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Clean it up janny :#marseyjanny:

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Greetings strags :marseywave2:

The 4-day-work-week is one of my favorite redditisms. It always brings out the lazy useless commies out of the work week. And always, ALWAYS, these lazy fools try and masquerade their supposed desire to improve society, when instead they are merely desiring a terraforming of the world to suit their own interests, namely them wanting to work less hard hard like /r/antiWORK

I want to ask you dramatards today what you guys think about 4-day-work-weeks. Because it's always an inevitable circlejerk in the reddit euphoric-atheist eurocuck leftoid anti-yank anti-west crowd.

Yet for somebody who works in an already left wing dominated country, and for a private enterprise, I have my great reservations about only 4 working days per week. In our private company, and similar surveying companies, as well as for building contractors, architects, lawyers, Trade-industry like electricians and plumbers, the notion of a 4 day work week is absolutely fricking ANATHEMA

The reason being is that contrary to white-collar soul crushing useless corporate office hours wasting manhours, our 5 days also consist of accumulating clients and jobs and contracts and tenders, from the private world and the government. If i make this sound sophisticated, what i mean is that it basically boils down to cutting your potential outreach opportunity to clients and available office hours, or even available fricking contacts hours by a brutal 20%.

And while I'm not privy to our business' exact financials or contemporary SA surveying companies, I know the netto income is about 20%. And if the government would for example MANDATE or force a 4-day-work-week, it would slit our throats overnight.

Kaamrev, you guys would say, won't the clients just call/visit the office on Monday=>Tuesday. They might, but customers/clients are funny in the mercurial world of business, you will note if you own a private organization, in which you are solely responsible for accumulating/finding clients, that available hours have drastic influence on whether clients finally take the leap in contractig/buying a service.

Many surveyors and chainmen even work way beyond natural office hours, well earlier than 8am, and well beyond 5pm, if a particularly important/large job is at stake. Many would work Saturdays, and even sundays if pressure is at stake. I myself had done so for months last year, as there literally not enough hours in the fricking 40 hours work week to finish particularly dire projects. Last year i actually worked harder than I studied for my 3rd year at univeristy, not out of principle but sheer panic.

This notion of going beyond mandated 40 hour weeks, is probably unknown to wagie redditors who are paid the same, regardless of whether they do their best/slack off. And while I have sympathy for people in wage-cage jobs, in white-collar soul crushing office-cubicle heck -holes, where middle-managers force useless meetings and useless hours, and thus wasting your finite life span away for unclear goals, in unclear corpo leadership - but that is NOT why redditors champion 4-day-work-weeks. No it is because it appeals to them

Supermarket businesses like Checkers/Spar/Woolworths in South Africa, had steadily encroached on weekend openings about 20 years ago. I recall distinctly massive drama within the Christian communities in Safrica, that when places like Spar and Checkers began to have open hours on Saturday, and then eventually open hours on Sundays. Because sundays are supposed to be the day of rest. In the 1990s you had exceptions to the rule, and in the early 2000s, if your pantry was empty, because you had poor planning or some calamity, then you were fricked out of luck for food for sunday, unless you could find some street-vendor road-seller who would sell you some mielies for the day to tie you over for Sunday.

I distinctly remember many neighbours begging after Sunday services for some key ingredients or some flour or fruit, and promising to pay back on Monday, cuz there literally was no shopping mall or tuckshop or anything open the whole day! But as religiosity gradually faded throughout the country, corporations gradually found weekend openings to be acceptable and convenient to the public

So for these corporations, 7-day operating weeks became a virtual necessity. Because if they did NOT operate during the weekend as their competition did, they lost out on potential clients, because the people who would have shopped during regular weekdays were now satisfied for their groceries on weekends. Smaller grocery businesses would find themselves in a death knell had they not adapted.

And many small town businesses like mom-and-pop bakeries, who traditionally operated on weekdays like they had in the past, and was closed during the weekends as it was family run, and they had to take care of family/kids, would be screwed if they did not compete with corporate chains like Spar, which had bakeries, as the Entire monday sales period would be cut off, as customers had their monday needs met during the weekend.

A not too dissimilar phenomenon happens in trade or contract industries. Even if Governments could make a blanket ban on 5-day-work-weeks, so that your competitors could not operate on a 5th day, same a your company does, and thus steal your clients, there is a weird hidden opportunity cost lost by customers which were on the precipice of a decision, but your unavailability, lost them to your business. This is in addition to the potential loss of manhours to work on potential projects.

I also don't buy this mythos from popular rediditor zeitghest, that in ancient/medieval times, farmer peasants worked much less today, and only in our modern corporatized world we work ourselves into an early grave. I've seen actual farms - there's always work, if the pipes burst, they need to be fixed. It's many long and hard hours.

But I'm also aware historic labour laws came into being becuase of much sacrifice and due to great abuse by magnates and oligarchic businessmen who literally worked English children to death in mine shafts during the Bong Industrial Period.

What do you guys think?

Anyways some drama and sneed below


What does billionaires have to do with the 5-day-work-week?? :marseybeanannoyed: It's like wagie redditors are so far removed from ever having had the fate of a business enterprise on their shoulders, that they equate a societal business norm of the past several hundred years due to the greed of a cabal of billinaires :marseyxd:

Thank frick for that

"STOP MAKING SENSE!" only stupid people want to work for 5 days a week! :soyjakanimeglasses: :soyjakanimeglasses: :soyjakanimeglasses:

Some takes with more than 1 braincel

"It really depends on the industry. I work in manufacturing. Output is directly tied to labor hours applied. My wife works in healthcare. Obviously you still need staffing coverage 24/7."

This guy gets downkongd for pointing out against the circlejerk that the 4-day-work-week was only considered by the experimenting 61 companies, becuase it DIDN'T affect a loss of productivity, and these cute twinks downkong him for pointing out that any loss of productivity/ or incurring more costs like hiring additional staff would negate the feasibility :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

ooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh man he really pissed off these neetstrags :marseysmug3: :marseysmug3: :marseysmug3: :marseysmug3:

"Congrats. Not everyone is you. You're not even going to stay the you that you are now. Try working 50 hours/week for 20 years and see if your productivity keeps up." :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: lmoa 20 years, try people who worked 50 years of their lives you strags

Of course redditors can't read (or ever read the linked articles anyway)

"The dude you are replying to is just going around to very comment trying to justify why him and his area shouldn't allow people to work fewer hours. He also talked about not seeing any decrease in productivity till he pushed workers to work more than 50 hours a week." :marseyoverseether: :marseyoverseether: :marseyoverseether: :marseyoverseether: :marseyoverseether: :marseysoyseethe: :marseysoyseethe: :marseysoyseethe: :marseysoyseethe: :marseysoyseethe:

:marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

Anti-yank circlejerk begins

Those filthy yanks :marseyawesomeface: :marseyawesomeface: :marseyawesomeface:

Again these redditors miss the forest for the trees. Sometimes a company cannot exist in a system where a loss of opportunity is caused by a loss of potential clients or contacts because the fricking business wasn't open or available for liaison

Some more redditors with braincells in smaller threads outside the usual 1000-point upkongd circlejerk teenage angst subthreads, ask significant questions, because they are skeptical of this supposed overgood news.

Manufacturing industries are out

Ok, nice link, thanks. :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

So the #1 category, by a large margin, is not-for-profits/charities. Which isn't very representative of most people's workplaces.

The #2 is the creative/consultant/PR/marketing space - an industry where the actual hours worked have little relevance.

I thought there was a construction company in there, but it turned out to be a Housing Association. Unfortunately, these really aren't representative of where most people work.

:soymad: :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

This guys shits :crap: on the hopes and dreams of soyneets and soywagies :blacksoyjak: :soycry:

Anyways the same theme is repeated throughout the thread. What do YOU :directlypointingsoyjak: :directlypointingsoyjak: :directlypointingsoyjak: dramatards think?!

Yikes, my dude. Whats wrong with waving a Mexican flag at an anti-ICE protest? :sciencejak:




Muh birthright citizenship native land


!g*mers !r-slurs @Optimus_Primal

Reported by:
there are new gorilla hats in the shop btw

and several existing dk ones

just search donkey and diddy (harambe for the 2 new ones)

why are you not kongmaxxing !friendsofkong

Rust is going to take over the world and there's nothing chuds can do about it

Rust is C++ minus jank. It's beautiful, it's a better language in every imaginable way. Yeah its full of :marseytrain::marseytrain::marseytrain: but if chuds have a problem with that, maybe try making a better language?

Total :marseytrain: victory btw.

Brit :marseybritbongitsover: has a PUBLIC MELTDOWN over the leader of a country :marseytrump: he doesn't even inhabit :marseygigaretard:


M27 from the UK and following what is going on in your fricking country.


Rent free :marseyrofl:

Btw if you're a 27 year old male in this country and STILL haven't chudded out, transition immediately

I hope you Trump voters are happy.


Immigration - He promised to lower immigration. You do realise that the majority of your illegal immigrants come into the US by plane on Visas and over stay their welcome?

Heh :marseybigbrain: I bet nobody at ICE has figured that one out :marseysurejan:

:soycry: no wait no you can't take those Dreamers from their homes and fly them back to Colombia nooooo defund ICE :soycry:

Price of groceries - He promised to lower groceries. Has that happened? Has it frick. Its fricking risen.

How would this cute twink know exactly :marseyhmm: why does he care so much about american 'groceries' when a loaf of bread here is like 3 hours wages :marseyemojilaugh:

Elon Musk - He has put the world riches man in charge of a joke of an government agency. I would say he is a much bigger threat than the Chinese are with Tiktok.

>elon mask bad for amerika!! mach wors than china!


DEI - You realise that we fricking need diversity? To bring a varying range of perspectives into areas.

Unless those perspectives happen to come from white men :marsey57:

If all people working in an agency are of one race, gender and economical upbringing, chances are they are going to come to a very similar conclusion on a lot of matters.

So what you're saying is diversity encourages conflict? :marseynotes: interesting... :chudsmug:

Honestly frick your country. All you are doing is isolating yourself.

Isolating themselves from....? A backwater communist shithole island? :marseybong: :marseyxd:

Forgot about fricking Ukraine. What happened to Trump ending the war almost as soon as he stepped foot in the White House? Hasn't fricking materialised has it?

:marseysmughips: yeah chuds what happened to this thing I just made up in my own head. Bet you feel silly now


I'm American and I have voted against Trump every chance I got. I don't know what to do. I voted, I tried to instill in everyone around me the danger he poses to our country only to be ignored Hmm, I condescendingly hectored and lectured everyone about trump and it didn't work... What am I doing wrong?

I called those stupid government official phone lines to express my concerns. I did everything I reasonably could and now I'm stuck here growing more and more terrified every day, and with every new executive order that gets released. I'm trapped in a nightmare and I can't wake up.

When is Trump Derangement Syndrome going on the DSM-5? Like holy shit chuds were never this bad about Biden, were they?

Rebel. We have before


I wonder how our Brave Resistance Leader feels about Jan 6th :marseyhmm:

Bingo. We may be stuck with them as our government but those poor bastards are stuck with me as a proud dissenter.

I am a proud dissenter :marseyscooter: I... :marseynotes: larp as a witch and cast spells against Immigration Enforcement :marseyreading:

Look at my Resistance dawg we ain't ever escaping the Trumpreich :marseyitsover:

I'm embarrassed and disgusted to be an American.

:really: shouldn't you be anyway?

I'm also from the UK, but older. :marseyboomer: I don't quite understand what benefit to the US is going to gain from having a President with the mental age of seven

This user spends his entire waking life neurodivergentally typing paragraphs about cats

Hey there. What you have to realize is that in general, MAGAts lack empathy.

Empathy mentioned, deploying heatmaps! :marseyshutitdown:

:marseydarkxd: Bibi gifted Trump two pagers, a golden one :marseyrich: and a normal one :marseypalestoidpager:
Bardfinn describes his egg cracking journey :marseyeggirl:

In case you're like me, and had no idea what an "ego death" involves other than a vague awareness of it being some kind of Freudian nonsense:

Oh, he went nuts. Why not just say so? :marseyshrug:

So Bardfinn was a normal well adjusted functioning adult 20-30 years ago?

Not exactly.

That's right. Our neighbor walked away from the best job he ever had because the boys wanted to go to Hooters.


Now he collects welfare payments and creates AI horrors he can post on BlueSky for 27 likes.


:marseycryinglaptop: "I waited 7 years to read this book. 7 years. And I am not going to finish it."

Brandon Sanderson

For those that don't know, Brandon Sanderson is a Mormon author that specializes in writing fantasy for people that believe video games are art. The Mormonism manifests itself as embarassing and clunky attempts at insults.

For example:

But don't worry. He doesn't need the crutch of Mormonism to help him write atrocities.

Sanderson started getting big in 2006 when not mentioning current-day issues in your writing wasn't considered violence. Because his early work was inoffensive, some of his fans had certain opinions and would be described as chud-adjacent today. We'll come back to them in a moment.

With success came the the desire to expand, and what better way to reach more people than making it more relatable™ and courting a "modern audience"! It started out subtle: a background character making comments about the same s*x, allegories about mental health and, eventually, an out-of-place political desire to install a modern democracy in a medieval fantasy world. It got progressively more obvious with each new book, but it clearly worked, because you can't go anywhere online to discuss fiction now without being bombarded with Sanderson recommendations.

And now a large chunk of his fan base looks like this

Wind and Truth

The most recent addition to the Sanderson Literary Universe was the 5th book in the Stormlight Archive series, Wind and Truth.

We're going to look at some 1-star reviews, which are mostly chuds dumb enough to have kept reading up until now.

Remember the excerpts from earlier? ALL his writing is like that. All 4 previous books in the series. These geniuses endured 4,546 pages of slop to get to this point

Goodreads Link. Sort by 1-star reviews. 2-stars are also funny, but it's mostly just people begging him to get another editor.

I will be honest, I cried

I didn't realize I was reading garbage until there was a gay character!


^ This is an actual quote :marseyemojilaugh: :#marseylongpost2:

This guy wrote a whole novel in protest

Can't read it? You're welcome!

It turns into an impassioned plea for Sanderson to renounce Mormonism in favour of mainstream Christianity, which is funny, but not actually worth reading.


I couldn't drug myself to sleep, so I used boring audiobooks


The best part of these 1-star reviewers pouring out their hearts (and some of them posting from accounts with face pics and real names) is that none of it meant anything. The book was well-received overall and will fund the next 5 books in the series! :platyrich:

This is what peak youtube influencer code looks like


!codecels it's 1000 lines of copy/paste slop that would get an intern bullied


:juice: :juice: :juice: :redlight: BOSSMAN JACK IS FREE :redlight: :juice: :juice: :juice: Gamba inside this thread (Update: HE'S STREAMING RIGHT NOW) :marseysipping:

Wall was patched

The fruitiest sassiest GIRLY ever is shocked his friend thought he was gay!!!!


This guy is a sigma maxer who was practicing the 44th law of power


This is the average sportsball fan
Russian Farm Helicopter

Vibes vibes vibes vibes

!wfhchads the future :marseykangtheconqueror: is here!

apparently you can get an AI clone now! and attend smeeting from the bed :marseytoasty: or the pooper :marseyskibiditoilet2:!


!codecels !wfhchads

More demos on their YT channel. IMHO, it's interesting but still a bit uncanny.

58% of the U.S. taxpayer dollars sent to Zelensky never even reached Ukraine

Th-Th... That's all, folks!

Getting a Few Views!

I do not take the Instagram seriously, but its funny to see the slow gather of momentum!

!animalposters !cats

:nuggetesoteric: Daily neolib :marseysoylentgrin: slop post :nuggetesoteric: Milquetoast article :marseywords: about milquetoast Democrats :marseyclintongarrison: causes slapfight :slapfight: between two verbose :marseylongpost: power users :soysnootypefast:



/u/OkBuddyLiberals - a centrist/neurodivergent neoliberal who's got a custom Manchin flair.

/u/l00gie - a gay Asian progressoid who's basically an embodiment of the reason dRumph won.

slap fight #1 OkBuddyLiberal's longpost about how the Dems really should punch left if they want to win.

Slap fight #2 l00gie's gaslamp/gatekeep/gayboss way to lose the hearts and minds of the American public.

The cat replies "but doctor... I am Marsey." Good joke. Everyone laughs.
Is Dasha dead yet?

The code is NERDS ROPE to activate Nick's r-slurred Manchurian Candidate to 'take care of' Dasha

Republicans move to create millions of new voters


Hasan is skeptical that Kamala would be better than Trump on Gaza :sadwalz:


Current State of Political Livestream Watchers:

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