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I have gaged that most of you are in high school, and this is much more a question for the Og sub but I don't feel like making a Reddit account just for this.
I'm almost 26 and have never done anything with my life. Been to rehab and in and out of psych wards for being a dramatic b-word, and have never held a job for over a year + long stints of unemployment. Basically I have a dog shit resume and feel deeply ashamed of my position in life, I have never been in debt but I am thinking about going to college, but I am only even remotely interested in humanities. I am really thinking about going for International Relations, but idk if this would be a good idea or if I should just learn a trade or go into nursing.
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I think my peepee looks good, it's not the biggest but I think it looks nice and it has a big vein on it.
I like shaving my peepee and balls so the peepee is more visible and the vein really pops out
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Indian father math is making sure their daughter is disgustingly over-educated, buying her complex literature about global issues and female liberation, making her read classics, and then getting mad when she turns out to be a raging feminist who argues with elders over misogyny
— Divyanshi ๐ฆ (@Swagitttarius) January 26, 2025
I detest old simps so much its unreal. At least young ones can partly be explained as result of their environment.
No like I keep my mouth shut and call you whores r-slurred in my mind when you're yapping offline. Why would you engage in any political argument IRL?
If a sister says it its true Lynch that geriatric.
Lol. Lmao. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person, phull sapport to pheminists destroying their parent's marriage in their last years
No I'm the better pheminist cause my dad didn't pamper me
How is arguing with randos you see once a year liberating lmao?
Gulaged unless you're top 0.5% ofc.
Oh looks there's a phag just like her father in there. Hope your sherni daughter gets killed by her muzzie bf bro
Isn't there someone you forgot to ask
BTW this is what the femoid looks like
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A Gerenuk couple out on a date. The Female picks out the branch she likes and male bends it to let the female feed. pic.twitter.com/bcIOC7Aqau
— Nature is Amazing โ๏ธ (@AMAZlNGNATURE) February 28, 2025
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— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) February 16, 2025
Should have this game wrapped up by June at the pace they're going. !mensfootball
โ Jomboy Media (@JomboyMedia) February 16, 2025
โ Nasty Knuckles (@NastyKnuckles) February 16, 2025
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i've seen atleast two against my will
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I bought a 400/5.6L which will give me long reach to shoot wild raccoons, birds, butts, cars racing and boats. On my Canon R5 I can also shoot in crop mode which will give me a 1.6x multiplier without losing light like you would using the 1.4x teleconverter.
But here's the stupid part.
I've been really getting into video lately and most of my lenses aren't geared towards that. I have the following.
TS-E 17/4 - Manual focus, ultra wide architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.
TS-E 24/3.5IIL - Manual focus, wide architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.
EF 16-35/4L IS - Ultrawide zoom, great for video but with a stiff zoom ring which sucks because the camera ends up twisting when you try and pull a zoom
EF 17-40/4L IS - My first "expensive" lens, great sharpness and smooth but light zoom ring.
TS-E 45/2.8 - Manual focus, normal architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.
EF 50/1.4 - A really great, normal lens if you're shooting stills, but has an archaic autofocus motor that's too slow to keep up with video.
EF 85/1.8 - Great short telephoto lens with fast focus and great low-light capabilities.
TS-E 90/2.8 - Manual focus, telephoto architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.
EF 70-200/4L IS - Great for shooting video but only for tight spots. The largest lens I can balance out on my gimbal.
I had the 17-40/4L first and when I got into video, I thought I should have an ultra wide zoom with image stabilization, thinking it would work in concert with the cameras in-body stabilization. I was wrong. It's one or the other. So the upgrade to the 16-35 was for naught. In fact, I like using the 17-40 more, since the zoom ring is very low resistance and it's much lighter weight (not that I'm a kitty, it's just easier to balance on my gimbal).
Some of the more photography-knowledgeable people here are going to realize what I'm missing - a good mid-range zoom lens, like a 24-70mm. Especially since I've been doing a lot of documentary style filming and plan on continuing my Geezer Group doc this summer. Otherwise I have to be constantly switching lenses while trying to capture things in the moment, between the 17-40, 50, and 70-200. So what I'm saying is, I should've bought that. However, it still feels kind of redundant being a focal length I already have covered with other lenses, while the 400mm is something fresh and new. Especially after running into the limitations of the 70-200 during my recent trip to Florida while trying to film boats from the shore.
Was buying the 400mm a mistake? Probably in the short run, but I can always save up and buy a midrange zoom sometime this spring. I have money, but I can only access a little bit of it each month and there are a lot of things I want and need.
I dunno.
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Right, there's nothing productive to be had in terms of discussion here, and I don't think you guys even care at this point either to try.
Call it whatever stupid buzzword you want - Woke, DEI, PC, SJW, or whatever dumb term people come up with next week. I don't care. The term means, always has meant, and always WILL mean "Not being an butthole to someone because they're different to you."
Don't pretend that the old stories were fine just having black or gay people - Because buttholes complained about that then, just like you are complaining about it now. The reality is, people who are not the same skin colour, sexual orientation, gender, lifestyle, size, physical ability, etc etc, than you, Exist. They always have, and always will.
Culture including people with different characteristics to you IS NOT A SLIGHT. They are not doing it to offend you, or to "gaslamp you" or whatever nonsense the Anti Woke Brigade has come up with this week. These characters are being created so that the real human beings who have those differences, have someone to look at and go "Hey this guy's like me!" That's it. That's the whole thing. It's just about making everybody feel welcome.
If you want to complain about this, I encourage you to send us a modmail. But this thread is locked, and you know darn well why.
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FAKE drammies, do NOT engage
The Drammy Awards 2024 - Nominations Thread ($150,000 Marseybux and 9 badges up for grabs!)
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Nominations will stay up until January 12th, upon which the finalists for each category will be decided.
Happy New Year, strags and hags! Against all odds, we've survived another year, despite an absolutely shameful showing from our jannies this past year! You might be wondering, "why isn't @Marco making this post?" Well, when I DM'd
@Aevann asking the same, he told me Marco was AWOL and to "make the darn post urself." (This includes the badges.) So I am!
2024 was a truly insane year for IRL drama, so it makes sense things on-site would be tame in comparison. In fact, it would be an insult to the utter mayhem of 2024 to pretend anything we did compares, so our on-site awards will be a little different than usual. Also I was told to not just directly rip off @Marco's thing.
Now, the structure will be as usual, but for those who are not familiar: this thread will stay up for a week. Beneath this thread proper, there will be sticked comments for each category of nomination. Reply to those comments with your nominations. In one week, on the 12th, nominations will close, and the top three most upmarseyed replies, plus a jannie's pick and a host's (my) pick, will move on to the finalist voting thread. If you don't nominate your favorite things, NO ONE ELSE WILL, so nominate them!
Without further ado, the categories!
Best Real-Life Dramatic Happening 
The real shit. 2024 was an American election year and also some irrelevant countries did some things I think. I can't be bothered to keep up with the Third World.
Which dramatic happenings from meatspace did you find most compelling?
Nominations Comment
Best Off-Site Online Dramatic Happening 
The fake shit. Politicians and celebrities have embraced the Internet to the point where they're having interviews with livestreamers. Kill me. What was the funniest farce to come off the World Wide Web this year? What event makes you regret the Industrial Revolution the most?
Nominations Comment
WORST Dramneurodivergent of the Year 
Research indicates that the last good user to sign up for this website was in June of 2021. Our on-site performance in 2024 reflects that.
Which user did you hate the most this year? Which user do you think ruined the site experience more than anyone else? And which user do you want to see rewarded for that?
Nominations Comment
$50,000 mbux + Profile Badge
Shittiest Shitpost 
Research indicates that the last good post made on this website was in... March 2015? Oh dear. Well, since there's nothing good worth writing home about, why don't we celebrate the biggest turd in this open-air sewage system?
Nominations Comment
$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge
Best rDrama Bait 
This has already been decided, it's going to /r/fuckluigimangione and it's top contributors.
$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge
In Memsorial 
Soren was a beloved user, famed for being the best meta-troll to ever exist. No one has ever lived up to the example he set for proving dramneurodivergents are just as troll-able as the Redditors we hate. Soren stopped posting on the site to focus on his studies at the Georgetown University Law Center, and we wish him the best of luck. In Soren's memory, and to make up for the fact that there's no vote for the best off-site bait, we'll be having a vote for the best meta-troll of 2024. Which user was best at baiting other dramneurodivergents? Who trolled the most fellow trolls?
Nominations Comment
$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge
Best rDrama Activist 
This is going to @Sphereserf3232 because he was grass awarded eight times this year. We know for a fact that there are users on this site (
@Spiderman ) who didn't even go outside eight times this year.
$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge
Eviction Notice 
This one is new, and a little special. Our dear friend @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS has long been complaining about the existence of House Edgy and saying that it should be removed. Aevann agrees that there should only be four. This award is for an entire rDrama House- whichever one showed the LEAST House spirit, the LEAST House activity, and the LEAST reason to exist. Whichever House wins this award will be removed from both rDrama and WatchPeopleDie, and all of its former members will receive this badge.
Nominations Comment
House Deletion + Profile Badge
Ugliest Marseymon 
Did you know that our Pokemon event is still on-going? Neither did I, because our jannies can't be bothered to keep site spirit events alive! See: the fact I'm doing this. Anyway, a lot of people made some really, really ugly excuses of emojis in order to get the badges from that event. Let's find and shame the ugliest of them all! All emojis tagged "pkmn" are eligible, whether they be a Marsey, Platy, Wolf, Carp, Capy, Donkey Kong, Taylor, or anything else, really. So long as the creator got one of the Marseydex badges from it.
Nominations Comment
$10,000 mbux + Profile Badge
The badge will be made from said emoji once it's voted on.
Lolcow of the Year (rDrama) 
The opposite of In Memsorial, this user was the most hopelessly prey to other's bait attempts, the most mockable r-slur, the funniest freak, the hardest seriousposter. Who gave our community the most laughs at their own expense?
Nominations Comment
$10,000 mbux + 2 Profile Badges
Lolcow of the Year (off-site) 
People have been making real fools of themselves online for all of history, but this year was especially densely packed. Who was the most laughable internet citizen with NO rDrama affiliation?
Nominations Comment
Worst rDrama Janny 
Last and least, which of our useless, lazy moderators do you think is the worst among the bunch? Who do you think is the biggest detriment to the site and its community? Former jannies who were demopped in 2024 are eligible for the election. If a sitting janny other than Aevann or Carp wins this category, they will be demopped!
Nominations Comment
Demopping + 2 Profile Badges
Thank you for reading this far, now let's get nominating!
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Ye spotted in public wearing his swะฐstikะฐ tee ๐ pic.twitter.com/5pykcGLVHY
— AF Hasbaraโ (@afhasbara) February 28, 2025
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The Cat Returns (2002) pic.twitter.com/p2QkZNBqzE
— Retro Anime (@retro_twt) February 12, 2025
Pirate: https://nyaa.si/view/1225344
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1. "some of you Chuds shouldn't reproduce"
"neither should you by the looks of it"
2. "did she breed with an alien?"
3. "he looks like Megamind!"
"he also looks like he's out of Star Trek
4. "Grow the F up!"
Chudposting intensifies
Brexit Geezer jokes intensifies
6. "I've got a sick sense of humor... but this is too far..."
7. "is there something wrong with the baby?"
"nah, Modok is fine"
8. "imagine pushing that out... pray for my poor vagina"
"not funny"
"who's joking?"