


Fricking art looking at all these uggos

Black Panther 2 was actually really good.

I though I would hate it since I didn’t even make it halfway through the first and the foid told me it was three hours long and an almost entirely female cast, but no it was great. I’m not a film nerd so I don’t really know the words to describe why I liked it, I can say the acting was very strong and the camerawork looked beautiful.

Plus I’m a sucker for any movie with Mesoamerican themes, Apocalypto being one of my favorite movies.


Poor people are the absolute worst. :marseypoor: Imagine actually earning a wage and not a salary.

just saw black panther 2

I didn't watch the first one so I might be missing some context.

It is so painfully obvious that it's a kang's power fantasy. Or a kween's. Every smart/strong character in the film is black or black adjacent. In fact I think all characters are black. Except for a whimpy white guy and his white girlboss boss.

The plot is pretty dragged out. The film had three separate funeral scenes, and the action was lackluster at best. I thought they were gonna kill the antagonist (who was a haitian kang) and his army but none of that happens and the action scene ended with what was essentially a peace treaty.

The CG is also bad. Marvel probably doesn't have the budget it used to, but some of the scenes are straight up not trying. There are a few scenes where they were showing slow motions of water balloon bombs exploding. Who would want to see slow motion water balloons?

The most memorable part of the film is how they treat the wimpy white guy. I think he is never referred to by name by the black characters, only "colonizer".

Overall, not bad. My friends thought it was amazing tho so I need to farm some validation from you tards :#marseyprojection:

Action movies are back bitches!

just please no more CGI blood and gun shots, China and the US both can't keep doing this to me!


:marseysnoo: this one got locked

Man On Fire is a great movie
  • Denzel Washington gets shot repeatedly and he hardly flinches

  • Denzel Washington shoves a block of C4 up a guy's butt, interrogates him, then blows him up

  • Denzel Washington has casual conversations with child traffickers then very casually blows them away with a shotgun

  • Denzel Washington is told that God is forgiving. He responds "forgiveness is between them and God." clacks a scope onto a rocket launcher "I just arrange the meeting."

  • The final shot is the main bad guy getting brutally executed by Mathis from Casino Royale

  • A title card right after that shot says "Special thanks to Mexico City, a very special place."

  • No part of that movie makes me want to travel anywhere near Mexico.

Even Dwarfs Started Small

For anybody still up right now. It’s a clip from an early Herzog film.

Shatner describes Star Trek castmates as bitter and full of hate :marseyspock:
Top Gun IV: A New Hope

Cinema Cats is a tribute to the many feline film stars and kitty cameos seen throughout the history of film.

I come from a family of movie lovers. My father and I try to watch one movie every night when possible. Five years or so before this blog began in January 2014, it became a common occurrence for me to yell out “Kitty!” any time a cat appeared on the screen. Many times I thought I should keep a list of all the movies that feature cats, even just briefly. This idea simply wouldn’t go away, and so I proudly present this blog where film lovers and cat lovers can indulge their two passions in one place.

Cinema Cats covers all genre of film from around the world, spanning silent “flickers” to current releases. I have also included notable cat appearances on television shows, both current and classic, as well as in animated movies, short films, music videos and even newsreels and documentaries.

This list of films and television shows featuring cats continues to expand with 3,000 + entries so far. I will continue to post at least one new entry a day, with several hundred more films and shows waiting to be watched and reviewed (and countless more yet to be discovered!) I hope I will include many of your favorites and perhaps you’ll discover some new favorite films (and felines) here as well!

Office Space is the best comedy for the modern working man (wagie)

what if we’re still doing this in 50 years?


I'm as mad as heck, and I'm not gonna take this anymore

Absolute peak kino moment. "I'm a human being goddammit and my life has value."


Director Steven Spielberg hates the way streaming services – and HBO Max in particular – are treating filmmakers.

Speaking to the New York Times, Spielberg said moving theatrical releases to streamers in the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 may have changed the film industry forever.

“The pandemic created an opportunity for streaming platforms to raise their subscriptions to record-breaking levels and also throw some of my best filmmaker friends under the bus as their movies were unceremoniously not given theatrical releases,” Spielberg said. “They were paid-off and the films were suddenly relegated to, in this case, HBO Max. The case I’m talking about. And then everything started to change.”

He took particular aim at Warner Bros. and its HBO Max streaming service, which released its entire 2021 slate in theaters and on the streamer at the same time. But he lamented the loss of a special experience if theaters are permanently shuttered.

“I think older audiences were relieved that they didn’t have to step on sticky popcorn,” Spielberg said. “But I really believe those same older audiences, once they got into the theater, the magic of being in a social situation with a bunch of strangers is a tonic…it’s up to the movies to be good enough to get all the audiences to say that to each other when the lights come back up.”

Spielberg did point to signs that going to a theater still has some legs.

“I found it encouraging that ‘Elvis’ broke $100 million at the domestic box office,” Spielberg said. “A lot of older people went to see that film, and that gave me hope that people were starting to come back to the movies as the pandemic becomes an endemic. I think movies are going to come back. I really do.”

Steven Spielberg’s The Fabelmans will be in theaters for Thanksgiving.

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