Reported by:
  • Wojak : DLMO / gigachad_brony alt

Most people keep complaining about how video games were better in the past, and to the extent of too many microtransactions they would be right, but other than that, they are absolutely wrong and it is the nostalgia talking.

Here I am going to space out good looking video games 5 years apart to prove to you guys that video games have consistently been getting better over time and its a decent pace not worth complaining about.

Let's get started:

1972 - Pong:

The graphics are basic. There is only white and black color on the screen. Two little flat boards and a single ball that moves across the screen. It's darn fun for how little is going on in there. You could probably still waste a few hours playing it even today.

1977 - Canyon Bomber:

Game still is just black and white, but now there is far more complexity on the screen. Far more moving and reactive parts and far more objects. It's a real upgrade compared to Pong in terms of gaming capabilities.

1982 - Pole Position:

There are now colors on the screen. Multiple NPC vehicles and changing scenery as you race across the map. It's a complete leap over what came before there is no doubt about it.

1987 - After Burner:

A flying game where you shoot down enemy vehicles in the sky. There is far more activity here and your jet can move up and down! Left and right! The graphics are also far better looking and the game is far more reactive with explosions!

1992 - Wolfenstein 3D:

Wow. Now we have an actual 3d looking game where you shoot down enemy soldiers across various levels and get to fight mecha hitler in the end. We truly are living in the future! You bleed, your character grunts, there are other human sized NPCs in the game! A true generational leap in gaming!

1997 - Gran Turismo:

A 3D racing game. Look at how fast things move. It might as well be real life. All the cars are 3D, you can drive multiple vehicles, and everything looks clearly even more real than Wolfenstein 3D. Graphics are never going to get better than this.

2002 - Hitman 2 Silent Assassin:

I was so wrong gaming bros. Games can still look more realistic. We have fully 3D character models for everybody and the people in game look so real you can compare them to people you know in real life who look like them. I have a bald friend who looks exactly like Agent 47. Can you believe it? Shit's crazy yo. I am truly excited for what the next leap in gaming brings. And the diversity of levels? They even got missions out in the snow and in the buildings! I have never before seen so many diverse environments in a shooter game.

2007 - Crysis 1:

Bro. Bro. Bro. Can your computer play Crysis? I though not. What's Crysis? Only the most demanding resource intensive game ever made. Only the best pcs in the market can play it. It is one of the most realistic games ever made. You can see each leaf on a bush. They got nukes blowing up in game. You got a nanobot supersoldier you play as and all the human NPC characters react super realistically as if they are actually alive. You can also slide kick! Slide kick! Who could have thought! That's awesome. They even got an amazing multiplayer mode! A single player and a multiplayer mode in one game! Gaming has truly reached new peaks.

2012 - Far Cry 3:

Far Cry 3 man. It doesn't look like as much of a leap as I was hoping for in graphics but it easily makes up for it with the amount of gameplay mechanics and different ways you can play the missions. You can do stealth kills or go in like an action hero. You can also get a good guy ending or a bad guy ending. The quality of writing of Video game villains has also gone far up. It's a script almost at a movie level man. Vaas is a true dangerous villain leagues ahead of what all the other games offer. I never knew a game could be this much fun man. Except for graphics, everything has been improved man. Crysis 1 really set the bar for game graphics too high man. You even get to drive so many different vehicles.

2017 - Horizon Zero Dawn:

Holy shit man. We are in the age of photorealistic games now. Story wise the game feels eh bu the character models are the most realistic I have ever seen. The environments look clean as frick. The robots look cool. The NPC characters appear to have a graphics quality that is on par with the main character. The game world feels lived in. The bushes react to you moving through them. We made it man. We made it to where games look like real life unironically. This game looks better than Crysis.

2022 - God of War Ragnarok:

This one doesn't feel like too much of a leap I am going to be honest with ya. The games graphics are good but there isn't enough fast paced action going on. It's too character heavy when it should have been epic boss battles heavy. I feel like there has been a drop in the quality of gameplay in video games with God of War Ragnarok. I hope they fix this and figure out that video games are a different medium from TV shows or movies and allows us to have fun gameplay again. Even the 2018 God of War had more exciting fight scenes and larger scale battles. This is just too much story. I hope they never make a game like this again.


Since 1972, at worst there have been two to three disappointing leaps in gaming if we chart gaming evolution in 5 year cohorts. The current quality issues are self solving as the shittier games will collapse in on themselves irrespective of budgets as long as they make a bad quality game. We have already seen this with games like Concord and Dust Born. The Video game industry is growing at a healthy rate, it is us the g*mer who have become too impatient and expect something revolutionary to pop up every single year. As long as you keep your patience with the 5-7 year game cycle, you should find yourself with an exciting fun game each time.

Bonus: Future of gaming: GTA VI:

GTA VI looks like a clear upgrade over GTA V. It looks 4-8 times better than GTA V which matches up with the amount of time it has taken to develop the game. It will easily make more than a billion dollars upon release there is zero doubt about it. GTA VI needs stronger hardware though and will probably only release for the PS5 pro if its releasing next year. It should set new standards for the gaming industry like Cyberpunk 2077 did once they fixed it.

Bonus: Personal Opinion:

Either bring back hot women in games or take out women altogether. Video games are a consumer product that means they are meant to be enjoyable. I would enjoy a product with hot people in it more than a product with ugly people in it. In conclusion, if the video game industry wants to recover they need to make games no fatties allowed again like what the Asian gaming studios do. Fat bodies are ugly bodies, including my own.


Gay s*x and relationships therapist Dr. Joe Kort is causing a stir on TikTok where he explains why straight men who have s*x with men can still be considered straight. If a man has s*x with a man doesn't it ultimately make him gay or bisexual?

According to Kort, there can be a big chasm between our sexual and romantic orientations.

"Straight men can be attracted to the s*x act, but not to the man. Straight men having s*x with men doesn't cancel somebody's heterosexuality any more than a straight woman having s*x with a woman cancels her [heterosexuality]," he says in the video.

Kort says he isn't erasing bisexuality, but that it's an entirely different phenomenon from straight men who have s*x with men. Bisexual men are attracted to both men and women romantically, but straight men who have s*x with other men, are only into the s*x, not the person.

"When straight men have s*x with men, it's not a gay thing. It's a guy thing," he explains in a later video.

For the man who has s*x with other men and considers himself straight, it's more about getting off than getting close.

The video has had a lot of negative comments, most saying that men who have s*x with men are gay or bisexual, case-closed. "Can I eat steak and still be vegan?" one commenter asks.

Many also accused Kort of being mildly homophobic for giving straight men the option to have gay s*x without having to confront the notion they may be gay or bisexual.

Kort's videos point out the seldom-discussed idea that sexual and romantic attraction are not the same thing. Then, by adding the twist that someone can be into s*x with a certain gender without feeling any romantic pull, makes things even more confusing.

The type of men that Kort describes could be aroused by another man sexually, but wouldn't feel comfortable or have any interest in being emotionally intimate with them. In fact, the emotional intimacy with another man may make them uncomfortable. It's just s*x for s*x's sake and what's wrong with that?

This same type of man may enjoy fantasizing about gay s*x or watching gay pornography while having little interest in actually performing the act in real life.

Kort further explained his thoughts in a subsequent video.

"When I'm talking about straight men who sleep with men, I'm talking about a difference between who you're attracted to and what fantasies you have in your head. You have a sexual orientation and an erotic orientation," he says.

"And the things that are embedded in your erotic orientation that turn you on, that bring you to the finish line, can include other genders. You can imagine yourself being another gender," he continues.

Kort does a great job at explaining the difference between romantic and sexual attraction and that, for some, it spans gender. It may also help some men who are only into guys sexually and are unsure why they have zero romantic interest in someone, feel a little less confused.

While I realize that it's pretty ironic for someone as sexless as me to be saying this, I do believe that everyone is bisexual to some extent. Nobody is 100% straight and nobody is 100% gay. The extremely broad spectrum of human sexuality and desire is a great deal more intricate and complicated than simply checking a box with "straight", "gay", or "bisexual".

Also, relevant:



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You assume that Trump voters are people who can answer questions (148)

And you assume there is no enemy within needing rounding up. (-101)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Of course they are okay with it. They are uneducated clowns. They deny the holocaust. They deny January 6th. They deny everything and anything that goes against their narrative. Have you met any Trumpers? They aren't exactly the most intelligent group of people. (58)

Democrats hate Congolese and Russian people, Catholics, weapon used the justice system to get me arrested on an attempted murder charge when only thing I'm guilty of was shoplifting. They also tried deporting my girlfriend sister without ever being convicted of a crime because their gestapo cops ruined the evidence and they couldn't handle that  (-83)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

That's not what he means cupcake. (-53)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

"I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and destroying our country and by the way, totally destroying our country. The towns of villages, they're being inundated. But I don't think they're the problem in terms of election. I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. It should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard or if really necessary by the military." direct quote for ya bud. presidents shouldn't say shit like that. (13)

See how fricking ignorant you are 🤦🤷😂🤣Literally in that fricking quote YOU just posted Trump is directly talking about criminals. Specifically leftist criminals. How the frick are you this stupid? Do you wake up and just decide to leave your brain unplugged? He'll fricking yes arrest rioting criminals. If you bash someone's windows in your butt should be thrown in jail. And at times dumb butt... The left will over take entire cities rioting. Heck fricking yes bring the military in. Frick those rioters up! Stupid fricks start destroying small businesses, personal property, looting, etc.Stop being so fricking stupid. (-4)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Typical dumb butt liberal trying to add words to Trumps mouth.Heck yes I agree with him rounding up the MILLIONS of illegals that Biden and Kamala let in. They are literally called ILLEGAL aliens for a reason. Use your fricking brains! Go try to hop Mexico's border and see what happens. Stop being so fricking ignorant.No Trump wasn't taking about rounding up voters. Stop being so fricking stupid. Trumps case was just thrown out of court and he was given back his 500 million dollars. Why? Go watch the fricking court case! It was because the case was all political. The democrats was basically BEGGING the judge not to throws their asses in jail for bringing up false charges. THOSE are the people Trump is talking about. Stop being so fricking stupid.When political opponents try to have you arrested just because they don't like you... That's Nazi tactics. Democrats are fricking Nazi's. They brain wash you r-slurs and you don't even have enough since to watch the ACTUAL footage or court cases. I... (-23)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

It's 1933 Germany all over again. I'm not calling him a Nazi but the rhetoric matches. Everyone who doesn't agree is a traitor.Round up and get rid of illegals and some legally here.Richstag fire possibly equals two attempts at the leader.Has said he owns a copy of Mein Kampf but " never read" it. But has made direct quotes from the book. i.e. immigrants are "poisoning the blood"of America."Baby boomers must really hate their own parents if they plan to vote for this threat. They went to war, some even lied about their age to fight this monster. They complain that the schools don't teach the kids anymore, but yet they forget one of the biggest lessons they were taught in school. (13)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/GraciousAdler

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+0🐮)

Number of comments: 10

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Shitters melt down over minor nerfs in Space Marine 2

SM2 got an update with a new map and some balance changes. It includes these nerfs to player strength.

>Ruthless: Ammo crates have limited refills per player.

>Ruthless: Player's armour reduced by 20%.

>Substantial: Player's armour reduced by 10%

>Fencing weapons' perfect parry window will now have the same duration as balanced weapons but it will start from the first frame of parry animation

>Basic Auspex Scan: bonus damage on bosses is reduced by 30%.

>Melta Charge: damage to bosses is reduced by 70%.

The most significant change is that last one, basically what it means that you can no longer 1-shot bosses using a melta bomb and the auspex scan.

These changes seem pretty minor right? WRONG.

Wow, so no changes or improvements to Bolt weapons. But we are seeing the tried and true way of balancing a la Helldivers. The overall player experience is getting a downgrade via nerfs.And I love the reasoning given -> "Chaos operations aren't popular but we think they are too easy, so we made them harder".

"Overall player experience is getting a nerf" you wouldn't even notice these changes if they weren't listed you little cute twink. "Chaos operations aren't popular but we think they are too easy, so we made them harder" yes they thought chaos was too hard so they nerfed them but they realised they overdid it so they made them stronger again its called balancing you FRICKING R-SLUR.

All the nerfs to players completely doused my excitement for the update.

Bros...I can no longer mindlessly spam parry and 1-shot carnifexes...the imperium has fallen...trillions must die :chuditsover:

Sorry but these nerfs on the player are too far. Limiting armour, fencing AND ammo all at once?! You've gone from one extreme to the other…

This is what all the whinging about the game being stupid because it was too easy after the last patch did

"Wow based devs listening to the players!" :!marseysoyhype:

"NO NOT LIKE THAT!" :!soymad:

Oh boy… they are doing a helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 and it's consequences have been a disaster for the g*mer race.

git gud

Shut the frick up. This is Warhammer, not Dark Souls.

Go suck Miyazakis peepee else where we want to have fun.

And here we have my most hated type of response.

>I would like the game to be challenging on the highest difficulty


>UM, this isn't dark souls you fricking SWEATY INCEL. Some of us G*MER DADS just want to have FUN


I FRICKING HATE this game's community and hope all these shitters leave so the devs stop listening to them and let people with triple digit IQs actually enjoy the game.

is snl funny?

@spiderman was right about everything

!superheroes :#vegetakneel:

Life is strange devs doing damage control

Imagine how pathetic you have to be to be proud of owning your own mom in a political debate
Based :chadbaby:

@StakeNegg love sucking peepee


Soooooooo much shit holy frick


I have to be deliberately vague on some details so as not to endanger my spouse's job. I will only say that he/she is a government employee. All employees with his/her agency have been informed that they are not to come into the office and to work from home the day AFTER Election Day.

They obviously have some security concerns to implement this. I can't say much more than that. Again, I don't want to put his/her job at risk, but I feel this is important information.


According to this

Posting this video due to the questions & comments in the thread regarding the woman that was killed in her vehicle by a tornado in Iowa. My wife and I both have advanced training from the National Weather Service and 20 years of experience in the field. DO NOT attempt to do this without training!

chat is this true?

Baby Boys! :marseycornholio: :beavisandbuttheadrocking:

Aren't Brock and Rusty adorable?! :marseybow: :marseyheart:

!animalposters !cats !catholics

Reported by:

If @elonmusk

wants to raise birthrates, he should purchase Match Group, the company that controls Tinder and Hinge—over half of the online dating market. No company comes close to Match Group's chokehold on modern love. And, as you'll discover, no company is as shockingly evil.

I first encountered Match Group three years ago when I began college. I was horny... but I didn't want to hook up with random girls so I downloaded Hinge. I went on a few dates. There was one girl that I really started to like. Then I woke up one morning and was suddenly banned.

Did you know you can get banned on Hinge if just one woman reports you for whatever reason she wants? Maybe she didn't like your bio. Or maybe your ex found you. And if you do get banned, did you know the app sends an email to every woman you matched with? Good luck!

You think you can outsmart the system and create a new account? That will require a new phone and a new phone number. You will also need to use a different name and birthday on your account and create the account from a different Wi-Fi and GPS location. You need entirely new photos as well. And that will probably still not work because the apps likely use facial recognition and will detect you. Whatever technology you think these apps have, they're far beyond that.

I've learned all of this because of a subreddit called /r/SwipeHelper. The entire purpose of the community is to help men get unbanned from Hinge and Tinder. There are 34,000 members.

But hard bans are not even the worst thing Match Group does. Those bans are quite generous, actually, as they at least prevent men from purchasing subscriptions or boosts. Indeed, there is a much more subtle punishment in the form of a shadow ban, which throttles the visibility of a man's account and pushes him to spend money in hopes of being seen by women. Here is where the true dystopia begins.

Eleven days ago, someone claiming to have worked in quality assurance for various dating apps wrote a post on /r/SwipeHelper. Their post went into great detail about their work and aligns precisely with what many people have observed for years, so I'm inclined to believe it. I'll link to it in a comment below.

This person says their job was to handle reports about users and decide a punishment. They note that one of the most common reports women make about men is "I just don't like him."

The insider writes: "If you get too many of these types of reports, you will get a temp shadow ban and go on a 'Probation Period' where your profile is not shown to regular members, while you can still see everybody just fine. Any likes you send will never be received by the other member."

The person adds that whether someone gets hard-banned or shadow-banned depends on whether someone is a "repeat offender." If someone has received several reports, they'll more likely get shadow-banned to waste their time and make them think they can still use the app.

It is in this state that men feel worthless. Weeks pass, and they receive zero messages, zero likes, and zero matches. They become desperate and start purchasing boosts and subscriptions.

How much money does Match Group, with a market cap of $9.7 billion, earn from shadow-banning men? Would it surprise you if shadow bans were one of the primary ways—if not the primary way—the company makes a profit? Is this even legal?

Match Group has a direct incentive to make it impossible for men to find love. You can say these men should meet women in person, but do they even have the confidence to do that now? If they get literally zero matches on a dating app, what makes them think they'll be successful in real life? How many give up outright?

A billionaire like Elon could purchase a majority stake in Match Group for less than $5 billion. The first step? Make the algorithm public. Show everyone how these apps have been manipulating them and profiting from it. Explore criminal charges for those responsible.

The rest is simple: eliminate shadow banning, offer amnesty to banned users, and make the algorithm fair. That alone would lead to countless new relationships.

Online dating is the future. Our society has become far too atomized and distrustful for in-person meetups to ever have a renaissance. Men fear face-to-face rejection; women fear "creeps." Media indoctrination has ensured these dynamics are here to stay. Trying to overcome them is futile.

What can be overthrown, however, are the malicious people who currently control dating apps—people who happily demoralize and deprive men of love if it means more profit. Sure, someone like Elon could start an alternative company and face all the obstacles of creating new infrastructure and obtaining new users. Or he could take control of what already exists, as he did with 𝕏.

Let dating apps serve society. The future awaits.

:marseynotes: :marseychingchong: :marseymacarthur:

Criminal law is among the harshest of cowtools at the disposal of the State to exert control over individuals … as such, it ought to be a measure of last resort; however, globally, there has been a growing trend towards overcriminalization

We must acknowledge that these laws not only violate human rights, but the fundamental principles of criminal law themselves

With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to s*x must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the s*x/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage. Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to s*x may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.

Has this been posted here?


I'll give you insight from an actual 24/7 dynamic (i.e. one that isn't just human trafficking pretending to be BDSM).

So my husband is the Master, I'm the Alpha, and then we have a third, the slave. (I'll call him "John")

Here's how that goes. Let me paint you a picture:

John doesn't have a job right now, so we are financially supporting him. We've also made it clear to him that we will continue financially supporting him as long as he needs.

He's also coding an app for us. But, he has received company shares for this work.

He does our housework for us, and both my husband and I send him on errands. He does also get punished if he disobeys or if he slacks off. But nothing extreme. And that's actually pretty uncommon, he's generally very obedient.

We've been teaching him how to cook because it's very important to us that any submissive or slave that we keep leaves us with better life skills than they came to us with.

He's an emotionally integrated part of the household at this point. I cuddle with him, we watch MasterChef together. Husband or I make him breakfast, he bakes us cakes.

Anyway, you were wondering about the social aspect.

I've met his friends. The kinky ones know what his collar means and know at least generally what his role in my life is. The non-kinky ones do not. We are staying with his mother right now, and she 100% knows that the three of us are some kind of unit, but probably not the sordid details.

My husband's family has talked about inviting us on a cruise next year. We are almost certainly going to request that they extend the invitation to John as well.

It's hard to explain to people, because the socially accepted categories are "family" and "friend," but John occupies a role that is kind of in the middle of those, and that makes it awkward to navigate certain social scenarios that expect you to be one or the other. People don't know that John is our slave unless we tell them or they are observant enough to clock that both John and I wear padlocked collars.

Anyway, I know your comment was made mostly in jest, but figured I'd give you a look at a healthier dynamic in case you were interested.

I know you say it's healthier but I still find this depressing.


John gets quite a lot out of this. He needs companionship and benefits from the discipline and structure that the relationship provides.He also derives a lot of sexual satisfaction from it.

My Master/husband and I have a dead bedroom, and John meets his needs. No jealousy here---I'm happy that they're happy.

BDSM isn't for everyone, but we are all in and around our 30s and every single one of us has been into BDSM since before we had the vocabulary to even talk about it.

I am gonna be extreme... so YOU are actually the third wheel? And really no offense, but your explanation does sound like some slave holders back in the day tried to explain how their slaves "need" a master and benefit from a warm meal and a roof.... I would suggest therapy for all of you including you...

No, I am not the third wheel. My husband and I are non-monogamous, but that doesn't mean that we love each other less or that he loves John more.

I really cannot stress enough that John actively sought this precise kind of arrangement for years using a website specifically dedicated to kink networking. We did not entrap him or coerce him in any way, and he is free to leave at any time.

At some point you simply have to learn to accept that not everyone wants the same things as you, and not everyone wants the same things as the average person in society.

I'd also like to refer you to this article from Psychology Today: What to Understand About People Who Enjoy BDSM and Kink

Choice quotes:

• ⁠A robust psychological literature shows that BDSMers are as mentally healthy as the general population.

• ⁠Researchers concluded that far from threatening mental health, BDSM actually contributes to it.

• ⁠The new study is just one of many over the past 25 years to show that BDSM players have no psychological problems unique to their kinky play, and are no more likely than the general population to suffer from psychiatric problems.

New US psyop game just dropped

Hey !zoomers! Do you wanna play a cel shaded Gamecube game? :marseycool2:

You do? :marseyderp:

LET'S PLAY "CAVE EXPLORER"! :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyhuh2:

(^p sure that dragon guy tries to vore you btw^)

Literally this :marseyxd:

Reported by:
:marseygunshotsuicide: Just turned 28 and still no Hogwarts letter

I'm 28 F, grown as heck and yet I broke down sobbing yesterday because of the reality that I'll never wake up and be an immortal magical being who spends their life questing and adventuring and saving the world. Like even if your only goal in life is to become rich, as long as you're still alive that's a possibility..but my dreams can never come true. I'm still a mortal human working 40 hrs a week to barely survive. Does anyone else feel like reading too much fantasy has been detrimental to their mental health like this? I'm genuinely so heart broken that I'll never get to go on an adventure in middle earth.

>grown as heck :marseysurejan:

It's another episode of "Help! I never grew up!" where OP goes to the hugbox that probably helped her into this mess

Most of the responses are well-intentioned (and mostly r-slurred) advice about how to step away from the cliff of psychosis, but these brave few tell OP to do a cannon ball into insanity


Aliens are visiting our planet and AI is about to be sentient. The sky is the fricking limit. Just be patient and give it a few years


Ok. This may sound weird, but there a whole universe of beyond your imagination out there. Apparently, this is real r/astralprojection


You might be reincarnated as a great King/Queen or philosopher with a life full of adventure :) ever had any crazy dreams that felt farmiliar


we are about to experience medical breakthroughs unlike any other time. if you can survive for the next 10 years then we will all be functionally immortal.. and then u can have all the crazy adventures you want! hahaha


Listen, you cannot possibly think that your existence ends here. Your consciousness will always live on as non-existence is not possible. We all will get reincarnated. | (I lost the link for this one) :marseyrain:


This. I really hate it when tone-deaf privileged people make sweeping assumptions and extrapolations based on their privileged backgrounds.

(The assumptions and extrapolations being that OP should go outside)

You go, King! Fight the power! :marseyletsgo:

Let them know we won't take it lying down when they tell us... Uh, wait, hang on a second... :marseyjohnson:

When they tell us "poor people have any agency at all in their lives"!

Even the average /r/fantasy user found this to be too loserish and offered a rebuttal

These guys take the topic as seriously as it deserves


Yeah I had to stop watching that Pixar movie cars for the same type thing. I was absolutely heart broken that I would never be a car. I mean people who dream of being a dr have a chance but me?! No!!! I'll never be a car!!! And it's not fair!!!!! 38m


Have you considered becoming a vagrant?

You'd get to go on epic adventures to acquire loot (copper piping) while avoiding the minions of the Dark Lord (the police).

Hmm, perhaps you need a reality check. Read some grimdark. :marsey40k:

This is good advice. She might disavow reading entirely after one of those


Your in good company. The world is full of delusional people who are looking forward to a future existence in a magical wonderland... It's called religion.



I remember telling a CBT therapist I had that there were deep issues in my life that couldn't be solved. He asked me, in a can-do way, what kind of issues. I said, 'Well, for example, the fact there are no dragons.'

He was lost for a reply haha. :marseyclueless:

And then he used my payment for that session to wipe his tears after being verbally destroyed

Dad gets prison time for letting that sleep with his son*x-with-student/

Weekly What are you watching thread #16

So what's everyone watching this week? I've only seen some anime movies on Netflix which I won't bother you guys with since it's against the spirit of this hole :marseyweebgenocide:

!kino discuss

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