
TLDR: Women and society did not tell men to be nice guys. These guys hear what they wanted to hear and came to their own bad conclusions. These guys WANTED to believe being nice would get them laid, even when NO ONE told them that was the case.

First of all, you're not nice if you expect a reward for it, so automatically guys ranting “Nice Guys Finish” are buttholes. Otherwise you wouldn't care that buttholes get laid because that would be irrelevant to you being nice. You would only care because you're only nice to get laid, which makes you an butthole too. Youre suppose to be nice because its theright thing to do.

“Be nice and girls will like you” is advice mothers give to kids. Why are men's understanding of dating not evolving with their age? Also, like I said before, when mothers say “be nice” who thinks that was code for “Being nice is sexually attractive and every women will get wet for you”? And I truly do not understand guys who look for their mother to give them a advice on how to get kitty. That's such a red flag.

Lastly, when Nice Guys explain that “society lied to them”: If it's not blaming mommy for not teaching them how to make kitties wet (because that's TOTALLY the role of a mom), it's blaming it on Rom-Coms. I don't know how a person can graduate middle school and still think movies are real life. Even back in elementary school, I knew romance stories were bullshit, so I don't understand how a grown man didn't figure this out yet and is so bitter about it.

I honestly think there is a problem with a lot of mentally stunted men being unaware how stunted they are because there are too many people in this subreddit normalizing blindly learning shit from movies.

This sub is too :marseywords: for me to post any specific drama, here's one comment at least:

Must've been nice having a male figure in your life to teach you game if you are a guy. A lot of men don't and some like me grew up in all female households filled with dominant women. It took me until 28 to undo all the shit programming that was put into my head regarding attraction and dating.

You speak from a position of privilege and ignorance of it and your tone is arrogant and disgusting.

Should I ruin this girl's relationship or nah?

Or which one of you clever rusemen is this? :marseysquint:

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  • Grue : What an alien and strange people

Boring low effort posts from rightoids to balance out my leftoid postinf

Keyed foid takes revenge on her unborn child

Hey loves, I am a fricking mother to 2 beautiful girls. My oldest is fricking 10 and my youngest is fricking 7. I'm (33F). These days has been a fricking lot dealing with so much emotions that I don't know how to control. I can barley think, I'm hurt but I'm getting through.

2 weeks ago I found out my husband 10 years cheated on me with my so called best friend, they've been seeing each other for how long and I was so fricking stupid to not realize and that's why I'm being hard on myself. I thought I could trust her because for years she showed me loyalty but that was fricking all an act. I should have known when he started to go out often in the fricking evening. What makes me more mad is fricking that they both smiled in my face, I don't know how much I've cried about this but I will say it's more than a fricking million.

I'm not with him now because the fricking girls and I are fricking at my mother's house, my youngest daughter doesn't know what's going on but my oldest does and I wish she didn't understand because I know she is fricking hurt. I want a fricking divorce fast as possible but I have to find a fricking lawyer. My husband has been calling nine stop, he knows where we are fricking at but I told him not to come because I need my space.

Sorry for my ranting, the fricking day I found I was fricking pregnant was the fricking day I caught my husband and my friend in our bed together. I took a fricking pregnancy test at work because i was fricking feeling so sick. I was fricking going to surprise him but I was the fricking only surprised that day. The fricking reason why I'm thinking about an abortion is fricking because I feel like if I have another baby with him I will feel even more locked down, I'm an emotional mess so what mom would I be if I brought a fricking child into this world when I have mental health problems, b-word? Aita





Based :marseyhesright: swiftie????

Seriously :marseybruh2: though, I saw someone share this screenshot as if it was a bad thing but if you look at the full context it's actually :marseyakshually: a proportionate response. /h/swifties when???


:marseyoctopus2: :marseyoctopus3:

How to get your man to buy you a new iphone


Girl boss heckin does a girlbossin
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My feminist perspectives test results

Take the test here :d !moidmoment




!moidmoment I do feel bad for this lady (even though she's a pickmeisha). They should've just pretended that he was still dead :marseyindignant:

Pick-meisha anthem

!bioholes this you?


!moidmoment a 35k ring should be the standard, and Know your worth yall *sips tea*

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