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I dunno the way she described him seems less like he was her "last resort" and more like she just liked him the most :marseyshrug:

>he's nice, responsible, funny, and good in bed

>"omg how could she USE ME like that?!" :marseysoyseethe:

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Yeah, it may not be flattering to think "what, you mean it wasn't love at first sight and a grand passion?" but she was ready to settle down, marry and have kids, she had options, and she picked him out of them all.

I think guys don't realise how pragmatic women are about marriage. Crazy bitches, sure, they only want fun and money, but good wife material is going to be practical about "is he dependable? is he a good provider? can we get on together when the romance dies down?" because you don't want to be left with two kids when he decides the hot 20 year old who just started at work is his soul mate.

I'm presuming he wanted to settle down with her because he had a list of "would make a good wife" qualities in mind as well and she fit them.

Hope it works out for both of them.

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Its a double post wall marriage too. You don't marry your "crush" at 39.

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This reads more like a man who wants out of his familial duties than a man who was taken advantage of

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There's literally nothing wrong here she sounds like a decent foid.

Foids will always have more romantic prospects than moids do, so if he's going to get all pissy about being chosen from a lineup then he's a fricking r-slur.

Ohhh I wasn't the only moid you ever considered your whole life? You fricking scheming slut!

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Yeah, doesn’t seem like a backup. More like “I wanna get serious and he’s the best option in every major way.”

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Ironically this is a very foid-brained type of freakout, where he's upset about the manner where the info was presented as opposed to the actual contents of what he was describing.

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Vote for which one you side with

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Normally I side with scrotes but this one is having a !foidmoment himself everyone weighs options and he knows what dating is like if just seeing that is so upsetting he is a literal r-slur. She wasn't cheating or anything so :marseyshrug:

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Yeah but it’s a universal common courtesy to not articulate those things and if you do, delete any record of them


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She tried to, it was a farsical twist of destiny that made the guy find out.

Basically the consensus was I was the shortest and oldest of her guys she was seeing but I had the best prospects - most stable job, best personality, most common interests, funny, good in bed and good looking even if I'm not her usual type

Best in bed, funny, "best personality", all despite being shortest and oldest. Unless there was a peepee size category he isn't mentioning why would he whine like this?

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He’s a massive sissy cute twink who let her cut her tits off for no reason lmao why do you think he’s melting down


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cut her tits off for no reason

did u miss the part about the hereditary cancer syndrome she has? if its the one I'm thinking of, her lifetime breast cancer risk was potentially as high as 85-90%

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Roll the dice, coward.

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Eh idk, whatever etiquette breach she may have committed cannot be worse than freezing out the heavily pregnant mother of your child two weeks before the due date. Miss Manners would not approve :marseydisagree:

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lol common courtesy does not demand that you delete your DMs with your friends where you express any sort of skepticisms about your partners, insofar as that's even possible.

Like, she messed up by letting him see the DMs but at this stage in the relationship it's absolutely something you should get over.

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It's not even the classic reddit cuckbait post where she describes him as a lame betabux provider type that she can trust compared to the previous sexy and exciting guys she had flings with. It's literally her just describing really flattering things about him and him freaking out because it was a comparison.

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Wrong, this is a foid messaging her best friend. Of course she says that shit; foids discuss all their machinations, they cannot help it. This is one of the few contexts where you can just assume that the foid is likely telling the truth

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No self respecting man should've started dating a woman that was fricking 4-5 others on the side "before they became exclusive".

Being in this deep with a child on the way is long past the time to pull out though, you have to accept you were just one of the options on the market.

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>preventive double mastectomy

he's gay

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The scrote is a spineless loser and I hate him

The foid is a bad person but he deserves it


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>scrote is spineless loser

>foid is a bad person

describes literally 99% of ""people"" on reddit

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Jesus christ I hate men !moidmoment

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Darn moids, not happy with being the beta provider and getting the sloppy seconds!

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Anyone still seeking marriage in their late 30s literally doesn't get to complain

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marry a roast

´n you’re toast

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Ehh, she didn't describe him as a back up, what she did describe him as was being much better than expected

So much so she married a 'short king'

I hate to side with women, but this time I will

Idk what he's crying 'bout

'reee, she talked about me being financially stable'

Yes, my dudes 'trad' women, who are glorified so much by rightoids do care about that, because they prefer to be either housewives or work in an easy and mostly low paid job, just enough to not get bored.

'she talked about me being better that expected at s*x's

So he must either have a fat dong or be good at oral

Again, the issue here is what?

'she called me handsome'

Omg 😱

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What a loser. Seriously take it on the chin and move on. Women gossip and talk all sorts of shit. Not like she cheated on him.

Also technically it sort of means he was batting at his highest level with her, so he should be happy he didn't settle for less or get dumped by more.

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I knew I would fall in love with my husband the night we met, it was entirely his energy & obvious intelligence, he didn't exactly feel the same way. We pretty much spent the next 5 years hitting every milestone with a lot of hurt feelings on my end because he wouldn't commit without my direct input.

We were as happy as any couple could possibly be: never broke contact from the day we met, spent every possible second together, had all the best things in common, were constantly surprised during conversations by our kismet, instantly stopped talking to anyone else we were seeing, hated being apart, couldn't keep our hands off each other... he just wasn't sure if he was ready or if I was the absolute best choice. It hurt me a lot, I wanted him to be as in love with me as I was with him, but he's a lot more methodical & intellectual than I am.

i can see scrotes having a hard time, dating is different for them, but how tf are women having this problem?? it's inadvisable to even have strag scrote friends because they will always catch feelings. it's so easy to find a guy that will be head over heels for you :marseywtf2: are these dummies doing marrying a guy that isn't bananas for them

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You have no idea just how offputting this woman is

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it's so easy to find a guy that will be head over heels for you :marseywtf2: are these dummies doing marrying a guy that isn't bananas for them


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it's so easy to find a guy that will be head over heels for you

Yeah, but all of them are not Chad.

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it's so easy to find a guy that will be head over heels for you

Ehh to be fair to foids the type of moid that catches feelings for every single friendly foid is usually a desperate af LVM.

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that's true! i feel like it's still better to be with a simp than a guy who doesn't want you though. but both sound so soul crushing :marseyrain: i guess even with the simp, it's not that he really likes you for who you are either, but because you are available :marseysad: i don't get why people would want either over just volcelling

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i guess even with the simp, it's not that he really likes you for who you are either, but because you are available

One of the best skills moids can pick up is making it seem like this isn't the case.

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It's true. If you can figure out how to fool women into thinking you don't want them for s*x/company, something visibly clicks in their brains that makes them NEED to.

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I was thinking more along the lines of making it seem like they're special in some way but yeah.

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!foidmoment dont call people sloppy second place

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and we started seeing each other casually 3 years ago

Going to have to side with the foid this time. Not sure what he was expecting. Also she seems to have some surgery fetish.

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>he allowed a preventative double mastectomy

jfl deserved all around

I’d be surprised if the kid is even his


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I feel like the issue here is how it's normalized to be dating a bunch of people at once. I get you can't be exclusive with every rando you have a first date with, but the vibe of this is different than if he was just the last in a line of men she dated. In the serial format, theoretically any of them could be the one. In the casual format, you could be fricking around with hotter people while cultivating a backup to settle with. Most people probably "settle" in the end, but this combination feels a little more insulting.

Generally agree that he overreacted, but this kind of thing does hurt. The moral of the story is to delete fricking everything and never hand your SO the phone.

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In the casual format, you could be fricking around with hotter people while cultivating a backup to settle with

This scenario pretty much fuels some of the most dramatic posts on reddit because it's so context and detail specific that you could come up with a countless number of situations where either side is in the wrong. Reddit's (neurodivergent as frick) answer is that until you make it explicitly official you can keep fricking/dating around, but this kind of hides the fact that there's so much going on that's indirect and unsaid. While reddit brings up this defense for the foids in these posts, in the real world moids use this type of ambiguity to their advantage all the time, and you can see reddit's collective opinion go the other way when they see the posts from the foid who is complaining about this.

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I just went like "what the frick babe"

calling each other 'babe' is pretty cringe

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Ditch that whore :marseyagree:

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Neighbor should get a paternity test fr, but as far as foid moments go this isn't one. He's a dumb cute twink for looking through her PMs and he's paying the price, cause nothing in there is really bad yet his ego got shattered.

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ditch the whore. frick whores not like she was a fat one who couldnt get laid.

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>After a short while, I start going through the phone and see she has conversations with her bestie in there and the last dates were just before we committed to each other. Basically, she was talking to her and literally weighing all her options up about having kids with before it's too late and she was going over her "backups" and I saw their chat about me. Basically the consensus was I was the shortest and oldest of her guys she was seeing but I had the best prospects - most stable job, best personality, most common interests, funny, good in bed and good looking even if I'm not her usual type. So she said she was going to give it a go and her friend encouraged her. Then I guess we started dating

This might be the first time I've ever said this, but the foid did literally nothing wrong here. The only bad thing here is that he got to read how the sausage gets made. I always went exclusive right from the start, so I've never had to deal with this kind of crap.

The moid should trans out because he's engaging in histrionics, which is a feminine hobby.

she had a preventive double mastectomy due to having the breast cancer gene

wtf that's insane

That's no guarantee she's going to get cancer. It's still an extremely small chance. CMV: preventative titty chops are only done on munchies

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That's no guarantee she's going to get cancer. It's still an extremely small chance. CMV: preventative titty chops are only done on munchies

it is not a small chance. based the information here and educated guessing, she most likely has a BRCA1 mutation. her lifetime risk for breast cancer is as high as 85-90% and she is also at risk for various other cancers. double mastectomy is one of the surgeries that can be considered as a preventative. these are the national guidelines for the record, for this specific condition. i will limit my autism on this topic but if you are interested, I can sperg some more about it.

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Digga, Ich vernichte dich. Ich rasier deine ganze Generation. Deine Mutter bekommt zehn Öttinger in die Fotze getreten während ich Isis Nasheed dazu singe. Dein Vater wird versklavt um in der Lausitz zu malochen bist seine Knochen aus der Haut springen. Ich sammel sie. Ich organisiere sie. Und ich verkaufe sie and Himba in Namibia. Du Hurensohn. Du Sohn einer Schweinefotze, die am Straßenrand geboren wurde. Du Missgeburt. Du Sohn einer Hafenhure. HAMDULLIAH ich schwöre auf alle Götter, unban me oder deine Knochen werden zu Königsberger Klopse verkocht.


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The first few (3-5?) dates are non exclusive. After that you enter exclusivity territory (talk if you're in the US, cause you have a fricked up dating culture). If you find me not interesting enough to try the monogamous lifestyle after that amount of dates I have no interest in you. Keeping "backups" (more like alternatives) around is also just shitty in my opinion.

The foid is also 32, not even a zoomer. Don't discuss shit like this over texts. The guy will be scarred for the rest of his life. Making the post shows this. His best option is to agree to raise the child together but not have a relationship with the foid.

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