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Canada First buses on their way to Ottawa! 🇨🇦 pic.twitter.com/lfDycN5R5m
— Conservative Party (@CPC_HQ) February 15, 2025
A sign in the crowd last night said, “It’s time to build.”
— Mark Carney (@MarkJCarney) February 13, 2025
I couldn’t agree more. pic.twitter.com/THDtt3BjO1
- BigBlackCockatiel : There are no superb owls at the superbowl
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It might work better than the streams if you don't want to pay the TV people or use youtube TV (frick youtube TV).
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xQc hit back at Pokimane's claim only "white men" didn't understand Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl performance
— Dexerto (@Dexerto) February 11, 2025
"The point of a halftime show isn’t to give the world some puzzle to figure out." pic.twitter.com/EyC9fVNJGG
xQc responds to Pokimane’s claim that “only white people” disliked Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl half-time performance because they failed to understand it’s deeper meaning
— FearBuck (@FearedBuck) February 10, 2025
“The point of a half-time show isn’t to give the world some puzzle to figure out” pic.twitter.com/yyUPSQKDnW
"Only white people hated it. I didn't want to say it…"
— ryan 🤿 (@scubaryan_) February 10, 2025
Pokimane reaction to people saying that Kendrick Lamar didn't deserve to perform at the Super Bowl LIX halftime show pic.twitter.com/fGH57NAUCc
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During their meeting, Netanyahu gifted Trump a golden and a regular pager.
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) February 5, 2025
Trump reacted: “That operation against Hezbollah was incredible.”
😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/MnvC5vc8jl
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I'm just going to go home and watch Rick and Morty. Give me episode suggestions
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comission for @CorporalRex
— AC hunter - -( 🦀🧀comission oppen 5/5🎨)-- (@andreshxh23_c12) February 20, 2025
double ceraptoscidae girls hehehe, pachyrhinosaurus and psittacosaurus#art #gijinka #MonsterGirls pic.twitter.com/wCCZO3jJNr
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Sо whеn Ι tеļļ khоhоļs guуs ín thе wеst mоstļу hаngíng оut wíth sоvíеt guуs еsресíаļļу саuсаsíаn (nоt mаnу nоn саuсаsíаn řussíаn řеfugееs ín
thе wеst) thаt whаt Ι mеаn, guу wíļļ sооn sсrеаm Аkhmаt Síļа
Thеn ļосаļ hоmоs tеļļ mе but khоhоļs аnd Russíаn аřе nоt thе sаmе
Thеу wоuļd rаthеr hаngоut wíth mоuntаín bеаst thаt аttасkíng thеír hоmе tоwn thаn bоríng Svеn Vоn Рíеmеļ thаt саn hоļd а соnvеrsаtíоn оnļу whеn hе ís drunk аs fuсk
Ι аm аn еxреrt ín сuļturаļ аnd sосíоļоgíсаļ íntеrасtíоns
@duck Ι аm wrоng ?
@duck but íts ļеgít аmаzíng hоw thеу turnеd а 17 уеаr оļd íntо а Саuсаsíаn ín 2 уеаrs, hís fасе mímíсs аrе сhесhеns, hís bоdу ļаnguаge ís сhесhеn, hís ассеnt ís сhесhеn
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Women smell good pic.twitter.com/TVCFCt2N0F
— Fuentes Updates (@FuentesUpdates) February 20, 2025
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It's in the Constitution
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
- Grue : He/Him pronouns btw
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- 762x38mmR : user is a BIPOC. clean it up janny or something idk
- meatrocket8
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Now with slightly better animation!
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Whenever humans want to pass judgement on their quality of life, they look to their left and right, to the people above and below them, to their children's generation and how much better their live would be than their own. However, all these people fail to look in the direction that matters, which is backwards at the hellscape that they have developed and been born beyond.
90% of humans in the world will never know what missing a meal because you have no money feels like.
For the average human alive today, they are not expected to work till the age of 18, surviving on free gibs for the first 18 years, and expect to retire by 65, which gives the average person 7 more years of not having to worry about working every day to stay alive. In total for 25 years out of 72 years of existence, the average human doesn't have to work to keep themselves alive. 33% of their lives spent just chilling, and even in the working ages, they get two days out of the seven days of the week off. Which is 13.42 additional years of time spent not working. That is a total of 38.42 years of a persons life, or more than 50% of a persons life where they are not working through a day to support themselves, and we aren't even including the vacation time here.
Meanwhile, we look at the animal kingdom, and you are lucky if half your progeny survive to adulthood. You drink dirty water and raw food that shortens your lifespan to a few decades at most, generally 20-30 years time if you are very lucky. Every day is a struggle. Energy needs to be conserved 24/7. You are either acquiring short term resources until those run out and you have to hunt or scavenge again, or you are resting and conserving energy for the next hunt or scavenging mission. You do not have the time, intelligence, or resources to make things better, to make things easier. You simply are born into the life you will live and you die with nothing changing for those that will come after you.
It is only in the human realm that the worst deal you can get is that 10 years down the line things will be better. Even in your worst case scenario, quality of life moves from complete shit to slightly less shit, and your kid will always grow up with a slightly better shirt than you did, even in the worst scenarios, for 90-99% of mankind.
Yet all we hear day in and day out is how bad life is. How meaningless existence is. How everybody is being taken advantage of every single step of the way. How there is nothing worth working for.
All of it is bullshit. The whining of manchildren who cannot appreciate how good they have it, because they can only compare their life to their neighbors and their betters, and live every day insecure in the knowledge that somebody better exists out there.
That is why the west so often relies on foreign labor and immigrants now, because the third worlder is the last group of humans left who can appreciate living in the developed society enough to agree to "suffering" through the lesser paradise where things will still continue to keep getting better for his children over time.
Meanwhile the average westoid is resentful of the best quality of life provided to him on the planet, where because of cost disease, he can flip burgers and still get paid 10x more than another person putting in the same skills and twice the effort in the third world. Providing the westoid with a far better quality of life. Is he grateful for it though? No. Never. Because all he knows is that there are people better than him on the planet. Incapable of embracing a utopia even when he was born into it, because he didn't get the throne.
This is the true tragedy of the modern times. A people living as the superior species on the planet with things getting better forever, but instead of finding joy and optimism in this stability, they only find a lifelong insecurity, forever left feeling like they can never be enough.
That is the tragedy of the developed world. An entire society drowning in the mental illness of lifelong insecurity, and it will be the death of them unless they make peace with their existence and accept that a forever improving life is good enough to be worth living, no matter what position you live it from.
Be grateful for the life lived that will always end better than how it started. Be forever grateful for being born into times where you need not fight your own in a desperate bid to snatch the last slice of bread. Be grateful that you are born into times where you have the time to question the why of things rather than an entire life spent just surviving. Live your best life, and be free of guilt for it, for as long as the world moves forward, you are living a good life worth living.
@jackie would you check whether 4chan likes this post in exchange for 500 dc?
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