
A taxpayer-funded research project has sparked a debate about the connections between milk and colonialism, raising questions about whether milk can be considered racist. The research project, undertaken by academics from various universities, aims to explore the historical and cultural implications of milk consumption and its ties to colonial practices.

The project delves into how milk was promoted as a symbol of purity and superiority during colonial times, often at the expense of local and indigenous cultures. This research seeks to understand the socio-cultural impact of such promotion and its lingering effects on modern society. By examining historical documents, marketing materials, and nutritional policies, the researchers aim to uncover the multifaceted ways in which milk became entwined with colonial ideologies, a Daily Mail report said.

During the colonial era, European powers introduced milk and dairy farming to various colonies, promoting it as a superior food product. This often led to the marginalization of indigenous dietary practices and the imposition of European norms. The research team is investigating how these practices were justified and perpetuated, and what impact they had on the colonies' native populations.

One aspect of the study looks at how milk was marketed in different regions, highlighting advertisements and policies that portrayed milk as essential for health and civilization. These narratives often carried implicit messages about racial superiority, reinforcing colonial hierarchies. The project also examines the introduction of dairy farming in colonies, which sometimes disrupted local agriculture and food systems.

Modern-day relevance

The project also examines the nutritional policies and their implications on different racial and ethnic groups. In contemporary society, milk is still promoted as a crucial part of a healthy diet, despite the fact that lactose intolerance is prevalent in many non-European populations. This raises questions about the universality of dietary guidelines and the extent to which they reflect or ignore cultural and biological diversity.

Public reaction and debate

The research has provoked a wide range of reactions. Critics argue that the project is a waste of taxpayer money and an example of academic overreach. They contend that it is absurd to label a food product as racist and believe the funds could be better spent on more pressing issues. Some have labeled the project as an attempt to rewrite history through a politically correct lens.

Supporters, on the other hand, believe the research provides valuable insights into the complex interplay of food, culture, and power dynamics. They argue that understanding the historical context of dietary practices can help address contemporary issues of food justice and cultural sensitivity. By re-examining how colonial legacies influence current food systems, the project could contribute to more inclusive and equitable nutritional policies.

Dr Samantha Jones, one of the leading researchers, said, "We are not saying that milk itself is racist, but rather looking at how it was used as a tool of colonialism and what that means for us today. This research helps us understand the broader historical narratives that have shaped our food systems and can inform more inclusive practices moving forward."

Broader implications for food justice

This project has brought to light the broader conversation about food justice and the need to re-examine historical narratives that have shaped our current food systems. Issues such as the promotion of certain foods over others, the marginalization of indigenous dietary practices, and the health implications of following Eurocentric dietary guidelines are all part of this complex dialogue.

As the research progresses, it is expected to generate more discussion and potentially influence future food policies and cultural understanding. The findings could have significant implications for how we think about nutrition, culture, and the legacies of colonialism in our daily lives.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

A one timer that doesn't tip. Bad luck.A repeat customer that comes in and expects service for no tip; eating the loogies.Edit: I don't even work in any form of hospitality. Lol. Eat those loogies you cheap skates. (-29)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

People that don't tip... your food doesn't get messed with.. what I do is look up your last name on LinkedIn find where you work and leave a review with your name asking the company why they don't pay their employees enough to leave a tip (-28)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Any job that caught you doing that would fire you in a heartbeat, please don't try and be edgy and convince people that actually happens. (23)

Keep chewing. (-15)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Tipping opinions aside, the take that people just โ€œShOuLdN't ApPlYโ€ is so brain dead I can't believe how often I see itIt's extremely simpleMore people need jobs than jobs available = workers have NO BARGAINING POWERPoint blank. The end.If your only alternative is zero money, you're going to take what is offered in the meantime to be able to afford at least a mealThat's the whole reason we made minimum wage a thing. There's a whole quote from FDR basically acknowledging that with no minimum wage businesses would always be able to exploit and pay less because with labor being REPLACEABLE, there will always be someone more desperate than the last guy But minimum wage never kept up with inflation and that's another topic I don't feel like diving into right this secondIt's baffling how people don't get this. Even if every single worker in the restaurant industry quit right now and went to college, they still have to survive in the meantime and then they all have to find enough jobs in T... (-10)

Service & retail industries weren't the only group deamed essential. I was one of those "heroes" as well. While everyone else collected their ridiculously high unemployment checks (some making more on 1 week unemployment than I brought home in a week), I worked through it all at a job that gets no tips. People may take a min wage job to get by. However, some stay in those jobs for a very long time. Employees, in general, have to stop relying on patrons to pay their bills. Any customer contact at all does not always require a tip, and many people think they are owed something for nothing. 2020 was a cluster and has impacted everything, but it changed a lot for everyone. People don't have extra money to throw around as they are struggling to get by themselves, but you rarely hear someone give a non tipper a pass because they may be struggling as badly or worse (3)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Is called doxing and brigading .Servers talk about doing various mean girl junior high antics like this all the time online . (3)

Such a dangerous risk, especially to attempt to ruin someone's life or job because they didn't get tipped for crappy service. People become unhinged when others try to mess with their lives, especially over a few dollars. They want to FAFO , they will, especially if they come across the wrong person. (3)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

You people are so dumb. Cry and cry and cry about consequences of openly defying your countries culture. (-2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/AffectionateSlice934

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Mountain Avenue gin-chan

this is cirno

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Depression meals
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EFFORTPOST LEGO Hill Climb Adventure vehicle tier list

I am a sucker for LEGO games, and once I heard that Hill Climb Adventure was getting a LEGO spin-off I was intrigued. I only played the first one and while it was fun, it didn't have a ton of depth. So I was pleased to find that this game actually has depth and a lot of content. One of the main midgame roadblocks is building new cars, so I thought I'd make a tier list talking about which ones players should prioritze. I have all but 2 cars, and so I feel comfortable breaking the ones I own down:

S Tier

Ace is far and away the best car in the game, in a game where the main hurdles are steep inclines and maining balance, a car that's great at both is a must build. Ace has amazing downforce that makes it easier to control than many other cars, and the speed helps it complete maps better than many other cars. It's only real weakness is that it's bad at getting air time, but that's solved with the other S tier.

Old School is really good for how early you can get it if you're smart. It was the 3rd car I unlocked, and it helped me unlock a bunch more cars that weren't as good. It is super lightweight, making it ideal for reaching high parts of a map. Once it picks up speed, it also goes extremely quick. This car also has the ability to go through roadblocks, but tbh that isn't a big deal and only makes the other car with this ability worthless. It does have one major weakness involving the fact it has poor grip and is thus bad at inclines if the car isn't already moving fast, but the Ace can do that.

A Tier

Hill Climber MK 2 is a fine car, and for being the starter one is pretty solid. As with any starter vehicle in a game like this, it does a bit of everything, and is a solid fallback if you don't have a lot of the specialist cars.

Race Car is a perfectly fine car, but it's actually harder to unlock than the Ace and is not quite as good in nearly every way. It is faster, but I find that isn't very useful.

B Tier

Bus is better than you might initially think, as it has good speed, control, and fuel. However the wheels being far from the sides of the car makes it a bit hard to control and I often find myself running over the passengers at the worst times.

C Tier

Cave Crawler is not a good car, it's slow and hard to control. However it has an exclusive gear item that is required for unlocking everything, so it can't be lower than C tier.

D Tier

Buggy has only one redeeming feature, it is unlocked early. Thus it has some use in the early game and is used in a decent number of side quests. However the car is really bad, with terrible controls and cannot stay grounded. The car is pretty much a new player trap, and should be dropped as soon as a better car is built.

F Tier

Hill Climber MK 1 is a funny concept, but it's worse than the Old School in every way, it's harder to control and has trouble staying grounded. I wish this car at least had some redeeming qualities, but it really doesn't. Even the ability to go through roadblocks is also given to Old School.

Monster is far and away the worst car in the game. It's slow, big, weak, and hard to control. It has literally no redeeming qualities. It is also one of the last cars you unlock, making it even worse. I can't think of a single good reason it's even in the game.

Law Rider and Hill Climber MK 3 are not included, as I haven't built those yet, my best guess is they are middle of the pack in terms of quality. !g*mers

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  • Arran : rare good njgger post
these neighbors got me fricked up

>try to open a link

how about some cloudflare neighbor! :marseytroll:

>open an interesting article

we got yo dumbass! half the page is greyed out, time to pay up neighbor! :marseytroll:

>try to change a password

password not strong enough neighbor! :marseytroll:

>open youtube

you gotta disable adblock neighbor! :marseytroll:

>search for a video on youtube

no you gotta watch what we tell you neighbor! :marseytroll:

>search for something on google

here is some blogspam written by chatGPT with 20 chapters about random shit neighbor! :marseytroll:

>open twitter

here are 20 arkose captcha puzzles to solve consecutively, each requiring abstract thinking and 20/20 eagle vision neighbor! :marseytroll:

>try to login to work email

enter the 2fa okta pass neighbor! :marseytroll:

>open an app on my phone

you have been signed out because of suspicious activity. give us your phone number to verify neighbor! :marseytroll:

>open slack

we just updated the UI, now a bunch of useless crap pops up and stays up every time you hover over something neighbor! :marseytroll:

>try to edit some js

your node is outdated, you need to update neighbor! :marseytroll:

bash isn't supported anymore you gotta use zsh now neighbor! :marseytroll:

gotta sign in to git first neighbor! :marseytroll:

gotta pull the latest branch neighbor! :marseytroll:

gotta merge all the changes first neighbor! :marseytroll:

gotta login to corporate vpn before u can push neighbor! :marseytroll:

>ok frick it imma just work on my side project instead

package not found neighbor! :marseytroll:

this environment is externally managed neighbor! :marseytroll:

>frick it imma hop on playstation to relax

need to install this mandatory 50gb update first neighbor! :marseytroll:

>wtf bro ok imma just chill n check out this new restaurant

download our app to view our menu neighbor! :marseytroll:


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What turbolawn does this king grow?


He also has a cool owl in his yard which imho makes him right.

Now the chuds start seething.

And they don't stop seething.

More based forestchads chime in with their amazing yards.

Total chud annihiliation in this one.

Thinking of making my lawn like this !homeowners

You can always game the system by taking out a 52 year mortgage then hopefully dying.

I was talking to my dad about his finances and his retirement plan when he mentioned he still has about another 30 years left on their mortgage. At first I thought he was confused and thought he had 30 years left because that was the total length of the loan. I told him there was no way he had 30 years left because they have been living in the same house for almost 20 years. I then had him login me into his mortgage account and sure enough he somehow has a 52 year mortgage with 30 years left. My question is should I have him pay as much as he possibly can to pay it off quickly or should I continue to let him make the minimum payment? He has no other debt besides the mortgage. His reasoning for only making the minimum payments is that it's a 3% loan and that money is better off earning interest somewhere else. He will be 87 by the time he pays off the house if he continues to make the minimum payments.

Found it here/for the Twitterinos:

I am once again begging Redditors to stop posting Ls:

For some reason this becomes a /r/childfree struggle session:

Folks can't figure out if this is good or not? Idk didnt read:

OP is getting mogged by his dad and its worse when Redditors are saying it:



I touched on this a month ago

But I didn't realize how hard these two autists are going at each other.

Top post right now is from our sexy Indian dude

A throwback to this classic 2015 tweet

Our Kang replies and this screenshot will explain their situation

Here's a sample of their gems over the last month

Kangs posts :#chadblack:

"How it feels to browse rspod in 2024" :#marseyxd:

Kang says this about himself

He also says sexy Indian dudes are conspiring against him

Sexy Indian dudes posts :#chadindianheadset:

Hyper inflation in Zimbabwe 2008

First black owned business that got screwed over by white people

Reminder if you eat meat :#marseyxd:

How it feels to open rspod in 2024

Nice to see a race war can still play out on reddit :marseywholesome:

It would be funny if these accounts were the same mayo trolling ( @MoonMetropolis style). I mean a sexy Indian dude and a kang active in an offshoot subreddit of a podcast hosted by two white woman? :marseysquint: :marseyshrug: Half the sub doesn't even listen to the pod so could be.

Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - France vs Poland and Netherlands vs Austria



betting thread:




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