I know everything:marseyschizowall:

I just beamed two weeks worth of precalc and like two months of stats into my brain. Wish I didn't use up literally all of my time but my parents are forcing me to go on some sort of r-slurred road trip tomorrow so I had to cram and do all of my already accelerated coursework in 7 hours.

Glad I already took precalc because I can't imagine anyone who hasn't already done it succeeding. Professor just throws the book at you and says “figure it out” it has been nearly 6 years since I even thought of a triangle though and I'm slowly but surely remembering everything. I feel 15 year old me shaking her head; ashamed that I forgot the unit circle. If I do anything this weekend memorizing that thing is at the top of my list. I also hate the program we use for homework bc it keeps making me rationalize my square roots and they fricking never make you rationalize in every other class I've taken. When I took calculus both times the teacher didn't give a shit, they were way more worried about your +C

I will fully admit that I just straight up don't understand statistics. This is my fault because I've been reverse engineering the answers from the practice problems instead of sitting through the recorded lecture (boring) I was actually doing well up until I took the third quiz and bombed it lol. I think I may have over exerted myself on this though, I think I did literally half of the class work for the entire class. We can retake quizzes so I'm gonna do that preferably not at 11:30 PM. I'll even watch the videos. This isn't a math class though, this is a calculator programming class and unfortunately I'm bad with my calculator. Casio really is the Linux of calculators let me tell you. Supposedly they're better than TI and they're definitely cheaper but you have to mess with it every time you want to change your lists and it's annoying and I blame it for my failure. That and I'm r-slurred rn, I literally got a question wrong bc I confused right and left. I don't really like taking math quizzes online either because you get really bad scores compared to irl. There's no points awarded for things like work shown or how your process is. It's all or nothing.

I caught :marseyflirt: a mouse :marseydisney: last night :marseysamfisher:

But he stole :marseymimic: the trap, dragged it over a 4 inch beam, and is now dying :marseycutwrist: somewhere :marseysalitssomewhere: in my ceiling :marseysmokealarmbeep: :#marseysad: and I can't feed him to my birds

Hopefully he doesn't stink too bad.

My feminist cuisine is going to Belgium to Madona concert

And my aunt begs her not to go there because the concert will be in most Islam city in EU and ironic the most Jew city in EU (Antwerpen) and supposedly Madona is very pro Israel and Muslim know it. My cousine is full half black and looks like Zendaya so she will be fine but still kek and she like true feminist can't miss such concert of her inspiration :marseyxd:

To bad she didn't told me earlier I would went with her


And felt nostalgic. The old YouTube days, they were some comfy times.

Post some old YouTube videos.


I didn't ask for details but I think she disgusts me now

I think I'm gonna dump her while she watches the Taylor Swift movie tomorrow

my balls hurt

like seriously, i've been sick the last week coughing so is that why? my only idea

[Blog] Dusted tha shelves

ITT: Post you shelves

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I found a middle school photo where I had screen-printed a reddit shirt lol :marseywholesome: :marseyzoomer:

They entered the car with their large sugary drinks in hand, both had tightly pulled ponytail, greasy hair and looked out of breath (didn't stop them from sipping their calories). They took twice as much space as I did as a broad shouldered 6'2 man. They seemed aware enough to notice that people didn't like their kind but not enough to put down the drinks for a sec. Once most people left the wagon they rushed to take seats, like two wildebeests seeing a lake after a drought.


Got my first preference as well. Also doing an honours degree next year.

Going back to school as a millenialcel turned out pretty alright.

Ancient Windows Laptop Advice.

I haven't used windows in 20 years and apparently this software/hardware I need won't work on a Mac running Windows.

What's the cheapest yet reliable used Windows laptop I can run this on? Any brands you'd recommend? Any models to avoid?

Which of those versions of windows is going to be the most stable and hassle-free? Will running XP cause my car and house to be hacked? What's the oldest of those you'd personally run?

I'm taking like less than $150 cheap.

Thank you, nerds.

I found out recently that the new :marseytunaktunak: PhD student in my department is incredibly based :marseykingcrown:

At the beginning of this year, a new PhD student came in from India (we will call him Sanjay). He's pretty chill, no drama, my kind of guy. Unfortunately for him, Sanjay has to TA for his very first semester for an upstream bioprocessing course for the first-year students of the Masters program for the department (first-year students are notoriously stressed af + incompetent).

Last week Sanjay had to help a group of first years get ready for either an e. coli or CHO cell culture run (I forget which) which meant they needed to autoclave some stuff (if you don't know what that is it's not important, it's just a giant machine that makes glassware clean or whatever fricking google it). He's doing some important preliminary stuff in the other room, but Maria (a girl from the lab group) kept bugging him on Teams to stop what he was doing to walk a few rooms over to tell them how to do things. He started leaving them on read so she called his cell phone directly :marseygossip:

Sanjay saw the call and declined it :marseyxd:

She was complaining to me at a brewery thing last week and I told her I'm sorry but I love him for doing that to her and now I think he's really cool. She wasn't happy with my response but idc what is she going to do I grade her shit :marseyclueless:

:marseyghost2: What do you call a ghost made of farts? :marseygas:

A Brapparition

Feel free to use that one when trick or treating!

I had fast food twice today and feel like such a fatty


New Kaiser Kitty ms paint art :marseydrawing1::marseyautism:

A group of animal friends (cats, fox, and bunny) playing DS at a silly sleep over. What DS game are they playing together? :marseythinkorino::marseynintendo::marseysleep::marseyparty:

What would you call this fashion style?


Lately I've been getting product placements in my dreams

Anyone else?

I'm concerned that companies are using astral projection as part of their marketing strategy and it's really starting to piss me off

I sometimes get dream segments about Arbys and Dunkin Donuts a fricking hate Arbys and there aren't even any nearby


dunkin is sugar slop

swiffer is a scam just use a REGULAR MOP

one time a guy handed me a razor and told me he gets them subscription and asked if he could shave my balls and I ran away

I'm pretty sure that was gonna turn into ANOTHER PRODUCT PLACEMENT if I didn't run away

months ago I was getting forced barbie nostalgia in my dreams a few times and I didn't like being in the toy store, I said "who cares I want to go to radio shack" (since I was in the past or smth) so they became angry and life size and started chasing me

had a weird dream about buying the perfect shirt at "GAP" and it was overwhelmingly soft and fresh and airy, get solid enough-- while somehow making me look chiseled and sophisticated. It's like the shirt was alive and trying to seduce me. I've never been to a gap in my life and buy all my shirts on ebay

I blocked all ads on youtube & the internet, don't watch cable, and won't use phone apps with ads not even soundcloud-- EW! I use open source apps so that doesn't happen. It drives me crazy watching my mom and sister use random apps they downloaded to do various things and then they have to watch a 20 second video to press another button. It's absurd.


do you think corporations are paying occulists extra money to advertise to me while I sleep since I'm otherwise a bit hard to reach with advertising?

I meet that ghot foot irl

So a matched with a ghot foid and yesterday I was walking with my dogs in the park and there was small group of ghots and I noticed her. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. She was massive like obese class 2,5. And I went to other direction because I am all for body positivity :marseythumbsup:

I went (tandem) skydiving for the first time yesterday


I don't think white women are okay. :marseyfrozenchosenpat:


I've had multiple occasions now where I've had white women express their woes and it seems pretty bleak. :marseysad:

I heard from a woman who's husband essentially kidnapped their daughter during their separation.

I heard from a woman whose parents used her as a pawn during their divorce.

I heard of one who had a miscarriage at 22 weeks.


In a generally bleak trend every woman I talked with was on psychoactive medication :marseymeds: and many of them had been in the psych ward at some point. :marseybang:

The bullying women do to each other also came up multiple times. :marseymeangirls:

Not sure what all this means but I'm suggesting we stop white women until we figure out what the heck is going on. :marseydepressed:

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[foid posting L's] I joined tinder for literally less than 10 min

I uploaded like one selfie (not filtered bc I have integrity). I had “99+” likes in like 5 minutes. Wow, thanks!

Then I noticed a lot of the people I matched with wanted “short term”.

Okay hard pass, just not my vibe.

One guy though….we started chatting. He was Latinx so I started flirting in Spanish (I'm good at that and rarely have the opportunity to speak the language). He lived in a neighborhood I wouldn't be caught dead in but I thought I'd give him a chance? I'm not shallow, honestly. He kept calling me a catfish (I'm not that hot) so I figured he was being sweet. I told him I disliked the app and was gonna delete so we moved to text.

What. The. Frick.

So I blocked him and I'm back to dating people I meet in the wild and/or on rdrama.

People here also try to neg me with my age but I never took it personally since my dream was always to be a classy old lady but holy shit the audacity of this Mexican goblin MY AGE who lives in a shitty neighborhood.

Pic related. It's my goal in life.

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