TOTAL CANCUCK DEATH as we beat them in the only sport they even care about

Someone ping more !hockey !chuds !burgers


Null is in an neurodivergent arms race against the users who desperately want to know how much edgy reddit karma they've accumulated. This thread is apparently the second time a user debuted a userscript that can calculate a user's reaction score, and the previous one was foiled by Null disabling something. Now reactions are completely unviewable except on a post by post level.

UK security officials are "monitoring Elon Musk's social media posts"


:marseyelonmus#k: :marseylayin#g:

Elon musk's tweets are so hot, the UK intelligence services are diverting taxpayer resources to reading them :marseyexcited:


I genuinely feared for Jess Phillips' life after his post about her

I feel the same. I truly hope she can stay safe in these times.

:marseyworried: wow he must've said something truly heinous

:marseycrying: :marseysulk: I hope she can stay safe :marseytears: not white schoolgirls though they can get fricked :marseylaugh: I am the compassionate one :marseyxd: she looks like one of the background ogres in shrek 4 btw

In the Electoral Dysfunction podcast, she said that while Labour is calibrating their response to Musk and everyone else, they have to take her safety into account because of the amount of threats that she has received in the past week. It's sickening.

meanwhile Nige after getting his 34th death threat of the day

Yea, It is litteraly the whole point of Mi6 to monitor forign threats the UK and deal with them if nessesary. That Manchester bomb plot can wait, Elon Musk's just been rude to Keir on twitter

The Home Office can prevent someone from entering the UK if their presence is not considered conducive to the public good.

:marseyemojilaugh: OH THEY CAN??? :marseyinsane: :trollinsane:

I must've fricking imagined all of this!

Some twit posts on Facebook: 'jail! And death is what you truly deserve!'

Musk tries to destroy democracy: 'well, it's a complex area and we want to prioritise free speech'

The Police and Crown Prosecution Service doing their 'one rule for you and one for the rich' routine.

>call politician a name

>democracy destroyed

Hans Herman Hoppe bros... was it this easy? :marseyhmm:

Is what he posted actually illegal? Or just terrifying and unacceptable

Watch as a bong realises he cannot enforce his Naughty Words Laws across national borders :marseygasp:

There are things which the UK government can do on a global scale, that Musk cannot

:really: What, like get scammed out of hundreds of millions by Paul 'No Refunds' Kagame?

I suppose it is technically true that Musk cannot repeatedly embarrass and subvert himself by selling or scrapping all of his overseas land, bases and materiel :marseyshrug:

Let's just call musk what he is - a stochastic terrorist.

:redlight: SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT :redlight: :marseywitch2: :marseywitchtriggered: :marseybardfinn3:

Maybe they should consider banning twitter all together in this country like America is doing with TikTok. :marseywrongthonk:

Censorship is never the answer. :marseyindignant:

Is that the sort of thing a Sith would say? :marseysoylentgrin: :soyjakwow:




:marseysoyhype: Lift, run, fight, shoot. Become strong in all.

:chudsmug: So basically, you're all fricked

:chudglassesglow: Yep lol

They post shit like this while their side unironically believes the below

:shadowrage: And don't forget to look up delicious, healthy recipes in the @N@rchist cookbook!

:marseychuddance: Yall are screwed ngl

:marseychud: You won't do shit

:soysnooseethe: Sounds like projection on your part.

:marseysoylentgrin: I'm never going to be strong enough to repel a Nazi, but generalizing here, keep up your health. It is beneficial in so many ways I won't bother to list them. Everyone on reddit hates me because I always bring up cooking your own food, not smoking, not drinking, getting exercise every day, giving up fast food and ultraprocessed stuff. It's all key to keeping your body and teeth healthy over the years.

The effects are cumulative - one day you wake up and you have some godawful chronic disease, or your ticker isn't what it could be, or you need yet another root canal, and you are slowed down and inconvenienced by having to use the medical system all the time, take pills, etc.

Also, get an annual check up if only so you have a record of your own stats. It's actually interesting to compare your numbers year to year.

:marseyauthright: As a nazi myself, this is all really good advice. Regardless of what ideology you have, everyone should abandon unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy food. Most fast food/door dash and other stuff you get in groceries are deliberately kept unhealthy in order to have a population that can't resist and constantly kept broke and in debt. (not to mention how immoral some of the sources of this food are.) You don't need to be shredded but eating well and working out daily with basic calisthenics goes a long way.

:marseytroll: As someone who's immunocompromised from a COVID vaccine injury, I've learned that sometimes the best choice isn't to fight head-on, but to hide and protect myself. It's a hard reality, but sometimes survival means stepping back, staying safe, and waiting for a time when I'm stronger.

In Harry Potter, Harry and his friends often had to choose between direct confrontation and retreat. Hiding, like when Harry and his allies went into hiding in The Deathly Hallows, was often the wisest choice. It wasn't about surrender, but about preserving their strength for when it was truly needed.

Similarly, Anne Frank showed us the power of survival. She and her family lived in hiding, and though it was painful and isolating, it was their only chance to stay alive. Sometimes, hiding isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategy to make sure we can continue the fight later.

For me, hiding isn't giving up. It's about protecting my health and holding onto hope for a better, safer future.

:soyjakwow: (OP) this is real and valid, but PLEASE try to avoid citing transphobic authors. Stay safe!

:chudspin: This thread is the most chronically online shit I've ever seen in my life 😭

:marseydarkxd: Lol

:marseyrapscallion: YES! me and my wife's boyfriend hit the gym everyday so we can own the chuds!

:soyjakanimeglasses: /r/Swoletariat

It fricking exists btw :marseyemojilaugh:

:marseytroublemaker: I am trans so I don't want to lift too much, maybe some toning

:marseyderp: That's a little ableist but I'll support the idea of being healthy! I'm on track at the moment having gone from 260 -> 250 lbs, nearly there =)

thats literally just water weight lmao you can drop that much in less than a week on any strict diet. So you haven't really accomplished anything. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard there bud

No negativity in my revolution :marseydownvotemad:

:marseygigachad: Now we're getting somewhere!

Go with testosterone, as well. Makes you more conservative.

Or just stop taking estrogen lmfao

We've officially found the saddest subreddit out there 🤣🤣

At this point it's >50% trolling by volume lmao

:marseyhesright: I saved this post yesterday before going to bed only to discover it crawling with MAGAts. How many are from here? :capywalking:



People really been camped out for literal days only to end up with nothing lmao (Chiraq got 0 HAHAH), this is gonna cause so much seethe about scalperchads

check these subs for more

Bestbuy online drop was sold out within 1 minute

What would you do if your spouse died before you could divorce? :marseyhmm:


:stabler: - 56-Year-Old Roblox User Groomed By 68-Year-Old Roblox User - The Onion

>FAIRHOPE, AL—Exploiting the popular online game platform for his own perverse ends, local Roblox user Rodney McKinney, 68, was accused of grooming 56-year-old Roblox user Walter Rhodes, sources confirmed Wednesday. "For the past several months, Mr. McKinney, a 68-year-old Roblox user, used the game as a means to foster an inappropriate relationship with an impressionable young 56-year-old that was sexual in nature," said officer Mike Cavazos, noting several obscene messages in which the baby boomer offered the much younger Gen X user Robux in exchange for lewd images of Rhodes' flabby, mature body. "It was clear from their correspondence that Mr. McKinney knew the victim was 56, as he stated in chats that he was 'old enough to be [Rhodes'] supervising manager.' And though he claimed that messages inviting the victim to move off Roblox to a more private LinkedIn chat were innocent, we believe otherwise." At press time, authorities claimed McKinney attempted to conceal his indiscretions by warning Rhodes not to "tell your mom, if she's still alive."

God it's so unfair

I do wish there was a way to be a girl without transitioning because trans shit is gay and cringe but I was so obsidianlug so posed to be a woman



Too soon, manul. Very troubling.



Here's the github for their project if any codecels are interested.



In Europe and Switzerland, we don't need social or economic refugees from the USA any other country in the world. Stay in your own country.

He's not going to hurt you, you know? The US is a strong democracy.

Maybe you are trolling, but no, you simply can't just move to Switzerland because you feel like it. You need specialist skills and a company willing to sponsor you, just like it would be if I was to move to the US.

If you husband has mid 8 figures CHF to invest in Switzerland, that might be difficult.

How exactly do you propose moving here? Have you seen the visa requirements?

Also, how exceedingly arrogant to just claim you can live here when your country makes it so difficult for everyone else.

Is this a troll post?

Literally me

No not really...

But maybe one day..?



Or carp ig, do we need loggenincel mode enabled?


>Biden :marseybiden: offers increased child tax credit to encourage people to have kids


>Drumpf :marseytrump: offers more money to cities that encourage people to have kids


It's underreported but Trump just nuked Temu, Shein, and the entire droppooping industry :marseyemojirofl:

Maybe American Apparel can come back

Yasuske posting in r/Africa :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: :carpexcited:
read the reddit comments lol [🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘] Thank you, Joe Biden!


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

[deleted] (418)

Did he actually say this? Lol (25)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Biden was great, so many people will not see the impact he had. I'll say this, the best government is the one that helps just enough, and generally stays out of the way. Trump sure isn't doing this. (-18)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

for what? this motherlover is going to be looked at less favorably than james buchanan for the immediate consequences of his presidency (180)

Wrong. Biden did A LOT of awesome shit. (-24)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Thank you for...? What exactly? Being so terrible we ended up with a fascist in power? Being unable to beat an adjudicated male feminist business fraud billionaire robber baron felon? Neoliberals don't deserve any praise. They failed to deliver people's basic needs, and now we're going to find out how low the US can stoop. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Frick Joe Biden and frick the Democrats in general. I have voted for them consistently and consistently I've been left wanting. The democrats have no backbone. They have no will to fight. They've coasted for decades by being "the rational adult" in the room while the Republicans go further and further into the most insane levels of theocratic fascism seen since the 19fricking30s.Frick the Democrats, frick their decorum, and frick Joe Biden for being a worthless sack of bones in general. My lifespan just got statistically shortened by four fricking years because of this flaccid do-nothing excuse for a party. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

For what? (582)

He really let us down. Yes, I do think Biden's presidency overall was beneficial for the middle class, but he failed us where it mattered most—holding the previous administration accountable. The appointment of Merick Garland alone was a failure. Throw in his 180 in being a one term President, his administration hiding his mental decline, his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal (I'm a veteran of that war, that one hurt), and his failure to exit the race in a timely manner all allowed Trump to win and put us in a position to collapse as a nation.Biden did a lot of good, but his failures far outweigh his successes in my opinion. I'm a democrat for what it's worth. (281)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/ArcadianMess

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Avowed vs. Oblivion :marseysmirk:


good morning :marseycoffee:

:a: :c: :s: :liveleak:


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126k Views :coonsmug:

Come a little bit closer (hint: do NOT do this)

I'm only alive today because I'm not stupid enough to get into fights with Mexicans over women.

new Sedimentary Erosion


!chuds !transphobes he told the same joke with different doodles :3

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