71 now blocking access :marseybarrier: if you're using a VPN and no login

Up until today, you couldn't access Reddit while using a VPN, unless you were logged in. A workaround was to use

But today, you get the same soy-based message "whoa there, pardner!" on too.


The original post was deleted but it linked to this article:

TLDR: Suno is a new startup that started with a text to speech AI called bark, but now their latest project is chirp which is for text to music. A new version was just released with results that are almost indistinguishable from real music plus a bunch of new features, and they now offer a subscription that gives you the rights to use them in content or sell on streaming services.

I hate this so much.

Give me a real musician making real music with real instruments and real voices over this crap.

Funny thing is, sometime within the next 5 years, you'll find yourself really enjoying a piece of music, it will be AI generated, and you won't even know.


Maybe you have no idea how music is made these days. Most of it, certainly 99% of pop music, is using samples, not live musicians.


Great, another spam generator in another medium to devalue music as much as possible for basically no good reason.

Who does this help, exactly? People who hate artistic expression?

Ladies and gents, we've reached peak dystopia.

Enjoy the fallout.



Safe to invest in anything that reddit hates?

>Kevin Rose who bought a $16.5 million dollar house in LA Brentwood burned his ENS name and sold two NFTs for $500k+ EACH without paying royalties.

>Tether printed another Billion and reddit is mad

>ETH issuance is going to be negative .5 percent this year rather than 4-5 percent inflation.

>Milady is settling its internal lawsuit between founders.

>Sam ALTMAN's world coin is FRICKING MOONING. go check the chart $WLD

How Gemini injects diversity


Spammers are just creating accounts on instances that have no registration verification and creating thousands of posts that ping random people with images. The spam seems to originate from a group of Japanese script kiddies that just wanted to vandalise Misskey and now every instance is getting false-flag spam messages from thousands of accounts over thousands of instances.

The details are actually a bit fuzzy since it's all speculation outside of some discord screenshots and the spam that is actually sent, but it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Since there's like thousands of tiny instances and nothing stops spammers from just making their own, the only guaranteed solution right now is to make a whitelist of servers that moderate account registration. I made one post on an irrelevant instance earlier and got three of these spam messages from different accounts on different instances.

There is an ongoing spam attack on the fediverse for the last couple of days. It's more widespread than before, as attackers are targeting smaller servers to create accounts. Before, usually only was targeted and our team could take care of it. For server administrators out there: If you don't need open registrations, switch over to approval mode. If you do, blocking disposable e-mail providers is a massive stopgap to the problem. Mastodon also supports hCaptcha.

I just have to point out that all of this is being done by a community of 12-15 year olds because ActivityPub is shit actually :marseylaugh:. The script to test for open registration nodes is literally this:

export async function isNoCapNoMail(host: string, softwareType: string) {
 if (softwareType !== "misskey") {
   return false;

 const endpoint = `https://${host}/api/meta`;
 try {
   const res = await fetch(endpoint, {
     method: "GET",
     headers: {
       "Content-Type": "application/json",

   const json = await res.json();

   if (json["emailRequiredForSignup"]) {
     return false;

   if (
     json["enableHcaptcha"] ||
     json["enableMcaptcha"] ||
   ) {
     return false;

   return true;
 } catch {
   return false;

Someone's definitely improved this by now since it does more than just misskey, but you get the point. Just imagine the damage someone could do with an integrated captcha solver. Most ActivityPub software doesn't have any kind of middleware for handling incoming messages and maybe drop them based on filters, but that'll probably change soon.

More rumours elsewhere

I have found some more information on this CPTK, the japbros probably already knew but uhh:

  1. They're just skids :marseyhacker:

  2. Most of them are like kids (literal 11-14 year olds) :carpemo:

  3. They have done many raids in the past, they DDoS'd 2chan back in 2022 and they've taken legal action against them :marseygrouns:

  4. Their old group imploded due to infighting :marseymushroomcloud:

  5. According to the Karasawa Wiki (yeah that lawyer who got doxxed like 100 times for being a 2chan troll), their leaders have been doxxed, MULTIPLE times. And they're all kids. :marseypedobear:

Anyway good luck to Bluesky on their fediverse integration lol

I KNEEL :marseykneel: to just-remembering chads
Reported by:
  • BWC :
  • BernieSanders : ^ dude porn lmao

orange site:

Abe-bros, we're failing him :marseyitsover:


Been playing around with this today it's pretty neat. It's basically a wrapper around other tools that run local LLMs that makes it easier to set up and interface with.




Google and Chinese AI companies watching this unfold like :marseyoperasmug: :marseygossipsmug: :marseymeangirls:

:marseyhappening: UPDATES :marseyhappening:

:marseyautism: I think this means something

The Chief Strategy Officer told employees they are confident about bringing everyone back and will have an update tomorrow

Ilya about to be stebbed?

Nice to know that even rich tech dorks tweet like high schoolers :marseyzoomerimplosion:

Marseyloader: Space Station 14 launcher with client-side modding/patching support.

I've immediately got told to "shut it down" by the project owner because lol.

Telling them to meow about it got their manager staff to ask people why is their coder making a cheat launcher and eventually trying to get me off their devteam

Who also told them to frick off, causing them to go :marseywords: about it rivaling communists off preddit.

Play space station 13 instead for now, 14 is fricking awful.


The "inflammatory comments":

Majority of drama is here:

You kept posting offtopic comments which added nothing to resolving the issue. So I gave you a seven day ban, hopefully it will teach you a lesson. [-32] (Lemmy dev)

My first comment directly discusses the issue at hand. It wasn't off topic. It's clear you didn't want any feedback on the issue because it makes you look bad. I explicitly talked about how client side scheduling is a bad idea that does not accomplish the goal of scheduling. And then I gave feedback directly concerning the exact issue I was commenting on of how your conduct was unfitting of lead devs of a major software project, where you squabbled in public in a really weird way, and you refused to even think about discussing the topic (closing the issue over and over again when your coworker had opened it and asked for discussion? Really dude?). Then you finally banned me without any warning or discussion of why.

And no, it's not going to teach me any lesson, all it did was teach the entire community you have no clue how to run an open source software project. No warning, no explanation, just juvenile marking of comments as off topic (they weren't), closing of the issue your main dev opened and then boom banned. [+63] ( owner)

Other highlights:

Lemmy needs a fork, if only to kick the devs into gear with regards to actually working with/listening to the community. At this point a significant number of users have been lost because the devs have been largely unable to capitalize on previous waves on growth due to slow development. It's one thing if it's just a couple of devs working on the project and trying their best, it's an entirely different thing when a couple of devs are shutting out large numbers of contributors (frequently subject matter experts which they desperately need at this point) over relatively trivial issues. This isn't the first time this has happened and it won't be the last. Mbin is reviving Kbin as a project and we need something similar for Lemmy.

I think that you should update your post with information that this ban is only for 7 days.


I will no longer be able to assist with development

suggests that ban is infinite, which is not true.

Dude, who in their right mind would add scheduling infra to a client like that? 😆 I'm going to need these Lemmy devs to have a tad bit more experience before they start being so dismissive, especially to someone who's just trying to help.

This is ridiculously petty from the devs, and does make me seriously wonder about Lemmy's future.

Lemmy is self-destructing.

Part of this is simply replication of Reddit's interface design, which incentivizes bad behavior by users. But the other part is the devs. I trace this back to Eric S. Raymond's essay, Cathedral and the Bazaar, which popularized the notion of emergent software design by devs merely ‘scratching their itch' (personal interest). Raymond argued for design by emergence from Complexity Theory. The presumption of which is evolution toward greater compexity and user utility by populism as a fitness function, which he believed would drive software to best case optimization or death by disuse. In other words, good design will succeed while bad design will be weeded out by its unpopularity. But it doesn't work.

As an example, GIMP is one of the results. A mess of poorly documented modules, none of which in aggregate do the task (replacing Photoshop) it was meant to achieve. FOSS advocates (none of whom actually use the software) still promote GIMP as a Photoshop replacement and cannot see how this design philosophy has resulted in continual failure. But among general users, those who recognize the software as terrible in comparison to commercial alternatives, they know and avoid it like the software plague it is. Only those who can't avoid it, Linux users who have no other option, or the very poor who can't afford Affinity on Win or Mac, would bother trying to cram GIMP into their workflow.

The FOSS projects which have succeeded did so at the behest of devs who acted as benevolent dictators, people who are software design savvy and use that deep skill without concern for the interests and desires of incompetent or newly minted devs. Some examples: Richard Stallman (GNU), Linus Torvalds (Linux kernel), Ton Roosendaal (Blender), etc. They develop by Cathedral methods, and therefore their projects succeeded.

Lemmy will go the way of GIMP. A bunch of kids who have no idea why Reddit succeeded, but who think it would be fun to software play. Get BeeHaw off this software and away from these toxic devs. There are better designed FOSS alternatives. Not least of which is HubZilla and Zot. [-9]



To recap on the start of this drama, it all started with me finding a lemmy moment - a chomo instance being promoted as a popular lemmy instance

Eventually, Aevann pinned the post and carp made his own post about the chomo instance

This became the perfect time for the perfect gayop - call lemmy out and see how the lemmings will react (it wasn't all roses, a couple of lemmings thought it was a LGBT harassment campaign, but one did end up changing their mind)

It started with the RedditAlternatives post

Eventually, knowing that will go nowhere in two weeks, I ended up making 3 posts about this and called out the lemmy devs for allowing this instance to be promoted (contains dev response) (LW admin inside) (:marseysal: this post went nowhere)

But how would it end? Would the admin double down? Would they do nothing? Or would they remove it?

Turns out they did indeed remove it in a pull request at everyone's surprise in a win-win-win scenario

Another dramanaut p-do hunting mission accomplished :marseybush:

Funny how this user banned for trolling on multiple instances ended up successfully convincing lemmy devs to remove and defederate from this instance, and not get outed by anyone. :marseysmug:

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