Personal Shitpost

>be me a few years ago

>get shitty hard hat side job for $$$ :marseythebuilder:

>coworker is a literal WE WUZ KANGZ :marseyboomer: with :marseycoomer2: jokes

>be forced to listen to his :dasrite: rants and :marseycoomer2: jokes for months :marseyschizotwitch:

>get fed up finally and report for harassment

>HR drug test me :marseyinvestigate::marseycalvin: and sends me home for my Adderall

>one month later they terminate my employment :marseysrdine2:

>”lol ok” :mjlol:

>still gets phone calls from ex-coworker to this day :marseywomenrentfree:


My sister gave me 8 hours heads up she is staying at my house for a week

I love her and don't mind her staying at my house, but can I get more than an 8 hour heads up? I'm not going to be home until until about 7pm tomorrow so I have no idea what she's going to do. I had the lockbox removed after the contractor finished the work weeks ago so she can't get into the house. Weather is also absolute garbage so I have no what she is planning but hopefully it's getting a hotel and not breaking one of my windows.

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If you became the leader of your country what policies would you enact that would cause drama?

I got two off the top of my head, for America.

First is universal healthcare but you need to be no larger than “overweight” bmi to get it. Yea some smallfats would slip through but I need to account for swole brothers. I don't think much more is needed to elaborate on this.

Second is basically eugenics but voluntary. Offer every man and woman of birthing age 25k to get their tubes tied or balls snipped. The people that would take advantage of it are the poors and we can stop their bloodline and generational bad decision making. They get a few bucks to sperg out on consoom shit (Jordan's, Funkos, whatever foods buy, etc) and us normals can then produce viable offspring for the future of the country and in 20 years all the gang violence, and 99% of the r-sluration would be cleaned up as the people that perpetuate these things are not reproducing. Look what happened to the murder rate 15-20 years after Roe v Wade. This is that on steroids.

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  • SCD : 106 comments
:marseyill: Anyone else come down with a cold or smth recently?

I am suddenly super congested and idk what came over me??? I am thankfully on PTO this week but wtf. I just ordered an assload of cold and allergy medicine from Getir. I am suffering. Send good vibes.

Edit: msg to a friend but applies to my rdrama homies

Edit 2: I work with biologics coordinators (usually they are nurses) bc I deal in high dollar biologics not normal drugs. This is why I talk about “my nurses”. Yes I sell drugs. No I will not say which one. (The callout comment was removed bc chud award but wanted to clarify)

Simple things that bring you pleasure? :marseyfluffy:

I like to drink cold water while chewing mint gum and vaping my ice/menthol flavors. The three different flavors and textures of icy chill are quite soothing, and I like to do this while watching my programs :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer: It also helps with a sore throat, or at least helps me forget about it.

And you !besties?


If I ever hear that cute twink frick John Oliver voice again it will be too soon.

Good morning

My HTPC drive with all my tv shows and long-term backups went bad. Partition table corrupt or something, won't mount.

Grabbed my backup drive and it looks like this.

Isn't that just lovely. Lost all the shows I've downloaded over the past 20 years, as well as various projects that I have no future use for, but kept as mementos.


See title you lazy Nogs

Gorgeous Maine beach houses low tide in September.

Maine bars lol


View from Maine houses. I love this state.


  • oh dear images don't work.

This new girl is sweet, just out of college, 3 years younger than me, very family oriented, wants to have 2+ kids and I always talk to her while going to work

She's away on a sales pitch for a few months, we keep in touch regularly and when she comes back I'm going to ask her out officially.

My current gf is doing her master's and she has less and less time to spend with me. I hung on to her thinking there would be some resolution but so far there hasn't been any

I'm tilting towards breaking up with her via a call and telling her not to text and call me anymore (and hope that works).

I wasn't sure this was the right thing to do but the dream I had convinced me 100% it is the right thing

What do you think !besties

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  • RFV1 : If things don't work out, I'll still be here.
Zenzic's first date [blogpost]

Well okay it's not my first date but it's my first date with a dude (I didn't tell him that). I spent a long time preparing and even wore a new dress. We didn't do anything but go to a cafe and walk around for a long while but I had a lot of fun.

At first he reminded me a bit too much of my brother but after a while when we were both less awkward I realized that we are very similar and like the same things and my initial hesitation melted away.

I even told him about this website although I didn't 100% name drop it he might still find it if he's interested enough. If that's the case welcome to the gay cat dating website.

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  • box : i joined in elementary school

I have a few

The first was how I used to play wizards 101 in 2nd grade, and this guy in my class said he'd help level up my wizard if I gave him my details. His family didn't let him use an email to play the game which is why he was willing to level up my account. He ended up raising me up some levels, except I deleted that character because deathwizards sucked. :shadowragegenocide:

Another story was also in 2nd or maybe 3rd grade probably the latter. I used to play on these grid monkey bars sometimes with this one girl who I'd say was a bit tomboyish :tomboy:, or maybe loner :marseycrayoneater:is the better term. Anyway we used to play sometimes together in this type of monkeybar tag and for some reason when it was just the two of us she started telling me about how she wears a pad and I thought that meant she was wearing a diaper :marseybibgenocide: so I never played with her again. :tomboygenocide:

A third story is that me and this other kid were good friends, and we made a "secret language" that we'd stand around and talk to eachother in

ghibilpin abhibble


It was literally just random bibble babble sounds I was making and I didn't understand him, I just pretended to. It was only years later that I realized he probably didn't understand me either and we both were just making random sounds pretending they had meaning.


Final one. This one actually gets to me a bit.

I was in 4th grade. There was this girl who lived next to me, always wanted to play constantly. Literally social r-slur tomboy :marseywomanmoment2:, a year younger than me.

Everytime I cold shouldered her whenever she wanted to play together. We'd play but not often because girls were cringe. She came over on my birthday and I remember that wasn't too bad. I remember putting on this Hatsune Miku Cherry Trees song. She wasn't able to go outside super often but we still played every so often over like a year and some time since I moved in halfway through 3rd grade.

Anyway some kind of "bully" kid, bully in that he tried to act cool, who we'd call Oreo because his name was Orion, said something about being the fastest. I think he said he could outrun me. And she was next to me, we had a big mixed recess that day so despite being a grade below she was outside at the same time. After he walked away she told me I should race and beat him. She was excited :marseydance: and really wanted me to beat him since he was always a bit of a douche. I told her, word for word

"What no, that's stupid, why would I race him, I'd get tired and sweaty?" :marseyneko: and then walked away to play with some rollie pollies. It was early spring and I was a slow asthmatic. I think she thought it'd be like a movie though where the bad guy douche (islander with hearing problems) loses to the chad ( :marseyautismchonker: bit chubby 4th grader) hero despite his asthma. She still tried to play with me but once summer came she started being more alone, mostly drawing on chalk infront of her door or staying inside and then we moved about halfway through the summer leading into 5th grade

I hate that my younger self basically cold shouldered her since I didn't want to hang out with girls or admit that I had a bit of a crush on her. She was nice and my mom liked her and would make me go play with her whenever she'd ask. She didn't deserve that but hey that's the life of a sigma :dramatard:

Ask rDrama: Is there anything you'd like to say about your home country? :marseydiversity:

I think it's cool we have a lot of dramatards from all over the world. Most are from the Anglosphere but it's still nice to learn about things I didn't know about like voice posting or Trudeau antics. We also have plenty of Brazilians and Latin Americans. :marseymaid: :platyaboriginal:

Do we have any Mexicans cos I don't seem to hear about them very often? :marseymexican:

Of course there's Aevann but he doesn't seem to mention life in Egypt very often if ever. :mar!seythonk: :capyp!haraoh:

Anyway, does anyone want to share any tidbits or anecdotes? Perhaps you'd like to clear up a misconception or shill for the motherland? :marseyreportercnn:

Of course most people here are American but if anyone wants I personally can talk about Texas/Cali/Colorado/Kansas. :marseyburger:


If you don't believe global warming is real, please come live in Oregon from the 1990s until now. I went to get the mail today a couple of hours ago and now a 1st degree sunburn is developing. It's technically "autumn" in exactly one week. Do why are we still having summer temperatures? I would say that this is unprecedented but I've been seeing this trend slowly build for the past decade or so.

I want to make this an open discussion. How have you been affected by global warming?


bottom text

How famous am I on rdrama?

just curious...

Foids cannot comprehend consequences.

Pojom wants me to buy her a bed.

I buy her a bed.

Say "clean your room or I'm not building the bed in there. I'm not going to clean your room and build the bed too, if I can spend my free time building the bed you can spend 10 minutes cleaning.

A week passes and she does not do it. I say if you don't clean it today I'm taking your bed for myself.

She says "I don't believe you."

Currently I am in the bed I have taken from her and she is shocked by this.

i wanna be a famous rdrama e-celebrity

so please go ahead and make me a STAR



Thank for you everyone who believed in me.

!augustlovers thank you!

I'm starting in October after my road trip.

Look at this nice photo of Buffalo I took

That is all

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I didn't know we had our own version of the reddit cares message

I gave @CREAMY-DOG-ORGASM a 1 day ban award and he sent me one :marseyloveyou:

I'm stuck in rehab in quarantine :marseycry:

I'm goin NUTS. Me and heather got a laptop and we're ungrateful bitches for not kissing the staff's asses. Goin to a bed to bed place in hagerstown to save money/work and ...hopefully stay around there as a poorcel. There's a creepy dude in a white pickup truck that drives by slowly hopin for an AMA to jump in. Should I do it?? :marseyderp:

I miss this gay butt website. Ah well I need a cigarette. Later. At least I got kiwifarms (they blocked like all social media)

Oh yeah... someone told me I look like a cornhole player lol wtf does that mean. Idk ask questions if u want I'm grabbin a cig


She wants another kid, I just want to bust in the gussy for a bit without another pregnancy. I'm debating tracking the periods and using the Rhythm Method (without informing her) to figure out when I should not bust in the gus.

How r-slurred is this plan?

Ultimately I don't care if I get her pregnant in a few months, :marseyshrug: I just want to maximize non-pregnant gussy busting time.

Edit: I'm gonna go for it, I'll report back


If you are wondering yes I live in a dump. Yes I don't have any furniture yet. I'm gonna order ikea and used shit this week I swear.


Almost beefed it lol. :marseysteer::marseysteer::marseysteer:

Fresh pavement plus rain plus worn rear tires plus me.

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