Tutankhamun Brothers - What's A Black Beatle (KANYE X BEATLES MASHUP PROJECT)
Hinthi imposition has been taken to foreign shores :marseymanifestdestiny:
more folx than ever are RIDIN WITH BIDIN
Anti moon landing is an anti White position
Late Night :marseysamfisher: with the Devil :marseybaphomet: was Mid

Been wanting to watch :marseysharksoup: it, finally did. It was a good mid, I'd recommend it. Probably a good Halloween :marseyghost: group :marseymarseyloveorgy: movie, drink :marseycheers2: a little :marseymaoist: or something, just seemed pretty :marseyroan: overhyped. The movie's not much more than the trailer, but if you thought :marseymindblown: the trailer was cool, you'll like the movie. Almost think :marseyphilosoraptor: it would :marseywood: have been better :marseygenetakovic: as a limited series, or maybe it would :marseymid: have been worse if they couldn't think :marseyphilosoraptor: of anything :marseycoleporter: to mix it up and thicken it better. Was better :marseygenetakovic: than The fricking :marseytom: Lighthouse.

Been on a horror :marseyvampire: ish kick, not like cute twink :marseyhomofascist: "did you see this obscure :marseynonpotable: Japanese :marseyninja: movie :marseymidsommardani: where :marseydrama: they cut up a bunch of little :marseyhooves: kids and r*ped them", just stuff that's a little :marseykirin: spooky. Saw Fall of the House :marseyvampirecrusader: of Usher recently and it was kino. Saw Midnight Mass a while back and it was supreme :marseyelliotrodger3: kino. Might check :marseyelonpaypig: out more Mike Flannigan stuff, but the haunted house :marseyvampirecrusader: shows look a little :marseyelliotrodger: too spooky :marseymothman: for me and he seems oversaturated. Was surprised :marseygwwaahhh: Usher was good.

I want more Guillermo Del Toro Cabinet of Curiosities. That's triple thunder :marseyyoushouldkillyourselfnow: supreme :marseykneel: thousand kino.

What is your horror-thriller kino that doesn't secretly reveal you're a blood :marseyironmaiden: fetish :marseyvorezombiewolf: p-do. (Slashers and gorefests can be fun, don't get me wrong, but you probably know what I'm talking about.) Been wanting to see the OG Suspiria, see what that's about.

Greece has chosen to accelerate. 6 day work week is back on the menu.

I found an interesting comment in the reddit thread. Governments no longer have citizens. They have employees. Which makes sense with how things are going in the modern age. In such a system the only way to improve the quality of life of the labor class is to either isolate from the rest of the world or to pick up the bottom strata consistently until quality of life is high across the board so there is no benefit to picking somebody else up to do the same job for less money as nobody would agree to the contract.

We can now expect an outflow of Greek citizens to the rest of the EU meanwhile an increased inflow of labor from the poorer east European and North African territories.

The western societal systems are clearly not sustainable as they are completely dependent on bringing in people from the rest of the world to make up for population decline. The quality of people being brought in has been declining decade on decade as well as the smartest people have already been picked up from across the globe. The only remaining move is to bring in immigrants from culturally close nation states along with bordering nation states.

Just as the black plague improved the quality of life of the labor class due to lack of labor availability, we will see another improvement in the quality of life of the bottom class as the European populations continue to decline.

None of the developed societies of the world today are sustainable. As all of them are running on a below replacement fertility rate and have no capacity to replace their own internal populations, nor the levels of innovation required to grow at more than 2% GDP growth with a declining population.

In the end, western nation states can only grow via expansion.


Women are beautiful at any age and if you disagree you're a pig.

the reason i wont be voting for biden

im not an american citizem suckas...phew

Wait, one of us got married?
Doesn't This guy look like Ron Jeremy?



>thinks Trump put the hit out that got Epstein killed ahh

interview is fun watch so far, only halfway thru

too lazy to create a write-up

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Safe-Sleazy :marseyantiwork:
How to be a homeless person but call yourself tactical

For real tho most of this is decent advice but lol at using a drive belt as a whip for self defense. Most of the fire starter shot is horse shit tho, any hiker knows that vasoline coated cotton balls are the best but the best overall is duct tape but it is toxic. A small price burns forever. Anyway also peanut butter is a fricking treasure when you've down on food supplies. You can also bury other foodstuffs in your jar to taste

Back in high school we used to spent a few hours driving through toll booths and getting off the highway and back on because there were SO MANY dropped quarters on the ground. You can easily pick up $4 in quarters on any given lane when you went by but nowadays there's no collection baskets anymore

The motel story with a girl is very real tho. When I was hiking the AT and hanging out in West Virginia some girl approached me and asked me to be muscle agaisnt her "shithead boyfriend" in a motel room who stole her stuff. Used to be an easy scam

Would you like a Seal hug?
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  • X : knew he looked like a cute twink
@Patsy face dox revealed

!ghosts what is our former member drawing?

Fatties fighting (irl) over Internet stuff
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