What Is It Like Being BLACK in Poland? :marseyflagpoland: :!marseybipocmerchant:
rdrama mentor hour: How do I find a mentor in real life?

The types of mentors I am looking for:

1. The kind that can guide me through life

2. The kind that can guide me through a specific work field.

How and where do I find a mentor of each category?

Which are the places I should look?

How do I go about asking them to become my mentor?

Guide me drama hivemind.

The Yardbirds - For Your Love (1965) (Full version) - YouTube

Tom Pettys early years almost out does his solo work imo

How to deal with unconstitutional “healthcare checkpoints” in slave states

If you unfortunately live in a slave state like Florida then leave immediately, coward. If you're transiting through, prepare one of these flyers on a string and never open your window to pigs. They are out to get you. Make note of the black pigs of color calling the Patriot a dumbass for knowing his rights. This is the type of tyrant thug they want. Compare them to the pig at the end.

God bless you if you have to travel through one of these unconstitutional shitholes

Land of !vampires

Nothing would be a better Christmas present than knowing these pigs are getting r*ped in prison daily for dehumanizing their bosses, We the Peopke, for the sake of an ego trip

Adam & Stavs BIG argument

:m#arseytrollcrazy: I LOVE THE NFL I LOVE THE NFL I LOVE THE NFL :m!#arseytrollcrazy:


I always hear "gringo". Is that my racist drama brain? :marsey#racist:

I'm also in two crowds of the vid. And from the angles you should theoretically be able to see me. Didn't bother to frame-check it yet though.

A woman might entice you with her nice beaver 🦫
Soydeck in the delivery :marseyunabomber2: room!
Can a :marseytunaktunak: clarify something for me about the Railway Men

So if you haven't seen it, there's a miniseries about the Bhopal gas disaster on Netflix that came out like 3 days ago. I have not watched anything substantial from Bollywood before but the show has good actors and a sexy Indian manlet bandit and is well produced. It is worth watching so far but I haven't finished it and I have a very specific question unrelated to the gas tragedy.

I don't know much about 1980s India to know what the frick is going on during the train carriage scenes with the women and the guys who want to kill people with turbans (and the woman with the sick daughter is definitely one of those turban people but she's incognito). Can someone explain this level of Indian racism to me and why they want to slice up the turban people? Does it have anything to do with them potentially being Muslim?

Thank you and stay gay :marseyhomofascist:

Steely Dan - Home At Last :marseymilesdavis: :boomerjam: :marseyhawaii:
Please rate my dank meme :marseyflushzoom:

You meet a Chinese girl online

She likes you and you become a couple

Her parents have a real estate company

She's their only daughter and wants to marry you

New Bible Translation!

I have had revealed to me the Truth and the way of GOD, and I will be creating a new trans-lation of the bible, one chapter per day which reveals the majesty and wonder of god's way, emphasizing god's love and acceptance of trans women. I welcome you to join me for discussion and celebration below. My current plan is to interpolate between the new american bible, which I've read, the king james bible, which is said to be poetic, and my divine revelation (I'm forgetful and need the others to prompt me.) Each chapter will be posted as a comment to the preceding chapter. A separate comment will be made detailing changes, and rational with each chapter.

Chip Skylark - My Shiny Teeth and Me

Brush your teeth


>I'm sitting here in the Garmy audience for the Melbourne show and looking around I can see only 7 other people wearing masks tonight. Bare faces all around otherwise.

>How can anyone who listens to The Dollop come to see Dave and/or Gareth live and not wear a mask? If for no other reason than to keep them safe while they're on tour. FFS, we're still in the middle of a big new Covid wave here in Victoria, one that hasn't even peaked yet.

>Really disappointed in you lot, Melbourne fans.

>Curious how many people itt still haven't had COVID (🙋‍♀️) and what they attribute that to (masks, vaccines, boosters, not being a sociopath), as well as how the people who have had it were exposed. There's some very simple math here that a lot of y'all seem to be struggling with.

Everyone is a sociopath except me. The math is simple!

>When I realized I was going to be chatting with the people I was in line with and there was going to be no social distancing practiced I put my N95 mask on.

Grandpa, what's "social distancing"?

>I imagine it'd be hard to enjoy the show unless you're a leftlist!

>DaveAnthony6 53 points 3 days ago

>So, you listen to a podcast about the downtrodden but aren't willing to wear a mask for two hours to help those less fortunate?

>It's interesting. Makes me think the podcast has been a futile effort.

>But know you are saying this in a podcast subreddit for a podcast in which a guy, me, does hours and hours of research. But you seem think I'm having people mask without putting a lot of thought and research into it. Which I find hilarious. Lessons come hard and I'll just sit around and wait.

This seems to be the podcast host chiming in. What do you mean you don't listen to my advice, I'm a PODCASTER!

>So that whole covid thing “happened” and you didn't take that as an opportunity to learn anything, did you? Get ready to eat some corvid buddy

These guys jerk off to the Trump mugshot

>While I do agree with mask policies, in fact I think we should take it one step further... common cold? MASK. It's about common decency, we saw an all time low of the flu and common cold during peak covid, because people were wearing masks... shocking how that works.

He's right, miraculously, when they were cutting checks for covid treatment nobody got the flu... it was a miracle year.

>Asiatic areas have been practicing the use of masking far far before covid-19 was ever a thing.

>They do so out of respect for their elders, the sick, and healthy people.

The wise and noble Asian has respect for their elders.

>That's why we want people to mask at our shows. Seriously. How did you brain get there.

How did you brain get there?

>I live alone, don't have a partner or kids, work remotely, haven't seen any of my family since Christmas 2019 because of the logistical complications COVID imposes on long distance travel, and I don't have much of a social life. Heck, I still order all of my groceries online and do drive up services anywhere I can, so I don't even have much contact with people out and about

Take that covidcels

Balochis shoot up a Paki hilux :marseyjihad:

Their production quality is pretty decent. :marseyshook: They might be getting stronger.

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