highlights from this thread include:


yeah this super scary d&d nerd who wants to make america a monarchy is why you MUST vote blue no matter who



this very stable guy posts exclusively in rsp subs and /r/oldergenz



you have 30k comment karma in rsp subs over a few months


redditor of 6 years calmed down because federal bureaucrats didn't quit :marseymonk:


this cute twink actually unironically trotted out the "prep for tuesday" bit from /r/twoxpreppers lol



the usual callbacks to 2016-2020


autism man is going to use your social security number to launder money to buy video game items

its all so tiresome


I am cleaning out my closet and I found my old college assignments for one of my sociology classes! In this class, my professor was a butch lesbian that had us learn about Valerie Solanas, a radical feminist that wrote the SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men ) Manifesto. She is most well known for shooting the artist Andy Warhol.

This is Valerie Solanas:


Those eyes sure look sane! Valerie proves that Sanpaku Eyes are REAL:


Anyway, my professor had us read her SCUM manifesto and then write about it. I'm not going to post the entire manifesto because it's long and wordy, but she did have some entertaining quotes.

First, men are so pointless, that they are not even useful for making babies:

It is now technically feasible to reproduce without the aid of males (or, for that matter, females) and to produce only females. We must begin immediately to do so. Retaining the male has not even the dubious purpose of reproduction. The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

Here she points out how men are even more worthless than apes:

The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. His responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; his intelligence is a mere tool in the services of his drives and needs; he is incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; he can't relate to anything other than his own physical sensations. He is a half-dead, unresponsive lump, incapable of giving or receiving pleasure or happiness; consequently, he is at best an utter bore, an inoffensive blob, since only those capable of absorption in others can be charming. He is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes, and is far worse off than the apes because, unlike the apes, he is capable of a large array of negative feelings -- hate, jealousy, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, doubt -- and moreover, he is aware of what he is and what he isn't.

Here she talks about how men suck at s*x and will screw anything (tbh she might have a point for some men lol)

Although completely physical, the male is unfit even for stud service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few men have, he is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in male nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling he attains is next to nothing; and third, he is not empathizing with his partner, but is obsessed with how he's doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo. It's often said that men use women. Use them for what? Surely not pleasure.

Eaten up with guilt, shame, fears and insecurities and obtaining, if he's lucky, a barely perceptible physical feeling, the male is, nonetheless, obsessed with screwing; he'll swim through a river of snot, wade nostril-deep through a mile of vomit, if he thinks there'll be a friendly kitty awaiting him. He'll screw a woman he despises, any snaggle-toothed hag, and furthermore, pay for the opportunity. Why? Relieving physical tension isn't the answer, as masturbation suffices for that. It's not ego satisfaction; that doesn't explain screwing corpses and babies.


Here we see that Valerie was ahead of her time. She has figured out why some men :marseytrain2: out:

Being an incomplete female, the male spends his life attempting to complete himself, to become female. He attempts to do this by constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live through an fuse with the female, and by claiming as his own all female characteristics -- emotional strength and independence, forcefulness, dynamism, decisiveness, coolness, objectivity, assertiveness, courage, integrity, vitality, intensity, depth of character, grooviness, etc -- and projecting onto women all male traits -- vanity, frivolity, triviality, weakness, etc. It should be said, though, that the male has one glaring area of superiority over the female -- public relations. (He has done a brilliant job of convincing millions of women that men are women and women are men). The male claim that females find fulfillment through motherhood and sexuality reflects what males think they'd find fulfilling if they were female.

Women, in other words, don't have peepee envy; men have kitty envy. When the male accepts his passivity, defines himself as a woman (males as well as females think men are women and women are men), and becomes a transvestite he loses his desire to screw (or to do anything else, for that matter; he fulfills himself as a drag queen) and gets his peepee chopped off. He then achieves a continuous diffuse sexual feeling from `being a woman'. Screwing is, for a man, a defense against his desire to be female. He is responsible for:

You can read the full manifesto here if you're bored enough: https://www.khoury.northeastern.edu/home/shivers/rants/scum.html

I don't have my assignment on this paper with me, but I do remember she asked us to write about two claims in the manifesto that we with agree with and two things that we disagree with. I remember that I wrote I disagree with Valerie's claim that men are dildos because a dildo is something a woman has to use herself, whereas with men, a woman can just lay down and do absolutely nothing while the man does all the work. She gave me -2 points for that answer :marseycry:

EFFORTPOST Schizo Stacey documents β€žbeing stalked by the feds" for TikTok views :marseyglow2:

Lisa is an American TikToker who goes by the handle @ stalkedbythefeds, where she posts videos alleging she is under FBI investigation as a result of her having an affair with an FBI agent named Lenny DePaul. She claims that ever since she told DePaul's wife of their affair, the FBI has retaliated by opening up an investigation against her. Her proof that she is under investigation includes:

  • Videos of random people in public

  • Videos and pictures of cars parked outside of her house, cars with tinted windows, or cars with β€žweird license plates"

  • People sitting in their cars outside of her gym

  • Other insane nonsense

How does she have time to schizo post all day? She previously was a psychiatric nurse pratictioner, but now she collects monthly disability checks for an undisclosed disability, which some of her viewers assume is some sort of mental illness causing her delusions. She claims that the FBI is trying to find evidence of her committing "insurance fraud" relating to her disability, and that they've concocted schemes to make her look like she isn't actually qualified. Or alternatively, just find her guilty of absolutely anything so Lenny can get his sweet, sweet revenge over 4 years later.

Here are some of the ways she claims the FBI have tried to entrap her:

She said that the FBI approached her hairdresser and convinced her to become a CI. She says it was "so obvious" to her because her hairdresser "Started asking questions." She claims that almost everybody that she interacts with is in cahoots with the feds and anybody who isn't will be coerced into becoming an informer.

She also claims the FBI turned one of her lifelong friends into a CI. Supposedly, the FBI tried to get her to commit fraud by convincing her long-time friend to ask Lisa (who was a RN at the time) if she could help get the friend's sister on disability, because she couldn't work due to health complications. Lisa says she "didn't take the bait", and instead accuses her friend of selling out to the FBI when she was seemingly just looking for help for her sister.

She again claimed that the FBI poached one of her friends, this time by trying to get Lisa (still a RN at the time) to sign "emotional support animal" paperwork so she didn't have to pay the pet fee to her landlord. Suprise Lisa, the FBI isn't setting you up- your friends are asking favors from you.

Recently, she announced that to escape the feds, she was going to be moving to Bali (which to many may seem like a worse fate…) But, lo and behold, to the shock of almost no one, within less than 4 days of moving she claimed she was still being followed in Bali. Including the riveting proof of: a lady standing outside on her own porch (complete with scary music in the background)

Although on the surface, this may seem like just another insane schizo "gangstalking" victim, some of her followers have theorized that this is all a very intricate scam concocted to scrape the wallets of r-slurred tiktok users and collect tiktok creator fund money in addition to her disability (which I believe in itself would be insurance fraud. We got er boys!!! :marseyglow:) Her denial of this is not helped by the GoFundMe link in her bio (even if it's only raised less than $300 with a goal of 20k.) Another TikToker, https://tiktok.com/@mamaphilly26 released a series of videos claiming to have previously worked for Lisa, and stating that she believes her story is a ruse.


Even if the whole stalking story is fake, I do not believe that she is not crazy. This is not the face of a sane woman:


The episode where two enemies became friends

or they just tolerated each other because the heat pad was better than everywhere else







Creepy :marseydisconcerting: neighbor macks on reddit :marseychonkerfoid: foid in r/Apartmentliving


:marseychessknight: GOOMBLE INSIDE :marseyladybugcapitalist: biggest drama in chess since the Gary Kasparov split. would you bet on it?

what is freestyle chess?

it is a variant created by the legendary racist bobby fischer where the last rank is shuffled up, tossing the opening prep out of the window.

FIDE, the big boss of chess, thinks they're the only ones who can use "World Championship". Freestyle Chess Players Club wanted to call their tournament a "World Championship" too, but FIDE wasn't having it. They told players to sign a waiver to stay cool with FIDE events if they played in Freestyle.

Things got spicy with both sides throwing shade. FIDE's CEO, Emil Sutovsky, said Freestyle Chess was just protecting the elite players. Freestyle Chess hit back, saying FIDE was pressuring players and even called for the FIDE president to step down.

After all the drama, Freestyle Chess agreed to drop "World Championship" from their promo stuff for the next 10 months. This was a move to keep things chill for a bit.

they are planning tennis like tour and F1 like point system.

the first Grand Slam 2025 Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Weissenhaus is going on rn. semifinals would start from tomorrow. would you like to bet?


tourney drama

magnus initially performed mediocre during the round robin phase, leading to people declaring him washed. currently he's playing games at 98% accuracy while eating fruits (banana)

caruana is rumored to have studied all 960 opening maps and has put the current FIDE world champ Gukesh in his place through straight upperhand matchups

sindarov, the last minute entrant, runner up of the qualifier has been upsetting people left & right. he even chose the tough matchup hikaru (the legendary streamer) for the quarterfinal, shocking everyone. currently playing the tiebreaker

prince ali, the topper of the round robin. current playing vincent (the weakest pick) and is losing lmao. edit: bozo lost

Reported by:
  • Arran : :yawn:
  • Vegeta : silence jew
  • DangerousBlackGuy : Donkey kong is a racist game for simpletons and coons
  • c-3 : There are 12 active genocides happening at this moment and your FRICKING WORRYING ABOUT DONKEY KONG??
:marseysweating: :marseyscream: :marseyveryworried: Β‘REMINDER! Only 48 hours remain to earn this year's K-O-N-G badges before they're NEVER obtainable again :!marseysweating: :!marseyscream: :!marseyveryworried:


!badgemaxxers refer to above thread

Also a sneak peek of something


Also if I can figure out how to stream from the steamdeck would you guys watch me play donkey kong

I'm not very good

There would be no voice or camera or anything literally just dkc2

:marseychud: tells everyone about his reading list of chud books, excludes mein kampf because it was written by Jews.

King asks about his favorite book's exclusion


Minor spoilers, but if you want a list of things that indicate to me that KCD2 is not an "anti-woke" game: * Multiple gay romances, including with a major story character * There are multiple major characters who are Roma * Major ally who is sub-Saharan African * Major ally who is Jewish

Len (@len.bsky.social) 2025-02-03T18:03:17.150Z

The reviews for the new medieval gay romance game are up, some sites like Guardian and IGN are giving it praises, with scores like 10/10 and 9/10 respectively. This is already suspicious to /v/ users, who comment on it on the review thread:


However, one review in particular brings attention, written by IGN, where the author further confirms on Bluesky that the game indeed got the big gay:


Not only is the "gay romance" in, there are multiple gay romances, multiple gay characters, multiple ethnicities, a whole jew pogrom questline and the major romance is with Hans, a deuteragonist from the first game, who was 15 in it :marseypedo:


The character is a confirmed strag and game gives us choice to respond to his advances.

Bonus: Resetera user says that apparently Vavra is totes a big lefty and woke and non-chud and is pro abortion and gay rights! We were all fooled!



A small selection of posts:





Reported by:
  • novie : Actual volatile drama! Ignore agendaposts and get in here cute twinks :marseywavefast:
EFFORTPOST [Updates added] The eternal s*x pest :marseyspalslurp:, !neolibs darling Stephen "Destiny, a woman's name" Bonnel gets exposed! Again!

If you dont know who destiny is, hes a Political Streamer (now, he was a SC2 streamer before), the debate lord, the debate king if you will. He will debate you on anything, hes the contrarian extraordinaire, and extremely r-slurred. He is also a well known s*x pest, having s*x with mid streamer girls who are in his orbit, like literally everyone.

If you don't remember still, remember the peepee suck expose which took down KiwiFarms



12 Years ago he leaked the nudes of a girl and has been doing shit like this since, he just cant keep it in his pants or the pics in his phone.

That girl was called BlueTea


Here is the drama on gamefaqs



Cut to current times him fricking orbiters and getting into trouble has become more and more frequent.

We can dig into all these, his wife, his kid, his frick ups etc but thats gonna take 2 years of my time so lets get to the latest happenings

So this streamer thot named Pxie alleges Destiny intentionally leaked the video of her sucking his peepee and other sexual activities, I think its in the KF thread among the leaked clips

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17374902844MRuTMT1r1SUsg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490284P9hgOZ3F6dDHKQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490285h807jmmgLEJpIA.webp

She is suing this manlet now for whatever legal reason, she has a gofundme setup which is going no where

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490286tq0PTICqISnb2g.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490286n2o2n7Xs20m2Hg.webp


LSF Thread on this drama


Those DMs he sent apologizing and offering "any financial help you need" to her are pretty telling. Don't know how he gets out of this one

I mean he has a past history of leaking people's nudes. That was the first big drama with him and bluetea. Still shocked people didn't make a big deal how he essentially had a casting couch on twitch.

I never digged into how or why his nudes were leaked, but after doing so after seeing your comment there seems to be a pattern of him sharing intimate pictures with others he percieves as close friends. First bluetea and now this shitshow a decade or so later. Disgusting behaviour.

He has his own Ghislaine Maxwell and thats Kyla aka Notsoerudite who "was essentially functioning as Destiny's personal Ghislaine Maxwell by keeping the victims quiet and compliant."

This is her btw

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490286RlqFWiKjuuCs1Q.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490286iMeo6pfdknfwoQ.webp

And she's not the only one accusing him of this btw

There are more? :marseyagreefast:

Melina suggested that her leaked videos were shared without her consent. See https://old.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1hlpbjm/destinys_exwife_confirms_revenge_porn_rumors_done/

about time this goes more public.

This has been known for a month now in other places

surprised it didnt get deleted from here

how is destiny sending nudes of other people without their consent to a 19 year old girl okay.

not to mention destiny is like what 36 hitting up teenagers

I think he legitimately has a s*x addiction. This has always been his issue going back over a decade now. All his past relationships blew up because of his weird sexual antics.

He's a 36 year old multi-millionaire and he's still sending cringe DMs to random groomercord teenagers he hasn't even met? He could meet up with dozens of different women in Miami to frick if he wanted to, why is he still doing this cringe shit? :marseyagree:

He has been doing this for 13 years now. His original drama was leaking nudes of Bluetea back in the Starcraft 2 days.

Now another chick is accusing of leaking AUDIO?

Streamer Chaeiry claims Destiny non consensually recorded and shared intimate audio of her


Reference Image for judgement purposes

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490289AVQFlNdGLYGa5A.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490290OqseZJYxwhNxig.webp

She leaks more deets here





https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490287YTcDVOg6UAo53w.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490288EVDN8HHXJpoVyg.webp


LSF Thread


Why would anyone let this dude have access to a vagina?

I WONDER WHY :marseynooticeglow:

On this video you see him 4 years ago talking about sharing porn with people without their consent (timestamp 04:29:49)

Lmao, you know the situation is fricked when a political streamer doesn't react to the president's inauguration


The saddest thing is knowing that nothing will ever come from this, since D has survived equally bad situations like the Ana one before

Pre-facing this has been the only allegation I seen. I wouldn't say I'm a destiny fan but have used him as background noise for some video games, I could care less about leaked audio and doesn't change what view i have of destiny :marseyspal:

He did this to multiple women and it's been a pattern for 10 years. Pxie is suing him over the fact he shared videos of her without her consent. It should change. Your opinion.



If you look for controversial comments, its all DDG aka Daliban running defense for their streamer throughtout the thread

its mostly like "who said we are defending him!?" "he did no such thing" "lets wait for the lawsuit to settle" pure :marseyseethe:

Now lets look at /r/destiny shall we? The Daliban/DDG home

:#marseylongpost: by the "head mod" I didn't even read it, neither should you







/r/destiny is removing all posts related to this and relegating everything to the mod posts.

Now lets see the SJW Side, aka /r/YoutubeDrama

Pxie releases a statement, states she is suing Destiny in federal court for revenge porn

:#marseyjanny2:ed already

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490291jcGUPpW9tVknCQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490292L2KBTYvjlCHWkQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737490292RRnJ5tOAywaKaA.webp

Here is the link to the tweet thread:

Here is the link to her substack where she has her written statement: https://pxie412.substack.com/p/i-will-be-suing-steven-kenneth-bonnell

Good luck! I really hope his ex-wife Melina does the same. She's also visible in those revenge porn leaks and she confirmed on her stream it was non consensual. Destiny is a vile person.

She's probably getting death threats from his audience already. Hope she's got a good support system and can inspire some of the other victims to come forward.

Melina said she doesn't want any negativity, drama or harassment and only wants to focus on the positive things in her life from now on. That makes me think she is afraid of Destiny and his community to talk further about this or to take legal action, which I completely understand tbf. His community is absolutely disgusting, they are already calling pxie names on Twitter.

With any fanbase you're probably going to have 1. die hard fans, 2. that are chronically online. Bashing a whole community is super unnecessary. Read through the comments under this post, and tell me if it aligns with your perception of dgg community.

DGG are Kiwi Farms on steroids. They even fundraised to cover Kiwi Farms server costs. Stop covering up that you are part of one of the most toxic harassment groups on the internet.


Removed thread from /r/destiny


They have a mod post sticked now. This was removed btw


It said

Edit: Do not link or talk about things here. If you even suggest going somewhere in this thread you will be nuked. Do not talk about anyone involved in this whatsoever.

Another thread on /r/youtube Drama Destiny gives a statement on the Revenge Porn Allegations

I'm seeing a lot of people in that thread saying that he leaked nudes. They weren't just nudes, they were full blown s*x tapes. That's what that shithead is sending to random women he's trying to frick and the fact people are obscuring that, purposefully in a lot of cases is disgusting. Just based on how sloppy and reckless he is, I can almost guarantee more women are going to come out with proof that, he sent them s*x tapes of women he recorded.

I still don't get the logic with this, what is he trying to do? Show off how good he is at doing s*x?

This is just damage control. No taking accountability, no taking responsibility. Just damage control.

Forget accountability/responsibility, he didn't even admit his misdeeds

Oh yes he did. Unintentionally.


:#marseygigachad: thats what he is SIS! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!

Age old thread on SRS :marseyremember: about this pest


There is a well-known Starcraft 2 player, Steven Bonnell, also known as 'Destiny' who has been caught up in a rather disgraceful scandal, causing him to pull out of a MLG championship. Despite having a girlfriend, he took advantage of a much younger fan known as 'Bluetea', and then shared naked pictures of her with his friends calling her, amongst other names 'Shrek' and 'Butterface'.

Understandably feeling humiliated, she somehow was able to gain access to his Twitter account where she then leaked peepee pictures he had been sending her. In her own words, and from this thread ([+14] but she deleted her account)

I'll come out and say this is Bluetea. I really have nothing to lose.

Long story short, Steven leaked nude pictures of me to his Skype friends. He then joked about how "fricking hideous" my face is compared to my "beautiful body." They joked about how I look like Shrek. I do have a big nose, I guess.

Someone who apparently was in the chat room emailed me from a gmail account consisting of a bunch of random numbers. It had the chat log.

When I confronted him about it, he first feigned ignorance. When it became clear he was then just going to ignore me, I snapped. I had his email password from when I used to help schedule his lessons. I changed his email password, which enabled me to change his Twitter and Skype passwords. I have a folder full of peepee picks and, because I am so nice, tried to choose the most flattering to post.

My actions resulted from the build-up of many things he's done to me that I don't have time to mention, but his betrayal of my trust was the last straw. I hope you enjoy his peepee.

TL;DR - Don't leak nudes of me because I will steal your Twitter and post pictures of your peepee.)

How does Steven Bonnell respond?

By threatening to contact her work and school so he can get her scholarships and financial aid removed [+75]

>Was to two people***, not an entire chat room of people, two people that I consider pretty close friends.

I never feigned ignorance, just didn't want to get into it right before an MLG.

I can't imagine how you can think that people will never, ever, ever talk about anything personal or private amongst their friends. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I can't see myself caring at all if you shared pictures between your close friends, especially given the fact that I'd never see any of them in real life.

Glad you think you have a right to every single private conversation I ever have, though. Posting pictures of my peepee to 37k people + cutting me off from access to my e-mail/twitter is probably reasonable payback for me discussing something personal with two friends.

Thanks for the new work location, I wonder what your boss will think of this. Or your dean, for that matter. I wonder if it'd affect your scholarship or financial aid?


The thread itself is full of his fans coming out with comments like this

1: "Umm Bluetea is a slut [+63]

2: He insulted her behind closed doors in a private chat log nobody would ever see. She insulted him to the entire internet. Yeah, that's fair [+21]

And of course, no SRS thread would be complete without the obligatory calling-a-woman-a-c*nt, even when the guy is completely in the wrong, in this case, because he has to pull out of his match:

3: We'd be pissed if he didn't play since he's doing so well, and even if he lost because of this c*nt, then we'll know he at least tried his best. [+22]

And to top it all off, his poor girlfriend is brought out to protect him, partially because of a case of mistaken identity, as some people think she leaked the sick pictures. Her name is /u/Erisann and she responds in this thread coming to his defence.

How does she feel about the fact her boyfriend is showing peepee pictures of himself to his female Starcraft fans?

Even she doesn't know [+11]

tl;dr Guy shares nude pictures of a female fan and calls her Shrek and Butterface, she responds by posting his peepee pictures on Twitter, he threatens to call her school and work and get her school scholarship and financial aid cut, his fans rush to his defence.


Destiny has created this new thread currently at [+17]

Of particular interest are his exchanges to cattypakes who asks why do people defend you? [-9]. Steve Bonnell responds and then eventually makes it clear that he is indeed very much determined to get 'just punishment' [+6]:

It's not about "teaching someone a lesson", it's just punishment. I'm pretty sure what she did was illegal on quite a few levels, and the fact that it's damaging to a business that I use to support my family makes me a little less willing to "turn the other cheek".

Yeah, I acted pretty scumbaggish and shared her picture with a couple friends. But for her to leak a bunch of shit to 40k people? Why on earth wouldn't I share that with her employer and school when she tried to effectively destroy my livelihood?




Hasan is milking this to his hearts content

Answer: the mods are containing everything in thr stickied destiny response thread. That is what their reasoning is


Even the PREMIER STREAMER XQC weighs in


The crazy thing to me is how he managed to keep people from talking about this for a month. 1 month ago, I got a temporary ban from LSF for "Harassment: Unsourced Allegations" for saying there is no way he had consent to share the videos

There's really no way to defend what he did and that's why you only see lunatics like Darius defending Destiny. And I know legally some think it would be hard to fight but with the amount of victims and secret recording aspect of everything I think there could be a chance for justice.

Destiny Orbiters Struggling to Cope with Today's Bombshell

:redlight: SEVERE R-SLURATION :redlight:


I really want to feel sad for these thots but I can't BECAUSE they knew what he was and STILLfricked him for clout.

Peace :#marseypeace: and FRICK POLITICS STREAMERS

!dramatards @arsey !chuds

!jannies pls pin and mark efforpost :marseybegging:

Me & Who

@YALLAHblessYoTraplord this could be us but u playin'



VIDYA DRAMA: Latest civslop is out in "early access," reviews are not positive



The ultra premium all inclusive version with 7 days "early access" (paying extra to play a single player game early LMAO) is $130 and people who were grifted into buying it are not happy.

The largest map size in the game at launch is "normal."

Continent generation is broken beyond belief.


The UI was designed for console babbies and a complete mess on PC.

For a 4x strategy game there is very little info in game on how things work.

Maximum 5 human players for multiplayer.

All fixable problems tbh and I'm sure when I buy it in two years for 75% off it will be a very good game. People who spent $130 to beta test are getting exactly what they deserve.

What's funniest to me is there are very few complaints about the game itself. By all accounts it's a very fun civ game and a worthy successor to civ vi.

Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Chuds will believe anything. Never have so many been intentionally so r-slurred.


Guy posts a screenshot from usaspending.gov of the overview for Politico and then asserts

Politico spent years masquerading as an independent news outlet while secretly being propped up by USAID, a taxpayer-funded slush fund. Now, with Trump and Elon pulling the plug, the charade is over. No paychecks, no propaganda. This isn't journ*lismβ€”it was state-funded narrative control, designed to protect the regime and attack its enemies.

Politico had a problem with their payroll today and the chudspehere is convinced it has something to do with USAid. Naturally the chuds lap it up except if you scroll immediately below the overview you get this

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17387826238P9ooCIg7Sj9GA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738782624QV6VcvqOPjj6aQ.webp

It just means that other agencies are acting as fronts for USAid clearly. I wonder what they were paying them for? I hope its something juicy.


Print and internet subscriptions. No, thats just code for attempting to destroy Trump.

R-slurs go even further

Edit 3: 9 mil to Reuters

Edit 4: Associated Press

Reuters & AP are paid as wire services. US law requires agencies to publish via the register and wire services when they make administrative changes, its how people find out what they are doing. Multiple agencies (particularly state & DOD) also pay for wire subscriptions as its a cheap intelligence source.


Community Note by @BimoballZ2

Lmao @fedposter is a giant r-slur he just desperately makes shit up :marseyemojirofl: https://rdrama.net/post/340053/chuds-will-believe-anything-never-have/7750292#context

Helpful [49] Not Helpful [12]
Winningiest Chud Goes Homeless. Thankful for the Opportunity.





Civilization 7 is first game with no ps5 trophies


Would I be a :marseysoyswitch: if I bought a Couchmaster to play games on a Steam Deck + TV?

I want one so I can play Uboat https://store.steampowered.com/app/494840/UBOAT/ the xbox controller keyboard mapping is confusing :lemindblown:

about $150-200 https://us.nerdytec.com/products/couchmaster-cycon2

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739156571mZmLpk3zk2c0KA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739156859FiogarWiHm5fBg.webp

I feel like it's crossing into some new nerd realm :marseynerd2:




:!#donkeykongdonekong: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738857899lqPHGzCULeuVfw.webp :#donkeykongdonekong:

carp this is very important

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  • p : BOOOOORRRRING would rather watch a 3 hour long video essay
EFFORTPOST The story of April30th2015: How a doomsday larp caused mass chaos and panic

I've lately felt the need to make a few posts looking back on the days when Reddit wasn't completely lame and normie-fied, and this seemed like a good place to start. This occurred back in the days of 2015, ten years ago now, before Reddit would go on to become completely buckbroken by Trump's victory and G*mergate, thus ushering in the soulless website that is modern Reddit. The drama sub was in its infancy, culture wars and Tiktok hadn't ruined online discouse, it was a simpler time.

Back around the end of 2014, a subreddit would appear by name of 'April30th2015' with a sidebar message and post from user '20141220' explaining that he had mysteriously time traveled in his sleep back to the year of 2014 and felt the need to warn everyone of the impending solar flare disaster on April 30th, 2015 that would effectively plunge the world into chaos. Note: I had difficulty finding the original post as the sub OP eventually deleted their account but most of the sub's other posts are still readily available. The sidebar reads:

At 0250 UTC on Friday 1 May 2015 (which is late on Thursday, April 30th in the US) the power goes out throughout the world due to a solar storm on the level of the Carrington event of 1859 (though most people won't know the cause for several months): the power has gone out and there's no more running water or food deliveries ... and it will be this way for many years to come.

Within a the short period of time leading up to April, the sub amassed a decent amount of attention and as expected, reactions were very mixed.

Most immediately suspected it was a larp and reacted accordingly, quickly developing a meme culture around it and shitposting about the coming 'skeleton apocalypse'.

If the power goes out, people will say 430 blaze it instead of 420 blaze it because they will need to light candles

MRW the power goes out

April 29th be like...

BREAKING: Time Traveler has brought back photographs of the world after the power outage. Warfare and banditry become comonplace.

But this is Reddit and inevitably, some would take the bait.

Realscienceguydude comes to explain to us why time travel is impossible:

Why all of this is Bullsh*t


And 2015 Reddit responds as 2015 Reddit does:


Another brave skeptic steps forward:

Why This Can't Be True


And of course, some would play into the larp to the ridicule of most of the users.



The OP would eventually gain his own cabal of edgelords playing along in every post

Horrible... very horrible things await this poor planet


April 30th is not what you think it is. And it's exactly what you think it is. It is probably the end of Humanity as we know it.


I did it, but I couldn't stop them. Their plans have only been delayed for a year.


However, the reactions that would attract the most attention would be the ones genuinely panicking under the conviction that societal collapse was upon us.

I'm legit kind of freaked out about this, someone tell me why I shouldn't be, please.


This guy is a fricking butthole


Gullible person with anxiety here, is this roleplaying?!?!


Is this real?! D:


Now in the days leading up to April 30th, the larp would start to amp up: 20141220 would prophesize that a Malaysian Airlines planes set to take off the morning after April 30th would crash. Reactions were, again, mixed but largely skeptical but this wasn't enough to stop one user from rising up to the occasion.

20151220, you are terrorist and a fear monger. You either release a public message saying that this is a load of bullshit, or I and countless others will report you to authorities. Who's with me?


He'd go on to argue in a now deleted post about his valiant efforts to stop this terrorist.


Now, after rumbleshit had supposedly contacted the authorities over this, 20141220 would abruptly delete his account and a gloating thread would follow.



With the bulk of his gloating occurring here


But that wouldn't be the end of this as new accounts stepped in to push the larp.

I am 20141220, and I do not live in Greater London


Many would argue in the comments section about whether he was the legitimate 20141220 or not, but a new account would soon appear. The user SaveTheSpyCrabs would step forward with a post announcing he was 20141220 and this had merely been an epic troll.

He never broke character, *I never broke character.


He'd go on to try to argue some sort of proof in the comments but users remained skeptical. April 30th of 2015 soon approached and to no one's surprise, nothing happened. Users responded accordingly.



SpyCrabs himself would show up to shitpost and try to revitalize the edgelords.

I can't keep hiding.


But this time around, Reddit users weren't biting.

SaveTheSpycrabs most recent post is just him roleplaying.


The subreddit would die a slow death as users got tired of skeleton posting and many moved on to other pastures. Nonetheless, this sub is one of the last remaining vestiges of what Reddit was like in a time not wrecked with culture wars slap fighting.

Civilisation 7 sucks

That's all what I wanted to say



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