How to spot an rDrama user in public (2025)

!kiwis !chuds important post

!BOMBSHELL - P. Diddy's Lawyer Dramatically QUITS The Case - Mysterious 14 Word Statement INSIDE!


P Diddy's lawyer Anthony Ricco has stepped down from his legal team.

"Under no circumstances can I continue to effectively serve as counsel for Sean Combs," Ricco said in a motion for withdraw of counsel filed in New York on Friday. Discussions had been held with lead counsel Mark Agnifilo and Ricco before the motion was filed, according to the documents, which were obtained by The Mirror US.

Have you guys seen The Curse?

It's fricking hilarious. When he was at the corporate comedy class I nearly threw up from laughing so hard.

It's over

But it's brutal how media now don't hide that he is addict since he outlived his usefulness

Shuhei Yoshida Reveals Jim Ryan Offered Him Choice Between Indie Role Or Leaving PlayStation :marseybooba:

That guy basically destroyed Sony

In comments you can read more how he destroyed PlayStation games but gayboxers don't worry power of cloud coming soon and will make Xbox one 50 time stronger

Bard spotting on Bluesky 21 February 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

'It seemed wrong to write about normal life after that horrendous election': US novelist Anne Tyler : books


Ukrainian tried to do anti Putin protest in SK

Reported by:
  • X : bam
  • Lappland : Disgusting. I love sucking peepee
  • totalretardwar : They can't be perfect, they don't even have a bussy.
White women are perfect

Yes, we all like to make jokes about white women. It's all fun and games and theres an element of truth to it. But the truth is white women are the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

Today this truth became evident as I walked from my office to the train station and found myself behind two women on the platform, an Asian on the left and a white Woman on the right, perhaps the biblical symbolism was divine intervention.

Their appearances were quite different. The Asian woman was your typical westernized ABG type. Not quite skinny but not quite overweight either. Tight lululemon pants and some kind of athletic top that emphasized a "sexy" body, built by dedicated work at a gymnasium.

The white woman was quite the opposite. She had a rather mannish face, and for a few moments I thought it might have been a transgender until I got a better look at her face. She was tall with a rather fridgelike build, her baggy loose clothes certainly didn't do her any favors. Her legs werent toned at all and one had some kind of large sore or bruise on it.

The Asian woman was attractive and the White woman was not attractive. That was the objective truth, that was the reasonable conclusion to draw based on the information presented to my brain by my eyes. That was the answer is both an individual and a society.

NO! In a sudden realization I realized that was not true! Looking at them both I wanted the white woman, not the Asian! She was more alluring, more endearing, the one I wanted to bring flowers to, the one I wanted to make laugh, the one I wanted to wake up in bed next to. That was the truth! It was like fog clearing and suddenly the view being perfectly clear. Like looking at a nonsensical math problem and then suddenly figuring out the answer! My thoughts were clean and pure, no longer held back by whatever strange muck was clouding my judgement.

The white woman excited me like no other woman could. There was nothing more to weigh in my mind, no need to compare their bodies or their clothes, no need for a second glance. I wanted the white woman, that was the truth.

I hope one day you can have the same experience I had. God bless white women



:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:

Joe gets Brian a big stick
Fоund hím ín thе wíļd


Henri Rousseau - Negro Attacked by Jaguar [1910]

God I love art posting so much

[oldposting] white Redditor tries to show the Black People around him that he's not raysis

saw a screenie of the original post from two years ago and had to see if it was real

mildly entertaining

Anyone else try to show nearby black people that they're listening to Kendrick Lamar?

Today i was on standing the train, listening to the new album and i noticed that there was a black guy standing behind me.

I wanted to show him that i'm not racist and am in fact all for black rights, so i opened spotify, put brightness on max and held my phone up (discretely) so he could see me jamming it to the 🐐.

On the train ride back there was a black man sitting across from me so i did one better. I chucked on To Pimp a Butterfly, held my phone flat so he could see it and gave him a small nod.

I like to believe that i'm on the right side of history. I feel like they probably respected me for that.

Anyone else do this?

Comment section is mostly Shoah'd. Can't tell if bait or r-slurred.

!masterbaiters !r-slurs !kowalski

Bored housewife finds meaning in making sandwiches
Solar Protocol :marseybeach: :marseybeachtowel: Websites hosted over a network of solar-powered servers :marseyopera:

"The networking and the network API is built with PHP. Each RaspberryPi generates this website using Jinja templating. We are running Apache servers.

We decided not to use any Javascript on the frontend of this website and so all of our visualizations are generated server-side using python libraries such as MatPlotLib. Where possible, the generation of the visual assets on this site are done on the server rather than in the browser. We adopted this as an approach that fosters accountability for our design decisions. We know that the computational cycles required to generate our imagery are powered by solar energy rather than potentially powered as fossil energy in the browser. This design approach also minimizes the energy consumption for the user."


Fříеndshíр wíth USА ís оvеr, Сhínа nоw mу fříеnd

Watch this spectacular number from the film.

Has anyone managed to stop being a man-child above 30? : Adulting


bluesky's resistance popping off

I hope America is as lucky as the delta jet - everyone survives but the right wing explodes

James Medlock ( 2025-02-18T15:49:06.575Z

Ok that made me laugh

Kara Swisher ( 2025-02-19T02:03:06.464Z

Works as advertised

John Scalzi ( 2025-02-19T15:50:00.656Z

Whoa look at the hairline:

It's real. And you can get one for yourself!

John Scalzi ( 2025-02-17T22:21:17.918Z

So I guess we're really doing this.Good billionaire hotel guy to fight... you get the picture. F---in' 90s videogame-butt reality. Okay. Sure. Let's go.

Bob Chipman ( 2025-02-19T21:34:52.288Z

And fully half of it is a humiliating error where they mistake the value of a contract by 1000x confusing 8 million with 8 BILLION

Chris Hayes ( 2025-02-19T12:58:19.768Z

jamelle ( 2025-02-19T02:03:15.069Z

“fed anarchist”Stares at you. Continues staring at you. Continues to continue to stare at you.

astrid ( 2025-02-19T16:06:16.031Z

As someone with 9 years in customer service, I am trying to *diplomatically* tell this insurance agent that I want to speak to a manager without trauma dumping on the wrong messenger and they arejustnotpicking up on itWe're gonna have to kill this guy, Steven.

Melo ( 2025-02-19T14:01:00.982Z

Manifestly 2024 demonstrated that campaigns don’t (have to) matter. Harris ran an unbelievably tight ship while Trump limped from town to town, sagging on stage like a bag of dog shit.He hated his audience, danced to show tunes for 40 minutes, sometimes sucked off a mic. He won the popular vote.

Nick (derogatory) ✨ ( 2025-02-18T21:28:44.314Z

Martian Successor Nadesico
Finally, a woman who gets it


1902 Willcox & Gibbs sewing machine, powered by 1/2Hp Sipp steam engine
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