Russen planen Mega-Angriff auf Kiew



Your journ*list clearly should be writing next Harry Potter spiritual successor

weltexklusiv :marseyxd:

It's also Kiyw not Kiew :soycry:

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War kino dropped :marseyjam:
Life of a janitor - YouTube
:marseyschizowall: test

Have you ever had s*x? No? Well, theres no need to be ashamed. Because there is no such thing as s*x as it is impossible. You see, girls actually don't have vaginas. They just pretend they do so they can promise us something of great pleasure when they can't and won't even give it.

"Oh but what about porn where people have s*x?" you say? Well, its just carefully edited cgi as such activities are impossible with the human body. And your friends? They are just lying to look cool. Oh but where do babies come from? Space. No, hear me out. When an asteroid crashed into the earth millions of years ago, ending the dinosaur age, we, as illegal aliens landed on earth. The viruses we brough killed off all our predators and enabled us to live the perfect life. And when we proved we were living a stable life in the form of a "family" we were sent a baby from out home world as a gift.

I know its very hard to take in. But how else would you explain us not being able to have s*x for this long? If it really did exist we should have been able to do it by now.

Cute chick plays MJ's 'Beat It' solo

He says Zelenskyy is dictator and that Zelenskyy tries to get rid of him by opening cases against him so he is now on world tour getting support from the west and that many military support his idea of ending the conflict.

He says army that couldn't take Tookmak with all the western support ain't going to win and that they don't have enough men and US don't want Russia to lose because in such case it will become a Chinese orbit and that's very bad scenario. That he will give all occupied territories to Russia for joining NATO and many generals support him.

But it's to lateeee

It's to lateee to apologizeeee :marseyjamming: :marseyvibing: :marseyheavymetal:

Like I told before the spring counteroffensive fails west and khohols would push for peace deal but Russia won't agree it doesn't need to, homosexuals when they had power hand in march 2022 and after Kharkiv didn't wanted peace talk with Russia but now when Russia has power hand they expect Russia to be merciful ? :marseyemojirofl:

There not many khohols left for Russian to grind down and they are serious about it. Russia crossed in every direction the rail lines in avdiivka. When Avdiivka falls Russian will be a lot more mobile and western support will decline even more.

Russian won't forget how whole civilised world called them orcs and united against them by sending tons of weapons to kill them with such move west killed any pro western opposition they raised for decades in Russia.

It's almost like western politicians actually never went to any politician's technological classes and got in their positions through their parents to make such obvious mistakes :surejan:

Big Trouble in Little Cobourg (Small Town Drama)

The presence of a homeless encampment in Cobourg, Ontario isn't sitting well with a resident, and he's taken to Reddit to express his outrage. And he "thinks something bigger is at play here." His fellow citizens aren't convinced.

Full thread.

Choice highlights of OP's comments:

Yeah I live in Cobourg and it's ticking me off that we are letting this group of addicts frick around with there tents. Spent a million bucks on a house here and apparently the town is run by the homeless and they can do whatever they want.

Im part of the solution. I'm young and have a good job. I moved to Cobourg. I hope as more young people with high incomes move here we can push out the lower incomes and have a better town.

I'll flood this town with international students so people like you have even less opportunities to live rent here.

Sexy Indian dudes literally worship rats

@Sasanka_of_Gauda DOWN BAD

I have two minions in my team under me now 😈

How should I abuse this new found position of power?

Jewish Jussie Potential

Yeah I'm sure you overheard that entire conversation, but didnt bother to get any names. If you did I'm sure they'll have it on camera of you lingering at a Wawa near employees that long.

How many of you have Asperger syndrome?

Wouldn't surprise me if a good amount of you are on the spectrum.

:marseylaughpoundfist: Atheists DESTROYED
Space daddy does a border visit

:#marseytwerking: :#marseyjam: :#marseyvibing: :!#marseyvibing: :#marseyjam: :#marseytwerking:

True love
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