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Ukřаínе hаs ļíkе 80+ f16 аnd оnļу 5 рíļоts аnd nоw thеу rесíеvеd а gígа třаsh jеt thаt ís wеаkеr thаn míg29 ín аļļ раrаmеtеrs
Le Mirage, pas mwl nyon ? C'est Fwançais !
Fwоgs tесh реrfоrmеd wоrst ín thís соnfļíсt, уоu rеmеmbеr thе whееļеd tаnk ?
They are superior two russian jets. Better aewonyautic, better radars, etc. But whatewer the planye, a dwog fwight scenyario is wery impwobable. It's aww abwout seeing the enyemy fwom a distance, and fwire a wong range missile.
Thоsе аrе ļítеrаļļу thе wоrst jеts khоhоļs wíļļ hаvе. su27 ís bеttее thаn f16, su25 аnd su24 аrе sресíаļ rоļе jеts аnd míg29 ís símíļаr tо f16 (íswаеļí míg29 рrоbаbļу bеttеř)
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Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.
Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.
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🇮🇷 Iran's first Drone Carrier looks GREAT! pic.twitter.com/dewCvIhbKt
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) February 6, 2025
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I just saw this post and was reminded of how hilarious it is to watch pissed off people screaming (not necessarily about politics).
Since I don't have anything to start the thread off with, I'll give 100 DC
per funny video, offer good while I still have coins.
Only genuine rage plz, no playing it up for the camera "g*mer rage"
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Most governments don’t want USAID funds flowing into their countries because they understand where much of that money actually ends up.
— Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) February 2, 2025
While marketed as support for development, democracy, and human rights, the majority of these funds are funneled into opposition groups, NGOs… pic.twitter.com/bXpdK29zH5
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I'm an American from Pennsylvania and i have beloved memories of visiting your country to see Niagara Falls and fishing trips with family friends.
I did not vote for this bullshit. I am asking each of you, individually and as a nation to do everything you can to hurt us. I want everyone who voted for this to suffer the consequences of their own actions.
You have always been our closest ally and stood by us through war and tragedy and true American patriots will never forget it.
And if push comes to shove, my lead will have a maple leaf imprinted on it.
Americlap oikophobia is taking a strange, sexual turn.
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I hate when people think you should always love one another and let go of everything. I think letting go to an extent is good, however I think things like revenge can be necessary. If someone pulls some absolute butthole behaviour, unless they get something just as bad or even worse in return they aren't going to learn. It's not your job to be always understanding and nice to people constantly if they are being a mega shit stain in your life. Apologising and talking things through when appropriate should be done but it isn't always what can be done and isn't always the best solution. Sometimes it's about not letting people walk all over you and maybe some might argue that doesn't make you any better than them but I don't think that's always the case. Sometimes, revenge CAN be there best way to move on. A sense of resolution if done right.
And another note. I think if you don't like someone pretending to be their friend so that your "a nice person" can be an even bigger peepeehead move than just maybe rather limiting interactions with that person. Maybe it's a workmate that gets on your nerves. A friend of a friend. But either way, pretending you like them at the end of the day is deceitful in a way especially if you let them believe your friends. I'm not saying to hate on them, especially if they aren't necessarily doing harm and it's more just a clashing of personalities or beliefs. Some people try so hard to do it but it doesn't make them look as sweet as they think it does and instead you end up looking like a fake and shallow person.
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ADHD is bullshit and anyone that "has it" should be shot. You have a kid that misbehaves? Smack the little shit up side the head and tell him to shut up. I'm tired of all these kitty parents that are afraid to discipline their kids.
There's a fine line between child abuse and discipline. Take my dad for example; when I screwed up, my dad would electrocute me. And look at me today: flawless. Electrocution builds character.
All seriousness aside, the real reason ADHD exists is because executives at pharmaceutical companies need to make their Lexus payments. Companies that produce Ritalin, Dexedrin and Cylert make billions of dollars every year selling their shit to lazy/irresponsible parents that want an excuse for letting their kids become the stupid, obnoxious, spoiled bratts that they're growing up to be. When I was a kid, all my parents gave me was a brick to play with. If I complained about the brick, my dad would drop kick me in the throat and I'd realize how ungrateful I was being.
I bet all those wimps diagnosed with ADD when they were kids are the same dipshits that still pay with checks in grocery stores. NOBODY PAYS WITH CHECKS ANYMORE. Get out of the stone ages. Seriously. People that pay with checks drive me up the wall. Might as well pay with foreign currency. Some old lady was paying with a check while I was in line at the grocery store the other day, so I dislocated her hip. Old lady had nothing on me, I kick butt!
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