:marseyrave: Day of the Flush (Spültag) Countdown: 18 DAYS :marseyrave:

What's going on?

The pushback

Despite setbacks, the movement continues to grow

  • Information regarding the protest was recently shared by True North journ*list Harrison Faulkner on xitter

  • A counter-protest against the indian intl. students protesting in Charlottetown was organized by two guys and reposted by PPC leader Bernier

The opposition are shooting themselves in the foot

  • Recently, in response to the success of protestors in Winnipeg, poos have organized in Browntown to demand extended work permits. Just because, you know, they want them.

  • This has obviously not been well-received by Canadians who are experiencing the side effects of several years of increasingly unregulated immigration

  • The response of many jeets to online criticism has been what one would expect of the typical ego-inflated thirdie:

I better see all of you kkklanadians out in the streets on July 1st.

Working :marseylifting: class Germans vote 35% AFD, Reddit :marseybardfinnrefresh: reacts

Link to thread :marseystitch: REEE THIS IS RUSSIAS FAULT edition

"Why are they hecking voting :marseynatesilver: against my their interests???"


"I can't believe :marseyparappa: my people are voting :marseynatesilver: in this Nazi scum again."


This cute twinks posts in /r/196, I can bet my entire coke stash on him neither being working :marseylifting: class or ever identifying as German :marseyauthrightill: irl. Neighbor :marseyfrickyou2: who is your people, child :marseygiftboxmarsey: molesters????

"Umm sweaty... This is illegal :marseymoonshine: and like you are r-slurred :marseypaintretard: if you don't vote like Plebbit..."

"Wage suppression, union :marseysaluteussr: breaking? Supply and demand? No, illegal :marseymoonshine: immigration :marseyabbott: is actually :marseynerd3: in the interest of the Slavshits working :marseylifting: in VW factories, the hecking share holders are just greedy."

"Ummm I'm German :marseyauthrightill: and I'm tanned and people hate me checkmate???"

Yeah I'm sure it's cause you got the mayoest of tans Snowroach.

RUSSIA RUSSIA :marseybackstabglowie: RUSSIA :marseybatska: RUSSIA

:#russiarentfreetalking: :#russiarentfreetalking: :#russiarentfreetalking:




"Kinda thinking :marseyhmm: that attack :marseyerenabs: (Mannheim) was planned :marseyhanger: by russia :marseyoctopusglow: now."

What are Redditors :marseyhammersrdine: gonna :marseyvenn6: do when all of a sudden the US and Russia :marseywerebackputin: vanish :marseydisintegrate: into nothingness? Blame China :marseymao: of course.

Question for people who want to date amime girls

Do you picture yourself as also being anime while with them or would it be more like a Roger Rabbit world? Wouldn't they be weird to touch if they were 2D but felt like people?

Mods please put this in the weeb sub so they'll see it.



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Us senate to expand draft to women
POV: You just logged in on

!metashit fitnessGODS please let me in again, ShreddedDEITY has kicked me out simply because he disliikes me, and I never spammed the group :marseybegging:

Euro 2024 betting- matchday 2

Match 1:

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this is cirno and fumo

Original post:

Microsoft deleted my Minecraft account. This is why I pirate

A surfer of the high seas makes a post about his Minecraft account getting locked because they didn't migrate their Mojang account to a Microsoft account.

Mods say:

Comments locked because it's just a battle of the "this was an easy thing to do and you had plenty of warning" crowd VS "you should be able to keep the game no matter what if you paid for it" crowd.

Both have merits, and yet everyone is now slinging insults and getting personal. Just ridiculous.

some threads:


The way they rolled out this change out was super fair, actually. I think they gave people well over a year to migrate their accounts

They deny access to a game you have bought. That is never fair no matter how many strawmen you throw at it.

-Whiny idiot:

It's literally a simple web server, dirt cheap especially for a company like Microsoft. They just stopped giving a frick and realized legally they could get away with screwing over the millions of unmigrated players.

You could not be more wrong... They gave you AMPLE time to migrate your account... It just makes you a whiny idiot.


They gave you a lot of time to migrate. they warned people multiple times that it would happen both in email and inside the launcher. if it took this long for you to realize this was happening, you deserve to pay the $30 again.

What if someone had quit the game and decided to come back to the game? Dumbshit argument

Don't ignore emails/the hundreds of reminders that were all over the internet?


others already commented on whether or not ur reason is a good one but you really dont need to justify yourself. just pirate if you want to, theres not much more to it


The company peepeeriding here's very crazy. Sucks for you man! Maybe try sending them an email

Peepeeriding a company that gives you spyware for free on windows 11 insane.

Its not peepeeriding microsoft... Despite microsoft is a shit, in this case OP just cant complain, they warned a lot of times for ~2 years in diferent ways, and he realized like 1 year late. Dont blame microsoft for being lazy for years... Does OP want to pirate games? Go ahead, but dont use this to justify himself

If OP has a life, he would be reading their emails as their job probably needs them to keep up to date with it. It's not defending the practice, it's defending fricking common sense.


so much cuckery in replies on a piracy subreddit of all places

it's a digital game they can always ask for proof of purchase or something like that to validate a genuine customer

Comments are really split nearly 50/50, with highly upvoted and downvoted posts on each side. it seems like the juiciest ones may have been deleted, but the arguments and multi-paragraphs responses are strong with this one.

Based Nabokov mean reviews and recommendations :marseysmug2: :marseytroublemaker:

!bookworms !classics come check this out

Plato. Not particularly fond of him.


Freud, Sigmund. A figure of fun. Loathe him. Vile deceit. Freudian interpretation of dreams is charlatanic, and satanic, nonsense.


Why should I tolerate a perfect stranger at the bedside of my mind? I may have aired this before but I'd like to repeat that I detest not one but four doctors: Dr. Freud, Dr. Zhivago, Dr. Schweitzer, and Dr. Castro. Of course, the first takes the fig, as the fellows say in the dissecting-room. I've no intention to dream the drab middle-class dreams of an Austrian crank with a shabby umbrella. . . . The Freudian racket looks to me as much of a farce as the jumbo thingum of polished wood with a polished hole in the middle which doesn't represent anything except the gaping face of the Philistine who is told it is a great sculpture produced by the greatest living caveman.


Also @JimieWhales someone agrees with you on Hemingway and Conrad

Hemingway is certainly the better of the two; he has at least a voice of his own and is responsible for that delightful, highly artistic short story, “The Killers.” And the description of the iridescent fish and rhythmic urination in his famous fish story is superb. But I cannot abide Conrad's souvenir-shop style, bottled ships and shell necklaces of romanticist clichés. In neither of those two writers can I find anything that I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, they are hopelessly juvenile, and the same can be said of some other beloved authors, the pets of the common room, the consolation and support of graduate students, such as—but some are still alive, and I hate to hurt living old boys while the dead ones are not yet buried.


As to Hemingway, I read him for the first time in the early 40s, something about bells, balls and bulls, and loathed it.

Then on Dostoevsky

Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journ*list and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journ*lism seriously.

The Double. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Gogol's "Nose."

The Brothers Karamazov. Dislike it intensely.

Crime and Punishment. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.


Then Camus, Sastre and Faulkner

Faulkner, William. Dislike him. Writer of corncobby chronicles. To consider them masterpieces is an absurd delusion. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me.

>Camus, Albert. Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.


Sartre, Jean-Paul. Even more awful than Camus. Nausea. Second-rate. A tense-looking but really very loose type of writing.

:#marseyhesright: on the last one, but I like Camus.

What about the authors he likes?

He likes James Joyce, Kafka, Tolstoy, Borges and Bely.

He names “Ulysses”, “The Metamorphosis” and “Petersburg” as the greatest pieces of literature of the 20th century. “Petersburg” looks quite interesting by the way.

Pasternak, Boris. An excellent poet, but a poor novelist.

Doctor Zhivago. Detest it. Melodramatic and vilely written. To consider it a masterpiece is an absurd delusion. Pro-Bolshevist, historically false. A sorry thing, clumsy, trivial, melodramatic, with stock situations and trite coincidences.

!anticommunists thoughts on Dr. Zhivago? Even if only the movie?


I think my dream home would have a couple cats living in it calling it home before me that were originally off the streets. Sound s like some Oliver & Company All Dogs Go to Heaven cartoon plot twist but thats kinda cool neat sounding to me.

Thanos freinds.

**thanks friends!

Redditors try to explain how a common sentiment is bad.

Kind of confirms that most redditors are pedos because they just claim that the person is being edgy when the sticker isn't wrong. Too drunk to link anything specific outside of rehashed jokes given the entire thread is littered with p-do apologetics trying downplay it. Also weird rhetoric that it's referring to LGBT so thanks for the ally support where you default us to being p-dophiles? :marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm:

LOL. Bongs are wimps.

26C (78F)? Bongs are hopeless. It's hotter in Canada right now.


Euro 2024 betting- matchday 3

What are you giving your dad for father' day?


So I just learned about the nutty putty cave incident

I know, must of you probably already know about it, but Jesus.

I don't think :marseyoscargamble: I've felt this much dread watching :marseyoperasmug: another person's suffering :marseypain: in years.



/r/AlternateHistory is exactly what it sounds like on the tin, a subreddit for alternate history scenarios.

We start this drama with the OP posting the first part of their oddly-conservative alt-hist series titled “The Second American Civil War According to Reddit Part 1: Election”, which tries to detail how Reddit would react to Trump being forcibly taken off the ballot due to an executive order made by Joe Biden that would bar felons from running for office.

This post gets taken down, as it was originally considered to be not alternate history.

This causes lots of folks to come out of the woodwork in AlternateHistory, pooping all over the moderators, which can be seen in theseposts, along with the latest posts on OP's profile.

The matter does get solved though, with the mod Coniuratos explaining that he removed the first post because they thought it was made to just politically mudsling, with the top mod of /r/AlternateHistory removing succeeding posts in the series, which got undeleted by the mods as well.

TL/DR: OP of a conservative alt-hist series got most of /r/AlternateHistory on their side due to questionable mod actions.

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