i wasn't aware the yank plane crash was this serious :marseywtf: :marseywtf: :marseywtf:

New Liberal :marseyclintongarrison: podcast asks why did young men break for Trump :marseydarktrump:? Neolibs :marseysoylentgrin:ask WHAT ABOUT REEEEEEMALES?!? :soyjaktantrumfast: :soyjaktantrumfast: :soyjaktantrumfast:




:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-04 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Dear Americans. You will NEVER be forgiven./r/AskCanada (52K)47%20248
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘Voting eligible Americans who deliberately abstained in the 2024 ge.../r/AskReddit (52M)69%16719
🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘The entire area around The White House is blocked off and restricted./r/pics (32M)62%10134
🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘The Best Way To Talk With A Fascist/r/theviralthings (173K)63%3745
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘How can I, 20F, best handle misogynistic comments from my 20M boyf.../r/Advice (2M)56%1681
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘My husband's Trump obsession has turned our home into a MAGA shrine.../r/stories (484K)60%1351
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘MAGA and Pro Trump restaurants to avoid?/r/ChicagoSuburbs (197K)61%1377
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Karoline Leavitt out the INSANE priorities of USAID over the years:.../r/XGramatikInsights (124K)59%1030
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘This is why I elected Donald J. Trump. Shut the IRS and Intelligenc.../r/conspiracy (3M)59%897
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Canada folded in a day./r/conspiracy (3M)54%698

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘Dear Americans. You will NEVER be forgiven./r/AskCanada (52K)47%20248
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Does anyone have a list of MAGA companies to not support?/r/Kirkland (8K)56%364
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘WY AA Bill allowing CRNAs to Supervise AAs passes Senate 29-2/r/srna (7K)46%129
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Canadians - if you feel the need to cancel your order VS is accomod.../r/VinegarSyndromeFilms (8K)54%141
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘The Best Way To Talk With A Fascist/r/theviralthings (173K)63%3745
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Local businesses to avoid?/r/Durango (10K)53%115
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Florida Panthers in the Oval Office/r/FloridaPanthers (35K)57%485
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘For anyone who can't make it to gump let's head downtown here/r/MobileAL (32K)50%353
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Snyderverse parallels. Brilliantly written and flawlessly executed..../r/SnyderCut (21K)56%252
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Am I a loser for playing Video games/r/AskGames (45K)52%468

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



Instead of using a steam :marseyfreeman: deck like a normal :marseyregular: person, some people need to soy out and get OFFICIAL nintendo :marseysoyswitch: switch :marseyjumpscare: controllers to use with their machine :marseycoinride: that already has controllers built in. Not only that, they're also tying it to the headrest of the person :marseychonkerfoid: in front :marseyviewerstare: of them (because frick the rich people who have the privilege to fly). Thankfully the top comments were able to escape :marseyaaajumpscare: the circlejerk of the subreddit :marseyreddit: and realize that this probably isn't a nice thing to do nor impressive. The funniest :marseypickle: part is that he has a tray table :marseyscaredthunderstorm: right :marseyveryworriedtrans: in front :marseyviewerstare: of him AND a custom case which has a kickstand.



CIT vehicle robbery in Durban Feb 2


!burgers !dramatards

DOGE Staffer Resigns over Racist Posts : neoliberal


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:

Reported by:
:surewalz: is now flaying libtard journ*lists alive on Xitter :marseychuddance:

Context is the heatmap meme about differences between liberals and conservatives (oikophobia vs xenophobia)

!chuds !sneed he's IQ-poasting

Reported by:
  • OutKongged : beautiful
  • Y : They ate after this post 💀
Im positive this can solve world hunger

/r/rpg is having a sook


So recently there was a post that got removed from /r/RPG about how punching nazis is a great thing so you should buy my stuff and I'll give 5% of the money to a good cause. You know, the anti-capitalist way.

Well, that post got jannied; only the jannies were very keen for the sub to know that while they do it for free, they didn't do that for free - it was done by the admiggers who, unlike the jannies, get paid to mop. The jannies of /r/rpg then pinned the seethepost to the top of the sub to ensure everyone knows that they do it for free.

This then caused a bunch of extra virtue signalling nazi resisting to pop up, including:

Remaking the post under a "cleverly" reworded title

Someone just linking to the bundle and going "updoots to the left" in possibly the laziest poast

A post linking to a "game" that isn't a game, just a political screed. Most egregiously, it lets you play as a jo*rnalist.

And finally, another re-linking to the bundle but this time with even more seething about the admins

One comment on that thread is promoting the game Eat the Reich which is... not good as notepad anon summarizes:

needless to say /r/rpg has put them at the top of the thread

and a bonus :marseyreportmaxxer2: opportunity for ban evasion!

There's also this post that also promotes ETR in the most safe-edgy way I can think of

And while we're on the subject of "antifascist RPGs that you have to buy for some reason" don't forget to check out @MayflyAlt-98's post about the hilariously bad SIGMATA: This Signal Kills Fascists



Reported by:
A hot trend in Chinese social media right now is to re-create AI-generated slop in real-life! :marseywholesome::marseychingchongsupremacy::marseyhaleye:

!asians !aichads !fellas !kino


>foreign criminals going to a military prison is heckon' le fascism :soycry:

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Now we know why Trump :marseyhitler2: had such an obsession :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer: with Hunter :marseycastlevania: Bidens peepee

!r-slura I do not post very often but when I do it's quality :marseycertified: politician :marseykamalarentfree: Micropeepee :marseydicklet:

Community Note by @whatastory

this is 100% a real photo btw. certified bunked :marseyokay:

Helpful [76] Not Helpful [2]
Community Note by @Epicaricacy

This tweet is from 2011, but the image is from 2016. Trump did not post this image from the future.

Someone either changed the link shortener to point elsewhere, or bought the domain and changed the page itself.

Helpful [4] Not Helpful [1]


Elon zoomer forced to quit over chud remarks.


Chudmisa strikes again. No lives matter until chud lives matter.

Trump's America is now arresting Pulitizer-winning political cartoonists of color who criticized him

anyway lets look at the works of his that won the pulitzer


Back when he was signing USMCA he had this to say about it

And today, we're finally ending the NAFTA nightmare and signing into law the brand-new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. (Applause.) Very special. Very, very special.

The USMCA is the largest, fairest, most balanced, and modern trade agreement ever achieved. There's never been anything like it. Other countries are now looking at it, but there can't be a border like that because, believe it or not, that is by far the biggest border anywhere in the world, in terms of economy, in terms of people. There's nothing even close.

This is a colossal victory for our farmers, ranchers, energy workers, factory workers, and American workers in all 50 states and, you could almost say, beyond — because it's all beyond. This is all over the world even though it's at one beautiful border — where, by the way, a very major powerful wall is, right now, being built. (Laughter.) Okay? I don't know if I should say that at this particular reading. I know last night it got a very big hand. (Laughter.) Today, they're a little bit like, "Are we supposed to clap now?" (Laughter.)

USMCA has a much weaker dispute resolution process than NAFTA did (something US producers absolutely loathe, Canadian provinces really love doing stupid shit with trade and they can't hold them accountable under USMCA like they could with NAFTA) where countries exchange & approve each others lists of potential dispute panelists. Even in the event daddy has updated this from Biden's list because the treaty requires all the countries to have agreed to changes its unlikely daddy will be able to front load it with yes men. It also allows Canada to just go around the US to the WTO.

The lumber is itself a great deal of lulz that has been going on for decades but there are three new opportunities for $DRAMA inflation:

  • Daddy really doesn't seem to understand how trade works, a tariff on Canadian oil would immediately increase the cost of gas & energy in the US. Just the comment he was thinking about doing it added more than a $1 to oil prices

  • Daddy is going to have to argue why his own treaty sucks and why its totally Biden's fault his treaty sucks

  • First challenge to congressional authority. Taxing is an enumerated power of congress and the ability of a president to create tariffs is limited. His pet theory is that the impoundment authority that lets sanctions work allows him to create any tariffs he wants. Congress have to choose between challenging daddy or setting a precedent that future presidents could use however they wanted. Bong's PM called you a mean name? 9001% tariffs on all bong goods.



This was posted on rDrama a year ago but without annotation or marseys.

The reddit OP is [[[deleted]]] but his legacy lives on.

Pinned comment:

You can read the full context behind the 'You will never be a real woman' YWNBAW copypasta here

The link does not offer full context. It references its origin on a 4chan thread but doesn't even give the get.

:!marseyfreedomofspeech: You can say whatever you want but it is true. Just because you "feel" you are a woman, doesnt mean you are one. Period. Its all in the post

:marseyakshually: Psychiatrists disagree with you.

:marsey: Psychiatrists can say what they want, you will still, never be, a woman.

:marseywitch2: Why not?

:marsey: Because You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs... [the full copypasta]

:marseywitch2: So what gives you more authority to make that judgement than psychiatrists?

:marsey: So essentially, this is my reasoning:

You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. [full copypasta]

:marseywitchtriggered: That's not reasoning. You just reposted the copypasta.

(Yeah no shit, that's what it's there for :marseyxd:)

:marseyslab: Because for some reason you aren't getting the message.

His observation doesn't come from an appeal to authority, like yours and "psychiatrists" do. His observation is based off of reality.

I can say I feel like an Asian woman. I can say I feel like a foxen kin, and psychiatrists can agree that I AM one, all they want, but the fact remains I was born a white male. Nothing changes this. Surgery doesn't. Altering my hormones doesn't. Changing my posture and clothes doesn't.

Would you like me to pasta that copy for you, again? Or is 4 times good enough?

:marseywitch2: [gay shit about appeals to authority and meta discussion]

Heres the climax!

:marsey: I'll ask you point blank then: You think a man is a woman the moment he believes himself to be one?

:marseywitch2: Yes, she is.

:#pronouncorrection: INTENSIFIES

:marsey: [[[ Removed by Reddit ]]]

:marseywitch2: Except that the overwhelming scientific consensus on the subject is that gender identity exists separately from biological s*x, and that altering the latter to match the former is better, more healthy, and more feasible than the inverse.


:marsey: As per my last two paragraphs [[[removed above]]], your comment qualifies as this conversation being ended.

:marseywitch2: If you're not willing to converse without me rejecting science in favor of supporting your bigotry, then yeah, we can't really continue from there.

Our brave little biological reality warrior then goes on to frick everything up by resorting to 2015 insults.

:marsey: You're a bootlicker, incapable of thinking for yourself. Probably a cuck. Thanks for removing yourself from the gene pool

The battle continues, a year past the original post date. I won't copy it here, it's off in the weeds past the original point but here's the link many layers deep:

A couple of teasers if you want to delve into the ancient battlefield:

  • Imagine calling someone a "bootlicker" because they're more pro-freedom than you

  • Freedom to sin is terrible for the soul. Should be stopped immediately. Inshallah.

  • If I want to commit a sin that hurts me and me alone, then I see no reason why laws should exist to restrict that. It's my afterlife to afterlive.

  • There is no such sin that only affects the sinner.

  • Ivan Karamazov ... Grand Inquisitor ... Long gay quote from some dead russian with a stupid name :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:

  • Yeah I'm not reading that great wall of china long text wall

  • Your lack of classical education does not render Dostoevsky obscure, kid. (my favorite cringe out of all of this)

  • Those who believe in omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent gods must know that such hypotheticals bla bla

  • [the battle ends 2 years after the original thread]

Honourable Mention (!bardfinn spelling)


You 😎👉 will never ❌ be a real 😍 woman 👩. You 👉 have no 🙅🌈 womb 👶, you 👈 have no 🙅🏻❌ ovaries 🗣👩🏾, you 👈 have no ❌🚫 eggs 🥚. You 👈 are a homosexual 🏳️‍🌈 man 👨🏼🚫 twisted 🥨 by drugs 💊 and surgery 🏥 into a crude 👺 mockery 😤 of nature's perfection 👌.

All 💯 the "validation" you 👈 get 🉐🇮🇹 is two-faced and half-hearted 💔. Behind ↩ your 👈🏾 back ⬅ people 👨 mock 😨😟 you 👈🕛. Your 👉👶🏼🚀 parents 👪🛬 are disgusted 🤢 and ashamed 😩 of you 👈, your 👉 "friends" laugh 🤣😂 at your ⛓👉 ghoulish appearance 🔎 behind 👟💥 closed 🚫 doors 🚪.

Men 👨 are utterly 🐄 repulsed by you 👉😏. Thousands 👌🌼💯 of years 🗓 of evolution 🐒 have allowed 😖 men 👨 to sniff 👃 out frauds 🚫 with incredible 😯‼❗ efficiency 📊. Even 🌃 :!marseytrain:s 🙋‍♂️👠 who "pass" look 👀 uncanny and unnatural 👽 to a man 👨🌊. Your 👉 bone 🍖 structure 🏠 is a dead ☠ giveaway 🎉🥳🎊. And even 🌃 if you 👈 manage 🧔 to get 🉐 a drunk 🍺🍻 guy 👨 home 🏠 with you 👈, he'll turn 🔄 tail 🍑 and bolt 🏃🏻‍♀️ the second ⏱ he 👥 gets 🉐📴 a whiff 🤑 of your 👉🏄🏾📝 diseased 😷🐱, infected 😖 axe 🙌😤😠 wound 💨.

You 👈 will never 🚫💩 be happy 😊. You 👈 wrench 👨🏿‍🔧 out a fake 👻 smile 😊 every ☝ single ☝ morning 🌄 and tell 💬 yourself it's going 🏃 to be ok 👌💯, but 🍑 deep 😱 inside 💠 you 👈 feel 😜 the depression 😭 creeping 💥 up ⬆ like 💖 a weed 🍁, ready 😏 to crush 😘📏 you 👈 under ❌⬇👇 the unbearable 😤 weight 😔😓💤.

Eventually 💦🍆 it'll be too much 😩😂🙀 to bear 💯🐻 - you'll buy 💰 a rope ➰, tie 👔 a noose 😔, put 🔛 it around 🔃 your 👉😘 neck 🐪, and plunge 😵😲😩 into the cold ❄ abyss 😍😝. Your 👉 parents 👪 will find 🔎 you 👉, heartbroken 💔😢 but 🍑 relieved 🤤 that they no 😣 longer 🍆 have to live 😩 with the unbearable 💥👃👎 shame 😳 and disappointment 🙃. They'll bury ⚰ you 👈 with a headstone marked 🖍 with your 👶👈 birth 👑 name 📛, and every ☝ passerby for the rest 💤 of eternity 🌋🆎💅🏿 will know 🤔 a man 👨 is buried 🕳 there. Your 👉 body 💃 will decay ☠ and go 🏃🏼‍♀️ back 🔙 to the dust 💨, and all 💯 that will remain 😥 of your 👉 legacy 🐒🌄 is a skeleton 💀 that is unmistakably male 👦.

This is your 👉🏠🍕 fate 💀☠. This is what you 👈 chose 👉😎👈. There is no 🙅💔🚧 turning 💫↩ back 🔙.

!chuds !transphobes !historychads

Meanwhile in Krautland



Is he a foreigner from Canada? Or Africa?

Bonus video here's Elon with his McLaren F1 and his ex wife of his :marseytrain2: child

Glorious Jihad conquers England



This is :marseyakshually: actually pretty strange. Maybe he's just some turbo neet addicted to the janny life. I'm not sure how he'd be making money from this. But it's creepy how these jannies weasel their way into more and more control.

I saw him on the front page :marseysoyhype: earlier here

Just a discussion thread, nbd. But I found a bunch of posts about him.

Sardines discussed him 2 weeks ago (removed of course)

That's a flagrant repost :soycry: :marseyxd: But he mops hard on any post that calls him out.

Not sure the rDrama rules here :marseysquint:, but there is a private social media account with the same reddit username :marseysmirk:

:based: sardines? :marseywtf2:

This redditor explains what he's doing

OR they have some sort of mental illness that drives them to see their fake internet points go up.

:marseysmirk2: I'm leaning toward that, but I'll make a poll at the bottom.

Anotha one

Couple more posts

:based: janny making redditors seethe? Or cringe janny?

Redditors, I mean dramneurodivergents, discuss:

Sheila Does Not Know....

...RUSTY HAS TESTED NEGATIVE FOR ANY LIVER OR KIDNEY ISSUES! :marseypraying: :pray: :marseyimmaculate: :marseyexcitedgif: :marseyletsgo: :letsfuckinggofast: :marseyjam: :marseyheart: :marseyfluffy:

I am very calm about these matters, but it is a big relief! :marseybow:

!animalposters !cats

Now playing: Forest Interlude (DKC2).mp3

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