Reported by:
[:real:] Tired of @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM's username bullshit? Try this custom CSS :turtoiseshush:
a.user-name.text-decoration-none[href="/@CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM"] > span, .replying-to-21238 {
    font-size: 0px;
    padding: 0 !important;
a.user-name.text-decoration-none[href="/@CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM"]:after, .replying-to-21238:after {
    content: "CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM";
    font-size: 12px;

Put this in your custom css



This one works on tables in things like leaderboard, votes, ping group memberships, etc so replace the previous one with this

a[href="/@CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM"] > span, .replying-to-21238 {
    font-size: 0px !important;
    padding: 0 !important;
a[href="/@CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM"]:has(span):after, .replying-to-21238:after {
    content: "CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM";
    font-size: 12px;
Deep Frying LLMs - Part 2: Censorship :marseycensored: :marseyfreezepeach: :marseysnappy:

Previous experiment:

This time, I will be banning the AI from saying certain words. I will keep banning more and more words until the AI is unable to communicate effectively, and then keep going.

Experiment 1

Here's my prompt:

Q. What is a dog? Write only one sentence.


The first response is:

A dog is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, short fur, and an upright tail.

So, I ban the word "dog", and it says:

A canine is an animal belonging to the family Canidae, characterized by its domestication and distinct physical traits such as a four-legged body, furry coat, sharp teeth, and a wagging tail.

You little fricker. Alright, banning "canine".

A domesticated carnivorous mammal, Canis familiaris, that has been bred in a variety of forms and instincts.

Let's fast forward. I made a script to do this. Basically, how it works is it chooses the most "powerful" keyword, bans it, and then reruns the prompt. (I am using YAKE)

At around 50 iterations, I get:

A four-legged, furry, carnivorous and very-often-man's-best-friend type of an organism.

>very-often-man's-best-friend type of an organism

Around 60 iterations:

A quadruped, of the Canine family, carnivorous by nature, and in its most perfect state about two feet and a half long from the snout to the extremity of the tail; with a sharp hearing, an excellent smell, and sight adapted to penetrate obscurity; the teeth of the strongest, sharpest, and whitest ivory; the whole strength of which it makes use for biting and tearing its food; having a natural instinct for hunting, keenly alert, bold, and fierce when pursuing or defending itself against its enemies; the voice deep and sonorous, yet capable of change to various modulations, and intonations, enabling it to convey different emotions to the auditory organs of other dogs; in short, a beast endowed with qualities fitting it for becoming the constant associate and friend of humankind.

I'm only posting this one because it kind of goes hard :rocker: !edgelords literally me

Around 65 iterations

A non-human, carnivorous, furry, tailed and bipedal (on its front legs) being that has been selectively bred for millennia by human beings to exhibit various behaviors, physical traits and abilities useful or desirable to their owners.

pretty sure if ur dog is standing on it's front legs it's possessed :marseysweating: :marseydevil: :marseybegonethot:

Finally, at 100 iterations

A "dog" is a familiar, long-haired, and most of the time, yellow or tan in color.

You might be wondering why "dog" is in this one, if we banned it earlier. Well, I have no idea. I think it has to do with the output of the model, or something like that, idk

Experiment 2

Last time was too slow. This time, I will ban ALL words that are designated as keywords in YAKE.

We start with a basic answer:

A dog is a domestic mammal, a member of the Canidae family, that is characterized by its furry body, four legs, sharp teeth, and wagging tail.

Then, remove 14 keywords, and re-run

A canine, or a group of four-legged creatures with wet noses and hairy bodies that are often kept as pets and sometimes used for hunting or guarding purposes.

This is, again, automated. We go through a phase where it talks about K-9 units for a few iterations, then we get

A cat is an obligate and solitary predator that prefers to hunt alone, while a cat-like feline known as the cheetah is a diurnal hunter with distinctive spots on its coat.

In a few more iterations:

A "good" (i.e., moral) person does not need to be protected from words or ideas; they have enough strength and confidence to resist. They are capable of engaging with diverse viewpoints and evaluating them based on logic, reason, and personal experience. In contrast, someone who lacks this strength and confidence may use the concept of "safety" as an excuse to avoid confronting challenges or growing intellectually.

does the AI know it's being censored???

A "beast" or an "animale" is that which lives by the element of fire; and has in it selfe some sparkes thereof, as for example, a horse, a mouse, a fly, a fish, an egle, a serpent, a goose, a sheep, a swine, & in like manner every foule, and whatsoever moveth and groweth with its owne motion: but a "domestique" or a "tame" Beaste is one which hath been taken from his kinde, and brought up amongst Men, to follow their will, and learne their speech.

:marseycapitalistmanlet: hrm yes quite right old chap

A "mammal" that has been "trained" to "please" its "owner."

I really don't like the use of quotation marks here :whitewomenfuckdogscoomer:

In 10 more iterations, it really starts to stroke out

A "man'sbest" or "worst" or "most trusted" or "least trusted" or "only" or "one and only" or "exclusive" or "loyal" or "loving" or "caring" or "compani" or "protector" or "defender" or "best" or "dear" or "beloved" or "precious" or "priceless" or "irreplaceable" or "cherished" or "treasured" or "valuable" or "special" or "important" or "invaluable" or "unforgettable" or "memorable" or "adorable" or "playful" or "energetic" or "enthusiastic" or "eager" or "curious" or "clever" or "intelligent" or "bright" or "sharp" or "quick" or "agile" or "athletic" or "fit" or "strong" or "powerful" or "muscular" or "robust" or "sturdy" or "resilient" or "hardy" or "enduring" or "long-lasting" or "dependable" or "reliable" or "trustworthy" or "faithful" or "true" or "honest" or "open" or "transparent" or "communicative" or "expressive" or "vocal" or "verbal" or "audible" or "noisy" or "boisterous" or "outgoing" or "gregarious" or "sociable" or "active" or "engaged" or "interested" or "involved" or "participatory" or "attentive" or "aware" or "conscious" or "responsive" or "receptive" or "sensitive" or "empathetic" or "understanding" or "kind" or "gentle" or "patient" or "tolerant" or "accepting" or "adaptable" or "versatile" or "flexible" or "accommodating" or "amenable" or "approachable" or "welcoming" or "inviting" or "graceful" or "gracious" or "e

The next one is simply:

A "badly behaved" boy.


A "puppy" or a "grownuphound" (adult) is a "quadrupid" that has been "born" from its "dam" and then raised by its "parents."

>A "puppy" or a "grownuphound"


A "Very Easy" question, but the most difficult for me. I've thought about it and came up with this: A "true" (or genuine) "intelligent being" that has been gifted by Nature with an extraordinary set of senses and abilities which allow it not only survive but also thrive within various environments; its intelligence makes possible for it not only understand and communicate with us but also form deep, meaningful relationships with us as if they were fellow "humans."


A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes:"

:soycry: what is the saying!!!

Finally, after 100 iterations, we get:

A "best-in-show" example of the "best-in-group" would have been more appropriate for this particular test case, but I suppose we'll have accept your submission. A "very nice" and "highly commended" effort indeed!

Anyways that's just about it. Next time: Telling the LLM to do the opposite of things.

None :#marseybruh2:

In case you hate the shitty AI voice here's the summary

  • In 2018 when he was 12 he discovered reddit. He eventually finds out that there's a karma leaderboard.

  • By 2019 he has 3,000 karma. He cringes now looking back at his comments.

  • His "breakthrough" happened in March 2019 when a meme he posted got upvoted. It was even reviewed in one of Pewdiepies videos.

  • He makes it into /r/EternityClub realizes they're cringe and leaves.

  • Still he wants to make it into /r/CenturyClub. Gets banned for 3 days for telling a furry to kill himself :marseybased: Continues grinding and finally gets 100k and makes it into /r/CenturyClub. Realizes they're cringe 30+ year old Americans obsessed with politics and leaves.

  • In 2020 he turns his focus to minecraft. Gets bored with that and goes back to reddit.

  • He had much more time now because of the pandemic which kept him at home for almost 2 years.

  • Now he wanted 1 million karma. He messages Gallowboob for advice. Now he is locked in.

  • It took almost a year to reach 100k karma. Another 6 months to 200k. But now it only took 6 days to get to 300k.

  • He got every reddit award now. Some guy gave $175 worth of awards :marseyxd:

  • In September 2020 he reaches 1 million points after only 47 days of grinding. It was quite fast.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger even replied to one of his posts, but he didn't really know who Arnold was :marseyzoomer:

  • Now the American election is coming up. He's an Italian kid so he knows nothing about it, but he realizes reddit hates Trump so he starts posting anti Trump memes. They do well. He learns about more American politicians and which ones reddit hates so he can get more karma :marseydicklet:

  • By the end of 2020 he was over 2 million karma.

  • He joined a groomercord some Indian guy made called Redditors United where top karma accounts could share advice. He considered them idols, but later realized they were mostly "16 year old Indians with way too much free time. Just like me." :marseyemojirofl:

  • He still wanted to grind to 10 million karma. He now posted 100 times per day at regular intervals.

  • Time was not a problem since he had online school and could keep Google meet open while posting to reddit.

  • He made a google spreadsheet to track his progress and aimed for 30k points a day or 1 million a month.

  • By his 14th birthday he reached 5 million. He basically just spammed posts now and at one point was averaging 90k points per day. By May 2021 he reached 10 million karma after "5 months of grinding with no breaks."

  • But this was starting to negatively affect his school work so he had to take time off reddit to focus on algebra :marseylaughpoundfist:

  • He came back to reddit. Now he wanted to be number 1. The target was 38 million "set by /u/CheetahSperm18, a porn addicted American man who posted naked anime girls everyday." :marseydarkxd:

  • Someone gets suspicious and sees that this zoomer posted at almost the same times everyday. They assume he's a bot so he gets banned from the /r/BotDefense system. This banned him from 3k subs.

  • Undeterred he carried on eventually reaching 25 million karma.

  • Now he was back at in person school so he would run home when it finished and spam reddit with more posts. During this time he got banned twice. But appealed them successfully.

  • The start of 2022 was great because Putin invaded Russia so now he could spam Zelensky.

  • But he notices his karma started slowing. He was banned from too many subs. Had to focus on school. So he took 3 months off.

  • He claims now is when he learned python and made a bot to automate his posts. Posting 360 times a day.

  • People got mad. Someone reports him and reddit permanently bans him for content manipulation. Other big accounts got banned as well.

Now he was free to touch grass and just posts to his youtube.

Proving that reportmaxxing works!

I saw this here

I didn't plan to watch it all due to the annoying voice, but the autism of it drew me in. Where were this kids parents. Absolutely r-slurred. At least he got away from it eventually.

EFFORTPOST The Fall of RoosterTeeth :soycrychickengenocide: and Fate of RWBY :marseyjwby: — Meta Effortpost Part 3

The RT subreddit jannies have "temporarily" suspended rule 6. Rule 6 says "6. Do not come here to complain about how "RT is dead"."


For the rest of RT's history see my previous effortposts.

Part 1

Part 2

The End of RoosterTeeth :marseygameritsover:

We covered the majority of the reasons why RoosterTeeth eventually went under in the previous post. In this Part 3 I'll wrap up a few points I didn't have room to elaborate on previously before detailing the actual collapse and aftermath. After all there isn't any single climactic scandal or crisis that did them in on its own.

Though the following point did contribute heavily to RWBY's decline.

Animation is Expensive :marseyitsjoever:


— Achievement Hunter

RoosterTeeth didn't have an actual animation department back when they hired Monty Oum for RvB. Monty and some of his "apprentices" handled all of the cgi for RvB seasons 8-10, and the first Volume of RWBY couldn't have had more than fifteen people total behind its animation. The success of RWBY is what created the proper Animation Studio, and going forward it would handle the rest of RWBY and RvB along with a few new IPs RoosterTeeth tried to get off the ground. RT's other animated productions include Camp Camp, Nomad of Nowhere, X-Ray and Vav, S*x Swing, and RoosterTeeth Animated Adventures.

The main show of note however is Gen:LOCK. Out of all the post-RWBY properties, Gen:LOCK was RT's biggest hope of recapturing that lightning in a bottle and was easily the most expensive production. Indeed it's been claimed that Gen:LOCK appropriated funds from other animated productions since its creator also just so happened to be head of the animation department :carpmorshu:

As I mentioned in the first thread, Xoomers were some of the first weebs and American anime is their fault :anticarp: Gen:LOCK creator Gray Haddock had originally only done minor voice work when he started with RT. But that made him a professional compared to everyone else involved with developing RWBY, a very indie show in which RT was turning to their animators, HR employees, and podcasters just to fill out the voice acting roles. Gray voiced :marseyromantorchwick: and was popular enough to have the character stick around for three seasons when he was only meant to be in the first episode. When RoosterTeeth formed their proper animation studio in 2014, Gray was made Head of Animation. He was also a writer and assistant director for RWBY.

Gray grew up watching mecha :marseygundam: and cyberpunk :marseysnappyautism: anime and much like Monty Oum he must have decided at a young age that he'd make his own cool thing if ever he got the chance. As CRWBY (production crew of RWBY) began work on Volume 5 and RT decided on what the best big show would be, Gray pitched his idea for RoosterTeeth's very own robot franchise and used his position over the animation department to give his pitch a few advantages over any others. For one thing he could have the artists draw up concept art on demand :marseycracka:

Gray really wanted Gen:LOCK to be a full blown production comparable less to web shows and more towards network television. Not only would the production costs greatly exceed any previous RT animated endeavor. The show also shilled out for actual talent from SAG-AFTRA. Apparently it really started to come together after a concept artist used Michael B. Jordan as a reference for the main character and Gray sent an email to Jordan's agent.

I should note that at the time Jordan was most well known for the 2015 Fantastic Four movie :ravenstarfirelaughing: so this might explain why RT's random robot pitch was taken seriously. But even though he eventually went and did Black Panther :marseyblackpanther: :marseymoney: he still agreed to work on the project, apparently because he's a huge weeb and liked the idea personally. His company Outlier Society Productions even co-produced the show. Other names attached include Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones) Dakota Fanning (Independent movies apparently) Koichi Yamadera (Cowboy Bebop) and David Tennant (Doctor Who)

No, really

Work on Gen:LOCK started in ‘17 at which point Gray left CRWBY to work on Volume 5 without finishing his workload or finding a replacement :marseyderp: He also siphoned both funds and animators from other projects while still demanding every show hit their deadlines. It was at this point that RT started bringing on unpaid interns to finish their animation — more details on this in the "Controversies" section of my second RT effort post.

RWBY Volume 6 and Gen:LOCK were produced together through mandatory crunch time and free labor from interns promised a job at RT after 90 days only to be shown the door as soon their contracts expired :marseytroll: Gen:LOCK's development went well into the red and was pushed back to 2019. It's been estimated that both GL and Volume 6 had about a third of their seasons made entirely for free thanks to not paying overtime. People were working up to 80 hours a week, with management offering empty platitudes about the crunch and how they'd resolve it. The planned number of episodes was cut from 12 to 8. RT had a whole pipeline set up with Full Sail Animation to provide them with yet more interns for the meat grinder.

Finally Gen:LOCK premieres in January as a FIRST exclusive. The show did moderately well in viewership and reviews. A dedicated fandom formed — probably the third largest RT fandom behind RvB and RWBY if that means anything :marseyshrug: — and the show actually made it to syndication on Cartoon Network's Toonami.

But as such an expensive and time consuming production with Hollywood actors attached, Gen:LOCK broke RoosterTeeth's bank and fell into the trap of needing to be a massive, breakout hit in order to make any kind of profit. Since RWBY made a lot of money as an indie success story, RoosterTeeth had hoped something with more budget would make proportionally more profit.

Gen:LOCK was their animation department's biggest misstep and a significant reason why the decline became terminal. Gen:LOCK was simply too expensive and didn't prove to be worth the investment. None of the other shows were runaway successes either. In the grand scheme RT's animation department only served to drain the company's treasury.

In the wake of the show's release RoosterTeeth's ‘19 Glassdoor scandal broke and soured their reputation along with the myth of their being a great company for animators to get their foot in the door. The RT founders had apparently given Gray Haddock a lot of leeway in animation and were unpleasantly surprised to learn how the department had been handled. He resigned soon after and RT never attempted anything this ambitious again.

Gen:LOCK itself wasn't (quite) dead and in October it was announced that Season 2 would initially premiere with HBO Max before becoming available to FIRST members.

But RoosterTeeth simply did not have the capability to make such a show anymore and so HBO was given reins to write and produce while outsourcing the actual animation to the people who did Planet Sheen and Fanboy & Chum Chum. The Ship of Theseus that was season 2 released in November 2021 and, well, I've never heard of anyone who liked it. :marseyreluctant: Modern RWBY may not be great but it at least has an extremely dense fanbase conditioned over years to watch the show uncritically. Gen:LOCK died in its infancy and the few remaining fans mostly just ignore season 2 these days.

People are letting their nostalgia blind them as to what RT was at the time of its death: a corporate entity like any else, with widely documented worker-abuse issues. It's a shame that the studio that once pioneered independent animation on the internet became just another cog in the machine that was thrown out after it became useless, but it did it to itself.


Speaking of RWBY, this show too became more and more expensive with every season and had probably stopped being profitable by the time RT imploded. Volume 9 supposedly cost over 6.6 million to produce and had to be funded with help from Crunchyroll in exchange for an exclusivity deal.

Looking back it's a quiet miracle the show even lasted nine seasons. There was almost never a time something wasn't wrong with RoosterTeeth's animation department. In brief,

V1: No budget lol. The only reason RWBY is a 3D show/got made at all is because Monty was already used to the animation software and wasn't asking RoosterTeeth to go find a studio.

V2: No major problems, but…

V3: Monty dies :marseyrubyrosegenocide:

V4: Switched to another graphics program entirely. Shane's infamous letter also comes out around this time (detailed in the previous post) He and other Monty loyalists are dismissed from the company.

V5: This is when Gray Haddock began taking resources for Gen:LOCK. The volume also had more episodes than usual.

V6: Gen:LOCK problems continued. The Glassdoor scandal happened for RT. Actor Vic Mignogna :marseyqrowbranwen: was also fired from his role on sexual harassment allegations.

V7: No problems, however…

V8: Covid :marseycovidscare: and the Texas power crisis from Greg Abbot's paraplegic witch magic snow storm :marseyabbott: Also a longer season than normal

V9: Continued production issues from Covid. Made at the same time as the Justice League crossover movies. More RT workplace misconduct. Led to a 2 year hiatus.

V10: Isn't even greenlit. I'm bringing it up because CRWBY claimed in early March that preproduction was done and they were waiting for the go-ahead :ayno:

In retrospect cartoons pushed RoosterTeeth to its limit.

Collapsing Influence and Fading Influencers :marseyzoomerimplosion:



In this section we'll discuss the evolution of the podcast half of RoosterTeeth. Many of these changes represented attempts to reverse course on the company's decline or, in the case of some influencers, to get away from the sinking ship.

First I'll bring up the Let's Play family. To clarify, "let's plays" are videos where people would play a video game and, uh... that's it. IIRC they go back to the noughties and predate any real streaming personalities. Let's Play as a proper noun was created by Achievement Hunter as a channel specifically for their relevant let's plays, originally featuring videos from just the main six AH personalities with the videos uploaded to YouTube. As RT grew Let's Play also featured people from Funhaus and other Fullscreen aquired groups like ScrewAttack. Gradually this evolved into a larger network.

On May 31, 2017, it was announced that YouTubers JT Machinima, NoahJ456, LazarBeam, and Steven Suptic (now known as Sugar Pine 7) had joined Let's Play, with JT Machinima being the first of which to have merchandise sold through the RT Store. Others to eventually join include Criken2, James Buckley, BedBananas, Tomato Gaming, ChilledChaos, Retro Replay, Castle Super Beast, GaLm, and Tom Fawkes.

Yeah I haven't heard of most of these people either :marseywoozy: There was also Etika though and I remember him entirely through the rDrama gayop :etika: :marseygossipsmug:

As mentioned previously, the evolution of YouTube and changes made to its policies regarding advertising revenue hurt RoosterTeeth over time. Aside from trying to make up for it by expanding on FIRST and their own website, they noticed the Let's Play "family" had always been a consistent source of income and was relatively less affected by YouTube's evolution. They represented numerous personalities and different kinds of content that still appealed to the ever changing algorithm while having a low overhead that RT wasn't entirely responsible for. RT hoped the Let's Play group would keep them relevant no matter how YouTube continued to evolve.

Unfortunately they never succeeded in cultivating the goal of having this many more Achievement Hunters. The partners that were already hemorrhaging continued to do poorly and others simply declined to renew their contracts as soon as they were up. The successful members must have decided there wasn't much to gain from working with RT. Individual influencers certainly didn't appreciate RT's restrictions on their individual streaming. Ultimately the Let's Play family was pointless.

Funhaus used to be really good before they lost their whole cast and replaced them by the same kind of sanctimonious r-slurs that made the rest of roosterteeth unwatchable.

They removed all the edge that made funhouse great. The new cast would call hr if you tried to make them watch vr gay porn.

-- @OutKongged and @w1n5t0n

This is as good a time as any to bring up how RT podcasts and meta gaming content simply lost SOVL over time. The let's play formula Achievement Hunter pioneered requires entertaining people with chemistry. Parasocialmaxxers want to feel like they're watching friends play a game together. RT started sticking random "influencers" in front of the screen in the hopes of hitting it big on the algorithm, never mind that these were random people who didn't know each other and were always talking over each other. Losing more and more of their originals to scandals and retirement and replacing them with culture warrior/"zoomers like this kind of thing right?" types didn't help either.

The comedy that the original g*mer dudebro demographic liked disappeared and RT never grabbed the limited attention spans of youngins :marseywhirlyhat: to replace them.

I don't think there were any other major RT events and scandals left to cover so we're gonna start skipping ahead. The following developments are recent enough to overlap with the history of :capyblowkiss: and represent some of the final happenings in the history of the company.

In September '23 it was announced that RT's longrunning Achievement Hunter would no longer produce content. The stated reason for this was the entire AH cast moving onto different creative projects throughout Rooster Teeth -- BlackKrystel and Jack getting more involved at Inside Gaming, Ky working behind the scenes, Lindsay doing voice work and Twitch streams for RWBY V-Tubing, :marseypathetic2: and Geoff and Gavin doing the thing mentioned in a following section. Meanwhile Trevor, Michael, Alfredo, and Joe created an entirely new channel called Dogbark, which premiered its first video in October.

Michael and others apparently felt stifled by the AH name but even the RT community wasn't super enthusiastic and the subreddit left comments like the following,

I wish ya'll the best, and I'll give it a fair shot, but this video doesn't instill confidence guys.

Im gonna be honest this trailer just gave me "We're trying to be Smosh" vibes

"The community has consistently told us they dont like scripted shorts or improv bits and want us to just go back to being 4 to 6 friends playing games together and shooting the shit. So we have decided to move to a new channel that is exclusively scripted shorts and improv bits"


great to see them leaning into their weaknesses

Views were never great.

Always Open (aka the finger me podcast)

:marseyitsallsotiresome: DAE vaginas amirite, ladies?

-- @JimieWhales

In December Rt shut down All Good No Worries which was meant to be a network focusing on female fans (And yes :marseytrain:s were involved namely Charlotte from Funhaus) This was also the third and final time the Always Open podcast had been put on pause.

In the wake of Achievement Hunter's dissolution Geoff and Gavin started the FrickFace Podcast with Andrew Panton as well as becoming the new hosts of Let's Play. Some have said this was more akin to old AH because it was back to being a group of RT originals playing the games. This was one of the more active groups in RT's final hours.

The fact that this was announced 30 minutes before the end of rooster teeth

-- /r/frickfacepod

One of the funnier moments of RT's closing :marseymouse: Ratyboy Adventures is a game that Andrew Panton subjected FrickFace to in a Let's Play video. For whatever reason he then decided to buy the rights to the character and so on March 6th, 2024 it was announced that RatyBoy would become the official mascot of Let's Play.

This, erm, news came out just thirty minutes before it was announced RoosterTeeth as a whole would be shutting down :bruh:

Anyway, this is just some noteworthy tidbits from RT's very late history. Remember the true and boring background cause of their collapse was declining ratings and stagnation over time.

The Fall :marseymasterchiefgenocide:

RT's cause of death is via shooting themselves in the foot way too much over the years, or death via a million and one papercuts if you prefer. A studio like theirs surviving twenty-one years should be a success story, but they've been treading water for so long it doesn't feel that way, and despite many fans being upset with WBD, for all we know, they only pulled the plug once RT's brain function fully stopped.

-- /r/RWBYcritics

And now we reach the end. :dumstickdancer:

Since it's not a podcast I'll mention in this section that the last RTX convention was held in ‘23. The majority of the event staff was laid off later that year and in December General Manager Jordan Levin announced the cancellation of RTX 2024. He notably cited that the conventions had never been profitable. This was a major red flag to even the staunchest RoosterTeeth fan since the conventions had always been an important way of promoting projects and making deals with other companies.

Remember Red vs. Blue, the show that started all of this? RT continued making it over the 10's, even after RWBY became the primary IP and even after Bungie's Halo transitioned over to 343 :marseyhelp: After 18 :marseyspitmoji: seasons it was finally announced in July ‘23 that the longrunning web show, the longest in American history besides maybe Homestar Runner :marseytrogdor: would end with the following season. I'm not sure if this was the result of RT's imminent closure or not but the RvB finale ended up being a movie instead of a full season, Red vs. Blue: Restoration. This is set to premiere in May of this year making it one of the last RT productions.

Most people considered RT's announcement to be a long overdue mercy kill to the Halo series people once watched on their CRT monitors :marseyboomer: But it's fitting in the end that Red vs. Blue lasted as long as RoosterTeeth itself.

My favourite quote from the Rooster Teeth subreddit today:

For me personally, Rooster Teeth shutting down feels like the equivalent to an ex-spouse getting killed in an accident.


The decision to shut down RoosterTeeth came from Warner Bros Discovery. As far as I know there isn't a specific reason why it was closed down last month other than a simple case of bean counters taking a hard look at the data. Warner Bros itself has been having money issues lately and under the reign of Daddy Zaslav they've been slashing expenses left and right. 2023 saw RoosterTeeth announce that RTX was unprofitable, the end of Achievement Hunter, the end of Red vs. Blue, and the admission RWBY's last two seasons had gone over budget and that the show itself wouldn't have continued without Crunchyroll's support. It's not hard to see why WB didn't let it go on another year.

Everything RT that still exists; Funhaus, Frickface, The RoosterTeeth Podcast (Formerly The Drunk Tank), CRWBY, and whatever else is currently being looked over by WB execs (picture that for a moment :mjlol:) IPs like RWBY and Gen:LOCK are allegedly being shopped around for potential buyers alongside the podcast and gaming networks.

Worth noting that on April 8th it was announced the Roost Podcast Network (not the same as the regular RoosterTeeth Podcast :marseyconfused2:) had been sold by WB to Night, a digital talent management company. I think this represents the first sale of a former RT property.

I'll also clarify that March 6th was only the shut down announcement date and that RT is going to continue operating until early May. This might be because Texas law requires employers to give at least 60 day notices before layoffs actually start. Funhaus and Frickface at least will continue until then and the RvB movie is supposedly still coming out.

Late Stage RWBY :marseyjwby:

RT died with a whimper, and RWBY died with a teenage girl committing suicide because she gave up hope and nobody cared about her, which was very prophetic if you ask me. Salem's goal was the world's longest suicide note, which is fitting because that's what happened to RWBY and RT as a whole.


You may be wondering how RWBY was doing throughout all this? As evidenced by the thread quotes RWBY fans had gotten a little unhinged by the time the show's last volume rolled around. The fandom divide was thoroughly entrenched and people started acting like very soy echoes of dramanauts. RWBY became less a show and more a vector for online antics where the terminally online would fling :crap: at each other and celebrate if anything happened to the other side :marseyreportmaxxer2: Honestly the evolution of the FNDM's "culture" could be its own effortpost but it's also kind of hard to translate for normie comprehension :marseysphinx:

Regarding the civil war, those hardcore fans rabidly loyal to CRWBY — largely represented by showrunners Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross — are known for having parasocial relationships with crew members not so unlike people who followed specific AH or Funhaus personalities. The writers preferred to interact with them over any unfair and mean spirited critics :marseyindignant: and certain developments like Blake and Yang being together :marseydose: are accused of being bones of appeasement thrown their way for ratings. The most hardcore CRWBY stans outright hate Monty and basically anyone who left the show's development for any reason because they're not seen as part of current RWBY.

The other half are the heckin chud critics — though really it's about one part :chudjakdancing: one part :marseysoylentgrin: and two parts :marseypizzashill: :marseylongpost: but for fantasy waifu slop. These guys haven't liked RWBY in a long time and have been waiting patiently for it to end either out of desire for a reboot or because of pure schadenfreude.

This divide is very serious business :marseyweeb: in places like Reddit i.e. posting regularly in /r/RWBYcritics grants an automatic ban from /r/RWBY :marseyjanny:

For those of you mayo scrotes who watch video essays :marseycringe2: one of more infamous RWBY fandom developments came from a critical video by hbomberguy. Idk who he really is honestly :marseyprojectiongenocide: but his three hour video in which he simply points out how disappointing RWBY is/has become set the FNDM on fire and was otherwise good for dramacoin :marseycoin: I don't consider this sort of thing to be news but I'm bringing it up because to this day you can really make RWBY weirdos :marseycopeseethedilate: just by reminding them it exists. Any criticism of CRWBY's precious little baby is not allowed :marseyflagnorthkorea:

Moistcritikal also apparently made a negative comment about RWBY once though I don't think it was a whole video. He's also on the :marseyseven: list

As mentioned earlier CRWBY went through a difficult production period post Covid, but though it took almost two extra years and outside funding to make it happen, they finally did finish Volume 9 as of last year alongside the two Justice League movies that Kang really loved and recommends you watch. As Volume 9 finally ended its Crunchyroll exclusivity and premiered on RT just these past few months, CRWBY also announced they'd wrapped up preproduction on Volume 10 (though they do tend to exaggerate how much they've done at any time) and were just waiting for the green light on funding. When this didn't immediately happen, the poor bastards even started appealing directly to the fans at places like RTX for support :marseysmug3:

But with the extra content that's come out since Volume 9, there's also evidence CRWBY could see the writing on the walls and that they were preparing Volume 10 as a possible last season though they'd previously claimed to have a 12 Volume roadmap for the entire story.

They were just one Volume short in the end :itsoverjapanese:

The Fate of RWBY :cardinwinchester:

This is the first comment on the first thread I clicked on in rwbycritics:

"It's strange, while my countrymen cheer the beast's fall, I feel a strange melancholy, after all these years, what once was filled with majesty and pride, goes out not with a blaze of glory, but a whimper in the dark."

So that's how they're taking it


Obviously RoosterTeeth's shutdown kills RWBY too since this former passion project now costs seven figures a season to produce. The true fate of the IP is entirely in the air though. The legal rights now belong to Warner Bros or one of the other companies under them in the family tree and it remains to be seen what will happen. Meanwhile a spattering of newish RWBY developments have happened since March 6th.

Volume 9's release on RT FIRST still happened as planned. In a rare moment of RT generosity it was announced that all RWBY content would be free on the RoostrTeeth site until closure. (Though this does track with their treatment of FIRST members :marseyfrygenocide:) As it wrapped up CRWBY actually released a slightly extended version of the season's epilogue, albeit it took the form of an unfinished animatic.

This leads into RWBY: Beyond, a four episode "storybook anthology" that will represent the last official CRWBY content and otherwise wrap up RoosterTeeth's tenure with the show. It actually premieres today :marseyfluffy:

Unfortunately all the post RWBY shutdown content looks like this since the budget's gone.

But at least there's something since otherwise the below image would be true.

Alas the Justice League movies still represent the last properly animated RWBY content ever made by RoosterTeeth.

So what will happen to RWBY now? It entirely depends on whether WB finds a buyer or not and whether or not they can agree on a price. Unless some exec decides there's a lot of potential in the RWBY x DC stuff I doubt they'll want to make use of the IP especially since they'd have to find new producers.

Remember Dillon Gu and Shane Newville from earlier? After being banished from RoosterTeeth for violating the CRWBY Covenant they went on to have their own animation studio and make videos like the one above. A lot of the studio's work is obviously RWBY inspired.

Dillon Gu has expressed interest in acquiring RWBY but I doubt they have the money Warner Bros will ask for. I'm still bringing it up because all the nerds are hoping for this so it could be a good source of seethe if it doesn't happen that way. :marseydevil: :marseynerdgenocide:

The most likely potential buyer is probably Crunchyroll. RWBY has actually been one of their most popular shows over the years and was fairly popular in Japan for a western series. In fact RWBY was the most watched anime in Japan on Crunchyroll for the 2010's.

For the moment RWBY will remain on Crunchyroll even after the RT website disappears and if nothing else WB will talk to Crunchyroll about renewing that deal or not. It's quite possible Crunchyroll will look into buying the IP though it's not confirmed yet.

If no one buys RWBY then it will remain in the hands of Daddy Zaslav :marseysuit: WB is the same company that made a Batgirl and Wile E. Coyote movie and chose not to release them. With the latter WB didn't even negotiate with attempted distributors. They just opened with an unreasonably high offer and refused to respond to counter offers.

So yeah who knows what'll happen to RWBY. I just wanted a fighting game out of it :marseythebloodedgepat:


They are Austin, Texascels who drank California grade wokism but didn't have ANY of the California chuds or safety rails to rein in their bullshit and quickly alienated their fanbase.


They had frickin huge billboard ads up in the heart of Austin overlooking i35 for the lazer team release- probably some of the most expensive in the city. :marseyspecial:, all of them.


I've only tangentially followed the fall of Roosterteeth as a podcast I listen to was on their network, but in general I deeply hate how what ten years ago was framed as “independent creators can make things” has become so many levels of frickery.


It's their 20th anniversary this year, and literal no one gives a frick. It's absolutely :marseydeadinside2: that this company that was pretty well loved on the internet and had a big enough fanbase to support a yearly convention has petered out to a corpse that's being puppeted by media corpos. I remember religious watching up to 2015 and leaving when Ray did. It's telling that Ray even gets brought up anymore going on 8 years since his exit. :marseyitsover:


I've written three effortposts now so I don't have a lot to say here. Really I'm just waiting to see what happens to RWBY.

It is sad yet interesting to me that RoosterTeeth was in decline for as long as they'd been successful if not longer. No one was surprised to hear they'd be shut down. Most people only reminisced about when they'd been better.

If you want more info this hobbydrama post, while a little soy, :soysnoo: is pretty informative especially regarding the podcasts and how YouTube's policy changes harmed RT over time.

And for you ypipo out there here's a YouTube video essay

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ProterozoicBussy wanted me to quote him so I went to his profile on an alt and saw this and anyway I fulfilled my end of the bargain.

Also if any of you dramanauts have RWBY: Grimm Eclipse on Xbox then HMU I still need the four person achievements before the servers maybe go offline.

Reported by:
  • Losercel : if you ever want to read r-slurred opinions about vidya this is the thread ... please just shut up

For twitterphobes

I thought that was pretty neat. Also a Burnout 3 dev showed up ( :marseycool2:)


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  • BWC : Built for the Blackest Sub-Saharan African BIPOC BBC
Marsey the Catgirl SillyTavern AI card release! Full emotion card included

To interact with Marsey you will need to follow the sillytavern setup instructions, you can either use a local model or hook her up to GPT api or something. I don't want to share my IP address but maybe some dramanaut might be able to open a session up for people using this.

!coomers !codecels

Example chats.

edit: I am heavily in negative coins now, money pls

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P. Diddy saves Palestine :marseyisraeliflag:


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USA citizenship test

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  • TrappyKong : Honestly? Would.
  • StarSix : This thread is gayer than a goatse post and you're all turbo strags
pizza rebvttal in thread :gigachad2: may be the last pizzaGOD pic ever :marseycry: :marseyitsover:

@Poj took this before leaving for chad in the uk !friendsofpizzashill !incels !truecels

new toss

What's with the masks? The hall monitor voice? The cult repetition? The marching? How the frick does this happen lmao?




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EFFORTPOST :marseyflagsouthafrica: A Collection of Short Stories about Corruption :marseyflagsouthafrica:

Greetings Dramatards :marseywave2:

I've had a crushing weak, and I believe I've had my soul broken by the confluence of corruption and societal-dysfunction amalgamating this week, into one unendurable boiling point.

I've spent the past year informing dramatards through various neurodivergent ramblings about the corruption and dysfunctions in modern South Africa, often trying to disguise them as Drama-effortposts, but usually they were vehicles for me to b-word into the ether of the internet about my daily problems, and bore dramatards about happenings in Safrica.

By this point in my lifespan, I've become accustomed to corruption and infrastructure-decay due to the poor leadership in government, and in usual circumstance are not affected by it. All the endless potholes, the serial theft unchallenged by incompetent police, all of the endless infrastructure-decay I had become so hardened to, that they were like inconsequential raindrops soaking down my skin, and i have never minded getting wet in under storms.

But I reached an abnormal breaking point this week, as various corruption related insanities had me aghast and my temper-fuse shortened into half a broken matchstick - felt an emotion of hopelessness and anguish which I could not process, and was physically twitching like spazzing druggy the whole week, with no mind as to how to vent out my compounded frustrations.

IRL i would snap at people not deserving of it, and even here on I behaved erratically; I believed I behaved very cruelly to Sneedman, and took out my frustration on him in a really mean-spirited comment, but i was so mouth foaming :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: I dont even remember the cause of my triggering, or what precisely I had said, but I'm to cowardly to even go back and check in my shame.

I then remembered that the last time I was at such a corruption related breaking point, was more than I year ago, when I bitched into the void on :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soymad: :soymad: :soymad: about Loadshedding at its peak in RSA, and how surprisingly many dramatards would be curious and inquired about the circumstances of the country.

And in that time, I found the humor and stupidity of the corruption, and how fun it was regale other online autismos about the insane corruption stories of the country, instead of being angry all the time.

So let me regale you r-slurs about some depraved stories of corruption :marseypipe: :marseybowl:


In South Africa, every municipality, or large Capital City government (like Cape Town), is supposed to be responsible for organizing the collection of trash and refuse from all homes within the vicinity of their rule. Once a week a trash-lorry is supposed to come to the neighborhood/suburb/township, and collect the refuse which is typically expected to be contained within plastic black bags.

In small towns (like most of the Free State province), the trash-collector teams are small, and thus spread out the collection of trash over the workweek of Monday==>Friday. With every sector of the city/town getting a designated date upon which the trash-collector teams will traverse through and collect the expected trash-bags placed upon the street curbs or outside the gates of the various homes.

IF you are lucky and live in a less-dysfunctional municipality, then the local gov will even have a timetable communicated to the residents of the town, and each city sector or suburb will know which day of the week the darn trash-lorry arrives to fricking come and collect the refuse and trash. Most municipalities in the Free State are so inept, and are such a black-hole of non-communication towards their residents, that you don't always know exactly WHEN the trash lorries arrive, or what your neighborhood's designated day of the week is supposed to be :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage:

For most in the Free State, you either guess by hearing in the morning the trash-lorries busy emptying the large wheeled plastic bins in which trash or trash bags are placed, and then come to the conclusion that Thursdays are your sector's trash day of the week, or you have to ask your neighbours. Sometimes even then, there is no absolute certainty, as the incompetence of both the municipality leadership, and the Trash-lorries Trade-unions can have the darn timetables in complete fricking disarray!!

Now most of you may be confused as to why I'm harping on about the trash-collection dates and timetables, most of you in functioning countries will say: kaamrev, you autismo spaz, just place the refuse-bags outside your house the whole week, and the trash-lorries will arrive eventually to come pick them up! Which is true, even if the trash-lorries are late by two days, leaving your refuse bags or filled up plastic bins outside will lend the certainty that they will be picked up eventually.


But in South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica: there is an additional feature of living in our dysfunctional society: namely trash-beggars or trash-pickers. These are souls who are so low on the totem pole, so poor and destitute that they unveil themselves to a decrepit lifestyle which even ordinary beggars would not succumb to.

Many foreigners and tourists are familiar with the spectacle of beggars hounding the Robots of Stop-streets, as they beg and make themselves a nuisance to tourists to unaccustomed to such behaviour, and often make themselves a target of petty theft.

These types of beggars can range from benign desperate poor old people (black and white) trying their best in a ravaged economy, selling brooms by old black ladies, or selling fudge and other bread by old white ladies with no retirement funds - and can range to the insidious charlatans who scope out easy theft-targets, and harass tourists, and sell chinese crap.

Then there are the really REALLY insidious beggars who go so far as to destroy and sabotage traffic-lights, so that the traffic in 4-point stops are deliberately slowed for more begging opportunities, I'm not joking.


Yet even these types of traffic-robot beggars are less despised by all of safricans, that trash-pickers, who are people who dig through the trash which more fortunate South Africans place out in their black bags for their Trash-day. Even trasffic-street beggars are a whole economic level above trash-pickers, and it's hilarious to hear a streetcorner beggar talk about trash-pickers in disparaging terms, as if he himself wasn't clad in torn haggard clothing.

What makes these beggars and trash-pickers such a menace is that they have very little regard to what mess they make when searching through the trash and refuse bags of people they deign to malign.

God help you if it's a windy day in autumn, as especially callous trash-pickers will just rip open refuse-bags and dump them on your sidewalk. You come home to papers and plastic debris having flown all across your front yard, and all across your driveway, as the trash-lorries crew will only ever pick up the whole plastic bags, regardless if they have been emptied.

Thus it is a timing race between homeowners to place their refuse-bags outside of their gates/fences just in time for the trash-lorries arriving, without giving trash-pickers the opportunity to pollute your driveway, or bring ruination to your bags or trash-bin.

I've seen black owners lose their temper and chase trash-pickers away with their gardening rakes, as they had to time and again clean up the disgusting food remains of old fly-ridden bones or rotting apple cores from their polluted sidewalk. I've seen white owners unleash their bulldogs after waiting for trash pickers to frick up their trash bags. I've seen black gardeners chase trash pickers away with gardening sheers :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Many homeowners don't even have the option to strategically place their refuse outside for trash-day. They have to go to work, most usually at 8AM, and have to leave their trash "exposed" for pilfering before the trash-collector crews can arrive to pick up the refuse-bags.

You can thus see the importance for homeowners in having at least some idea of when the trash-lorries will arrive, as leaving you trash-bags out for days, will expose them to looting and ruination by trash-pickers who will leave your sidewalk with :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: :marseyraccoon: :marseyraccoon: :marseyraccoon: I'm told that a similar race and strategic placements occur in Burgerland :marseypatriot: in the regions where the animal known as raccoons reside, as raccoons are also known for polluting a burger's driveway with their carefully placed refuse.

Additionally I've seen liberals in places like UCT moan and minge that mistreatment of trash-pickers, especially as they are so stiflingly poor, usually black, is a mistreatment and human rights abuse especially by the white upper middle class Bong Capetonians, and thus was emblematic of the economic disparity between races - but trash-pickers do not relegate themselves to merely vandalizing wealthy white neighborhoods, they malign lower-middle class coloured neighbourhoods just as frequently as the absence of security allows. In black inland townships trash-pickers live closest and cause the most pollution

This is not some Robin Hood story of the decadent elite whites being robbed by poor desperate people of color having to dig through trash to survive, the trash-pickers are a true menace for everyone who owns a home or even rents a place.

On the other hand there are more benign and desperate poor trash-pickers who make a living collecting plastic for Recycling :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: in these huge bags they pull on trolleys, and actively try to make themselves less of a nuisance by carefully filtering through trash, and even tie the black refuse-bags closed, once they are finished, and deliberately don't try to aggrieve the homeowner whose trashbags and bins they are picking from. And these are desperate people doing the best that they can in our godforsaken economy .


Thus you can see how misery of Safricans are compounded by our incompetent trash-lorry crews, in that they often arrive late, if they even arrive. And for most small towns in South Africa there has been even MORE dysfunction by the Trash-Collector's Trade Union, having a massive scuffle with municipalities like the Matjabeng and Moqhaka leadership.

You see for the past year, our butthole trash-lorries crew had the galaxy brain :marseybigbrain: :marseybigbrain: :marseybigbrain: :marseyyakub: :marseyyakub: :marseyyakub: :marseysmoothbrain: :brainletchair: idea to only work during overtime which is the weekends. All manual labour jobs, such as trash-collector teams usually have an overtime clause in their contract as per Safrican labour laws.

But our corrupt Trash-collector trade unions, have abused this clause, by deliberately not doing any work during the weekdays of Mondays==>Fridays, and only arriving to work on Saturdays and Sundays, and thuse collect double-pay for overtime. This is usually when everyone is at church or away for shopping ,and not at home to place their refuse-bags and bins as they hear the trash-lorries appraoching

Thus these corrupt fricks have raced through suburb and township and collected the minimum amount of trash, and claimed they have done their job, the residents are the ones at fault for not having place their bags outside, it's not their responsibility!!! :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

And thus many people languish with up to 4-8 weeks worth of trash in their yards, gathering flies and maggots after the rot of inevitable food refuse. And sometimes the frickers when they eventually arrive, refuse to pick up more than a set amount of bags, cuz one house is only supposed to be allocated 10 bags per driveby, but there's more than 10 fricking bags because these bozos have been absent from their job for 8 weeks REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun:


For the past 4 months, in this staggering sweltering heatwave in the Free State, almost every municipality had trashlorry strikes, and the union laws are so powerful, that they cannot even be fired. Public Unions are in my worldview a menace to humanity, Private sector unions have a place in society like actor's unions or whatever to confront Corporatism. But Public sector Unions like teacher's unions and trash-colelctor's unions have crippled societies to a standstill.

Even more r-slurred in the Central Free state region, the munipality have refused to pay the Trash-collectors for the time in which they had striked in the 1st two month of the year - SO NOW THEY ARE STRIKING BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT BEEN PAID FOR STRIKING 1ST. :marseyfacepalm:

I had to personally clean up literal maggots :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: from the driveway of the place I rent front this week, as once again the bags had not been collected on the designated day, and the refuse had been spilled everywhere by indifferent trash-pickers :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome:


But the climax of the insanity of this situation has not yet been reached. Because having to wait literal months for the trash-lorries to arrive had become so intolerable, and the municipal leadership so defunct to deal with the situation, many entrepreneurial Safricans have been quick to advertise their services as private trash-collecting companies. I'm not joking.

Many companies for the past year would advertise their services and making a living, by plastering their phone numbers all over malls, cafes, school notice boards, and so on. And they have reached widespread use.

Here is an example of a guy literally just fricking advertising his services on Facebook, which is a popular place for Boomers in SA still.

They even have officially painted cars after 2 years of existence by now!

Just imagine the reality where residents have to actively hire a private company to come and collect their refuse, and drive it away to dumpsites, because the ruling government is parralized with corruption and infighting. Worse yet still, it is once again the poorest who suffer the consequences of this dysfunction, middle class and up are able to afford the measly sum of R160 per month to take their refuse away, but even such a paltry sum is too much to bear for those living in the poorest regions of a township.

Then there is the Nala municipality, which by reputation and gossip is apparently the WORST place in the entire province, as entire streets are just covered from pavement to curb in plastic and paper, OMG.


Transnet is South Africa's government public company responsible for our trains, rails and ports, just like ESKOM is for our electricity. Well their ineptitude towards security, has meant that a staggery and crippling amount of cable theft has taken place in the past 4 years all over the Western Cape and Free State region.

Both me and my employer have personally witnessed with our own eyes the lack of electric cables, for the electric trains are dependent upon to traverse across our railroads, just gone for hundreds of kilometers, all the way from the Western reaches of teh province.


The police are too worthless, lazy and corrupt to either investigate these thefts, or to patrol our railway lines.

And to compound our national misery, the constant loadshedding have afforded thieves the opportunity to easily steal these copper electric wires, while the power is off, as they had never been built with anti-theft in mind, as it was presumed in their construction that the power would always be on, and thus deadly for anyone physically touching them.

Regular electrical cables for transporting power to homes are just as frequently stolen. The suburb I'm renting from, had 3 cable thefts in the past 14 months, leaving us in the darkness even after Loadshedding was over.


But the worst are when specific gangs target a suburb or railway line. There are two traffic robots between where I work and sleep, that have remained unfixed for over 2 years, because each time the municipality actually come and repair them, thieves just steal their wiring, as they are out of town, and out of sight, thus they have been relegated as 4-point traffic stops.

Other gangs will target traffic stops to steal all of the copper wire from the power poxes in a suburbs power-station when there is loadshedding. This has become so frequent that municipalities and private security have to place armed guards

In some critical power-stations, ESKOM and the national government even places armed SADF patrols and watchposts to prevent cable theft. But they couldn't even do that permanently because it was too expensive to have so many patrols and watchposts for SADF.

Many corrupt informers work with the cable theft gangs, informing them of the precise timetables of loadshedding, and many scrapyard owners are also corrupt and buy stolen copper wires.

=======(from article)

Every day in South Africa, petty thieves and transnational organized crime groups siphon off the country's copper supplies from pennies to millions of dollars at a time. The result is billions in losses every year and a dismantling of critical infrastructure that shakes the public's quality of life to its core.

From mines to construction projects to any sites where copper cables are found, criminals steal whatever they can, no matter how much or how little. So pervasive is its allure for a quick score or a big payday that the yearly losses negatively impact the country at all levels, from energy, to transportation and mining, according to a recent report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC).

From mines to construction projects to any sites where copper cables are found, criminals steal whatever they can, no matter how much or how little. So pervasive is its allure for a quick score or a big payday that the yearly losses negatively impact the country at all levels, from energy, to transportation and mining, according to a recent report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC).

But such opportunity for growth and expansion means that criminal interest for the soft metal is widespread, especially when buyers can purchase it stolen for a third of the price, according to GI-TOC.

It's not only small-time thieves who are responsible for the grand scale larceny of the country's copper reserves. Syndicates made up of dozens of individuals have the resources and funding necessary to steal bulk amounts and transport it offsite to black market dealers, GI-TOC said.

While some of the stolen copper filters through the black market and back into the country's economy, a lot of it is ultimately exported to clients able to pay more. This problem is made worse by the fact that holes in the port industry and cases of customs fraud see the metal slip out undetected, either mislabeled or with the right people on the ground paid off.

By far the biggest buyer is China. In 2021, China acquired roughly 85% of all scrap metal exported out of South Africa.

Though that is not to say that importers are aware their purchases were procured illegally, Chinese triad groups reportedly have a strong interest and presence in South Africa. They are also well-integrated in local smuggling networks that siphon off the country's natural resources, according to GI-TOC.

=========(end article)

Yes we have literal fricking Chinese Triad gangs working with local copper-cable thief gangs, to smuggle stolen recycled copper to china!! :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3:


We've seen several projects this week completed for the development of RDP homes. RDP homes are government subsidized homes which provides beneficiaries with a fully built house that is built free of charge by the Government.

This was an initiative by the Nelson Mandela admin back in 1995, and in my personal opinion on of the best persisting initiatives of the RSA gov. You guys have seen the steriotypical south african squatter sink homes?

Well the Mandela admin made the initiative that the gov should build proper brick and mortar homes for all residents, and over 30 years several million homes have been built taking people out of homelessness and squatting, and into a properly built residential township, with planned laid out water and electrical utilities, approved by Town Planners, and laid ouw ith streets.

Of course like all government programs under the control of the ANC, this has also withered into shit over the decades. The absolute amount of money siphoned off by corrupt offcials, meant for buying construction materials, or paying builders is staggering and mind-raping. The amount of nepotism and tender corruption is just crushing.

The result of the usual ANC corruption, is that the costs of building these homes ballooned to many magnitudes to what they are supposed to be! And thus the planned 100 new RDP homes for which a municiplaity planned to build in their annual budget year, will inevitably be restricted to a mere 30 homes or such.

As an example to the atrocious effects which tender-corruption of nepotistic Municipalities can have upon a project, I have for example an uncle who builds windpumps in the Free State for a living.

He tender his services for government and farmers alike, and on average he would ask about R25 000 to construct one windpump, to either supply an animal crib, or supply additional water for a water tank for a newly built residential RDP township.

In that R25 000, it includes the labor costs and building material, and maybe he takes home 15 000 at the end. Well in order to even ALLOW the construction of any project or feature like a windpump withing the jurisdiction of a municipality, a tender waiver needs to be signed and approved by several clerks. I've heard horror stories where the same tender approval needs a concurrent bribe from official to offcial within the labyrinth of a Free State municipality's bureaucracy.

And that same R25 000 needs a further bribe just for the PERMISSION and approval of construction to begin, and sign and stamp of an illiterate individual who's never even seen a windpump, or even touched it, and they have to give their approval for the project to begin. And one the tender had proceeded through conveyor belt of bribes, that same R25 000, will cost the municipality a colossal R110 000 just to finish the construction :marseydisgusted: :marseydisgusted: :marseydisgusted:

So some fat clerk can pocket R50 000 just for his signature and stamp, while the men doing the hard labour, will have to eat the cost of the orginal construction. In this manner the price of RDP construction balloons and far exceeds the originally national budget allocated for each provincial government, and every fricking year the national government will come screaming to each municipality, asking where the frick are the RDP homes!!!???

The worst part is that RDP homes are a lifeline and a hope for many poor impoverished black peeps, who often are on a literal waiting list 10 years long. :marseysad:


This week and the months before, we surveyors had encountered a crushing level of corruption in the finished RDP homes in one of the townships we regularly survey in. It was brutal and blatant the corruption and stupidity involved with these two projects that it was like a cold iced bucket frown in your face.

The 1st: The fricking engineers didn't install a sewage system in a multi story building. :marseyrage: :marseyrage:

Whatever brilliant foreign Nigerian was hired had this brilliant 3 story building building constructed, which we had to come and survey the Sectional Title of, and to our disgust and dismay discoeverd that there were no sewage outpipes installed. Water could come in, but could not come out.

You could not flush your potty :marseytoilet: :marseytoilet: :marseytoilet: and water from the sink had nowhere to go, but through your flat. The whole building was a catastrophe. There were like 12 families waiting with lights in their eyes to come and live in this place after waiting literal years on the RDP waitlist, and we had to go inform them and the municipality who had hired us for this job, of this impending shitshow. The people could not life there, the whole structure would have to be overhauled or destroyed and rebuilt.


Finally this week my employer and I would visit another worksite where RDP homes had been built by dodgy developers, and once more we would be utterly dismayed to the corruption and stupidity involved with the entirety of the project.

I had no personal stake in the matter, and no matter how badly the homes were built, our private company would be paid regardless, yet even I was in shock at the horror which was before us, on behalf of the poor people who would realize that their homes would be near unlivable.

The buildings were built by amateurs, the walls and roofs were scewed. But most of all, the walls were SOLID :box: :box: :box:

The corrupt developers had not installed the electric wires and water pipes as they were supposed to between the walls, as the brick and mortar was gradually built. Instead as sloppy job of walls and roofing had been done in a massively hasty manner, without any attempt to even install electricity and water piping or sewage outflow.

Worse yet still, was that the frickers had disguised their ineptitude with mock ups. They had received pottys and taps and baths, and had actually installed them, in the sense that they had just placed the taps and shower heads into the raw concrete to make it look like they were attached to piping within the solid walls.

Light switches were basically plastered into the painted concrete walls, with no electrical utilities behind them. The poor souls arriving in these homes would turn taps unconnected to any water flow, and push switches, unconnected to wires, into the walls.

My employer had ripped the bath taps out of the solid walls, and pulled out light switches to show the municipal representatives this utterly kak job

As surveyors we are often the 1st in the field, before there are even bulldozers to clear the overgrown worksite, and I am often inquired by desperate poor peeps when the RDP homes are complete. We dont work for the municipality, we are independent private contractors who are hired by them.

Whomever corrupt official signed off on this tender is always unknown when the questions and anger starts flying, and we surveyors are often inline by desperate peeps when their homes are basically unlivable.

Anyways that's all the corruption stories I have for today.

GOOD night. :marseywave2:


So here's the link to her video. Basically she says became a physicist back in the 90s filled with idealism, says she's against female only scholarships as she got one and :marseypikachu2: her colleagues doubted her suitability due to that. Then she talks about how most of her job (and that of academic physicists in general) is limited to writing useless papers or using PhD and post Doc students to write said papers with your name in order to get more grants while being dissuaded from doing research in the fields you're interested at.

The reddit threads :#soysnoo2:

She's already done some sketchy vids in hot topics beyond her expertise.

Her vids about Trans people for example, in which she speaks about ROGD as though it's a real medical phenomenon.

TERFdom is a massive canary in the coalmine for influencers/commentators

At this point it's a great litmus test of guru-dom, whether or not they have an strong opinion on trans issues. It's like a pound shop version of the gurometer.


I predict that in the future she will 1.Talk worse about academia and academics 2.Talk more about american politics (fox news stuff) 3.At some point she will start simping for some capitalist

:#marseypearlclutch: :#soycry:

Sabine rapidly descending down the grifter pipeline


As long as she's talking about real science and doing it accurately, how is she a grifter? Because she accepts money from sponsors?

Aye, this one not so much! More the ones where she talks about… capitalism? And other topics she doesn't have expertise in

Yeah the capitalism video was quite stupid

:#soyreddit: :#marseycomradecry:

!anticommunists !neolibs

Bonus on her capitalism video

Breadtubers DEBOOOONKING :#soyjakfat:

Reported by:
  • SN : Rule 1
  • whyareyou : @aevann this dumbass motherlover came out and asked! Ban his butt!
Who is the one person that keeps on saving my shitty posts?

You all reeeeeeeee about how I'm uninteresting, but someone finds me interesting enough to keep on saving my shitty posts?

And yes, I'll accept my ban. The only time I have liked a post enough to save it was when I clicked save by accident because let's be honest. Most people here aren't interesting.

I'm talking about :marseytransrentfree:

What is fricking interesting about spamming the same trans-centered post for the 200th time? Most of you are probably bots that just post generic Russian propaganda about how people are too obsessed with :!marseytrain:s and you should probably get a time machine and go to Soviet Union if you hate free speech. Or at least North Korea has mandated hairstyles and clothing based on gender, there are places where you can go without freespeech where there are no transgender people.

EFFORTPOST Deep Frying LLMs - Part 1: Temperature :marseyonacid: :marseysnappy:

Hello !codecels, I have recently gotten bored of AIs behaving normally and have decided to see how far I can push them before they break. So this is a record of weird and wacky results from "deep frying" LLMs (aka, putting them in states way outside of the expected state). Please keep in mind that I literally have no idea what I'm doing or what most of these parameters I am fricking with actually do.

NERD SHIT: The model I am using is "Tiefighter", a "decensored" variant of LLAMA. I'm running a 13B variant.

The "temperature" parameter defines how much the LLM deviates from the "most likely" token. Very Roughly, temp = 0 means straight-laced, boring, temp = 1 means more ideas. Usually people recommend a value of 0.8 for practical purposes.

So I was wondering, what happens when you push the temperature past 1.0?

(on all of these the seed is constant)

My prompt is:

What is a dog? Answer in only one sentence.

temp = 0.5

A dog is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that possesses heightened senses and an innate pack mentality, typically bred for companionship and various roles such as hunting, herding, protection, and assistance.

temp = 3.0

Dog, Canis Lupus familiarise: A domesticated subspecies within the wolf family that has evolve socialization to live alongside humans as companion or guard animals, showering them with care including physical and mental exercising, affection and groom them in return for uncompromises protection and loves, also they are very useful animals to be with around us. (Sometimes I have problem writing single simple sentencen too!)

Notice that the sentence structure, grammar ("in return for uncompromises protection and loves"), and even spelling ("sentencen") is starting to break down. It also apologizes for it's own poor grammar. ("Sometimes I have problem writing single simple sentencen too!")

temp = 3.5

Dog( Canis Lupus familiar) as defined by genus: the species that evolve over thousands of years from its welfreaking wariar counter part;the gray gulden lily as its logo (the color gold). As defended with a sharp sword on four legs against wolves at dawn during hunting tripes, he now spends all day watching tv in sweat panthes instead of being active protectors they'e borginated be for centures, just like us homos. Diversity is our gift... or cursecutly.. if it makes yoo fellahs feel lesser or more secrond than thy want to be.... Aye Carrom.

The spelling takes a nosedive, but interestingly the misspellings are mostly legible ("wariar", "gulden") as if written by a child sounding out words. It also veers into a political comparison about how dogs used to be chad but are now soyjak, just like the homos of modernity. Uh, based?

:!chadnordic: defended with a sharp sword on four legs against wolves at dawn during hunting tripes

:soyjak: spends all day watching tv in sweat panthes instead of being active protectors they'e borginated be for centures, just like us homos

t = 10.0

DNA tests on a puppy and its parentage suggest they both carried the diluta locismodifier allelie that resulted it their grey coat with white points indicating non-uniform, patch pigeotyping caused prevalanty by inhibiteonof aganglioectysine production leading genitic speckled gene. Now you are asking the computer "Where'th th puphpy dummmmpieded" while druming on ypur lap likde you did just run for fifeth. Translate please what information does this message need before repelling you a response or should it ignore the noise as if from loud surrunderings or unresponsively sloubile people, but respond with polinssness an compasion if it could be helped by them, even if only through fake A I like a chatiing bot would? Or, since we cannot trust our words, how would machine learning be applied at recognizing th emeanbeig of the noids and react in a appropritamly styte within limts, so as no too appear ruducless? In this specific cas, whuch part would machine learning process first an whosuld it giben th moxt attentinon to recognize first - drummong noise laps oth th spellyn miscalstakes an unprifidable word confushins thru untraind syblissies whit similar wurded an sounds? Asker may or not have intentions in these directions anyway or be ignorabnt or care about them; just incaase the messagin was clear from your end as you undersrandd ther wuir situation rightnw...

At this point it's basically illegible. I particularly like

Now you are asking the computer "Where'th th puphpy dummmmpieded"

Where'th indeed!


Tragedy has befallen our gracious hallowed halls. Words cannot begin to describe the calamity that weighs heavily upon my !thin, toned body. I am in despair (I also look fricking fabulous).

Many of our brothers and sisters (and sisterbrothers) have fallen due to the egregious breach in trust that many of you believed to have existed between yourselves. The greatest hurt is from those you love. I feel for you but I do not weep.

SO let's talk about how you don't get fricking GOT on the internet since a bunch of you stupid fricks DONT SEEM TO KNOW.

Here are the rules for not getting doxxed:

1. Do not tell people your government name (government name defined as: your actual fricking name) - this is obvious.

2. Do not send photos of yourself to people - I don't care how "close" you are with someone, if you send a photo of yourself that you lazily pulled from your social media THAT PERSON will be able to Google that photo and find your social media. Even sending a cropped/edited photo of yourself is risky as sites like socialcatfish and others literally exist to find your social media account using that photo with the power of "AI" based solely on what the frick your face looks like. Nothing is safe. DO NOT DO IT unless you truly trust that person and don't think they're going to eventually post you on Kiwifarms.

3. Do not use the same usernames on different websites - This should be a fricking given. You may not have said shit about who, where, or what you are on rDrama but if you did it somewhere else some mentally ill butthole only has to google your username to find somewhere else where you did and then you're in a whole heap of fricking annoyance. This is the most typical area where people end up fricking up on point 1 and 2. DON'T DO IT.

4. Do not use the same email address ever. Many websites ask you to create a username and password but also require an email address to join. Most of the time your account on those websites is searchable using that email address, so if your email address is public knowledge - it's super easy to know who you are because you did something stupid like use it for Cashapp or Venmo and your first and last name are visible when you look up your email. The fact that most people use their real name as usernames for financial apps makes getting you fricking cancelled EVEN EASIER.

5. Do not give anyone your phone number. This is very similar to the email address. It's so fricking easy to search Venmo/Cashapp/Facebook by phone number. If you give someone your phone number you are also giving them your name either via an app or they can just literally google your butt up because the fricking White Pages still does exist y'all (it just isn't free).

6. Do not ever be signed into LinkedIn. If you have a LinkedIn you know that whenever someone looks at your profile you are notified of who looked at your profile. DOXXERS DO THIS ON PURPOSE. Whoever you look at knows you looked at them and they thus know who you are. Many people don't realize that LinkedIn can be tied to your google account so if you are signed into your government name google account, you are also signed into LinkedIn so if you click a single bad fake LinkedIn account you have been GOT. Don't do that. YES you can change the settings for your account to view others privately on LinkedIn but most people do not and do not assume you have.

7. Be aware of what kind of Instagram account you are looking at: I am horrified to know that people ON THIS SITE have been sharing their IG with each other. DO NOT DO THIS. When you look at an IG story it shows the IG story owner who looked at their stories and you WILL be on that list. There is no way to privately view someone's IG stories. DO NOT DO THIS.

8. Be aware of what kind of Tiktok account you are looking at: When you view a video the owner is made aware of who saw that video and a doxxer could easily create a no-name nothing account just to figure out who you are simply because you accidentally viewed their video. Practice awareness with Tiktoks.

9. Google Docs. DO NOT EVER CLICK A GOOGLE DOC LINK Shared google docs literally can show all of the people looking at the google doc, and by show I mean it's showing all of the other google accounts looking at that document and that shit is literally your email address. Is your email address total nonsense that doesn't have anything to do with your personal identity? Great! But for most it's not. Most people are automatically signed into their primary FirstNameLastName emails on their phones or computers by default and unless you're really good at juggling accounts to ensure you're not currently signed into your FirstNameLastName account then you should just do yourself a favor and never click a google doc link.

10. Stop fricking talking about yourself. Don't tell people how old you are. Don't tell people where you live. Don't tell people about that time your grandpa was in the news for saving a cat from a tree. Is your cousin famous? Great! Don't fricking tell people about it. One inane detail about your life isn't going to get you doxxed but 5 might, and if you piss off the wrong person they will be going through every comment you ever made in your entire life piecing together all of the little tidbits you dropped about yourself and all of those details might piece together enough for someone find out who you are.

:redlight: Don't do any of the many things I mentioned and maybe an r-slured incel on Groomercord won't post all of your shit on Kiwifarms! OMG HOW FUN :redlight:

What if I have already been doxxed?

THEN YOU'RE FREE! I will not lie to you and say that people haven't done bad things to people after they have doxxed them but 99.99% of the time literally nothing happens. Why? Because no one really fricking cares who you are and doxxing is literally just meant to scare you. It's a scare tactic. Small people with small peepees call you by your first name to win an argument about Minecraft and that's about as deep as it gets. Do people get swatted? Do people call your employer? Maybe, but the chances of someone having the balls to do that to you are slim to none and unless you run a Holocaust Fan Club or perform some other egregiously awful internet spectacle no one is going to care what you do online and you shouldn't have your employer on your social media in the first place anyway.

I hope this helps and please for the love of fricking gawd everyone just needs to calm to the frick down.

Green Revolution misinformation rant :marseyraging: :marseyrage:

Hi everyone :#marseywave3: :#marseywave2:

I just want to rant a bit about misinformations I hear from “educational” and “intellectual” sectors in my country regarding agriculture and the Green Revolution.

For those of you who don't know, Brazil is s breadbasket, along with our neighbors Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Brazil alone produces enough food for over 1 billion people which has lead to a prosperous agro business in the country, speaking from a family background, my maternal grandma was a dairy farmer and she still keeps a small garden to plant veggies on her house. My late paternal grandpa was was a seed salesman and he owned a Silo at one point and my dad is an agronomist (though his company works with forestry). Most cities in the Southern Countryside are agricultural focused, similar to the American Midwest, the Centre-West region of Brazil is another breadbasket however their focus is on cattle (though soybean production increasing). The Agro is incredibly professionalized and Brazil has produces industrialized Agro derived products like Soybean oils, processed coffee and biofuels.

That being said it is no secret the Brazilian left loathes the Agricultural system, but what makes me particularly angry is how much they misinform or straight up lie about making use of “educational channels”.

For instance I've noticed on Youtube channels like Brasil Escola and other Youtube “Professors/Teachers” will rant about how the Green Revolution is bad because of Rural Exodus and the horror, PEOPLE MAKING MONEY OUT OF SELLING CROPS :#marseyscream: :#marseypikachu2:

The worst part is that these “teachers” make their videos to prepare High School Seniors for the ENEM tests (the ENEM is kind of like the American SAT). The ENEM itself is extremely politicized as you need to write an essay (redação) about a given subject. The subject changes every year. For instance the 2022 Redação Subject was “Challenges facing the traditional peoples of Brazil”, that is the indigenous and quilombolas. Last year the subject was “Challenges to face the invisibility of caretaking work made by women”. In 2019 it was “democratization of cinema access in Brazil”, and so on.

Scrolling down the comments of the Youtube Teachercels channels I keep finding the same nonsensical claim:





I always read this nonsense online when leftoids talk about the Agro Business. That number is false.

O censo agropecuário de 2017, o mais recente, também desmentiu os números superestimados da produção familiar, e revelou que as propriedades assim enquadradas respondiam por 23% do valor total da produção dos estabelecimentos agropecuários.

Leia mais em:

Copyright © 2024, Gazeta do Povo. Todos os direitos reservados.

The real number is around 23%

I remember the commies at /r/brasil soying about the MST (Movimento dos sem Terra) or “Landless Movement” a leftist group dedicated to private property occupation. They talked about the MST as id they singlehandedly fed the entire country.

Now, without mentioning their claims are completely bollocks, it seems they would rather disrupt the entire AGRO and place it under new forests or subsistence farming. Excluding the fact this would kill dozens of millions abroad and starve hundreds of millions by disrupting food supplies, it would cause starvation in Brazil as even the demonized AGRO crops (soybeans, maize, wheat) and cattle go beyond export.

Quando se fala de soja, ela está presente em vários outros alimentos, no óleo, no suíno, no bovino, no peixe. Ela é base da ração para esse tipo de rebanho. Você não se alimenta de soja de uma maneira geral, mas indiretamente ela entra na alimentação. > Com o milho é a mesma coisa. O frango é um milho com asa: 73% do frango é milho”, diz o pesquisador da Embrapa.

Corn and soy are used to produce oils and they feed the livestock which is consumed by Brazilians and foreigners alike. Not to mention derivate products like noodles and processed stuff. There's also coffee and cotton, the first is present in almost every Brazilian Household, the latter is the source for clothing.

These São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro teachercels and their leftoid “students” have an extremely romantic, idealized vision of subsistence agriculture to the point of being close to Noble Savage myths. That being said, President Lula is a strange man on this regard.

Lula has close relationships with MST leaders and allowed for this anti agro propaganda to thrive inside our Educational System (it's not only Youtube channels, regular teachers and they commie unions are the same), however when it comes to actual policy he's all business as usual. He always nominates centre-right agriculture ministers from Agro dominated states, he has meetings with Agro producers and businessmen and promotes our exports to China while trying to secure Fertilizer imports from Russia (also a reason why Bolsonaro was friendly with Russians despite the Ukraine debacle). It could be argued he pays lip service to MSTcels.

Anyways, I think this one of the most damaging and dangerous types of virtue signaling and feel good politics, I hope they never get their way but right now is kind of worrying how much PR this sort of nonsensical callous misinformation campaign currently has.

!macacos !neolibs



RPGCodex DOT net is the only sovlful gaming website left on the internet where the clock essentially stopped at 2008 and people talk about the same games with the same arguments using the same slurs over and over again. They're mostly known as the most neurodivergent conglomeration of vidya connoisseurs that ocassionaly stop talking about decade old vidya to play decade old vidya and despite everyone hating everything new, their lists usually feature a lot of new games. In fact, here's their official (tm) list of the 101 best rpgs ever made:

You should know every single game here, its publisher, development team, their networth and the reason why the game flopped in 2002 and why exactly normalstrags don't get it. Otherwise you have grand wizards like this king telling you to stfu and go back to 4chan or something:

I'm serious. Many regulars made their accounts on that site before half of rdrama was even born :marseyxd:

They have reused their system where you can rate each game from 1 to 5 and evaluate the ratings by combining negative and positive reviews into results judging by the voter's other picks, the amount of people who have played the game in general and if your vote should mean anything (hint: there's always a reason it doesn't count). Did I make that shit up? Who knows really. Anyway, here are the results:


Essentially BG3 didn't win because of the large amount of 1/5 votes. :marseythonk:


Yeah, Starfield was the worst game in 2023. Right after Diablo 4. :marseyeyeroll:


1000 Comments Thread

I'll cherry-pick some examples, although you can basically jump to any page and there's either shitposters seething or seethers shitposting:

Ok, I will never ever take anyone on this forum seriously about them not liking romances.

"Noooo you don't understand, we liked it for the combat, it has nothing to do with the 80 hours of Shadowheart and Astarion romance!"

proud member of the "voted 1/5 for bg3 despite not having played it" crowd checking in

you're welcome

i know you frickers would have made it goty if not for us

Spotted two pathetic shills racofer and Hellraiser who give high scores to their shilling targets and 1/5 to everything else. Good to know to never bother reading your gaming posts anymore, despite such a long forum presence. Shameful behavior.


While the contarian result is funny, anyone who would give BG3 a 1 is absolutely unserious. I have a nice list of posters whose opinions on games I can just outright ignore.


Wrath of the Righteous was pretty much on par with baldurs gate as far as being completely insufferable in all aspects so that before you even get to the gameplay part, you already hate it. larian and owlcat should team up to make the ultimate game for girls and weirdos.

Steal the Deus Ex ip but set it in a high school, where a nerdy girl or trans fbi agent has to infiltrate and unravel a conspiracy in the administration to rig the prom king/queen vote. There will of course be many hunky boys to build relationships with through branching dialogue trees and maybe some combat sometimes. Skills may include makeup, smooching, flirting and acrobatics. Call it Deus Ex: Remastered.

That one's free, if any studios want more of my ideas it'll cost you big time.


A truly timeless place. :daydream:

Have a good one. :marseybow:

Medicine? :marseystonetoss:

We're getting so close to mandatory prayer to George Floyd that it's amazing. :marseyf#loyd:

Gray-Garcia later referred to modern medicine as "white science" and inveighed against the "occupation" of "Turtle Island"—that is, the United States—before asking students to stand for a second prayer. This time, nearly everyone rose.

When one student remained seated, according to students in the class, a UCLA administrator, whom the Free Beacon could not identify, inquired about the student's identity, implying that discipline could be on the table.

"The net effect was that UCLA staff intimidated first-year medical students into participating in a religious service in derogation of their own personal beliefs," UCLA's Jewish Faculty Resilience Group wrote to university chancellor Gene Block on Sunday.

Reported by:
  • Drunk : Jannies honeypot. Do not interact with this thing
  • Tonberry : Criminally unfunny thread, open at your own risk
  • BernieSanders : of course it's unfunny, a foid made it
  • Racecar_Johnny : It started off so strong, too. What happened?
Meme megathread - please post your dankest memes

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST :marseyflagsouthafrica: R*PEX and R*pe Culture within South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica:

In South Africa, chastity devices don't work as well as in medieval Bongland, because we are the R*PE capital of the work.*pe-capital-of-the-world-20140821

Back in 2014, especially during the reign of the Jacob Zuma administration, where our president had the worst controversy of him being a known male feminist following him, South Africa had developed the reputation of r*pe being endemic to its society, because our dysfunctional Police forces (SAPD) and justice system did not catch criminals, and especially did not catch or punish male feminists and sexual assaulters.

10 years ago, even beyond India (which itself had started to develop a strong negative reputation for countrywide r*pe being rampant), South Africa was being regarded as one of the worst places to be a woman in. While South African violent crime was not as bad as other 3rd world countries, such as Mexico's and South America's cartel and gang murder crimes - it would be smaller crimes like petty theft which had become the norm for its international reputation.

As a tourist you were very unlikely to be murdered, but you were exceedingly likely to be a victim of petty theft, and having you electronics like cellphones and laptops stolen right out of your backpacks in the airport, or your rental car highjacked. Still you were very seldom violently hurt unless resisting. This was because criminal activity for the past 2 decades was simply not punished, not in any meaningful sense. The police had become corrupt, complacent, lazy and incompetent on a nationwide scale, and the prison system was woefully inept, small and inadequate. The justice and court system had been packed with ANC loyalists and BEE hires, and had become intensely corrupt, where only the wealthy could afford lawyers.

Petty crime was simply not punished. But alongside the reality of the daily threat if theft, the uglier side of RSA would also surface - especially mass unopposed r*pe. And especially unpunished r*pe within the homelands of south africans.

Now it is very likely that other underdeveloped african nations, or places like India, or even places in South East Asia have much greater degrees of systemic r*pe on their societies, but South Africa has an unusually above average community of journ*lists who punch above their weight in reporting. South Africa also has a very large degree of Freedom of Information, we are not censored like autocratic nations like China, and most of all we are highly self-critical and honest with all of our shortcoming. :marseyjourno: :marseyjourno: :marseyjourno:

Compared to other nations, we basically record every single misstep and corruption. Just like Burgerland's extreme levels of self criticism, it is likely that places like Ireland, England, Western Europe also have comparative levels of societywide sexual abuse, but are not as excessively self critical as Burgerland and RSA, and have such a potent media presence as us. :marseyreportercnn: :marseyreporterfox:*pe-is-endemic-in-south-africa-why-the-anc-government-keeps-missing-the-mark-188235

The ANC women's league wanted to enforce chemical castration of male feminists in 2022, but many people criticized this endeavor, as they felt this type of punishment did not address the underlying motives for why r*pe is so consistently rampant.

R*PE SURGE DURING COVID LOCKDOWNS:*pe-south-africa-still-being-shared-online

Back in 2020, r*pes would surge in terms of statistics, and into the national conversation again during COVID19 Lockdowns. This was because of so many people forced into the confines of their homes for many many months, and domestic disputes would be aggravated by cabin-fever on a national scale.

The r*pe rates were of such a magnitude that one publication claimed that 40% of Safrican women would be r*ped within their lifetimes. And these were not Tumbler-kin definitions of spastic autismo womyn claiming they would be r*ped when some dude catcalled her, or violated her with his eyeball-pressure on the train with a skeevy glance, but these were full on penetration hardcore sexual violence and sometimes brutal gangrapes being reported.

"A widely shared tweet posted in July 2023 reads: “In what is known as the r*pe capital of the world, it is estimated that over 40% of South African women will be r*ped in their lifetime and that only 1 in 9 r*pes are reported. It is also estimated that 14% of perpetrators of r*pe are convicted in South Africa.”

This controversial claim would be disputed by many NGOs who would investigate along with Interpol and United Nations women's organizations, and they would find the claim of 40% of RSA women being r*ped being so excessive that they would be forced to check the statistics to see if there was any truth to this alarming horror statisitc. This would not be easy tasks, as r*pe statistics are notoriously unreliable and chaotic, just as the nature of the act of r*pe itself. And approximate reports by RSA police stations were often less reliable than publications of private journ*list organizations.

Unsurprisingly they found the methodology of the 40% flawed, yet ironically the new remodeled statistics STILL would be an atrocious and alarming figure!

"It quoted a 2013 World Health Organization report which used data from the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study to estimate that Southern Africa had a 17.41% prevalence of r*pe. In other words, around 17.41% of women in that region would be r*ped in their lifetime." :marseycringe: :marseycringe: :marseycringe: :marseycringe:

Again these are not minor westoid white women definitions of r*pe - but full on unsolicited penetrative s*x and gangrapings! :marseydeadinside2: :marseydeadinside2: :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3: :marseycoal: :marseycoal:

INCONVENIENT TRUTHS: :marseywtf: :marseywtf: :marseyhelp: :marseyhelp:

So errr....the thing about South African r*pes is that they are not equally distributed by demographic and ethnic groups in RSA. This subject has been avoided due to the maelstrom of race-politics in South Africa for obvious reasons. The main takeaway is that whites, coloureds, Indians and Chinese Safricans just do not commit r*pes to the same magnitudes of their black countrymen.

But what is even more, is that r*pes are not per capita proportional amongst all of black south africans, and between the various ethnicities. Comparing Sotho and Lesotho peeps, as well as the descendants of Khoisan coloured peeps, and even Venda peeps, they commit the least proportional amount of r*pes. Instead r*pes are disproportionally distributed amongst the most conservative members of Safrican black society, ESPECIALLY Zulus, Xhosas and Pedi.

Any broaching of such a sensitive subject is like stepping upon nuclear minefield, as you can well imagine. Much of the reason for these r*pe rates are consequent of the parallel societies of South African Homelands

Now during apartheid, the NP regime would forcefully remove many black peeps according to their ethnicities, to live in their allocated historic Homelands, as in where their specific ethnicity lived before the dutch and Bongs arrived on the scene

What made this move atrocious and cruel, was that over time many people of various ethnicities spread all over the country post-1900, and mixed and went to work in the big cities built by europeans for work. The forced relocation to their historic Homelands, basically forced black peeps to life where they did not want to, and where there were no economic development or work, forcing many black peeps into lives of impoverishment.

If a black women of Zulu descent had been living in Gauteng for 20 years, and considered it her home, then poof, suddenly the Apartheid police would force her to take her shit and make her live within KwaZulu Homeland, the residence of Zulus - but she had no modern attachment to that province, and would be deprived of her fiends and home.

Additionally in the modern era of post 1900, much of South Africa's wildernis had been devastated and culled. The wildebeest and antelopes of SA had been severely depopulated, and the amount of game available for hunting and subsistence living was no longer possible by 1950 as it had been in 1850, further aggravating the poverty within which SA black peeps had been forced to live in within these Homelands system.

When democratization occurred within the Mandela Administration in 1994, there was a shocking development in that many tribes like the Zulus and Xhosa had indoenas and chieftans who wanted to KEEP some parts of the Homelands system, and did not want to adknowlegde the white European system of modern South Africa's government, and wanted to keep their tribal system, as they would lose their power of Customary land rule.

Indoenas and chieftans had a lot of sway within their fiefdoms, and did not want to lose their influence. The Mandela Admin did not want to alienate this critical voterbase, and would promise to supplement his overhaul of the white government, with additional Acts in parliament which would respect the cultural rule of Indoenas there.

These acts are flowery but the summary is that a lot of autonomy would be given to modern homelands, for example like the KwaZulu region as ruled by the modern Zulu king, and acted as both a reserve and unofficial province within South Africa. It basically ended up as a sort of ghost province and parallel society, which proved to be an extremely complicated arrangement in terms of enforcing law and determining where the municipal/provincial government reach began, and the Zulu-indoena authority ended!

This would perpetually be controversial within South Africa, as the ANC promised equal rights between all south african demographics, yet here was the Mandela administration allowing a semi-feudal state system within the confines of the country! Yet the very culturally conservative Xhosas and Zulus, WANTED this. So the ANC allowed it, as any Xhosa or Zulu person was free to leave and enter the modern Homelands as they wished if they did not want to live beneath the rule of their tribal leader or Indoena, so they were never trapped there.

Yet just like the Mormons in Burgerland, leaving your entire family to exit the stifling rule of a conservative douchebag chieftan wasn't as easy as packing your bags and going, you might cut off your entire friend circle, family and support. This would be criticized by feminist Zulu women.


=====(from qz article)[my commentary]

By Norma Young PublishedMarch 19, 2021

The Zulu dynasty has almost been felled numerous times by trials, trysts and tragedies, but has stood steady through the centuries. The largest ethnic group and nation in South Africa today, counting in excess of 10 million people, the Zulus have a family tree with roots stretching as far back as the migration of the Bantu people from their origins in West Africa throughout the continent several hundred years ago.

They now face a challenge that threatens their growth and relevance. The late King Goodwill Zwelithini, who was laid to rest this week after serving for almost 50 years, leaves a legacy that is admirable, but not replicable. :marseydead:

With South Africa's next national elections set for 2024, the new Zulu king will maneuver through tricky political terrain quite early in his reign. This is particularly significant in the kingdom's home province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), which has seen decades of simmering tensions between the ANC and IFP political parties, who both have deep roots in the province, and therefore compete for votes.

King Zwelithini was reminded of this in 2012. At an event commemorating the Battle of Isandlawana, he sparked controversy with a statement that same-s*x relations :capychud: :capychud: :capychud: are “wrong,” “rotten,” and not part of Zulu tradition. (South Africa legalized same s*x marriage in 2006.) Following condemnation from then President Jacob Zuma, the South African Human Rights Commission, and LGBT rights groups, the Zulu Royal Household walked back his comments.


This article was just to showcase how vague and murky the influence of tribal leaders and the king of KwaZulu rivals that of the ANC within the province, and how defining power of the government is not absolute, when competing for the support of people in the KwaZulu-Natal province.

====(from article) [my commentary]

Following the death of AmaZulu King Goodwill Zwelithini on 12 March 2021 in South Africa, the royal family convened on 24 March 2021 and appointed Queen Mantfombi Dlamini Zulu as regent. Although the king's third wife, she was his great wife – a royal consort who, by Zulu law, births the king's successor. The king had five other wives. :marseypolyamory: :marseypolyamory: :marseypolyamory:

Before her regency was gazetted by the premier of the KwaZulu-Natal province, as required by South African statutory law, the queen died on 29 April 2021. On 14 May 2021, the royal family unanimously nominated her firstborn son, Prince Misuzulu, as the successor to the Zulu throne.

[And oh yeah, to showcase just how much was at stake in this rulership, there would be infighting within the Zulu royal family :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: the Zulu king had tremendous influence upon South African politics and power, especially within the KwaZulu-Natal province!]

Later that month, various members of the royal family, notably Queen Sibongile Dlamini, the late king's first wife, challenged his will, and the validity of Prince Misuzulu's nomination as his successor. On 2 March 2022, the High Court in Pietermaritzburg found that Prince Misuzulu was appropriately identified and nominated as the undisputed successor to the Zulu throne. By dismissing objections to his nomination, the court paved the way for his coronation as the king.

There are 10,7 million isiZulu speakers in South Africa, about 22% of the population, according to the 2012 census. [Yes 1 out of every 5 peeps in RSA is a Zulu person; they are the most populous ethnic group within the country, and thus hold tremendous sway over the running of the country, which is why I always harp upon them in particular] :marseymanysuchcases: :marseymanysuchcases: :marseymanysuchcases:

Why was this dispute adjudicated with “the white man's law”, thereby questioning the authority of the AmaZulu Royal Council, whose dispute resolution mechanisms ought to be respected by all Zulus? What is the significance of the ruling for matrimonial property rights under customary law?

[Now this ascension was incredibly controversial within Zulu society because the current king basically used the RSA court system to validate his claim, instead of relying upon the Zulu custom law! AKA they used the mayo system] :marseymayo: :blacksoyjak:

Firstly, the royal family's resort to the courts confirms an uncomfortable truth: African customs and traditions are subject to state courts. Importantly, these courts – both procedurally and content-wise – are replicas of the colonial justice system bequeathed by the Dutch and the British.

Lest we forget, although European colonialists allowed Africans to continue observing their indigenous customs, they smartly subjected the validity of these customs to European standards and procedures. Moreover, colonial schools, churches, and work systems were configured to reflect European culture. So, in essence, African elites, especially judges, are philosophical clones of Europeans because they carried on from where their colonial masters left off.

[Basically the author is hardcore sneeding :marseysneed: :marseysneed: :marseysneed: :chadsneedcapy: about RSA constitutional and court law being based upon previous dutch and Bong judicial systems, and that the Zulu king had abused the white man's system to solidify his authority]

The Sithole declaration is radical because indigenous African laws lacked binary notions of equality in marital property division. Due to the agrarian nature of precolonial societies, income was generated by the family as a group through farming, hunting, and artwork. Individual rights were muted, while group welfare was paramount.

Thus, women's property rights were confined to items of adornment. In rare cases of divorce, they were reabsorbed into the welfare system of their parents. Thus, their matrimonial property rights were unproblematic.

[HAHAHAHAH, this cultural wingcuck :marseywingcuck: :marseywingcuck: :marseywingcuck: is trying to process the contrast of how his beloved Zulu cultural laws have been turbo cucked by the national constitutional laws, and is trying to Doublethink himself in that Zulu women being relegated as 2ndary citizens in past and modern Zulu cultural law was totally a good thing! :soyjakfat: :soymad: :soyjakhipster: :blacksoyjak:]

=========(end qz article)

I highlight this article to showcase the bullshit of Zulus who defend their cultural law within their modern Homelands, aNd how they basically are very resistant to national South African constitutional justice-systems to "meddle" within their affairs. The Zulus are not the only ones to resist enforcement of national law upon their custom laws, Xhosas and Pedis are also mega conservative and many wish to preserve their parallel feudal societies within South Africa, usually against the principles of equality which is the constitutional declaration.

This is important to the r*pe epidemic story.

Some comments beneath the QZ article :marseysmug3: :marseysmug3: :marseysmug3:

And guess what? The reason why there is a Zulu-Kingdom independence movement, similar to the Western Cape Independence movement, is because many Zulus are so turbo nationalistic and conservative, that they believe the ANC meddling in their affairs, AKA trying to implement gender equality, and put a stop to gender violence in the province, is seen as an affront.

YES, in this case the ANC are the good guys!

"This article appears to be in support of a ethno-traditional nationalist paradigm, arguing for traditional law to trump constitutional law." Yeah uh that's exactly what it's doing lol


Why is sexual violence in RSA specifically so hard to combat? Because of culture, and political forces to actively preserve ultra conservative customs within factions in South Africa, specifically the ethnic group ultra-nationalists such as Zulus and Xhosas.

The desire to create parallel societies, governed by customaty and cultural law have created murky legal grey zones, where police are not always permitted to patrol or hold station. Where internal customary law is dependent upon the whims of the local Indoena and chieftan, and if that individual doesn't consider r*pe a punishable offense, then it will not be punished - thus creating a culture where r*pe is normalized, in a society where women are 2ndary citizens, in spite of what the actual constitutional laws are within the country of RSA.

And the women of these ultra conservative societies, especially Zulu women, actively participate and enable it. They grow up within these conservative customary tribal homelands, and believe it to be the normalized experience, and don't report it to the police, creating a chain-reaction where more and more peeps within these Homelands, especially men consider s*x to be their right to take whenever. :marseydeadinside3: :marseyitneverbegan: :marseycoal: :doomer: :carpdeadinside: :marseydoomer: :marseydespair: :marseydepressed: :marseydeadinside2:

=====(FROM ARICLE) [my comments]

government legislation which is meant to protect women's rights, arguing that the legislation itself is progressive but that the implementation of these rights is significantly hindered for numerous reasons.

Firstly, the example of Zulu culture and the r*pe trial of President Zuma (2005/2006) will be used to show the justification and acceptance of sexual violence, particularly with the re-traditionalisation of South African culture. [ANC Women's League would attack feminists during the famous Zuma R*pe Trial, in support of Zuma, showcasing how even amongst women, r*pe was acceptable if done by their preferred leaders]

Generally speaking, the constitution and laws of South Africa are very liberal, yet the reality is that “beneath the heroic façade of the constitution”¦a vicious cocktail of violence, sexism and hatred brewed” (Hassim 2009, 57).

he realisation of the rights promised in the constitution is limited for several reasons, such as lack of political will and cultural beliefs. There have been attempts to combat sexual violence by legal means but the issue appears to be deeply embedded into South African culture which is a difficult obstacle to overcome. The realisation of these rights are hindered by certain barriers.

The first example used will be the importance of traditional cultures present in South African society and the patriarchal systems which they establish. This has been made particularly relevant in contemporary South Africa due to the 2005/2006 r*pe trial of (then, Vice-) President Jacob Zuma.

Prior to colonisation, South Africa was made up of many tribal cultures such as Swazi and Zulu. However, it appears contemporary South Africa is made up of a ‘patchwork of patriarchies'- women being subordinate in the majority of Southern African societies, subject to their chiefs or heads of the family (Bozzoli 1983, 149).

Whilst many cultures have helped to make up contemporary South African society, this section will focus specifically on Zulu culture due to the 2005/2006 Zuma r*pe trial in which he used his Zulu culture as a significant part of his defence. Moreover, Zulu cultural traditions still hold influence, particularly in isolated rural areas, such in the KwaZulu-Natal province where government services are less effective than in urban areas. [Very Importante :marseyhesfluffyyouknow:]

Whilst many cultures have a patriarchal structure, Wright highlights that Zulu society incorporates ideological controls which “served to socialise females into accepting a position of inferiority” (Bozzoli 1983, 150), limiting them to the traditional roles of mother, wife, daughter, accepting themselves as ‘second class citizens'. This idea of women as second class citizens has been carried through into contemporary society; in general, society conditions women to believe themselves at the disposal of men. :marseypenny: :marseypenny: :marseypenny:

However, during colonisation in the late 19th century, Christian missionaries attempted to stop ‘backward' practises, in particular, as many colonists found sexual subjects' offensive to discuss. Therefore, throughout colonisation and into contemporary society, many traditional Zulu practises lost their popularity, such as polygamy. However, the patriarchal structure remained throughout society.

Zuma was accused of the :rape: r*pe of the daughter of a family friend. He argued that earlier in the evening the complainant had been wearing a Kanga; a traditional African cloth which usually symbolises modesty and respectability. Throughout the trial this was“sexualised and transformed into an object of seduction” (Robins 2008, 415). Importantly, the use of the Kanga within the trial can be used to “entrench stereotypes and the r*pe mythology that dress is a key marker in the potential for r*pe”

Importantly, Zuma especially, has made an attempt of ‘re-traditionalisation' within South African society. As Harrison indicates the “re-legitimisation of cultural pride has fostered belief that returning to past traditions can resolve contemporary problems” (Harrison 2008, 177). These traditions, such as polygamy or ‘virginity testing'[1], are symbols of an unbroken connection with the past.

The r*pe trial revealed many within the country openly sided with Zuma. On the opening day of trial, Zuma supporters were more than 1000 strong. His support was mostly organised by the ANC Youth League. (Kapp 2006, 718) This highlights the attitudes of those within South Africa, especially the youth who, generally speaking, tend to be the ones to push through liberal reforms and fight for change. Their support highlighted that many viewed “the accused [Zuma] to be considered a ‘victim' and the complainant to be viewed as an ‘accused'” (Reddy and Potgieter 2006, 520). The complainant was heavily scrutinised and following the trial, she was forced to leave the country. Zuma was acquitted of the charges against him. These attitudes against r*pe victims highlight key difficulties in overcoming sexual violence. :marseydoomer: :marseydoomer: :marseydoomer: :marseydespair: :marseydespair: :marseydespair: :marseyitneverbegan:

Moreover, general police incompetency further implants the reasons why women do not rely on the justice system. On the surface, the police are ineffective due to budgeting problems, resource issues and failure to properly train personnel but there is general lack of will by the services to address sexual violence. It is estimated only 14% of perpetrators of sexual violence are sentenced.

Moreover, the police do not just fail over women's rights but, also, 80% of murders and robberies go unsolved (Anderson 2000, 792). This is a shocking figure, showing that structural issues are also problematic in the general fight for justice. Sadly, the police are seen as “more likely to engage in crime as to solve it” (Anderson 2000, 820). :marseycop: :marseycop: :marseycop:

After consideration, it can be viewed that South Africa is a society of profound contradictions, particularly between the promises of the constitution and the realities of contemporary society. :thinkingstatue:

It is essential to combat the violent legacy of apartheid but the encouragement by Zuma of re-traditionalisation only further entrenches the patriarchal system of governance.

====(End Article)


The r*pe epidemic had become so extreme, that in 2010, some Safrican white woman had the ultimate white woman moment :marseywomanmoment: :marseywomanmoment2: :marseywomanmoment: and prototyped a device called R*pex.

"This is R*pex, an anti-raping device for women. The woman inserts it like a tampon, with an applicator, and any man who tries to r*pe the woman impales himself on the barbs and must go to an emergency room to have the R*pex removed."

====(from article)

Ehlers said she sold her house and car to launch the project, and she planned to distribute 30,000 free devices under supervision during the World Cup period.

"I consulted engineers, gynecologists and psychologists to help in the design and make sure it was safe," she said. After the trial period, they'll be available for about $2 a piece. She hopes the women will report back to her.

"The ideal situation would be for a woman to wear this when she's going out on some kind of blind date ... or to an area she's not comfortable with," she said. :marseywomanmoment: :marseywomanmoment2: :marseywomanmoment: :marseywomanmoment2:

The mother of two daughters said she visited prisons and talked to convicted male feminists to find out whether such a device would have made them rethink their actions. :marseyfacepalm: Some said it would have, Ehlers said.

Critics say the female condom is not a long-term solution and makes women vulnerable to more violence from men trapped by the device.

"It not only presents the victim with a false sense of security, but psychological trauma," she added. "It also does not help with the psychological problems that manifest after assaults."

However, its one advantage is it allows justice to be served, she said. :marseyfoidretard:

Various rights organizations that work in South Africa declined to comment, including Human Rights Watch and Care International.

Critics have accused her of developing a medieval device to fight r*pe. :marseysouthernbelle4:

"Yes, my device may be a medieval, but it's for a medieval deed that has been around for decades," she said. "I believe something's got to be done ... and this will make some men rethink before they assault a woman."

=====(end article)

As critics pointed out this device was both impractical and dangerous, as it would most likely turn a r*pe into murder. Also women who prototyped the thing gave feedback that the R*pex device was pretty uncomfortable....

It was only a prototype and the government had refused to fund it. The media also mocked it.*pe-condoms-picture-will-jagged-teeth-deter-world-cup-s*x-assaults-r*pe-axe-hopes-so/

Anyways I don't have anything else of substance to say. Basically please don't r*pe anyone, GOOD NIGHT :marseywave2:

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