
If you don't play either sport, you might not know about the animosity from tennis players who feel that their courts and sport are being taken over by the rising popularity of pickleball, a game that was explicitly made to be like tennisβ€”minus the challenge, skill, and athleticism. There is routine local drama when pickeball players take over tennis courts, and communities without dedicated pickleball courts often see tempers flare over who can play on these hallowed grounds purposed originally for tennis.

This thread is full of seething when a bunch of retired tennis stars decided to play in Pickleball slam last summer.

If you really want to piss off tennis players, say pickeball requires the same, if not more, set of skills.



Also Glenn Verdevaldo (Greenwald) defends Rocket daddy :marseyelonmusk: proving his BDT (Bolsonaro Derangement Syndrome) is not as severe as that of Brazilian journos and leftoids who applaud STF justice Alexandre de Moraes (who's probably the most despicable and repulsive person in the judiciary right now).

To give Burgers some idea, imagine if Sonya Sotomayor was given powers to supervise the elections. Then Sotomayor would proceed to ban social media accounts because of le fake news, all by herself without needing to consult with fellow justices, plus ordering arrests under pretexts of attacking democratic institutions online.

I am nyot my own worst enyemy, imaginye being ywour own worst enyemy, what a fwucking r-slur

Aww the evwl in this world, if u are ywour own worst enyemy u must reawwy suck. I am my own best fwiend, and onwy fwiend. In this life i onwy cherish my own gwate mworwl rigwor, reawwy i am onye of wery few humans whwo dwo nyot deserve two die, a wery smaww gwoup of individuals, i'm nyot sure if there are any other such peopwal here

And curse the perswon that gave mwe this owo award



comment/dm if interested

top 5 worst users on the site

5: @AnnoyinTheKongim

Unfunny mong

4: @sirpingsalot

Most boring drama ive ever heard in my life keep yourself safe genuinely

3: @carpathianfriendly

for imposing this shitty unfunny kong theme

2: @FrozenChosen

3 time winner of the worlds ugliest woman award, if you simp for her you need to be hung :marseyfrozenrage:

1: @Soren

Words cannot fricking express how much i hate soren and how much i want him tortured and skinned alive


:#marseyxd: erm actually this old law from prehistoric :#marseylueshi: says you can't kill babies :#marseybabykiller:

Ubisoft lost its mind 140 euro for β€œcomplete” new soy wars game

And knowing them they will release a 50 buxx dlc on top of it (butt Valhalla Odin Valhalla dlc wasnt part of season pass and cost 50 buxx and purple far cry 6 dlc was also not part of season pass and cost like 40 buxx) that is not included in season. The game was supported to be cinematic like heavy rain and Detroit human something. I bet it's cheaper to watch all 6 episodes in cinema with popcorn than buy that full game that will be shorter than those 6 episodes so the time when you would enjoy more time per buxx with video games are over and then publishers crying they ain't earning enough

The Beaches - Blame Brett
Reported by:
Foid giving advice thread.

Can you give a list of suggestions to take to improve my appearance and break them down into a smaller steps and number them in order of priority of things you would view in terms of importance?

Issue with me is that it does get difficult to initiate and follow through with tasks and I am faceblind so I'm not really aware of how I come off.



btw.. pearl kind of looks like that lady from that show forever ago that was tangentially involved in like wil wheaton/g*mer gate stuff

felicia day.. i wonder what ever happened to her

Reported by:
does this mean i pass (story inside)

the sun is finally out and the weather is nice. i was playing ultimate frisbee with a group of mostly guys i didn't really know (friend's frat), i suck at sportsball but i was trying my best. sidenote, it was shirts v skins and all of the frat boys were really hot, like they were all perfect bods (twunks) and they didnt have their shirts on (soo hot!!). anyways i was trying to catch the frisbee and some guy on the opposing team slapped it down right before i was going to catch it. but then he started apologizing to me that he was being too rough and tried to had the frisbee back to me and i was like wtf??? does this mean i pass since he was trying to coddle me like a cis woman?


Also brigade! Brigade! Brigade!

We're going to take back Carpstantinople. :carpexcited: :marseycrusader:
:marseymegaphone: recruitment drive

It appears one of the more insane/r-slurred corners of the internet is down/has closed, leaving a number of tren-loving, poorly adjusted, homoerotic young xirs homeless

:#marseystrong: :#marseygigaretard: :#marseyabandoned:


It's kind of poetic that in the end miscers became redditors

After all those years of chitting on reddit, you find yourself here.

You've become the very thing you hate.

A poetic ending for miscers (srs)

some more minor seethe:

do we lure them here? :#marseybreadcrumbing: :#marseytrap:


capy please pin

Wolfdog and pitbull mix breeder wonders what's the fricking issue

I don't even know if that's an actual wolf mix, but the guy's showing off his β€œaccidental” litter.

[–]Xxeuropean-messxX 38 points 2 months ago

>Why the heck would you mix a pit with a wolf dog?? If that even is a wolf dog. That is completely irresponsible and dangerous once it matures.

[–]themikeyme1[S] -14 points 2 months ago

>It was a total accident and the pitbull was really small for her breed and we worried about the surgery to abort possibly killing her. Both parent are very well tempered and the pups went to people with plenty of room and experience with bigger breeds. And dm if you're that skeptical I have the embarks from the parents of the wolfdog.

[–]Xxeuropean-messxX 31 points 2 months ago*

>It doesn't matter we don't need anymore darn neurotic Pitbull mixes, you are a completely irresponsible person for doing this. And why the frick didn't you spay your dog before hand? Wolfdogs and pit bulls are HIGH MAINTENANCE BREEDS who can cause a lot of issues for innocent people.

[–]themikeyme1[S] -10 points 2 months ago

>Welp good thing nobody asked you πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

[–]Xxeuropean-messxX 19 points 2 months ago

>I'm sure your parents are glad they raised an irresponsible piece of shit, Just like your shitbulls.

Another pitbull and wolf mix(allegedly) breeds

[–]Pissypuff 5 points 7 months ago

>Nobody is impressed or proud of you. You're a stain on rescues and rehabs, and you shouldnt own a dog.

[–]themikeyme1[S] 0 points 7 months ago

>Go suck a fat peepee. What do you have to be proud of? A couple lizards in a tank? Go lick your lizard or whatever it is reptile people do. Better yet! Go rescue a dog since you feel so strongly about it. Me taking pride in what I do doesn't mean I have to impress anyone, obviously. And as someone who is actually housing rescue dogs I'm actually doing my part you hypocritical frick

Incidentally, dolts come into /r/wolfdogs regularly wanting a hybrid wolf for the coolness factor (too hip for pibbles, I guess). From what I know, wolf hybrids are generally skittish, need a ton of space, plus good luck ever getting them in a dog park or getting to board them easily. And yet because they're β€œcool”, people still feel compelled to get them as house pets.


sorry to the guy who normally posts these but I got impatient

here's some funny

Bad I keep seeing what's going on in Ukraine and it terrifies me I can't sleep well anymore.

bro you don't live there literally just stop watching wtf

I'm really tired after work(I'm a cashier), luckily my commute is only like 5 minutes because I live very close to my job but holy heck I don't want to do anything after coming home, only eat and sit on my phone scrolling and watching YouTube. Because of this I'm falling behind lectures and I'm guaranteed to repeat a year or two which will force me to take out a loan. I used to read books but now I don't have the mental energy for it anymore, even for something like a little workout. I'm basically living the same day again and again, everytime I tried to change something it continued for like 1-2 weeks only for me to go back to my old-self. I want to cry.

This weak specimen can't handle working any sort of job. He sees the financial issues he's causing but he's powerless to stop them. This is because he lacks free will and is therefore not actually a full person.

uh anyways there's not much else here so maybe it would have been best to wait a few days but I already typed this up

Socialist professor explains how to get a PS5 under socialism (you have to convince your coworkers to vote for it)

!anticommunists !commies

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