Weekly Anime Post 139

Rewatched season 1 and 2 of classroom of the elite this week, and started season 3. Seems fine so far, more of the same mostly.

Apart from that, didnt watch anything.


@Aevann pin pls

The secret of the Holy Grail.

There is a secret about Catharism that I have discovered, it actually stems from the alleged daughter of Jesus.

Jesus had a daughter who was born as the result of the union between Mary Magedelene and Jesus himself, she was mentioned in writing and folklore as a servant of Jesus and never canonized as a Saint, but she is a Romani folk-Saint. This was censored by thr Church and her existence was hidden from history.

Fables stemming from the middle ages state that her (she was represented as a "servant" of Jesus), Mary Magedelene and Lazarus were placed on a boat without a paddle, due to persecution, eventually they ended up in France.

If you want to know why I posted the video of the Cathar chant, although there are beliefs that have been misunderstood or changed as time went on over the 1300 year period, if there was a religion that stemmed from the direct teachings of a decendent of Jesus directly, what would it look like? Why was the Church so insistent and threatened by Cathars, who were peaceful and lived a life of abstinence even committing genocide to wipe them from History? The Church in the middle ages tried to destroy anything that revealed the truth about Jesus and mold the religion to their whim to help them become a political and economic power.

It's because Catharism is the cup that holds the holy water. The Nazis even discovered this secret and mentioned it in their occult order.


I try to understand Jesus for how he actually was, not how the church represented him.

One thing you should know about Jesus, is that nobody in a human incarnation is free of "sin", it's part of the part of the condition of being human. The cathars rationalized this by saying that Jesus wasn't in a human incarnation and was an angel, but quite frankly, Jesus likely wasn't perfect. He may have been pure in heart, in spirit, but there were things that the daughter of Jesus knew that the church didn't want known. His issues with anger do shine through and are mentioned in the case with the money lenders on the temple, he still had a lot of stress and pressure placed upon him.

Do I think less of Jesus for that? No, I don't. If Jesus was in a material body and born on this earth from a virgin birth, according to the natural laws of the human condition, he wasn't free of sin. Only way he could have been free of sin if he wasn't born in a human incarnation in an earthy body.

How do I know this? I was the incarnation of the daughter of Jesus in a previous life. It's how I receive intuitive insights on him.

The Church misrepresented the fact that Jesus wasn't perfect in their heresy gospels as some Cathar sects believed that the "earthy Jesus" was evil. This is wrong, they taught he wasn't perfect.

Part of being in a human incarnation is that you do sin, only way Jesus could have been free of sin was if he wasn't material.


scandinavian nonsense

I received a weird sign.

My reddit account that I don't post on was banned for suspicious activity. I went on reddit, checked it.

My account posted this and I didn't post it.

I'm viewing it as a sign. It's kind of strange after my posts on the dioceseofdrama hole.


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Perfect wife material, what else does a man needs ? :marseycool2:

Can cook, tall, slender, cute

Ghost :marseyhesboo3: test

Here we go..


Wtf is even partially captured ?

This village is fully captured

Someone even posted this epic cope map

What's the hold up on conscription and getting more bodies


Saturday night drunk thread

Never let drunk me agree to things. Agreed to a 100/200 HORSE poker game and I fricking hate HORSE when sober and I barely know how to play so I guess I'm just sitting/folding most hands. I also only know the inviter. Flights next week are also stupidly expensive :marseyraging:

Thank god boxed wine is keeping me somewhat mentally regulated.

Noo you can't cosplay a kafir :soyjihadi:
Literally me :marseyme:
Ukrainian main rabbi congratulated Azov battalion on their birthday :marseyxd:

He starts congratulating them calling them heroes and real men, did great job holding Azov stahl and that God should bless them. Then he says we have to remember 900 Azov fighter are still in Russian prisons and he as main khohols rabbi ask the whole world help to return the heroes back.

Jfl I didn't knew they were forbidden to get western weapons. But fun part they told they did reorganisation but all their heads are still of Nazis from first days of creation of that organisation

Russia offered last months to do 500 on 500 exchange. Ukrainian offered some civilians as exchange material and told they will accept only Azov fighters :marseythumbsup:

And then they saying Russian don't want to do exchanges :marseybrainlet:

I found this in @FrozenChosen closet

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