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  • sKONGhunt42 : China Discusses Sale of TikTok US to Musk as One Possible Option
  • TotalVatniggerDeath : please let this happen. I must see democracy die
:marseyjewoftheorientglow: :handshake: :marseyelonmusk: :marseyzoomer: :!marseytiktok:





Orange Site:

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Still not asking for it

Psycho Redactor prediction: We will all die in a nuclear war :marseyfortuneteller:

a nuclear incident relating to Israel somehow.

Will it happen in Israel?

We're all going to die in a nuclear war, but I tend to think it will happen some place we never imagined. I mean read this if you mongoloid zoomers are capable of following a command: You are in way more danger of being killed in a nuclear war than we were in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The technology is a little different, you can talk about propellants and kilotons and throw weight, but humanity is fricked.

That's basically it. After the authorization is given, it's just a couple zoomers from Tacoma (jfc I like these kids but the fate of the world...) pushing a couple buttons and 80% of Russians will die. And they would only do this if the other side had already done the same to us.

Kids like me :marseyboomer: assumed it would be the evil commies who started it. You look at Soviet planning and they were hoping it didn't go nuclear because we would have beat the shit out of them and kept more radioactive ruins. This is the situation we're in right now. (Europeans it will be MRBMs, don't play like you're not in it.) All of that "campy" stuff about fallout shelters? Well it'll be really campy slowly die from radiation poisoning and get eaten by crows, you dumb b-word. And then the crows die, so even in contribute nothing to the world.

I cannot emphasize to you r-slurs enough. Somebody could push a button and in 30 minutes all your FunkoPops, Nintendo shit, whatever shit you console r-slurs like, will be gone. Now I'm a total sperg and I can sit down with you and tell you what things in the house survived, but you're gonna wish you were dead. And that isn't crazy old r-slur Redactor, that's Distubingly Calm Redactor who has read all of these books.

I dunno who drops it first or what reason they had but the fallout that kills you ain't gonna give a shit either.

Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #86 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.


I'm reading "Petersburg" as part of our book club, but because it's a one chapter per week basis I started "Brothers Karamazov" this week as I never read it before and I recently got a wonderful edition by Editora 34 (the only Dostoevsky book I had read was C&P).

So far I wonder if terrible fathers are just a recurrent theme on Dostoevsky's works.

@Aevann can you :marseypin2: pls

I'm sorry but Europe is so 🚬 y now. It's become Orwellian, with people being arrested for thinking about dead babies, and with streams of illegal immigrants running about raping everybody while the governments all cheerlead diversity and say "nothing to see here".

The fact that the left has to reflexively defend European decline under the guise of "be nice to our allies!" is just so fricking ghey.

One of my favorite :mersya: movie :marseyezramiller:

24 hour dry-brined NY strip

ignore the 0 effort plating

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  • Grue : >virtue signaling but for normal virtues || so virtue signaling
:marseyneon: I'm selling signs :!marseyjewoftheorient:

!chuds !transphobes

in b4 :#chudrama:

Brave Redditor "Stands Alone" In A "Solo Protest" Against Trump



It's OVER.







Bro this is still being replied to...

they wouldnt stop so i gav em the one-two punch combo i dislike using since its unfair. Baiting people into admitting two of the three insults isnt easy: .

Timeline of the Online Culture War 2011-2013


I had totally forgotten that the Dear Colleague letter was that early, holy frick

Thunderf00t is (Still) an Ignorant Loser
Even Warframe players get women approaching them
EFFORTPOST Evil flag upsets vexillology Intellectuals


not much drama at first

some actual flga strag discussion about colour theory or something

symbols used by evil people are OBJECTIVELY bad

:soyjakhipstertalking: :soycrytalking:

the Orange :marseyexcitedorangetalking: in the Indian :marseysaluteindiatalking: flag represents Bharat racism, except absolutely UNIRONICALLY :marseyagreesuperspeedtalking:

some brave chuds farm downmarseys

"Yes it is" "No it isn't"

"Firstly I for one would compare the Apartheid flag to the confederate flag or Rhodesian flag neither of which are appropriate. Furthermore, both the Union Jack and rising flag should be seen as problematic and I'm glad you agree with that." :soyjakhipstertalking: :soyjakhipstertalking: :soyjakhipstertalking: "The BritBong flag is raping meeeeee" :soymad: :soymad:

miraculously even some circlejerk gets counterjerked against the usual Vexilloligy Intellectual shitlibs which equates symbolism of historically abhorrent regimes/nation-states/movements to be automatically abhorrent

:cdmhug: :sorry:

Anyways the weird things in all of these tiresome debates and slapfights, is that virtually zero safricans are ever involved with these flag MEDIA LITERACY and/or the denial of association with past atrocities/Apartheid connotations ect.

It's very difficult to explain, but trust me you can instantly pick up on the speaking patterns, lexicon and terminology with regards to how Safricans usually have internet slapfights - of of this shit you've seen is exclusively foreigners/westoids/yanks - be they performative shitlibs or Eurocuck Stormfronters utilizing Boers as a proxy for whatever pan-white racial international brotherhood whatever.

1st, actual Boers/Afrikaners, the actual turbo giga-chuds, would never ever utilize this

for pan-Afrikaans cultural celebration or whatever. The green Y symbol is already a racial-harmonious symbol in meaning, and the Black/Yellow stripe is explicitly african in connotation, as well as a call-back to the ANC (African National Congress) early symbolism. The Modern Safrica flag was explicitly chosen by the Mandela Administration to be a blending of previous Eueropean and african symbolism, whilst deliberately excluding symbolism of the Union of SA (the Apartheid State) flag characteristics.

Back in early 2000s internet, when the early web was not so sanitized, and linkrot would not claim like 75% of the internet, and old forums could still exist, including many many Stormfront and actual Boer supremacy sites - the vast majority despised the Y-green stripe symbolism, and conflated it to an Assegai (the signature short stabbing spear of Zulus/Xhosas/Swazi peeps) busy raping/stabbing :rape: :rape: :rape: the old Transvaal flag (which was the much more dominant between the two historic Boer republics)

So that the modern :marseyflagsouthafrica: flag was basically being R*PED by BBC :marseyblackcock: :marseycock: Like i'm not joking or lying, this was the dominant discussion for afrikaans teenage white supremacists on the pre-4chan dustlands of the internet, as small as it was in the early 2000s, and would continue to do so.

Thus any replication of the modern :marseyflagsouthafrica: by just replacing the colour from red to orange, would not have been done by boers, and was instead, strangely enough done by foreign Stormfronters, not grasping the already pan-racial unity symbolism of the rest of the flag.

Additionally there had been a few adult discussions for using the orange coded :marseyflagsouthafrica: flag for afrikaans, but that was a great rarity!afrik.html

like if you read the above fotw article, you'll be under the impression that this "Afrikaner" flag was a large movement, when in reality it was small, unpopular, and with even the majority of Boers being completely ambivalent. In reality it was some last ditch, Boer giga-boomer vexilloligy neurodivergents having a hobby thought experiment

Long boring point, there has never been a real threat of resurge of such symolism.... especially when the actual South African brainless white supremacists with no self-preservation would just fly or parade the Union flag as it was.


On the opposite side, the shitlibs who foam at the mouth :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: for evil WRONGTHINK racist symbology, you know the kind of fools who take 4chan bait of OK :marseyokay: and milk drinking :marseysipping: as fricking subterfuge attempts of conveying coded Mayo supremacy between racists, is a very Westoid yank shit type of purity secular type religiosity

similar to Christian Soccor moms, trying to out purity each other, by demonstrating how they got rid of Rock-and-Roll, Pokemon and Harry Potter from their household cuz that shit is Satanic - it's all very performative - to the extent that these progressives brainwash themselves into fricking believing the colour ORANGE is itself racist, not because of any local connections to their home country, but simply because their purity spiral on the /r/vexillology sub has reached it extreme conclusion, so that just because the Apartheid South African regime had orange within its flag, it automatically means frickin all orange colours on all flags must be associated with chuddery :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome:


Additionally the lexicon of of these obvious, white, western, upper-middle class is NOT that of black Safrican peeps, whom often do have real-world reasonable and unreasonable beef with white safricans, and especially afrikaners - the fact that many afrikaners racists do in fact try to find ways in which to transmit racism against blacks without being caught, such as in schoolyard poems, songs, jokes and lymrics. Many very unsubtle

The racial tension is also much so between black and white peeps in Safrica, that ill feeling in the air, in meetings can be cut with a butterknife. Uncomfortable associations like black manual labourers sitting behind a pick-up truck, while whites sit in front can lead to friction, regardless if there's cause for that. Example if i work on my father's farm, we are often so dirty that only the designated driver sits in front, because we've worked with pitch-coated wooden beams, and our hands are covered in sticky residue, and thus I and the black labourers in in the back, until we reach the tap and soaping point - but it often enough occurs that it's only my father (who has to do the driving), and the black men with their gloves sit in the back - a Speedcop/Traffic-cop might take out his ire on my father, replicating the behaviour of Apartheid era bosses, who never let 2nd -class blacks sit within, or the front for any reason, because of their inferior status.

Because of this, a large amount of racism afrikaans humour revolves around being in a superior/inferior status in life depending upon whether you sit in front or the back of the Bakkie - and blackcoloured peeps are certainly aware of such, there is no need for coded flags.

Additionally when black liberals talk about latent afrikner racism they don't talk like fricking redditors :marseybeanannoyed: and call each other "Media illiterates", or use "context and connotation" or "inconvenient symbolism" - black liberals are much more blunt when they tend to describe safrican white racism, it's difficult to convey.


Americans hate :!marseytrain:s more than illegal immigrants :marseyemojilaugh:

!chuds !transphobes

Marlboro black menthol-chan

[Poll] should I get a hair transplant from my pubes to my armpits?

I am as smooth as a seal and do not grow any hair under my armpits

However, I do have a luscious carpet that matches the drapes

I am now considering getting my pubes transplanted to my armpits

poll: should I do this? upgrizzly for yes, downsandkwinn for no

!coolcobras !ebayers !familyman !hibernians !hallowhitesupremacists @Discuss

!wfhchads the future :marseykangtheconqueror: is here!

apparently you can get an AI clone now! and attend smeeting from the bed :marseytoasty: or the pooper :marseyskibiditoilet2:!


!codecels !wfhchads

More demos on their YT channel. IMHO, it's interesting but still a bit uncanny.

Accountability :marseystonetoss:


:marseycomfy: :marseytoasty: :doomergirl: :doomertradwife: :marseytrad: :marseytradwifedaisy:

!animalposters !cats


Or carp ig, do we need loggenincel mode enabled?

[πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜] Danielle Smith rising, Nenshi falling


Most Based Comments

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

I'm very interested to see if her supporters actually care. There's now a 2nd board member coming out voicing their concern with government meddling in contracts. This is a fully UCP appointed board. (21)

I can't even find out who fired the CEO. Wouldn't the board be the ones to fire the CEO. Lmao (2)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

You can always tell when Nenshi lies. His eyes flutter and he never looks at the camera or the person he's speaking to. (-6)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

I'm astonished support for Nenshi is that high, you'd think the dippers would have figured him out and obviously the rest of AB doesn't know who he is - he's divisive, when he left Calgary as mayor this city was in shambles, he had an approval rating in the 40s and dropping. In his first go he campaigned as a conservative, said all the right things but governed as a high taxing, high spending liberal. When he won his first mayor, from his mother's basement where he lived he said Calgarians weren't racists but when it looked like he was gonna get booted he said Calgarians were racists. He'll say anything to get elected but when in office look out. (6)

I would guess about 70-80% of voters are UCP or NPD no matter who. I am one of them. Why? Because no matter what brain-dead leader the UCP elects, it will not be worse than a lunatic NDP leftist. (1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

But it won him Calgary elections he basically accused anyone who didn't vote for him of being racist, and somehow it worked. (2)

The problem is that the term racist has been thrown around so much, it has become deluted. It's getting to be that the person using that term is being judged more than the person it's being pointed at. (-1)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

But it won him Calgary elections he basically accused anyone who didn't vote for him of being racist, and somehow it worked. (2)

Not voting for a representative of the majority of this province is racist. (-1)

Angriness: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Absolutely zero surprise. Smith has tapped into Alberta's 'renegade' mentality made popular by King Ralph which appeals to many. Nenshi should reassess his approach and adopt some of that feisty Albertan spirit. As we've seen, embracing Ottawa is a poor strategy for any Alberta political party. (39)

Also embracing victim culture is not interesting for many Albertans (26)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Constant_Sky9173

Score: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Number of comments: 1

Average angriness: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Maximum angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Minimum angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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