Meta Says it Made Sure Not to Seed Any Pirated Books :gigachad2:


Selling 1,000kg of meat per month!! Original American style Baby Back Ribs BBQ / Korean street food


Open Source Game Clones Website

I didn't know this existed as a site but it's cool af. Found it looking for ultima clones.

Hey Amerifats, why aren't your Second Amendment Stans out in the streets with their guns blazing right now?

These people have always talked the talk on why guns are needed to protect against tyranny, so now that we have clear proto-tyranny brewing at the highest levels of the US executive branch their trigger fingers should be itching.

And yet we haven't even heard a peep from these people. Curious, as some might say... :#parrothmm: :#marseymath:

Teleportation Achieved Between Quantum Computers in a World First :shadowchaoscontrol:

In a groundbreaking use of teleportation, critical units of a quantum processor have been successfully spread across multiple computers, proving the potential of distributing quantum modules without compromising on their performance.

While the transfer only took place over a space of two meters (about six feet) in an Oxford University laboratory, the leap was more than enough to emphasize the feasibility of scaling quantum technology by teleporting quantum states across an 'internet' of connected systems.

Teleportation is a quirk of physics that only makes sense through a quantum lens, where objects exist in a blur of possible characteristics until processes of measurement force them to adopt each state.

By mingling the undecided states of different objects in an act known as entanglement, and then carefully choosing the right kinds of measurements to make on one, it's possible to use the answers to force an entangled object some distance away to adopt (and destroy) the original object's quantum identity.

It might not be the kind of teleportation that would beam passengers through the vacuum of space in a blink, but it's perfect for sharing the blur of information necessary for logical operations in a quantum processor.

"Previous demonstrations of quantum teleportation have focused on transferring quantum states between physically separated systems," says lead author Dougal Main, a physicist at Oxford University.

"In our study, we use quantum teleportation to create interactions between these distant systems."

Where classical computers use binary 'on or off' switches to perform strings of computations on bits of information, quantum computers use mathematically complex distributions of possibilities known as qubits, typically represented in a simple feature of an uncharged particle such as a charged atom.

To make this process practical, hundreds or even thousands of such particles need to have their yet-to-be-decided states entangled with one another in a restricted fashion, without intrusive objects weaving their own possibilities in and messing up the calculations.

Scaling current technology to this level is complicated by obstacles that require error-correcting processes or shielding to preserve the delicate quantum states long enough for them to be measured.

Linking a number of smaller processors across a network to create a kind of quantum supercomputer is another solution. While quantum information can be transmitted in the form of a light wave, the potential for its state to be irreversibly corrupted along the way makes it an impractical option.

Teleportation requires the receipt of measurements the old-fashioned way – through reliable binary data. Once sent, operations at the receiving end can tweak their own entangled particle until it effectively looks like the original.

The all-important quantum blur of the teleported spin state in the Oxford University experiment was an 86 percent match with the original, more than good enough for it to serve as a logic gate for a simple operation known as a Grover's algorithm, which succeeded with 71 percent efficiency across the two quantum processors.

"By interconnecting the modules using photonic links, our system gains valuable flexibility, allowing modules to be upgraded or swapped out without disrupting the entire architecture," says Main.

Having options for restructuring a quantum network could diversify the applications for such technology, repurposing networks of computers into cowtools that can measure and test physics at its most fundamental level.

This research was published in Nature.

Rate my Male Living Space
Laura Loomer next Elon baby mama confirmed
Most mentally stable leftoid Redditor


>literally nothing happens

>Calls out of work for stress because le orange man

>Redditor knows "revolutionaries"

>They are all drug addicts alcoholics

Just lmao

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED :marseytrain: Janny threatens to grape all the fricking babies in my house

I'm trans and I'm going to rpe you. I'm gonna call up all my goons and we're going to break into your house and rpe you until you're gaped far enough to fit a fire hydrant in there.

Should I call the fricking fbi, b-word?

Community Note by @KawaiiFembee

Helpful [53] Not Helpful [3]
:elonsalute: elon fires rockets at poland :marseybearsick2:
Among Us 3D Teaser Trailer :marseysus: :marseyamogus:






A description after seething through her reels:

*Is a typical giga ultra shit lib white woman single mother

*Got cheated on, and devolved into the cliche of hating all men

*In turn, starts feminizing her son's online

*Posts videos of them dancing to Taylor Swift and teaching her son's "not to be mysoginists", because men inherently are

*Refuses to allow the father to help raise them

*Is a fricking Swiftie and thinks Swiftshit is a source of being a good person (schizo)

*Posts such typical superficial shit lib talking points, you can predict them with barely a thought

*Thinks she's surrounded by patriarchy

*Is so detached from what men actually do in life, she's a delusional perpetual victim that thinks men have an easy life

*Is a narcissist, with neurones purely based off online dopamine likes

*Thinks she's a stronk independent woman entrepreneur smashing the patriarchy, one narcissistic insufferable reel at a time



:marseyniqab: Gaza is not for sale! :ma!rseyisiscry:

Good thing no one is buying it then :marseysmug2:

Reported by:
Austrian Sloth

Reddit :marseydownvotemad: arrests coming!
which one of you boomers ripped these kong sprites? :marseyfluffyannoyed:

!oldstrags ik it was one of you dinosaurs :marsey#trogdor:

ok, first of all, why tf aren't they just transparent from the get-go? why do I have to go in and manually remove the solid color smh

2econdly, why are FRICKING SPRITES NOT EVENLY SPACED :marseyrage: :marseyraging:

I can't go in an spit them because they just threw them in there with all different widths !!!

I had to manually keyframe the spritesheet to move around in blender bc that was easier than trying to split it into frames ong fr fr

and there's FRICKING dead space at the end of the line too so the programs that want X rows X columns don't work because it won't devide easily because the guy thought he was clever inserting some ancient butt long forgotten meme :marseyeyeroll:

theres no frame of reference :marseysigh: you have to pick a point to hold still and that's I assume how we end up with this: :candykongb#lowkiss:

Thís Еurореаn ļеftíе wоmаn sауs twíttеr must bе bаnnеd tо рrоtесt dеmосrаtу

Thоughts ?

This is Nana! :marseycatgirl:

This is my favorite manga anime Nana! It's about a girl who travels to Tokyo to pursue her music career and be slay!

She is just like me PERIOD and a real queen.

I'm crying because Duolingo killed off their owl mascot?!



Women be crying

I posted about this too... I hated him being abusive and now this "he died" gaslamping stuff is giving me serious panic

The dirtbag left, whatever happened there


Really elucidating (and depressing) read, Matt Christman's fate really is a fitting metaphor for the dirtbag left. The movement ultimately went nowhere with all its personalities either fading into obscurity or chudding out like A+D, forever trapped in the mind prison of "what if Bernie got elected?"

The landlord stuff is especially depressing, it's pretty clear by now that leftism correlates heavily with personal and financial administrative incompetence, but the fact that these people make six figures a month and are still renting + faux seething about their landlord (clearly for their loser audience) in their 30s really boggles the mind.

I think in the end the dirtbag left, with it's airs of cold cynicism, realpolitik and class analysis will be remembered as naive and unsophisticated.

Wanna specify with this I'm absolutely not making fun of/gloating about Matt Christman here, I wouldn't wish anyone (especially with a family) to go through that.

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