They hit the second tower my Queen

Immigrant (frick off we're full :cunt: ) flies Aussie flag, r/australian :soycry:


I hate immigrants so much bros. Coming here and appropriating our culture. YWNBAA :marseyindignant: :bruce:

Filthy English coloniser and schizo rightoid shows up, :marseylongpost: about woke mind virus

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Australians all let us rejoice. For we are young and free.

Young? People have been on this land since before it was even an Australian continent. It's old, old as can be. :marseybait:

Regardless of whether the lyrics are right or not, in the grand scheme of things our country is young.

Mate, the Australian grand scheme goes back 50,000 years. This is archaeologically and scientifically proven, why pretend otherwise? Be proud.

White people think everything started with them stealing it.

Those are two completely separate things. Australia being an internationally recognised country happened in 1901, colonisation happened 130 years earlier. There were people on this land before colonisation and there were things here before people even arrived but the country of Australia did not exist until 1901.

Hence "young" in the lyrics.

I am not pretending otherwise I am just saying that out of all the internationally recognised countries, Australia is one of the youngest. I am proud of the ancient history of this land however that history was not during the time that this country existed as a country.

It's both. But if you believe our national identity should focus on just one heritage rather than embracing ALL Australians, then go ahead and sing "young"—no one cares.

Wasn't Australia then though.

There wasn't an Australia in 1788 either, but that doesn't stop you from celebrating Australia Day. Funny about that.

That's when it was colonised and it became the country of Australia in 1901 when federation happened. Not sure why you mentioned Australia Day.

We are one and free

Nope and we never will be. Never forgot the people who built and died for this country sang "young and free"

Oh please. Go learn your history. That version of the National Anthem started in the mid 1980s. What people who "built and died for this country" are you talking about?

Woke PM Scott Morrison changed the word from young to one in 2021

These comments show that people just make up scenarios in their head then get mad at it.

Yeah, the Lefties.

They live rent-free in your head, don't they?

Absolutely they do. They've been tearing the Western world apart before our very eyes for the last decade and a half. In fact, if they don't live rent free in your head, I'm more worried about you than anything. Do you just simply enjoy casually watching the West burn at the hands of radical socialist nutters?

Average day for me

6:00 I wake up and remind myself to stay woke for the day

6:15 I make a fair trade oat milk latte and read Jacobin

6:30 Check my Centrelink (I have BPD and dysphoria)

8:00 Go to gender studies school

10:00 Smoke-o (actually, i vape, thanks)

10:15 Critical race theory class

12:00 Lunch (vegan) and a sit-in for Palestine in the cafe

1:30 Marxism lessons

2:00 Go home (I ride a bike, 3 abreast in the right lane)

2:30 Relax with some impossible nuggets and watch my favorite streamers

10:00 Bed time with my 2 transmasc boyfriends (we are a gay polycule)

This is the future all of us leftists want for Australia and you will be forced to assimilate

:marseyagree: !nonchuds what have you done today to destabilise western nations?

It's funny how bang on you are, yet you're trying to be facetious. This is precisely what these nutjobs want. Watch a few of these ffs:

I opened the link and then saw it was that right wing nutjob from Sky News and closed it. If you're going to try and prove an ideology is insane, Sky News isn't a good source

Yeah you're right, we didn't have major corporations at all trying to not even promote Australia Day. What a made up scenario, am I right?!

You think major corporations should be forced to promote public holidays?

The supermarkets stopped selling tacky Australia Day merchandise made in China because it wasn't profitable. That's the reason.

This exactly! If there was even a small profit still in the practice they would bleed it dry. Didn't one of the supermarkets even say that they had been throwing out thousands of dollars worth of Aus Day stock that no one was buying?

Yes it is but people will assume you're a right wing conservative unfortunately and is not a fair thing but just happens.

I'll only assume that if you drape it over your fricking shoulders like a cape.

I love seeing Asian-descent Aussies with the Aussie flag draped over their shoulders with Aussie Tatts on their faces having a barbie in the park etc Beautiful!

I went to a food factory a few weeks ago was sold frozen meat pies by the most bogan Asian I've ever met. Puts the whites to shame.

Who thinks that?


Maybe they assume that about you because you are a right wing nutjob?

I'm not right wing in the slightest. Also not a nut job. I subscribe to common sense, logic, and reasoning, of which the Left is barren.

We can see your comment history bro.

And? You're a complete nobody.

Here's what I think and where they align:

• Closed borders and strong border security (Centre)

• No uterus, no opinion. All life is an inconsequential accident of nature and abortion is not murder (moderate Left)

• No one should have access to firearms except trained professionals such as police and military (moderate Left)

• All religion should be officially abolished and should no longer be able to influence anything real (moderate Left)

• Free speech must be protected at all costs and covers ALL speech. "Hate speech" included (Right-leaning)

• LGBTQIA2+LMNOP nonsense has gone way too far and needs to be dialled back and restricted so that people with zero understanding of how the world works are not longer able to influence it (Right-leaning)

• Everyone should be able to shag whoever they'd like (Left-leaning)

• Promiscuity is not a negative thing whatsoever (moderate Left)

• male feminists, libertarians, and certain murderers should be hanged and made an example of (I have no idea where this fits on the political spectrum)

I don't see a whole lot of Right-wing nutjob there.

And that's relevant because..?

Because you're a nobody trying to tell me what I am or am not. I'm not Right-wing. I'm just not a complete idiot and can see what the Left has done to the Western world.

Dude…. As I said: your comment history is there for all to see. There's two options here:

1 You know you're a right winger but you're trying to pretend you aren't. That'd be pretty stupid given the aforementioned comment history.

2 You genuinely believe you're not a right winger. That would just prove you're stupid because your comment history shows nothing but right (or alt-right) talking points and socio-political leanings.

So which is it? Stupid or really fricking stupid?


Your username is ApacheGenderCopter and you're pulling the ol "I'm just a common sense centrist" malarkey. Get better at lying

You Lefties came out with the 300,000,000 genders bollocks, I'm just the one taking the piss, so you really haven't got a leg to stand on here. Common sense tells us there are only 2 genders. Too easy.

The same common sense that says the earth orbits the sun? Just because you observe it through your biased lense doesn't make it true.

Given the post-invasion shape of this country was created by left wingers, it's funny that people think that's somehow unAustralian. So real Australian is right wing, except the born to rule mob who used to think they were British and now spend their time tugging their forelocks to the Septics.

Your first mistake was calling it an "invasion". You're welcome, by the way.

"you're welcome" too Yankee.

I'm English you mong.

Ok, Pommy, just wondering why you were using that typical Americanism "you're welcome" + passive-aggressive posturing. So your people invaded this country and you're experiencing hurt feelings because someone said so? I guess you're one of those who thinks Cecil Rhodes was a hero and the East India Company was the best thing that ever happened to all those brown people?

No one invaded this country. We found a large piece of unclaimed land, colonised it, created an actual civilisation, and even left the natives alive. That's more than can be said for the Spanish. You don't hear the Aztecs or Incas banging on about how their lives are so hard with all this modern technology. Oh yeah… there's none left to b-word & moan. I don't know who Cecil Rhodes is.

The only "East [____] Trading Company" I know of is based in Solitude, Skyrim. So I'll say it again: You're welcome.

It's not your country mate, even though your forebears invaded it. But pretty much confirm the stereotype of a flag-waving racist.

It is our country, though. That's precisely my point. As a Brit & and an Australian, this is my country. The indigenous themselves considered themselves "custodians" of the land and specifically not "owners" (considering they had no concept of ownership). That makes it free real estate. Sorry. Them's the facts, and the funny things about facts is… drumroll They don't care about your feelings.

Piss off pom.

There it is. The very thing you Leftists swear you're against. While it's not technically racism, it's certainly prejudice towards a specific nation. You people are all the same. Proper airheads, the lot of ya.

Shooting fish in a barrel. Can't you make it a bit harder, snowflake?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Keep yapping, lil bro.

I'm a lefty and I don't care. Even as a lefty I'd proudly display the flag.

Do you believe in 300,000,000 genders and that cis straight white males are the root causes of all problems in the world? Do you absolutely despise Donald Trump and think he's the second coming of Hitler? Do you believe we should be giving children hormone blockers and allowing them to "transition" into make believe nonsense, likely sterilising them in the process? If not, you're not a "Lefty". You're just a left-winger or left-leaning person. "Lefties" are radical socialists hellbent on tearing the Western world apart.

How much time do you spend each day being outraged by the woke mind virus?

Depends on who many stupid posts/comments I come across from dumb Lefties 🤷‍♂️ And I'm glad you acknowledged the woke mind virus. The infection's running rampant at the moment but it all stops in less than a week.

What's happening in a week? Something with the planetary alignment? It's supposed to peak in a bit more than a week though

Haha funny. You know exactly what happens. At least 4 years of no-nonsense America will have an incredible flow on effect to the rest of the West. People have already started to feel safe & confident enough to speak up again without the threat of being cancelled.

Do you sleep with Fox news on in your bedroom?

I don't have access to American television so I've never seen it.

You don't have access to brain cells, either.

More than you 🤷‍♂️

You're so terminally online you named an account ApacheGenderCopter to spew culture war shit, touch grass kiddo

I'm leftyish and I don't care.

Then you're not a Lefty. "Lefty" refers specifically to the socialist radical wokies pushing anti-Western agendas at every opportunity.


Me for one I don't like it and would never do it but whatever - someone like the OP sounds like his heart is in the right place. Flag waving like this has not always been a thing here and I always associate it with the more rank displays of excessive American patriotism. No offence to the OP at all I'm glad he likes it here and wish him well and I love this place too but there's too much nationalist bullshit going on these days.

There's far too little nationalism going on nowadays. We're taught in our schools to hate our country and that our history is nothing but evil. We are told that there is absolutely nothing special about being Australian and that somebody fresh off the boat that disagrees with everything we stand for as a people is equally as Australian as somebody whose family have been here for generations.

Get real - calm your farm - none of that is true.

It most certainly is true. During my public education I was taught multiple times throughout high school of the evils of the first fleet, the stolen generation, how bad the white man was. Is somebody who has come to Australia and believes the opposite to us but manages to get citizenship an Australian in your eyes? Because they are to many. Is Australian an ethnic group and if not, what is being an Australian?

My mate's grandfather used to kidnap indigenous children. He was objectively a very bad man. My mate even tells me how horrible and racist his grandfather was. The people who used to kidnap indigenous children were often bad people.

When I was a child I remember crowds of white people gathering outside the house of an indigenous family on the next street to scream racist abuse at them well into the night.

That's what Australia was actually like in many places. There's no point hiding the truth. Kids need to know different parts of our history. That's very different to teaching them to hate Australia.

Okay, do you believe that we should teach the barbarity and cruelty of aboriginals before colonisation? Should we teach about the prolific infanticide? The cruel punishments of spearing people in the leg, often for them to then starve? Or should we be hiding that truth?

wtf are you on about?! I'm all for teaching the good and the bad.

But we don't teach any of the bad about aboriginals in public education in Australia. It is incredibly sanitised.

You could always leave?

Thats exactly the sort of comment I was expecting and points to the dogshit mentality that this can represent. It's as much my home as yours c*nt.


That's conservative paranoia, bit like thinking someone's out there is banning you from celebrating Australia Day!

City of Greater Geelong 2022-2024 would like a word. Yes, some places have tried to stop people from having an Australia day.

Most of the inner city Melbourne councils too. Not sure about other states but the invasion day rhetoric here in Melbourne is fricking intense

Right wing conservatives aren't a things here we aren't America

There are no rightoids on rDrama.

If you want to celebrate the true Australia, don't fly that little British colonial flag. Fly or wear our green and gold, it's more Australian than the national flag and colours of Britain will ever be.

The Australian flag is our national flag you fly what you want to fly but don't start this colonial rubbish

"don't start this colonial rubbish" It's literally a British colonial flag. Its primary purpose was to appear British, not Australian. That's why it follows the same standardized template and color scheme as hundreds of other colonial flags throughout history—most of which now sit gathering dust in museums..


Take it to /r/vexillology, flag strags

In a show of true German autism, Germoid shows up and posts enormous dossier on flag protocols or something. Idk I didn't read it.

>name is actually "neurodivergent_blossom" lmao

It is also appropriate to burn it, use it to wipe your arse or wrap it around a rock and throw it through your local MPs office window.

im an immigrant but if u hate Australia why dont u leave? this is the best country on earth no doubt

Eat an actual darkie.

Rule 4 - Racism in any form is prohibited.

Nothing wrong with that! I'm an American and I fly the flag wherever I go. I have an American flag jacket, American flag jeans, and several pairs of American flag undies (those are only for the ladies to see, lmao). I fly a big American flag off my pickup truck. There's no greater country in the world than America, but your country is cool too, so nothing wrong with being proud of it, I guess

That's a bit excessive. Especially off your "pickup truck", it's giving wanker.

I can see why you'd be reluctant to fly your flag everywhere, given your country's history. But America has always been on the right side of history, so you can never have too much flag!

Ah, you're a troll. Shoulda guessed

Is this a hybrid British and Austrian flag? Am American

Not beating the stereotypes with that comment.

Hey now. We're not all stupid. 💪💪🇱🇷🇱🇷

Wrong flag mate. 🇲🇾 Here's what your looking for

It's literally a mix of the two, but ok smarty pants.

You know you can google what the Australian flag looks like right?

I don't trust Google.

It might have saved you some embarrassment in this case.

Just because I have a refined appreciation for privacy doesn't mean I have something to be embarrassed about.


PAtRiOtiSm mAkEs mE sO PrOuD (feel like l'm in a US sub or something, thought this kind of stuff died over here 20+ years ago lol)

Is it wrong to be proud to be an Aussie? Should we be ashamed?

Nothing wrong with a little pride, keep it healthy and it'll be a pride we all can enjoy, although not a lot has made me proud in recent years. A fair bit of the opposite actually.


The issue isn't pride in itself, it's how performative nationalism distracts from the real problems we should be confronting. There's so much in our history and present that demands accountability, change, and improvement. Wasting time patting ourselves on the back for some abstract idea of 'being proud' feels hollow when we could use that energy to actually make this country better for everyone.

You sound fun


Do you feel the same about people who fly the aboriginal flag?

If you have nothing else to be proud of yourself, it makes sense you take whatever given, even the location of birth xD

I'm proud of a lot. I also love my country. Perhaps you can go elsewhere if you aren't.

Wont change the fact that I wont ever be mentally colonized by any country to feel proud of a "location" That's not particularly relevant to individuals, only people who lack self worth and try to leech it from things bigger than themselves or dead people's achievements

Yea go ahead and celebrate your colonization. Maybe hike to the top of Uluru to celebrate!

Lol. These comments are stupid.

No, your ignorance is, someone should crack an egg on your head, buddy

People will call you racist for that


The left

Says who?

Sky news

All the "invasion day" wankers.

I think it might be considered a hate crime in Victoria but everywhere else you should be right.



Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a lovely eurojank game where you play as a special-ed student who learns to swing a sword in Bohemia. It garnered attention upon its release for the lead dev's refusal to add Blak people to the game, for "historical accuracy", and he continued to play the chud after the game sold well. (Montage of various chuddy tweets from back in the day)

However, the upcoming sequel has been struck with disaster - a leak showing the darkest Muslim man in existence lecture the player about how good Islam is hit the web and created a frenzy. Additionally, there was a rumour about an unskippable gay love scene between the canonically straight main character and some random dude.

Naturally, this caused some panic among chuds. Was their hecking based Czech studio infiltrated? Where did it all go wrong?

They took to Twitter to pester the studio head, Daniel Vavra, to ask for clarification. Instead of an answer, they received non-responses in various forms

Finally, the silence was broken

Yes, there is a proud Kang, and yes you will frick the bussy, and you'll like it darnit!

Responses have been measured and reasonable

Claims abound of plummeting preorder numbers and de-wishlisting

Mark Kern has also become an enemy of the state, claiming the game definitely isn't woke.

I can guarantee that none of these r-slurs were going to play it anyway, particularly because I've not seen anyone mention this particular line from Kern's review:

Combat is similar but easier than the first game

The real goyslop is in making the mechanics dumber so that hecking valid enbys don't cry when forced to learn a moderately interesting combat system.

Kill all kiwiggers

Based on a TRUEE :marseyserioushatfact: story


monthly website stats post (January 2025) :marseychartscatter:

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Chats by activity (30 days):

 id  |                   name                   |         owner         | messages past month
   1 | Chat                                     |                       |               13961
 427 | love and appreciation for manul          | @Patsy                |                3222
 959 | SERIOUS MARRIAGE CHAT                    | @Rad_juju             |                3153
 631 | Football Chat                            | @SN                   |                1959
 905 | JJ & Comm                                | @Rad_juju             |                 802
 924 | Mario Party                              | @TriHard              |                 577
 922 | LuigiFuckers                             | @Kongvann             |                 433
 453 | Official CuteAndValid Chat               | @UncleAbortion        |                 388
 746 | 🐕🐕The Dog Log🐕🐕                    | @Y                    |                 381
 452 | Britbong Rightoid Schizo Conspiracy Chat | @UncleAbortion        |                 210
 208 | The Footy                                | @Avalon               |                 170
 182 | Mops and mop accessories                 | @Kongvann             |                 157
 806 | Official !hornyposters Chat              | @UncleAbortion        |                 151
  16 | FGCHAT                                   | @TrapEnjoyer          |                 141
 471 | @Patsy Did Nothing Wrong                 | @UncleAbortion        |                  97
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 320 | marital rape                             | @binturong            |                  79
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 337 | Public Programming            | @Patsy                |                  48
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 871 | JJ & SHILL                               | @Rad_juju             |                  22
 131 | Mountain Lions, Funny Dogs, Smoked Meat  | @Ambervixen_Fluffymug |                  13
 638 | We curl in the squat rack                | @seal_cel             |                  12
 401 | Bundeschat                               | @UraniumDonGER        |                  11
 666 | _666_ HOUSE EDGY SECRET CHAT _666_       | @YappingCat           |                  11
 162 | AI shitposting                           | @WaitingForSummer     |                  10
 543 | last bastion of inceldom                 | @seal_cel             |                  10
 101 | Chadcentral                              | @Losercel             |                   9
 622 | Rothschilds Family Private Chat          | @Count_Sprpr          |                   8
 143 | Slackernews jannies                      | @SN                   |                   7
 606 | friendly dms between best friends        | @Patsy                |                   6
 158 | Funding המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים | @YappingCat           |                   4
 866 | OFFICIAL JEET HATE CHAT                  | @676974               |                   4
 955 | Ho Chat                                  | @Rad_juju             |                   4
(42 rows)

we haven't been contacted by any law enforcement or governmental organizations in 2025 (or ever for that matter)

!metashit !nooticers !chat !chatchads

Reported by:
  • King_K_Rool : "Disney Background". Yeah, her prince charming will arrive anytime soon :marseyeggless:

sorry it's such a lazy post but yeah pretty funny huh 😏 I made a post about this guy being ugly and jewish before but they actually do look like my childhood friend's parents and the mom would go all out for every holiday with themed hand towels and such and the dad liked to drink beer and watch hockey but they were nice and wholesome and always bought us chinese food so I feel like these two should get married :marseyreading:

Truth nuke on my commute :marseytruthnuke:

Are you nerds going to let someone driving a Subaru mock you?

Reported by:
  • Arran : where's part 7 neighbor
EFFORTPOST Let's Play Civ4: Dawn of Civilization Cute twinks Part 6: Protestants :marseyluthercringe: and Mongols :marseythroatsinging:

We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. :marseyfluffy: !g*mers

Part 1 :marsey300:

Part 2 :marseymarmotroman:

Part 3 :marseypope:

Part 4 :marseybarbarian:

Part 5 :marseycrusader:

With the research of Logistics technologically the Roman Empire has reached the Renaissance age. It's 1015AD so we're quite advanced, almost a full age ahead of medieval Europe :marseyscientist:

Persia isn't even matching us anymore but China has researched one technology we haven't (Printing Press).

We already have a spy settling east to take care of that :marseyninja:

We're already discovering Brazil, interacting with the natives and fighting panthers :marseybagheera:

We prove that the world is round when we discover Japan :marseyplanet:

In Rhyes and Fall if you found a city in the Renaissance you get a bunch of free buildings. In Dawn of Civilization it's the same, but settlers in a new age can also be used to rush buildings that would have been provided otherwise. Here we can build a bunch of stuff for free with "Rebuild", including a library and a forge. We'll need these because Poland just spawned, hello Poland :marseywave2: :!marseyflagpoland:

Athens has historically been our Great People city since it's conquest, though Rome is catching up. We've had a Great Prophet born here, Eusebius.

We're sending him to Jerusalem to found the Temple of Solomon.

This will let us then build the Dome of the Rock, which will boost the output of St. Peter's Bascilica in Rome.

When we discover Economics we get a free Great Merchant (Marcus Crassus), and with Economics we can have him build a Stock Exchange in Rome

After the Dome of the Rock is built, St. Peter's Bascilica is maxed out at 40 gold per turn.

Rome turns a 150+ gold profit per turn :marseycoin:

England is coming for Ireland.

We go straight for London, after capturing it they become the "English Government in Exile" but still refuse negotiations.

Really wish the AI was prone to settling just one more city in England :marseydisagree: It's kind of annoying that London controls its entire English core.

When a European or Christian civ researches Academia, the Protestant Reformation begins and Europe erupts in war. Since we're already fighting England, now is a good time to do it. Protestantism is founded in Rhegium. :marseyluther:

We can adopt Protestantism, allow Protestantism to spread, or stamp it out. After all the work I've put into Catholicism you should know what I'm gonna pick. :marseycrusade:

England joins the Reformation, as expected. Portugal and the Norse join them. France probably would have if they weren't under my boot. Austria (the Holy Roman Empire) and Poland do not, fortunately. :marseypraying:

The Italian Maritime Republics are supposed to spawn in 1167AD. In a normal medieval game they spawn in north Italy and found Florence, taking Milan and Padua with them. I was afraid my two core cities were going to secede and I would need to reconquer them, but the 1167AD date has passed so apparently not. :marseybeanrelieved: I can focus on the Reformation wars.

The Austrians have claimed Denmark, blocking Norse access from Birka. The Norse have a port from Nidaros but I'm not too worried about them, we might need to be ready for a little naval harassment. They're at war with England, so there's not a risk of them reinforcing them.

With espionage I can see the Portugese army in Lisbon. It's big :marseyscream: (see unit icons at the bottom)

In fact, they're one of the stronger military powers right now. Ethiopia is also up there too, interedasting :hmm:

If I don't take care of them they could frick up my vassal Spain, so while waiting my main army to arrive I reinforce their cities with troops from Tarragona and Alicante.

A couple good wonders are becoming available, to get them up I think it's time to expend my Great People for a Golden Age. :marseygolden2:

The Ottomans should be coming too :chudconcerned: so I want to need to start getting gunpowder units up everywhere to properly fight these guys:

England collapses :marseysigh: If they had just been willing to surrender I would have returned London to them. I maybe should have taken their city in Scotland instead, but I really wanted them to capitulate.

This is going to screw up world history a little :marseyteehee: There will be no British Raj. The United States spawns assuming there are European colonies there, there will still probably be some but not in the same way. We might get a Dutch New Amsterdam instead of New York.

We already have an explorer in America. Maybe we could even colonize it :marseythinkorino2:

At least Alfred did well with his time running London. He's given it a Great General and a Great Engineer. It's still in our historic expansion zone so I think we'll keep it. Ireland is not, so I might set it free.

By the time my army arrives at Lisbon, Portugal is willing to surrender, but as it's the "Rise of the Portugese" they can't capitulate. I figure I will allow peace so I can properly focus on the coming Ottomans.

But suddenly, something extremely strange happens.

Byzantine leader Basil I appears out of nowhere :marseyconfused2:

Apparently Persia collapsed. Right after I lost 500 gold investing espionage against them:marseycry:

And Turkey has become the Byzantine "Empire of Dorylaion". I had no idea this was a thing. :marseywtf2:

This is the city that the Persians burnt down when I first conquered Greece, rebuilt, and I helped defend from the Arabs. It's been a valuable espionage center for centuries. What a journey it's been :marseyshook:

A few turns later we become the "Western Roman Empire", but no cities want to secede. It's not the Eastern Roman Empire, it's just this weird made up new "Dorylaion empire". Fascinating :marseybeanmonocle: Regrettably they do choose to become Pr*test*nt :platyeyes:

My spy sees that Genghis Khan has arrived and the Chinese are fukt :marseychingchonggenocide:

After China collapses they start mopping up the remnants of Persia too

...and harassing my new Byzantinebros

Notice that Mazaka is in revolt, when mongols are the gates the citizens panic :marseyaaatremble:

We're still stable but have outdated civics - apparently the culprit is Merchant Trade.

Time for a revolution.

Regulated Trade has stability and general gameplay synergy with Bureaucracy. I'll miss my Despotism whip :marseycracka: but Monarchy will further boost our stability.

Thalassocracy's benefits are negligible especially as more towns are popping up (Roma is working 3 towns and 2 fishing boats for example so we'll lose 1 commerce), and it no longer has a stability benefit with Merchant Trade. There's not much point to colonize too much but Colonialism will be fun anyway. We'll get some slaves and slave plantations up :marseysoutherner:

So many High upkeep civics and losing the free units from Vassalage is gonna hurt. But it's a very stable combo and Roma is so profitable that focusing all commerce to the capital might outperform the costs.

Sure enough, once the revolution is settled it turns out to be profitable. With Rome pumping out 275 gold per turn :weibodollareyes: we're making 5 gold a turn at 50% research funding instead of losing 6.

Around 1280AD the short lived Empire of Dorylaion collapses.

No Ottoman Empire ever appearaed :marseyhmmm: I'm guessing the weird Turkish Byzantine Empire in their place prevented it.

:marseyhmm: I guess we can go ahead and mop up Turkey now.

We finally have unified borders :marseyhappytears: and we're back to being the "Roman Empire" instead of the "Western Roman Empire".

The mongols right on my nuts are a little worrying tho. When Temujin asks me to fight Kievan Rus I have no problem doing so, any little thing to potentially keep this guy off my back. :marseyagreefast:

I take Tarnopol and call it a day before setting it free. Later the mongols take Kyiv and Sweden France scoops up Tarnopol

Since Spain and France are our provinces we technically have Trajan's borders now! :marseyletsgo:

Oh except Poortugal. Whatevs. What a beautiful empire regardless :marseyopera:

I was really expecting a big civil war and conflict with the Ottomans, it really does appear that the weird Byzantine state blocked them from spawning. This is very good for us. :marseyagreefast: But if the mongols invade, as they're prone to do, it could be trouble.

For now, time to look towards the new world :marseybinoculars:

I accidentally discovered the Inca, spreading disease to them

Mexico is controlled by Toltecs, predecessors of the Aztec. No conquistadors for either :marseygiveup: It might only be available to colonial European powers.

I've given my vassal France and Spanish technology to colonize, so they should get started soon :marseyfrontiersman:

Since I accidentally killed England, I can take care of colonizing America instead

I think I'm going to colonize the Deep South so we can set up some tobacco plantations :marseysoutherner:

And I've got a crew headed to Africa for some labor :marseycracka:

Australia will be next :marseyaustralian: and should be uncontested

Till next time Civ4bros :marseywave2:

Part 7 :marseypilgrim:

Reported by:
:!marseystrutting: Marseygen's back now :marseystrutting:
"We've become the faces and the leopards" r/LeopardsAteMyFace discusses the ban on Twitter content.


Context: /r/LeopardsAteMyFace is a subreddit for reveling in the schadenfreude when someone suffers consequences from something they voted for or wanted to impose on other people. A large majority of the subreddit's existing content comes from posts on Twitter. Following recent events, the mods decided to ban all twitter content, and the community has questions.

Full thread


I think screenshots should still be allowed. Banning the Leopard Party main communication channel will be bad for the sub.

So we want people to post screenshots and no link to verify so they have to go searching on twitter for that post to verify? No, ban means ban.

Is that the common reaction though (not being a peepee, genuinely curious)? I've never tried to verify a SS posted here, but that's just me. "Laugh and scroll on" kinda deal with me

The person who went there looking for the shot gave them traffic, anyone verifying gives them traffic, and the goal is just, no traffic. So simply, no traffic for Elon should be the goal.

I can't say I agree with the whole ban of content in general. Links, absolutely. Ban them entirely. But content in general being banned - I mentioned in another thread - is an "head in the sand" kind of methodology. It is still important to have an eye on what's happening and to share to others in order to keep people properly and promptly informed on what's happening. It's also important to know who to call out and who to push back on.

The problem is that viewing, even with adblockers, does in fact finance Nazis (and for a screenshot someone has to view it and as soon as someone fakes a screenshot enough people will head over to Twitter to see if the post is real). And the whole point of this endeavour is to no longer support a Nazi.

Fully in support of banning Xitter links, for sure. But most subs enacting this ban are still allowing screenshots. And I think Xitter is a primary source for a lot of content here, so banning the screenshots in addition to the links could impact this sub pretty severely.

It's time for Twitter to fully die it's deserved death

What, the leopards got so fat they began to eat the source of faces?!

Hey [OP], half this sub is X/Twitter screenshots. You'd be killing the sub. Allowing screenshots should a solid compromise

I remember there being a saying about compromising with Nazis. But if you can't find other nazis on the internet, maybe you're too lazy to post.

that saying doesnt even make sense in this context. twitter is the main source of content for this subreddit, disallowing screenshots of it will severely hurt the subreddit. we're not compromising with nazis, we're trying to compromise with the moderators to continue making fun of nazis.

If you can't find and display Leopards eating faces on the Internet without it in some way helping pay the rent for a Nazi propagandist, I don't want it on this sub and neither should you.

a screenshot of a tweet is not giving anyone income; no one on here looks up the tweet of a face-eating after seeing a screenshot of it. this is an extreme overreaction. links should be banned, banning screenshots is just gonna hurt the sub. we've become the faces and the leopards

I'm sorry your education system has not prepared you for this moment, but you're currently fighting FOR the hill with the Nazi flag planted in it, so I'm done listening to your opinion on how engagement works.

I'm sorry you're blinded by your knee-jerk reaction. you're fighting for the death of this sub (a sub for making fun of the people you think this decision will hurt). you've got your priorities backwards here

Who needs enemies to tear this sub apart when you have allies like these?

Good call. No screenshots is going to tank this sub, but too much schadenfreude is probably bad for you anyway.

schadenfreude is one of the few things we can enjoy going forward.

[And by all means, do. But imbibe responsibly ... taking pleasure in other people's pain is what they usually do after all. At some point we have to make sure that we stay better than them.](

Didn't this last election show us what taking the high road gets you? Frick them. I'm done trying to lead horses to water.

"but muh screenshots! the content!" Screenshots still encourage a non-zero amount of people to use the Nazi-owned site. If a sub that's dependent on content from a Nazi platform fades away because it won't support a Nazi, it's a worthwhile loss.

Then why are you on a sub depending on content from a nazi platform?

Screenshots need to be allowed! That's the main source of content for this sub. This is ridiculous.

Your opinion is ridiculous. Screenshots amplify the sites influence even without links.

Well good luck showing leopards eating people's faces when this sub just banned screenshots from the place where those people primarily hang out.

Yeah, cause there's no other way to communicate stupid shit from the right. /s

It's ill-advised strategies and virtue signaling that helped put Dems in this current position. The schadenfreude sub needs to be able to show schadenfreude. Looking at rightoids freak out is this sub's purpose. Turning off the BEST source of schadenfreude is contrary to that purpose. Scraping Facebook and random conservative subreddits is not the same. Let the other subs worry about amplifying messages.

We need screenshots. Half this subreddit is Xitter screenshot

I'm entirely in favour of banning links, but banning screenshots is going too far.

the less people care that xitter exists the better for everyone.. screenshots stops direct traffic but continues to give publicity to the nazis website which is what he feeds from. the internet is pretty big, pretty much unlimited I think we can find lots of content elsewhere.

Banning screen shots is (I'll put this nicely) shortsighted. Although moderators ruining their own subreddit by being shortsighted and heavy handed is a tale as old as Reddit.

Finally, now this sub can die.

Yeah not allowing SS kinda kills this sub.

"not allowing SS" is kinda the point

:marseyrake: A nation of cucks prepares to surrender :crankykong:

I think the Tariffs start on Tuesday, so the Canadians :marseybeaver: are mentally preparing for their surrender on Sunday :marseywhiteflag:



Instead of using a steam :marseyfreeman: deck like a normal :marseyregular: person, some people need to soy out and get OFFICIAL nintendo :marseysoyswitch: switch :marseyjumpscare: controllers to use with their machine :marseycoinride: that already has controllers built in. Not only that, they're also tying it to the headrest of the person :marseychonkerfoid: in front :marseyviewerstare: of them (because frick the rich people who have the privilege to fly). Thankfully the top comments were able to escape :marseyaaajumpscare: the circlejerk of the subreddit :marseyreddit: and realize that this probably isn't a nice thing to do nor impressive. The funniest :marseypickle: part is that he has a tray table :marseyscaredthunderstorm: right :marseyveryworriedtrans: in front :marseyviewerstare: of him AND a custom case which has a kickstand.



Reported by:
Professor of fat studies feminism dies at 42




A later statement confirmed: "There has been a shooting at the school. Four people have been shot. The extent of the injuries is unclear. The operation is still ongoing.

That number has since been raised to five - while police also denied local reports that officers had been shot.

The shooting took place in a campus area which includes several schools for both children and adults.

/r/redscarepod bickering over Elon Musk and DOGE


Elon Musk is ugly so I can't support him but where did all these libs come from? Redscarepod subreddit just looks like a default sub now lol.

Some data chud just nuked Bill Kristol's (neocon war criminal) government scamming :marseyxd:


!animalposters !cats

Putting free the hostages in their email - is this normal? : UKJobs


The UK is full of Nazis and must be firebombedo



Women's idea of romance is cheating



Reported by:
One Punch Man's latest Chapter is a Redraw of a Redraw :marseyxd:


Y'all remember the smash hit One Punch Man (OPM) in the mid to late '10s? The persiflage of the entire shounen genre as an invincible but bored superhero defeats all enemies with just one punch? Filled with other nonsensical characters like the strongest man on earth who's essentially the weakest man alive or the guy whose basically just a male feminist (male feminist) in real life? Anyways, that shit is still going strong but I've to elaborate here, OPM is based on a shitty drawn but sovlful webcomic by ONE, which in turn got adapted into an official (tm) manga with much better art by MURATA. The thingy got picked up as an anime and rose to immense popularity. Naturally, the original tone of the comic has been lost as it essentially became what it was making fun of - but that's a given for japanese "writers" as they're all whiny or talentless hacks or a combination of the aforementioned - except Fukumoto he's bae(sed). Anyway, OPM has always had a terrible release schedule but lately it's gotten so disgusting that even long-time fans are dropping the series.


To reiterate, here's the release schedule of the original comic (ONE):

while lazy he managed something

Here's what Murata has managed to draw after late 2023:

You may notice the Retconned tag after some chapters. And yes, it's exactly like you are thinking. He draws those chapters, releases them, and then later decides he isn't happy with the chapter (or the entire arc) and revisions all of it while making slight adjustments. Anyway, the latest chapter is a redraw of an already redrawn chapter originally released in 2023 featuring a filler side story of a filler arc. So basically the entirety of chapters released in 2024 are retconned - people don't like this ... at all:



This sub can be insufferable

I love OPM, I love all the stupid drama over which wiafu is best (they're cartoons and y'all are weird), I love the characters and story, I love the art. But the thing is we are getting a product for free here, and early. We don't have to wait for the Manga to get released, we don't have to wait for the finalized product to be able to read what's going on. We literally get a look behind the curtain as this is being made. And part of that process is fixing work that they felt needed to be fixed. Who's to blame? Murata? One? Who cares. It's their work. I'll complain about redraws when I have to rebuy my physical mangas because there's an updated version. It's not done until it's been printed and released. It feels like people are acting privileged and entitled because One released his content online, and now they assume they deserve access to finalized and completed content at our convenience. It will be done when they say it's done. Can we just enjoy what we have in the meantime?

I'd argue that trying to pretend that deleting 14 month of progress out of nowhere is completely fine is far more insufferable.

This isn't a look behind the curtains. It's officially released chapters that also gets official translations. No other series even remotely com close to this mess so of course there is nothing wrong about pointing it out.

Another moment of silence for the poor fools read the official version of OPM on VIZ's app. Because VIZ doesn't translate redrawings.

It is fine? That's how the creative process works sometimes

Literally no other manga series does that.

why make us wait a whole year for a promised move forward in this story and then throw it all away? Its not us being ungrateful but if Murata truly wants quality for this manga he ought to take his time rather than rush and give us half-assed butchered storylines and retcon it constantly

What you don't understand is you're not the audience. :marseyxd:

He is getting it right, and the version he wants is what will actually make it into the volume.

He is the audience. Fans like him are the reason why OPM got an official English physicals in the first place. His opinion will be valid if he says it in Japanese or so? That's just silly. He's still a supporting fan, and he could buy the physical manga just like any Japanese fan could. That's a narrow way of looking at it. Every fan contributes to the series' success.

Thread Dump


DISC One Punch Man Chapter 195 - 2nd Revision

To be entirely precise, we were at chapter 195 in November 2023. We're in January 2025 and we're now at chapter 195. A whole year thrown away.

Ngl the constant redraws have killed my excitement for this series. Doesn't help that I personally think the story gets worse with each version (just my own opinion)

Simple redraws or changes to the pacing is one thing, but changing the literal plot or direction is too far. It feels like that they don't have a vision for the manga and is just drawing whatever they feel works, which they then don't stick to and subsequently and in my opinion wastes my time and attention.

This manga fell off so hard, it really needs to be studied. Being so utterly clueless in what direction you want to take the story that you have to rewrite an arc for a third time. Just copy paste the webcomic at this point.

The funny thing is the defenders of the comic on the main subreddit

Well, it's easy to find defenders when the powertripping mods on there will parma ban anybody even remotely stating something negative about the manga.

OPM is genuinely starting to feel like an afterthought with both of its artists at this point.

I know Murata has that animation project he's working on, and ONE seems occupied with Versus and Bug Ego.

Deleting an entire year's worth of chapters, after having already done a complete 180 on the direction of the climax of the most pivotal arc of the series, is actually mental.

What's the point of reading any of this if it can just be retconned whenever ONE or Murata feel like it?

And the people that are on maximum strength copium trying to justify this shit by saying it's some sort of meta-level 4th wall interference by God to prevent his will from being hindered by the plot are just hilarious. Yes, it's totally that and not just blatant mismanagement and confusion by the creators as to where they want to take the narrative.


Thread Dump

All of 2024's chapters are gone from the site lol.

Get ready for another year of ninjas

I'm bored and this isn't as interesting as I've initially assumed. I'll revision this thread in the future. :marseyagreesuperspeed:

magic faucet true believers in thread Daddy saves California :marseyhappening:

Oh nevermind all he did was turn on a few federal pumps that had been down for maintenance for three days :marseyteehee:



Limit social media consumption as much as possible, but recognize that you cannot eliminate it altogether

Based and actually great advice :marseyhesright:

Pay attention to the comments you make about your own bodies in front of your children and the attitudes toward exercise and food you're displaying. Be mindful of the kinds of messages your kids are getting from their entertainment and social media activity.

Don't shame your kids for eating an entire box of Swiss Rolls, chud :marseychonker2:

Comment sections also expose posters and viewers to harsh critiques about people's bodies, which can fuel more insecurity and low self-esteem.

Very interesting how wanting to work out and feel better :marseystrong: is a harmful social contagion :marseyno: but :marseytrain2:ing out :marseyfemboy: absolutely is not :marseygigathonk:

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