They sure don't make 'em like they used to :boomermonster:

This show was great in S1, mid in S2, dogshit S3 and “huh, you’re still on?” In S4. It’s donezo now.

Howl a song.

Holy kino...



Django Unchained thread

Why is Django Unchained so kino? This movie is what Black Panther should have been.

Finally, a kino for j-slurs
What Halloween kinos are we watching?

For me:

The Evil Dead (1981) and sequel

Night of the living dead (original 1968)

The Conjuring

Hellraiser( 2022) is not kino

They got me, I watched it. What I saw was group of young people, that you can relate to, being chased by scary monsters that pick them off one at a time. A couple of the young people end up surviving. There's also a third act reveal that covers for the lazy butt "and then this improbable thing happened" writing of the first two acts. The core psychological themes of the original Hellraiser( desire summoning demons, the combination of pleasure and pain into peak experiences) are, at best, hinted at. Now there's lore, lots of lore(:snoosurprise: THE SIX CONFIGURATIONS OF THE BOX REVEALED! :!snoosurprise:), but none of the opportunities to make an actual Hellraiser movie are picked up despite being created. The protagonist's tendency to turn to drugs when confronted with stress is dropped entirely after it causes them to get high and touch the box, nothing is done with the cenobites restyling from BDSM into gender bendy :!marseytrain:s( Pinhead still has pins because iconic character), the rich hedonist's curse/reward that inflicts constant, unpredictable low level pain is kinda cool( he's basically impaled with Chinese water torture) but this doesn't actually pay off in any way.

Also, the lead chick is mid so you can't even watch some hot b-word run around and scream. Frick off/10.


Obviously in this one the white woman is attracted to both the leader and the science guy and the series centers around their romantic triangle.


“When I look at these big, spectacular films — I’m looking at you, Marvel and DC — it doesn’t matter how old the characters are, they all act like they’re in college. They have relationships, but they really don’t. They never hang up their spurs because of their kids. The things that really ground us and give us power, love, and a purpose? Those characters don’t experience it, and I think that’s not the way to make movies.”



Character Rant posts that are kind of dumb

2,246 days until Avatar 5
Women can't make kin-

:#marseyjourno: :#marseymini:


Unless you're working with dramatic industrial chemicals, you've probably never heard of the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. :marseysleep:

Unlike most federal agencies, these people are, however, very cool. :marseyglow:

Apart from their usual work of investigating chemical-related accidents and nagging the industry :marseyattentionseeker: to up their safety standards, they also put out absolutely kino videos :marseypopcorn: documenting and explaining all sorts of industrial accidents :marseydead: , and the quality of their animations has only increased over the last 15 years.

This is what "disaster documentary" youtubers wish they could be, give this stuff a look.

Hidden Gem Horror Movie Reccomendations

I have watched a metric ton of sometimes shit horror films. Here's some of the better ones most of which are free on streaming.

Here are some recent recs since :marseypumpking: is coming up:

  • Black Mountain Side: Some weird shit, reminds me of The Thing. Group of isolated station workers in the cold north of Canada dig up something.

  • Possessor: Premise is interesting and unique. If you like body horror you'll like this. The scene with Sean Bean is honestly disturbing. An assassin enters other people's minds to make them kill. I believe at one point a chick has a peepee.

  • Lord of Illusions: Clive Barker makes a noir horror film. The CG effects are hilariously dated (practical are great though) but the story is quite original and it has a great old horror movie feel. A stage magician hires a detective.

  • Come True: Weaker story but great cinematography and pretty cool effects. A woman joins a sleep study and has difficulty distinguishing dream from reality.

  • The Wailing (Korean): Probably not very hidden but worth mentioning because it is excellent. I'll say very little about it to not spoil anything.

  • From Beyond: One of the few "based on Lovecraft" movies that isn't shit. What happens when a machine to see another dimension also makes you horny and into S&M?

  • Southbound: An anthology of semi joined horror films. I enjoyed each entry and thought overall it was quite good.

  • Dead End: Ray Wise is excellent in everything. Again may not be particularly hidden. But an interesting story. Family takes a trip to inlaws for Christmas.

Few Stephen King recs:

  • Storm of the Century: Probably the best of the old Stephen King adaptations (sans Shining). Gets carried by acting and doesn't drag even though it's ~4.5 hrs.

  • Rose Red: A haunted house stories that King wrote directly for TV. I have never seen a movie that felt more like the "explore a haunted house" trope than this. It's also has a classic statue comes alive scene.

  • Riding the Bullet: Character study kind of deal. Not bad but not particularly "horror." Can't remember much else.

Argento recommendation:

  • Creepers/Phenomenon: It misses a ton of the bright cinematography of things like Inferno/Suspira but it has a somewhat more coherent story until the end just gets completely whacky. A monkey actually chopped off Jennifer Connelly's finger in this film. :marseymonke: :marseybackstab:

Gimme your recommendations.



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