Reported by:
I (28m) found nudes on my wife's (29f) phone of another man and herself. This is not the first time what can I do?


So my wife (29f) and i (28m) have been together with the exception of a long break when we were 18 and 19 for 10 years. (She left me for another guy) and every year or two since we've been back together i keep finding things on her phone. The first was a fetlife account where she was chatting with multiple men. The second was a coworker she was speaking explicitly with. Third she asked a random neighbor out for coffee in our apartment complex in a flirting manner. And finally this. I found nudes of her that I'd never seen before, and looked in the deleted pictures on her phone and found pictures of another man's nudes.

We've had some rough patched with my finances and depression as well as hers. I must admit I was feeling sexually frustrated last year and went to a "massage parlor" but didn't go through with the end part. And she found out. She's insists that nothing has become physical any of these times and would leave if she were going to go through with it, because she did when thats what she wanted.

Our relationship is great except for this horrible bi annual ritual of her seeking attention. She makes the money In the relationship and I'm very limited in my capacity to support myself for any sort of trial separation. I don't want to leave. I love her. But I feel I need to advocate for myself despite my own wrongdoings. I feel so trapped and hopeless.

Came across this amazing post. But what's even funnier is if you visit his profile and see the only other post he's made:

This might be the dumbest man on Earth.

Oh, he's from Portland? She's not cheating on him; he's just unknowingly in a poly relationship.

Daddy just cut off aid to South Africa :marseyflagsouthafricagenocide: Thirdies are coping hard :soyjaktantrum:

At this point I'm sure that every account mentioning lions or roaring is a :whitenationalist:

Here's how you too can blame Israel :chadjewrentfree:

That's a good point actually, Merica pls carpet bomb the tulip eaters :marseybegging:

Yeah, I'm sure Trump can't sleep at night because of Cape Town :marseytrumpitsover:

About that... :marseyjewoftheorient:

We don't even need your money white devil :marseyseethe:

If only the strongest country in the world love your country as much as it loves Israel... :parrotunitedstatesofamerica: :parrotisrael:


>work together


America beware, you've made a very powerful enemy today :marseyscared:

Oh, everything will be fine then! :lelolidk:


So I met up with this :marseytrain: off Grindr and fricked him.

mtf, stereotype, communist, neurodivergent, type shit

Dude was rambling about some nonsense, and I just nodded along, waiting to get it over with. About an hour in, we got down to business and I fricked his butt (with a condom, obviously).

Tbh I felt kind of disgusted, but you know, neighbors just gotta take what they can get

It is what it is.

To find the mystical true femboy (biological male that passes as female with the exception of the peepee)

But as it turns out, they don't really exist or at least, they're so incredibly rare they might as well not exist

It's like finding a cryptid, but at the same time, trying to find that true femboy is almost addictive...

It's like gambling, trying to hit the jackpot.

"Maybe the next one... maybe just a few more profiles..."


Trans QUEEN in question. Dilapidated room , dirty carpet and greasy pikachu plushy an all!

!chuds :marseynull: lost another soldier in the r-slur war.....

Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if US funding stops, UN agency warns :marseynoooticer:


!nooticers 6 million :mjlol:

GENEVA, Feb 7 (Reuters) - More than six million people could die from HIV and AIDS in the next four years if U.S. President Donald Trump's administration pulls its global funding for programmes, the United Nations AIDS agency said on Friday.

Although a waiver was placed on HIV/AIDS programmes in last month's U.S. foreign aid funding freeze, many concerns remained about the future of treatment programmes, the deputy executive director of UNAIDS told reporters in Geneva.

"There is a lot of confusion especially on the community level, how the waiver will be implemented. We're seeing a lot of disruption of delivery of treatment services", Christine Stegling said.

Trump put hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of foreign aid donations on hold for 90 days upon taking office on January 20. In the following days, the U.S. State Department issued a waiver on the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) - the world's leading HIV initiative - for life-saving humanitarian assistance.

While welcoming the waiver, Stegling stressed the situation remains chaotic.

Amid a broader decline of funding, Stegling warned there would be a 400% increase in AIDS deaths if PEPFAR financial support is not re-authorized between 2025 and 2029.

"That's 6.3 million people, 6.3 million AIDS-related deaths that will occur in future...Any penny, any cut, any pause, will matter for all of us" she said, urging U.N. member states to step in.

"In Ethiopia, we have 5,000 public health worker contracts that are funded by U.S. assistance. And all of these have been terminated," Stegling said.

She highlighted that community clinics were facing the biggest interruption as they are "entirely dependent" on U.S. government funding.

She expressed concern that some people may not come forward for treatment, which could in turn increase new HIV infections.

U.S. donations account for the majority of global funding for the U.N. programme that operates in 70 countries, leading global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

Trump's administration says it is reviewing all foreign-aid programmes to see if they align with his "America First" policy.

payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups. :marseythumbsup:




When Sonic the Hedgehog blew up in America Sega of America worked into overdrive to make new Sonic media to fulfill the west's insatiable lust for the fastest thing alive. This led to the creation of two tv shows by DIC entertainment The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog a network weekday episodic comedy ( :marseypingas: the pingas show) and Sonic the Hedgehog (hence called Satam due to its Saturday morning time slot) a syndicated serialized cartoon with a far darker tone. As the only Sonic characters in existence at the time were Sonic Tails and Robotonik a whole new cast was created to serve as side characters:

From left to right: Rotor "boomer" the walrus, Bunny Rabot, Sonic, Tails, Sally Acorn, and Antoine the Fox (french :marseypuke:)

Robotonik was also given a right hand named in a cowardly Nephew named Snivley and in this story Robtonik was a made dictator who had taken over the planet Mobius, which is Earth after humans got into a war with aliens and the aliens just nuked the frick outta the earth mutating the people into anime people and the animal and human DNA merged into furries (Mobians and Overlanders/Humans are canonically sexually compatible !furries).

Constructing a sprawling mass of factories to pollute the environment and robotizing the native mobians into his mindless slaves including Sonic's parents and Sally's dad King Acorn who once ruled the land (well he actually he was turned to crystal and stranded in the Void ruled by Ixnis Nagus).

This lore ended up being used as the basis for Archie's long running Sonic Comic (290 issues + spin offs and one shots) with some major modifications and developments.

Anyway this is to say to a whole generation of neurodivergents growing up in the 90s Sally and the Freedom Fighters are as important to Sonic as Tails and Knuckles are and they will fight to the death to defend them (and also goon to sally) despite the fact they have never appeared in a game

Well they actually do make a cameo in the special stages of Sonic Spinball which was created by Sega Technical Institute the fully American branch of Sonic Team which made Sonic 2 and Sonic and Knuckles

The new Information

Sonic Satam ended after 2 seasons with season 2 ending on a cliff hanger of sonic killing Robotonik and Snivley being contacted by a mysterious pair of red eyes. A season 3 was planned but never released. There has been lots of speculation as to why this never came out such as ratings conflicts or some very neurodivergent drama between Satam's creator and Archie's very own careercow Ken Penders because both of them were pitching Sonic movies to hollywood without Sega's consent, but now we know the real Answer:

Sega owns all of the DIC characters and DIC tried to sell animation sells without Sega approval. TBF this is pretty common in the animation world but Sega took extreme umbrance to this and cancelled season 3 on the spot. This isn't huge new info as Sega allowed the use of the freedom fighters and other Satam characters in the great Archie reboot which removed all Archie original characters from the book in retaliation for being humiliated by Ken Penders in the courtroom.

Here comes the cope :marseycope:

Based on what I see here, Sega owns the Freedom Fighters, Could we ever see them show up in other Sonic Media? Imagine if they were brought into the movies.

Sega will totally bring in this decades old characters bros for their new family movie they definitely wont only focus on the super marketable and popular ones

They WILL use them again! It's been decades upon decades. Times have changed. There's new people involved. WildBrain owns the DiC cartoons. The Freedom Fighters are gonna return!

Did Sega frick up or did DIC frick up?

Archie chad calls Sega r-slurred and accuses archie haters of being :marseytrain:

Sega and Sonic Team actually just hate fun

To be fair, in this case...They're right.

DIC was selling Animation Cels of the show without permission.

Which you have to be absolutely stupid to do, especially since the show was ongoing.

No, sega is just r-slurred actually.

so they should just let other companies make profit from their property without any compensation?

Yes sega should lay down and die because I hate that freaking company

"Wah I hate this company because my furshit isn't canon."

That's you.

And I have no love Lost for SEGA, especially as a SoR Fan...but Jesus, if you think SEGA is even remotely in the wrong here...

Since we're making wild unfounded assumptions about each others motivations I'm gonna respond by accusing you of being a transsexual libertarian


That was the reason all along? That's curious,I always thought that selling animation cels was something that companies didn't really care about.


Darn what the heck was dic thinking??? Braindead company causing Satam to be canceled that sucks! Maybe that's part of why sega of Japan doesn't want to do anything with those characters/worlds

Anyway the simple fact is Sega fricking hates all of the western lore, veiws it as off model to the current Sonic brand, and is just letting Ken Penders do whatever he wants because they don't give a shit and want all this neurodivergent shit gone.

Tho !comicshitters !furries Sonic's creator is an Archie chad

TLDR: There is an neurodivergent civil war because we found out Sega owns all the characters from the old sonic cartoon and is sitting on them, and that season 3 of the show was cancelled due to the animation studio selling animation cels without Sega's approval. !neurodivergents

I've been overthinking buying a power extension from a website for the past 2 hours

ffs just buy one

just buy one JUST BUY ONE


:#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyschizotwitch:

Additional information: check it out, with this one you get a free pen



News thread is FILLED with redditors suddenly caring about "muh freeze peach" :soysnooseethegenocide: :soysnoo2genocide:

CUAD about to get evaporated with a 2000lb bomb :ramonajakgenocide: :ramonajakgenocide: :ramonajakgenocide:

Neolibs snarky as ever

DNC Headquarters secretly love it but still gotta rail against orange man :marseykamakama:

Personally this is the guy I want to see deported most:

Mr. -ACKl :pepezoomerhairgenocide: over here was responsible for this chant at Harvard, which I found quite revealing at the time:


per @SgtHartman

Reported by:
:surewalz: is now flaying libtard journ*lists alive on Xitter :marseychuddance:

Context is the heatmap meme about differences between liberals and conservatives (oikophobia vs xenophobia)

!chuds !sneed he's IQ-poasting

:chadblack: vs 5 crybully :zoomertears:


Teen on Musk's DOGE Team Graduated from 'The Com' – Krebs on Security

I love sucking peepee but not as much as this kid does. !soyteens how does it feel to have the world's largest economy by the ballsack?

A whole butt shark jumps into these dude's small fishing boat

:#marseymegalodon: :#marseysalvindicated: :#marseyshark: :#marseyshark2: :#marseysharksoup: :#blahaj: :#blahajspin: :#marseyblahaj: :#blahaj2:


Back when he was signing USMCA he had this to say about it

And today, we're finally ending the NAFTA nightmare and signing into law the brand-new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. (Applause.) Very special. Very, very special.

The USMCA is the largest, fairest, most balanced, and modern trade agreement ever achieved. There's never been anything like it. Other countries are now looking at it, but there can't be a border like that because, believe it or not, that is by far the biggest border anywhere in the world, in terms of economy, in terms of people. There's nothing even close.

This is a colossal victory for our farmers, ranchers, energy workers, factory workers, and American workers in all 50 states and, you could almost say, beyond — because it's all beyond. This is all over the world even though it's at one beautiful border — where, by the way, a very major powerful wall is, right now, being built. (Laughter.) Okay? I don't know if I should say that at this particular reading. I know last night it got a very big hand. (Laughter.) Today, they're a little bit like, "Are we supposed to clap now?" (Laughter.)

USMCA has a much weaker dispute resolution process than NAFTA did (something US producers absolutely loathe, Canadian provinces really love doing stupid shit with trade and they can't hold them accountable under USMCA like they could with NAFTA) where countries exchange & approve each others lists of potential dispute panelists. Even in the event daddy has updated this from Biden's list because the treaty requires all the countries to have agreed to changes its unlikely daddy will be able to front load it with yes men. It also allows Canada to just go around the US to the WTO.

The lumber is itself a great deal of lulz that has been going on for decades but there are three new opportunities for $DRAMA inflation:

  • Daddy really doesn't seem to understand how trade works, a tariff on Canadian oil would immediately increase the cost of gas & energy in the US. Just the comment he was thinking about doing it added more than a $1 to oil prices

  • Daddy is going to have to argue why his own treaty sucks and why its totally Biden's fault his treaty sucks

  • First challenge to congressional authority. Taxing is an enumerated power of congress and the ability of a president to create tariffs is limited. His pet theory is that the impoundment authority that lets sanctions work allows him to create any tariffs he wants. Congress have to choose between challenging daddy or setting a precedent that future presidents could use however they wanted. Bong's PM called you a mean name? 9001% tariffs on all bong goods.




/u/LilliaBaltimore is still posting public bathroom selfies regularly (see [NO DRAMA] A Reddit poweruser is STILL getting to the top of /r/waltdisneyworld by posting bathroom selfies for more info.

Yesterday he posted a rainbow which makes me wonder if he's not so subtly calling out for Disney World hookups?

Anyone who dares to say "hey public bathroom selfies are weird and not on topic for /r/WaltDisneyWorld" is called a racist gatekeeper by /u/MarleyTheBeagle, the most typical Reddit :marseyjanny: imaginable.


As we see here, even a brand new thread posted a paltry three minutes ago and about the most /r/AskReddit topic imaginable already had HOLY COW seven hundred and ten upchuds.

Don't believe me? See for yourself!

I refreshed and it's dropped down to a still respectable 291 uphitlers. I guess there's a lot of diversity of opinion on this site even for relatively banal subjects like giant robots. How cool is that?

The next thread is another very hot topic, very relevant and powerful Alaskan congressperson Lisa Murkowski:

1200 upTNDs on that bad boy in just 14 minutes. This one even has a comment. Let's check it out and see what Motte-level intellectual discourse goes on here: user ERROR; RNG_USERNAME_VAR_NOT_FOUND offers some powerful insight into this with a not at all procedurally generated comment with very reasonable, intentional, deliberate and NOT random formatting to boot. No votes at all on that one yet, for some reason. Maybe the enormous userbase is all busy crafting lengthy polemics against or for his stance there.

The next newest thread is about Pompeo. Remember Pompeo? I don't besides the name, but several hundred users remember him. Check these votes out.

Fluctuates like crazy every time I refresh. There seems to be an enormous but enormously healthy variety of pro- and anti-Pompeo sentiments there, going by how quickly the votes shift by several hundred. This thread even has TWO comments:

I don't know what they mean and I can't ask the users because there must be some bug from all the traffic preventing real users' real usernames from displaying.

Scrolling further down the bustling digital metropolis of, we see similar levels of activity, no matter the topic:

Pretty much all of their threads have many times our most upvoted posts' total votes. Even ones with no comments. It's inspiring and demoralizing in equal measure.

In closing I'd just like to remind everyone that you need to say nigger as much as possible to defeat the Jewish hydra.



Reported by:
  • p : baiting literal children is cheating and should be considered upmarsey farming
I have pissed off 1000s of children :marseyminer:

Hecko! :marseywave2:

Yesterday night, I decided to try and get some sweet xitter likes by doing the classic move of pissing people off.

For those who do not know, Technoblade was am extremely popular Minecraft youtuber, who used to be part of the DreamSMP.

also most importantly, he's dead.

Died of bone cancer in mid 2022. And every year since then he's friends have gotten together to use his death for charity. The most recent example being yesterday from other large Minecraft youtuber, and drama QUEEN :marseypopcorntime: TommyInnit

In response I threw a tweet out into the ether, making fun of them doing this.

And while I did not get many likes or views on X.

I did quite well on REDDIT

3.2k upmarseys and the thread got Ya'lled.

(check thread for funny upset children, a lot got deleted by internet jannies, and Im too lazy to select a few)

Surprisingly a lot of people seem to know where I'm coming from but I just "worded it badly" (Worded it DRAMATICALLY more like it)

And a lot of other people have said they are unsubscribing from me due to my horrible PR.

I'm sure this has done irreversible damage to my reputation and I will never recover.... :marseyitsover:

Reported by:
  • SexHooker : There is no way anyone is gonna stop calling it the Gulf of Mexico while there's Katrina survivors
Google Maps announced that it will change Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America, r/worldnews is going through a LOT :marseyrope:


This reeks of "Freedom Fries."

I thought freedom fries was the dumbest thing i've ever seen out of washington... well until now. 4 more years of this BTW.


Fun fact about World War One, the US started calling Sauerkraut by the name of Liberty Cabbage. We don't have fresh ideas.

The Gulf of Liberty Cabbage

Welp, I know which name I'm going with.

I'm going with Gulf of Mexico, with Gulfy McGulfface being a close second option.


I'm in NZ. Google maps says its Gulf of Mexico (because that's its fricking name).

>Google says it will change Gulf of Mexico to 'Gulf of America' in Maps after government updates

>will change


Hopefully, it's only 4 more years.

if we're not in some kinda post apocalyptic scenario in 4 years i'll be pleasantly surprised

That's the shit that has me up all night.. Fricking lunatics have escaped the asylum again, but this time they're prepared. This ain't "Joker 2" muthafricka!

Four years, give or take a /r/collapse

:soysn#ooseethetyping: :soysn#ooseethetyping:

This was only the first week. ugh

4 more years so far...

Yup. Just the first week. Im so sick of the darn trump show and it doesn't seem there is a way to unsubscribe, disconnect, turn the channel, unplug the tv etc. His brand of stupidity is fricking everywhere.

4? Try 8 when vance gets elected

Hopefully you'll still have a country that resembles the US in 4 years.


They ruined the Dixie Chicks' career because they spoke out. Turns out we should trust some musicians for our foreign policy.

Just because some are sometimes right doesn't mean we should generally trust musicians.

The overwhelming majority of musicians are not geopolitics experts, or at all informed on political issues.

The fact that we constantly expect celebrities to chime in on issues they have no expertise in is one of the reasons politics is so toxic and polarised today. It's contributed to the dumbing down of political discourse.

But also, being a musician does not disqualify you from having and expressing political opinions, nor does it guarantee that you are politically illiterate.

The world might be a better place if pop artists were more inclined to sing about politics than vague romantic notions.

real big "shut up and dribble" vibes coming from that dude

:soyreddit: : Rich people are out of touch and have no idea about reality or what the common people are going through! Guillotine them all!

:soysnoo: : Actually, more celebrities should lecture people on how to be hecking good human beans, after all they all agree with me. Tee hee!

The funny part to me is that "America" isn't even the name of our country, it's the name of the continent. We're the United States. 'Gulf of the Americas' kind of makes sense, but has nothing to do with the United States of America.

I could see that if it was the gulf of USA but Mexico is part of America

:mar#seyseethe: :mar#seyseethe:

And everyone will continue to call it the Gulf of Mexico

In Florida we just call it "the gulf".

Not any more - we'll be sure to add "of Mexico" for clarity from now on.


Seems confusing. How do you know which gulf you're talking about?

What an absolutely brilliant question. Your mother must be so proud of you. Do you go poo poo on your own too? Awwwwwww.


Awwww, not yet? You'll get there.

They are so angry they just attack each other for no reason :marseyrage:

Everyone who matters will call it the Gulf of Mexico, at least.

I hate to break it to you but everyone matters, not just those that agree with you. That was made very evident with the election. Just because in your mind you can just tell yourself other people don't matter, they actually do. And sadly, their decisions can frick up the world for you.

I think he/she might mean those in communities that actually deal with the Gulf like those in the scientific communities, not just the average layman.

Sure, that's perfectly possible. However, that doesn't counter my point at all. The entire idea that some matter, and some don't, is how we ended up in this mess in the first place. It turns out, everyone actually does, and if you don't believe that, your world can get pretty fricked up by that disbelief.

Give up brother this place is like a blindfolded circlejerk

Leftists purity checking each other over things that aren't even disagreements :marseymanysuchcases:

Americans don't matter to me any more.

What irrelevant country are you from?

The great thing about American exceptionalism is that it can never have any negative consequences of any kind. Good luck with that!

:mar#seyseethe: :mar#seyseethe: :mar#seyseethe: :mar#seyseethe:

I will. Frick that nazi. Gulf Of Mexico.

Oh so you like deadnaming now, interesting.


PM Trudeau of Canada should issue an order renaming the USA to "South Canada". Let's see Google change it for Canadian viewing.

This is exactly the kind of high-level international trolling we need. Show Trump for the pathetic man-child that he is.

:marseydarktrump: : So you guys agree that we should be same the country then!

But _I_ don't desire they use that name, and I'm American. Can we, like, petition Google to not be punks who do what the totalitarian wants?

Lmao. The Google CEO was front row at Trump's inauguration. Best of luck

Maybe constantly bitching about CEOs/rich people/important people even when they're on your side could have some unfortunate consequences? :marseyquestion:

Californian checking in. It's the Gulf of Mexico.

>Google will change

Google is the scariest of all tech companies. They are essentially our library. They have the ability to manipulate the narrative on a different level. For the vast majority they are our dictionary, our encyclopedia, our Library of Alexandria. They are THE reference for day to day life. Our last arbiter of truth.

We are already aware that weighted searches are for sale.. but them kissing the ring is scarier than social media techs doing so. By my estimation, at least.

That's why I periodically download wikipedia


"Here at Google, we deepthroat the whole boot"

Stop being anti-corporations and maybe they'll like your side too :marseyshrug:

Why do people think this ends when trump ends? It doesn't. It's being set up so it doesn't. We will get Vance, who is more cognizant and has the potential to be worse.

True but, I don't think anyone but Trump has what it takes to rile up the morons enough to get out and vote.

It's comments like this that make me think you people still do not understand the magnitude of this election.

Every single lever of power in the government that matters is now firmly controlled by people who are perfectly fine cheating in broad daylight with a violent mob to maintain that power.

They are not going to let themselves be voted out of that power.

Maybe choose an actual candidate next time instead of an identity checklist? :marseykamakama:

I think his cult followers can absolutely be manipulated, post Trump Death, into turning on themselves. I don't think they're accept the Charisma vacuum as the next leader.

I think the internal MAGA civil war will tear the movement apart.

You just have to hope that they haven't destroyed democracy too much post that point.

Like how you guys lost the election? :marseysmug2:

People want to believe that Trump is pulling the strings. They don't want to believe that there's a group of people putting EOs on his desk to sign without reading

Fricking wingcucks lmao :marseynoyouwingcuck:

Now factor in the very best healthcare that money can't buy.

COVID would have killed him if he wasn't POTUS. Sad this dude keeps escaping death. It's always the evil ones that live the longest. :/

Even the best medicine can't do miracles.

Ah, frick, who am I kidding, modern medicine is a miracle. We're fricked.

:ma#rseydoomer: :ma#rseydoomer:

[Karma] Doesn't exist.

I mean… it does. You'll see. And even if you don't believe, when bad things happen, I can assure you us real Americans will be cheering

I'm a real American too but I don't believe karma is an actual thing. If it were true, why would such monstrosities be done to innocent people over the course of history? What did they ALL do to deserve slavery/torture/murder/r*pe/genocide?

I meant real in the sense cheering for karma to happen to dotard. You are also assuming you know exactly how something you don't believe in actually works. Bold assumption

Do you know exactly how it works then?

I know what I believe, but is it what religious adherents believe? No, don't think so.

How is that any different than what I said?

Cause I think my version is real or is to me at least. You said none of it is real.

It's real to me that it doesn't exist.

Hippie with exotic beliefs meets edgy reddit atheist. The argument goes past this point btw :marseynoyou:

Regarding the BMI, I get the impression he's been taking Ozempic or something. He seems to have been slowly thinning out

Maybe but elderly people often thin out for a variety of reasons, most of which are not good.

Yeah that's usually a sign of deaths door


Reported by:
:requiredreading: WATCH THEM FROLIC One, Two and Four in the Woods

I checked the best books of the 21st century goodreads list. :marseydeadinside:

Holy shit it is bleak. There are three Harry Potter books in there and two Hunger Games books in there in the top 10 best books.

Then you compare it to the best books of the 20th century ( still one harry potter book in there in top 10 but they are still doing way better than the 21st century.

How did the quality of the "greatest" works fall down so quickly. It is like humanity has forgotten how to write anything with any depth anymore and it is all at the level of quality of teenage story writing.

Is it simply over for the writing genre as a whole or is it that the best quality writing is actually no longer being recognized as the best because it didn't sell enough copies nor got enough appreciation from writing critics, or is it that there is a complete disconnect between what the average person considers enjoyable writing and what is considered actually good high brow writing?

I think it is a shift in medium where all the people looking for depth and high quality in their literary works moved on to movies and video games instead and all who are still hanging around the writing genre are those who will pick a random niche and the general books based on lowest common denominator which is teenage angst or teenage wonderment slop.

What this means is that the writing genre is going to keep going further down in quality over time and we need to look at the possible extinction of reading one day if everything turns out to be possible to be done by video because people are clearly getting worse at appreciating literature while getting a whole lot better at their expectations and appreciation of better video entertainment content.


In terms of ease of entry into the writing department this is the easiest time period. In terms of making money from it, likely one of the harder time periods. We can expect the quality of writing meant for general audiences to have reached the lowest floor and never rise above it again this generation. The Zoom zooms are too r-slurred when it comes to quality writing in just a book.

Also if you still read Harry Potter books, READ ANOTHER BOOK!

Crying in the bathroom right now. :soycry:


So I make breastmilk and memorial jewelry and there's a big company in China that manufactures the jewelry. There's actually even a really big well known brand that's I've seen that uses their jewelry and lots of smaller businesses do too. I've looked and looked and LOOKED to find something else but there's nothing like them.

My husband is a Trump guy even though he says he doesn't like him. We've had discussions about the tariffs and he's saying that it's corrective to bring jobs back to the US.

Well I was just talking to the owner that manufactures the jewelry and he told me that they might have to shut down because they basically sell at wholesale and barely make a profit and DHL and UPS are charging more for the headache of the tariffs. He's not sure if they will have to pay or the buyers will have to. I'm hoping a praying that it's us as the buyer.

So I told my husband this and he was like, "well, it's just the market correcting itself." I was like, "you're not even a little mad that my business might be affected?!" Idk what he said but he was laughing and I blew up in his face.

I told him that he doesn't care enough about anyone but himself. He doesn't care about women's rights, lgbtq+ rights, immigrants, not my business, nothing.

Now I locked myself in my bathroom and I'm crying. He keeps trying to talk to me but I won't talk to him. Talk me down man.


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