Thrifted these really extreme jorts

To the shock of g*mers worldwide - known chinese spyware ends up being spyware

Surely this isn't legal.

Valorant now takes screenshots of your pc, They are actually able to screenshot groomercord chats and fullscreen any window without you knowing and uploading it to their servers.


>Decide to play valorant

>All of China gets to know your groomercord chats, bank activity, goon websites and every other degenerate activity you're up to in 2-6 minute intervals of playing the game

Relevant Unknowncheats thread with more technical explanations:


Let me know if you agree or disagree. I'll also be rating them with a letter grade.

Starting off with the first drug I ever tried, marijuana. I used to love pot and smoke it daily. Somewhere around age 20 it stopped agreeing with me and no matter how little I smoke the only noticeable affect this drug has is anxiety. It's gay and gross and I don't like weed. Sue me.

Grade: F

Second up is alcohol. This drug also used to be fun, but now I don't much care for it. I just get really sleepy. But I enjoy beer with a meal, cuz I'm a man.

Grade: C

Nicotine. Fricking love it, eh. Nothing quite hits the spot like nicotine and it's always there for you when you need it.

Grade: A

LSD. Too fricking long and I've done too much of the shit. Used to sell it in highschool. Anytime I take it it's just a bad trip and I'm told to hang up the phone. It still has a place in my heart though, but it's hard to explain. It almost feels like going to a magic show but you know all the tricks already.

Grade: C

Shrooms. Tastes like butt but at least it lasts a normal amount of time. Same problem as LSD, though. Psychs just ain't it for me anymore, and that's okay.

Grade: C

Salvia. Frick that shit.

Grade: F--

DMT. Too much for me. Every time I've broken through I fight it too hard and just give myself a bad trip.

Grade: D

Adderall. I thought I liked stims, but really it just gives me anxiety and I also gack my jaw all over the place. Not a huge fan.

Grade: C

Benzos. What's the point of these little dudes except to knock the frick out? All my friends got wildly addicted to these in our earlier years but I never got the appeal. Just makes me sleep. Kinda nice.

Grade: B

Opiates. What's not to love? Makes your whole body feel like it's on a cloud. All the pain is gone. Good little dudes.

Grade: A+

Cocaine. Frick me did I get addicted to this shit. Another drug I've sold a lot of. Genuinely enjoyable in a party situation. Love to mix it with alcohol and play darts. Had a bad problem with it but quit cold turkey when I found out my wife was pregnant and now every time I do it I get anxiety and feel like shit. Idk the high kinda just feels like addiction as a high I guess though.

Grade: B

MDMA. Overdid it in highschool. Killed the magic and my braincels.

Grade: D

Meth. Only purposefully smoked it once, probably snorted it a bunch of times. Kinda feels like adderall 2.0 but with more addiction

Grade: F

Heroin. Only smoked it once. Puked. Felt great. Then instant withdrawals. Not fun.

Grade: F

Japan has fallen
Reported by:
By the grace of Monty /h/vampire has come back to un-life

And once again House :marseyvampirecrusader: Vampire :marseycountvoncount: rises from the coffin :marseyvampeek: like, well, ourselves

@birdenthusiast Will be the #2 Janny

All others can apply and I'll think :marseymindblown: about it


Communism will win most vodka :marseyrussian: enriched blood :marseyblenderafter: award :marseyklennywinner: :marseyvampire:

:!marseyparty: /h/fakecommunism has been created by @ACA :marseyparty:

!anticommunists !burgers !deadBIPOCstorage

New Feetwork 101 kino just dropped

These videos are unironically the best. :bow:


!grillers !r-slurs !soyteens


The only thing gayer than a 9gag PRO user, is a 9gag PRO+ user! :gaydar: :gaydar: :gaydar:

It's nice cuz the PRO users are in on the joke

And dab :marseydab: :marseydab2: :tayhyperdab: on the poorcels :marseybeggar:

RANDOM RACISM that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the post coming through choo choo :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain:

It's over for 9strags

Back to PRO+


Ivy Leagues have experiences/opportunities that simply are not replicated at state schools.

Remember when the pandemic happened and every school became instantly identical zoom calls of grad students that can't speak english reading slides?

I find it extremely hard to believe that Google is going to start not wanting to hire MIT grads because MIT has a protest encampment

Activist students cost companies money now. Big money jews are mad about these r-slurs, they won't hire them. They will hire jeets.

As he himself points out the decline in esteem is being driven by a general distrust of all institutions amongst certain elements on the right.

This blind blue no matter who r-slur didn't see that demonrats trust is declining too?


/r/grimdank: If you don't like it, then LEAVE!

/r/HorusGalaxy: ok

/r/grimdank: Wait, we're coming too. You can't just leave.

New Toss - Golem edition

Woman sees bros having fun, has to intervene

:#marseyzoomer: :#marseyzoomer: :#marseyboomer:

:#marseywomanmoment: behave yourself you are 40


Got a thing where I'd have to relocate for rto nonsense at my current job in a couple months (85k for frontend software dev at a big consulting place) and I've got a couple years of experience from this job now so I'm evaluating my options.

How fricked is the market? I saw a lot of doom and gloom on /g/ and reddit when I was poking around but I haven't heard back yet from any of the apps I sent out last week to start getting my own read on things except the expected "frick off r-slur" responses from STRAGMAN .

How important are stats and numbers about my work in the resume? I see it emphasized on the SEO optimized spam resume advice sites. Not sure how seriously I should take this.

How important are side projects? They were half my resume coming out of college because I had frick all for experience but I don't have anything I'd feel comfortable showing off to someone right now.

Petite Anime Women

@_Ghost_Poster keep yourself safe :marseyropeyourself:



Critic reviews are reliable insofar as if they say something is awful, it's probably good and vice versa. Also, critics are prone to being paid shills.

Not a movie but I remember when Dave Chappelle's somewhat recent specials came out and were bombed TF by critics... Widely regarded by fans as some of the best stand up in years and years. The sad reality is that critics nowadays are most likely going to shill political beliefs rather than give genuine critique.

Man speaks the truth and is downvoted


3lb beef roast (pick something on clearance - I prefer lean stuff, but chuck :marseysneed: roast works fine)

true communism :marseycomradehandshake: needs :marseyspecial: strong :marseybeefcake: leaders to help us through these trying times. i am working :marseylifting: on redistributing the wealth, but help me spread :marseymisinformation: it without discrimination for race or classism

send 500 DC to help our fellow workers survive


Joe Biden did the impossible :marseybiden:
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