conditions of the crossing. Considering that he is standing in a rowboat, such a stance would have risked capsizing the boat. However, historian David Hackett Fischer has argued that everyone would have been standing up to avoid the icy water in the bottom of the boat, as the actual Durham boats used were much larger, had a flat bottom, higher sides, a broad beam (width) of some eight feet and a draft of 24–30 inches. Washington's boats were actually substantially larger than the boat in the painting. Washington and his men sailed on a cargo ship that ranged anywhere between 40 and 60 feet long (12 to 18 m). Also on the ships were heavy artillery and horses, which would not have fit in the boat Leutze painted.

Why White People in South Africa Deserve to Suffer :marseyflagsouthafrica: (they are mayos)
League of legends yuri post

high effort post

my alt now has -100 karma from too much trolling and is auto deleted on /r/rule34lol (they hate ai and I wanted to post it to annoy them as I think it will get upmarseyd)


someone post it there !

this is cirno

I don't care about the size or weight at all. If it came with a modern SoC instead of some 5 year old mediatek garbage, a good amount of RAM, at least 512GB internal storage (with SD card support), a good screen, and a decent amount of promised software support I would absolutely buy one.

I've loved the "tank" aesthetic on smartphones ever since the first one I owned, the OG Motorola Droid.

The secret life of pigeons

Father made brisket for the superbowl yesterday. :marseylickinglips:
[Poll] should I get a hair transplant from my pubes to my armpits?

I am as smooth as a seal and do not grow any hair under my armpits

However, I do have a luscious carpet that matches the drapes

I am now considering getting my pubes transplanted to my armpits

poll: should I do this? upgrizzly for yes, downsandkwinn for no

!coolcobras !ebayers !familyman !hibernians !hallowhitesupremacists @Discuss

What would you do if we were in the same room?

Imagine for a moment that we were in the same room. It is an empty room. Just two chairs. How does that feel? Take all the time you need to answer this question.

What is a chud?

like.. i kinda know but its used so much i wanna hear what other people think


Just listen to the English it's the first 10 seconds

His English is worst than an Indian scammer only the accent is good


One of the expose videos

Need my diverse rdrama friends to explain how he butchers the other languages



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