:soyjaktantrum: Why is Tesla stocks not collapsing? : stocks :soyjaktantrum:


anyone ever trip off nutmeg

it sounds fun but very dangerous



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I'm not a fan of Trump in any way, shape or form, but for me getting rid of DEI and the insanity around gender is a good thing. But don't let one good thing blind you to all the other bad stuff. (20)

I am exactly talking about woke culture. Not about trump/musk or other politicians (-14)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Not trying to doxx myself, but i work for an American company that is still firmly committed to DEI. (8)

Lol. Get the fudge out. (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

How much have you encountered this in real life? Let's not get carried away by the Russian propaganda farms please. They've fricked US politics and we need to learn to see through the manipulative bullshit. (30)

they come in herds, more specific "prides" (-6)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Een oprechte vraag: wat houdt de 'woke-cultuur' in voor jou? Dat politieke correctheid en 'cancel-culture' schadelijk zijn, ben ik mee eens. Maar (anti)woke lijkt tegenwoordig een catchy term om anderen mee te 'cancellen' zodat enkel hun idee van politieke correctheid overblijft. Dus doet anti-woke dan niet hetzelfde als wat pro-woke zou doen? (4)

Woke zever houd voor mij in: het maken van een wereldzaak van non zaken.Bv transrechten. Je mag hier al jaar en dag trans zijn.Manne die vrouwen worden willen vrouw zijn. Vrouwen die man zijn man.Van de 2 transmensen die ik ooit ontmoette vroeg niemand om een zelf verzonnen pronoun te gebruiken. Ahnee want ze willen juist dat geslacht zijn niets nieuws.Maar voor wie doen we dat?Serieuze vraag he?Er is weinig draagvlak, kijk naar de verkiezingen.Het breekt zelf af, en neemt enorme hoeveelheden tijd en middelen in voor… ja wie eigenlijk?Kijk naar het nieuws.Oei meneer is al 12 keer veroordeeld voor dronke rijden? Oei nu iemand dood gereden? Ale 6 maand enkelband…Oei meneer postte een foute meme?Oh een blanco strafblad?Ale een jaar cel!Wie veaagt daar eigenlijk om?Wie die normaal denkt vind een kinderleven minder waard dan een kwetsend woord?Wel magistraten die wij betalen en onze wethouders gewoon wel. Onironisch.En is het zcht om de wereld te verbeteren?Want terwijl ze hier al jaren ... (-1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Ik val geen mensen lastig. Ik reageer gewoon op comments. Dat is een beetje waar Reddit voor bedoeld is, weet je wel (1)

Je bent eig een beetje zoals de opper linkse mensen.De nsdap (nationale socialistische democratische arbeiderspartij)Die hadden ook zo een groep mensen die ze niet leuk vonden en hadden gebannen in ghetto's.Maar om 1 of andere reden begonnen die mensen dan zelf in die ghetto te gaan om de mensen te achtervollen die ze verbannen hadden.Jij doet me daar wat aan denken. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Transgendere mensen zijn grofweg 0.5%. En dat van pottyten en sport wordt vooral door onszelf gepushed aangezien we ook gewoon mee willen draaien in de maatschappij.Het hoeft helemaal geen groot issue te zijn oid. Er zijn een hele hoop mensen die ophef erover proberen te maken, omdat ze weten hoe ze rechtse mensen moeten agiteren. Dat als ze je constant het idee geven dat er gebruik gemaakt wordt van je goede wil, dat je boos zal blijven en zal blijven engageren met hun content.Uiteindelijk is het inderdaad divide en conquer. Maar dat komt niet door trans mensen ofzo. Er wordt een hoop werk verricht om ons zwart te maken, en wij kunnen ook niet veel anders doen dan onszelf verweren (4)

Ja door die linkse wappies….Je leest volledig naast het punt.Mannen mogen ool gwn nooit meedoen met vrouwen in de sport.Als 99,5% dat vind meot die 0,5% zich daar gewoon naar plooien en niet hun willetje doordrijven en dan verbaasd zijn als dat mensen agiteert.Trans pottyten? Wie wil dat? Ge gwn naar het man/vrouw pottyWat is daar het nit van?Een derde type wc voor 0,5%?Nee dan moeten we eerst maken dat pakweg rolstoelgebruikers overal toegankelijk zijn.Maar bon nu oogst je u gezaai…En de linkse traantjes vloeien.Jullie harassen en stalken rechtse mensen.Gwn omdat jullie net zoals de nazi's JULLIE willetje erdoor willen en democratie moet desnoods maar plooien.Maar er zijn 2 geslachten man en vrouw en al de rest is zever.Uitzonderingen, afwijkingen en ziektes bestaan.Zoals xxy ofzo.Maar dat zijn afwijkingen mutaties, geen nieuw geslacht…Het feit dat je alles negeert zoals dat foute woorden juridisch meer ebstraft worden dan pakweg een kind doodrijden dat negeer je.He moet weer foc... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/lam469

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+5🐮)

Number of comments: 57

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Cat and Dog.

I've been stuck with these frickers for last few day, so why not put them to some good use and farm a coin or two with their unsolicited pictures.

This is an animal hole, those are some animal pictures. I don't think there is anything to add.

:taynod: Swiftie :tayclap:has meltdown when redditors :soysnoo: dare :taygrimacing: to not acknowledge :tayaaagenocide: the queen :taycrown:


Travis Kelce dyes his beard, proudly stolen from @autodrama.

Gen Z at the Anti-Trump protest in LA


Civilisation 7 sucks

That's all what I wanted to say

"What do you feel uncomfortable about saying here?"

!oldstrags did you know Metafilter still exists? It does!

Did you know it's a giant circlejerk even more insular than reddit? Of course you did.

(For those who don't know, MeFi is an ancient internet forum that costs $5 to join. It's like SomethingAwful if it were never funny, or rdrama if you losers had jobs and could afford 5 dollars to keep out the thirdies)

Anyway, in 2014 they had a struggle session about thinking the unspeakable wrongs.

Wendy Carlos is a transwoman. Seriously, I mentioned this once and it got instadeleted because WTF? apparently some longstanding flame war of which I wasn't even aware.

I don't know who Wendy Carlos is, but I know that trans :marseyclapping2: women :marseyclapping2: are :marseyclapping2: women :marseyclapping2:. There's no such thing as a "transwoman".

Anyway, after few thousand comments the thread devolves into people getting their fee-fees hurt and demanding apologies

If you want a personal apology for a comment that was not directed at you then you might as well just come out and say so instead of continuing to harp on it despite the fact that sweetkid has explained her reasoning and sincerely apologized to the actual people involved.

Then later on, down the end there's a big argument about whether it's okay to dox a 27 year old dude :marseypedo: who really really likes a 17 y/o :stabler:

This comment does not look to me like an apology or an expression of misunderstanding. It looks to me like an admission he googled the information and intentionally doxxed someone he was characterizing as a "libertarian" and "sexual predator."

So folks are free to read the actual MeTa I am recalling and decide for themselves whether or not I am wildly misremembering anything or mischaracterizing it.

Y'all can't behave!

Painful. Might be time to close the thread?

Meta seeded the 81.7TB of books they torrented.

orange site:



Redditors mad x24

Zelensky is a heck of a lot smarter than Trump so

Trump offered 500 million for all resources and his personal guarantee so 4 years of peace

Redditors mad mad mad

No, he still thinks he can win. That's why the Russian army is still in Ukraine.

Hitler won his last battle on April 1945. His longest streak without winning a battle is couple weeks.

Ukraine won't its last battle in September 2022. They haven won a battle in over 2 years.


700k left 80% returned

Will 18-21 year old return that were 3 years ago 14-17 ?

But Russia is just increasing it army size and it has nothing to do with Ukraine since Russian using volunteers and 300k contract soldiers so regular army is inside Russia.

Also Redditors copping with China taking over Russia. That will be a gg for whole west that's why Trump trying to cozy with Russia.

But with all the resources in Ukraine we have to do simple math. So if Ukraine has oil for 100 buxx and it cost 200 buxx to remove it than it's absolutely not worth it and Ukrainian resources ain't easy to get on top of it they have small amount of it. Greenland of Australia is more worthy.

TLDR: Trump offers 500 millions for west Ukraine

Redditors go full punk rock and support copyright law


Trying to be a good christian is so fricking undignifying

I'm trying to embody to virtues of Jesus. Trying to be patient, understanding, taking all the slings and arrows of human inconsideration and messiness on the chin with forgiveness. And it all feels like getting cucked and made a fool of by life. What kind of idiot gets fricked over at work by a coworker and then is all diplomatic about it? I told the smelly guy at work politely to use deodorant. He still smells like shit and I want to call him the disgusting, smelly c*nt that he is, but noo that's not what a good Christian does. Am i really supposed to just stand there with my nose being assaulted and smile? So r-slurred. And yes, management already knows, but says because he has some kind of mental illness they cant enforce anything. Maybe Jesus was just a cucked r-slur and we're all r-slurs by proxy

Reported by:
  • Grue : I ditched a date that couldn't mentally break a 20 for a purchase ending in .00
  • Chapose : Thats every relationship with a woman right 😂😂😂
"intelligence gap relationships"


I wanna be the semi r-slurred midwit bf to an intellectual queen

WTF, it is LITERALLY the world outside my window!! A political comic
Part-time :marseytime: Goodwill wagie complains :marseypop2: about having to do his job :marseydogwalker:. Jannie :marseyjanny: dunks :marseychaosdunk: on him and all the other seething :marseywagie: wagies.


Reported by:
sg redditor does some :marseynoooticer: on :marseytunaktunak: hiring practices :marseywrongthonk:


crap didn't know the :marseyjanny: deleted the text too

someone archived the post

Thinking about getting really into sacred geometry and making myself schizophrenic.

Any good places to start?



More black celeb worship:

Dwarfcels are trying to propagandize foids :marseylaughpoundfist:



Oh no no no shortbros



Clears the alimony cheque every month yeah


I love manlets


They can always make me feel better about myself.

fell for it again award :fellforitagainaward:

No... we want to get away from this crap, not get drawn in further.

Weird that Israel is on board.

It's not weird at all. It will be American soldiers who get attacked and not the IDF. They get what they want without assuming the risk

American $$$$$$$ American lives. For a fricking sand war that will never end. NOT A FAN OF THIS BS AND WHY I TOLD EVERYONE NOT TO SIGN UP FOR THE MILITARY EVEN UNDER TRUMP.

but i thought he was the most peaceful president ever


This is dumb

We were on such a winning train until this move. Why put American lives at risk in a place full of wild muslim terrorists.

You are a scared and weak cuck.

We will bomb the crap out of Gaza and take all their resources and women and be richer and stronger than ever

surely the average joe will get richer :#marseyclueless:

Can't say that I'm on board with this idea. What happened to America First?


This is America First. You're just not smart enough to understand how.

:#brainletmaga: :#marseybigbrain:

Why? What use is that shithole to us? What use are those shithole people to us? Frick that noise, let Israel deal with their own problem using their own money.

Trump tower Gaza


Lots of sleeper accounts with little to no post history yelling the loudest about this right now.

everyone i don't like is a bot


This is a brilliant decision. I know we don't want to get involved but what this is doing is daring the terrorists to frick with us. If they do anything now in the Gaza Strip we can bomb the shit out of them because we can say Iran and all those other idiots declared war on the United States.

It'll make the Democrats side with Muslim extremists and Iran and further expose them.

Which will convert Jews in the US to the Republican Party.

It will kill all Democrat fund raising except in Portland, San Francisco, and other Blue shitholes.

If us doing the peacekeeping works, congrats we've also ended all war in the Middle East.

If they attack us, we get to forcefully end the wars in the Middle East.

I don't like putting our soldiers in harm's way but this truly is the strongest deterrent to unchecked mayhem.

4d chess :#soy4dchess:

Everything good he's done so far has just been overshadowed by this FRICKING R-SLURRED move. What the frick is this?


@Kongvann rightoid drama :marseysoypoint: :marseybeggar:

[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Danielle Smith rising, Nenshi falling


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I'm very interested to see if her supporters actually care. There's now a 2nd board member coming out voicing their concern with government meddling in contracts. This is a fully UCP appointed board. (21)

I can't even find out who fired the CEO. Wouldn't the board be the ones to fire the CEO. Lmao (2)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You can always tell when Nenshi lies. His eyes flutter and he never looks at the camera or the person he's speaking to. (-6)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

I'm astonished support for Nenshi is that high, you'd think the dippers would have figured him out and obviously the rest of AB doesn't know who he is - he's divisive, when he left Calgary as mayor this city was in shambles, he had an approval rating in the 40s and dropping. In his first go he campaigned as a conservative, said all the right things but governed as a high taxing, high spending liberal. When he won his first mayor, from his mother's basement where he lived he said Calgarians weren't racists but when it looked like he was gonna get booted he said Calgarians were racists. He'll say anything to get elected but when in office look out. (6)

I would guess about 70-80% of voters are UCP or NPD no matter who. I am one of them. Why? Because no matter what brain-dead leader the UCP elects, it will not be worse than a lunatic NDP leftist. (1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

But it won him Calgary elections he basically accused anyone who didn't vote for him of being racist, and somehow it worked. (2)

The problem is that the term racist has been thrown around so much, it has become deluted. It's getting to be that the person using that term is being judged more than the person it's being pointed at. (-1)

Angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

But it won him Calgary elections he basically accused anyone who didn't vote for him of being racist, and somehow it worked. (2)

Not voting for a representative of the majority of this province is racist. (-1)

Angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Absolutely zero surprise. Smith has tapped into Alberta's 'renegade' mentality made popular by King Ralph which appeals to many. Nenshi should reassess his approach and adopt some of that feisty Albertan spirit. As we've seen, embracing Ottawa is a poor strategy for any Alberta political party. (39)

Also embracing victim culture is not interesting for many Albertans (26)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Constant_Sky9173

Score: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 1

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:

There was this !dutch violinist/ orchestra director who became famous worldwide, by having these "informal" classical music concerts/shows, where peeps in the audience would dance in the aisles, or even the musicians or André himself would walk down the aisles themselves, while celebrating famous classical music.

This was considered radical for Boomers, who found the dour and sour and uptight classical music conformity of Europe to be to too stifling. People like my parents were pretty excited to watch his shows and performances on DSTV, which had become more common in Safrica, and appreciated his musical acumen, whilst having much more lighthearted tones in his shows.

Here's a bull attacking a woman!! :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow:

He also looks like an eccentric mad-scientist nutjob with his hair! :marseyscientist: :marseyradiation: :marseyoppenheimer: :yakub:

In 2010 he had a tour in :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica:

Unfortunately his weak !dutch genes were no match for the filth and garbage of Safrica, and he got a debilitating ear infection mid tour. :marseydizzy: :marseydizzy: :marseydizzy: :marseyill:


Drama had however occurred over time in the 2010s when André Rieu obtained the notable quirk, in that he REFUSED :marseyno: :marseyrejecthug: to speak the Colonizer language of Afrikaans!!!! :soycry: :soyjakhipster:

This caused a lot of seeth for Boers, who ironically made the lionshare of his fandom in the country, even beyond the large Bonglish CD-buyers in Cape Town. This social media drama has been largely purged by time and linkrot (omg this like 15 years ago :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyanorexia:) But it was pretty big drama.

In his tours of 2010 & 2012, he had repeated numerous times that he had been disappointed in the demographics makeup of his shows, which as can be predicted, were always overwhelmingly :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :marseymayo:

He was especially disappointed to find Safrican black peeps didn't really give a shit, despite his massive catering towards them in all his Safrican tours, whether in Cape Town or Suncity. Especially in his "My African Dream" shows, which he tailored to include lots of black opera singers, local black dancers, and it was still 99% mayo :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

=====(from news24)

André Rieu, King of the waltz and musical hero to many South Africans, still refuses to speak a word of Afrikaans or even Dutch onstage.

Last year already many of his fans asked why Rieu did not speak a word of Afrikaans or Dutch on stage.

He has toured across the globe, always making an effort to speak at least a word of the language of the country in which he is touring. :derpwhy: :derpwhy: :derpwhy: :derpwhy:

Rieu is aware that many of his fans in South Africa are Afrikaans speaking and that they are able to understand the Dutch heard on the DVDs.

Country's demographic :ericandre:

When Volksblad asked Rieu in an official enquiry why he does not speak Afrikaans or Dutch onstage in South Africa, he said: "No comment."

"He wanted to make it easier for his fans to travel to the show, because not everyone will be able to travel all the way to Sun City. He also hopes to then see an audience that is a better representation of the country's demographic." :soyjakhipster:

Rieu has said that he would like to see an audience that is 50% black and 50% white. Last year, he asked the Bloemfontein Children's choir to perform with him in his hometown of Maastricht in the Netherlands. His condition that the choir should consist of 50% black members, was heavily criticised. :shakefist: :marseybeanangry: :marseyoverseether: :seethejak: :vulgar:

====(end quote)

I tried really hard to find old twitter :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: about drama when André Rieu stated in front of his 99% mayo audience how sad and disappointed he was that so few black peeps had come to his Cape Town and Suncity shows, and with many people stating how full of shit he was, because if he wanted a primary black audience, he should have hosted a show in Soweto stadiums (he didn't cuz it was unsafe :marseysmug3: )

Like holy hells there was scores of drama - you guys don't appreciate how linkrot has culled so much drama of our forebears :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

Like I remember newspaper articles about the drama and events but that shit is now banished to the shadowrealm :marseytrollcrazy: i literally cannot find anything on the face of the internet to prove what I'm recounting to you guys, it's information just gone into the ether :marseydeadinside3:

RANDOM BONUS DRAMA: Reddit thread about André Rieu's detractors

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