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Chuds will blame fortnite. Slightly smarter but still dumb people will blame Smash. REAL INTELLIGENT PERIOD GENIUSES will know this started with playground arguments over whose action figures are strongerer.

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The real cause is autism. It always comes down to autism. It is both sometimes inherent, but moreso an infectious mental disease brought on by heavy technology use in formative childhood years. This in turn creates a more lucrative market opportunities to subsume children in technology products.

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yugioh beterer

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i upmarseyd your comment, then i saw you had not reciprocated such protocol, and thus I'm rescinding my vote - good day Sir

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I admire your adherence to your rules, especially since they do sound like a scheme concocted by a racing lunatic. I tip my hat to you and bid you a good evening.

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I want everyone to know that my neighbor Brian was WRONG in 1988. Megatron would frick up any ninja turtle.

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!g*mers TOTAL Yu-Gi-Oh Victory!!

Longost :marseyretardchad: cards win vs soywoke Black Aragorn strags :soyjakhipster:

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By some sheer 1 in quadrillion chance, this card is id #1488

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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As a result of the controversy, the card's multiverse ID was changed, and its artwork was replaced with a message stating, "We have removed this card image from our database due to its racist depiction, text, or combination thereof." The card's Gatherer page no longer displays the original artwork or multiverse ID.

They changed its database id to own the !chuds. The old 1488 url no longer exists :marseyxdorbit:


New link:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17319490228007529.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17319490234096017.webp

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That isnt nearly as different from the modified version as I expected

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BLM BLM :marseysoypoint: :marseysoypoint:



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:marseyakshually: Blue is U in MTG, B is still for Black

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big black lotus :marseydarkrose3:

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And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'

Brave New World, Ray Bradbury

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17311142493373716.webp TOTAL YU-GHI-ARYAN VICTORY

!soyteens !weebs !anime !g*mers

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Kill all soyteens

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Be nice to playmaker xe struggles with crippling OCD

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Was there ever any doubt? We have the power of anime on our side.


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Last thing Chinese civilians ever hear


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we've been winning for 10 years at this point imho

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Makes sense. The people who will pay a hundred dollars for a deck of paper cards have to be the most exploitable :marseydisney: to ever live

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>he thinks a deck of MtG is only a hundred dollars


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It was supposed to be hyperbole :marseydarkxd:

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I remember during the Return to Dominaria set about six years ago, it had two giga OP cards that were $50 each. You needed four, of both of them, so just 20% of your deck was already pushing $400. These were also brand new cards, not the super expensive vintage cards from 20 years ago.

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And everyone calls GW greedy, at least those are high quality models that are usuable in games for much longer than MTG cards.

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People underestimate how good quality the plastic in their models is compared to the rest of the market, not that it really justifies the consistent price hikes.

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Yep, just like Lego. At least Walmart sometimes has great deals on older Lego sets.

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how would anyone fall for this transparent scam? why haven't neurodivergents banded together yet to design an open source deck so the hobby isn't p2w?

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There are individual cards worth that much even outside of the most expensive formats.

When I played MTG in Seattle , mainly "modern" (a mid-level cost format) it was a bunch of lawyers and SWEs that played it, and decks were a couple thousand each.

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Eh, now that's hyperbole. Modern top tier decks are just $1,000. It's only when you get to Legacy etc. that cost starts going up to the thousands.

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Is modern cheaper now? Back when I played you could rack up about 1000$ off of fetchland manabase alone.

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These days even the most expensive fetches are under $20, with some even under $10. Mana bases are thankfully not as expensive as they used to be.

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Aren't some cards alone hundred of dollars?

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The format where you only play with 2 year old cards usually is $200-$300 for forty cards (not including the twenty land cards that are essentially free).

It's been a long time since I paid attention to MtG prices but I remember decks of the format where you play with 15 year old cards can run $600 to $800 ish.

The format where you can play with every card is $1000+, as some cards are on the very stupid "we promise to never reprint these" list.

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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(not including the twenty land cards that are essentially free)

Neighbor what the frick are you smoking

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I was thinking about basic lands but completely forgot about dual lands and how expensive they are even in Standard

It's been a while since I played MtG, game is shit and their digital client was proven to rig games against you when you're winning

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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as some cards are on the very stupid "we promise to never reprint these" list.

they should reprint them just to laugh at the nerds crying about losing their "investment".

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This is about right except the last part. First format mentioned is "standard", decks run around 300 dollars.

Second format is "modern", decks run around 1000 dollars.

Last format is "vintage", decks run around 50,000 dollars.

Legacy, where you can play almost every card, is more "reasonable" with decks running around 4000 dollars.

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It's about $30 if u buy it from Chinese printers. :marseywholesome:

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I was looking at a local hobby shop to buy some Warhammer minis and thought the price increases were absurd, then I saw they were also selling magic cards at the shop for up to $2700 each.

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Not like Warhammer is much better, be a 3d printer chad

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The people who will pay a hundred dollars for a deck of paper cards

It's so much worse than that. I started playing in 1994 and quit in 1999. I was pretty serious about it. When my dad moved, I got my cards out of his basement and sold them to a distributor. Prices exploded at some point during my years away from the game and I made enough to buy a new truck outright.

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>uppity Magic The Gaythering players getting put in their place again


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ShreddedGODLET derangement syndrome

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Its what modern MTG fans deserve. Anything that happened after planeshift is gay and doesn't make sense.


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Absolutely no one cares about mtg lore. I played it for years and knew two people that had read the books and both of them had been done playing for half a decade. This is probably not that bad a call.

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>and knew two people that had read the books

yeah... imagine owning and reading The Prodigal Sorcerer.



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Did you play with bardfinn after larping?

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You've sent me videos of you pooping in your diaper at work. Dont judge my peepeesucker

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 22 minutes and 05 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Average time between mentions: 0 days 00 hours 53 minutes and 31 seconds

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Do you still play and buy decks?

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Buy? Nah. Play? Yeah im him

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It's not a bad call because while they may b-word and moan for the next two weeks they'll go back to :marseyfunko: as soon as the next set drops. If the rest of the company wasn't so atrociously run their stock chart would probably look similar to nvidia's

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anything after (including) 5th is gay. no coincidence that dnd 5e is also gay.

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Honestly I'll take Spongebob and Captain America over the gender neutral BIPOC blobs they've been slowly moving towards

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>I'll take Spongebob and Captain America over the gender neutral BIPOC blobs they've been slowly moving towards

:!#hesrightyouknow: https://i.rdrama.net/images/173196642775976.webp !spongebob :#handshake: !chuds

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I FRICKING DONT :marseyyikes:

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This is why I noped out b4 the lawd dem rangs set

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Honestly, when cards are just called some random inane restaurant owner or whatever it was called, I could live with that. Most of the cards looked so alien from the peter jackson movies it was kinda ok.

But when it then proliferates to "orcish bowmasters" being a staple in many games, it takes me right the frick out of whatever I was being immersed in before. At the very least it wasn't "Chudman, pronoun hater" yet, but I'm excited for the next slopfest :marseyclapping:

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But when it then proliferates to "orcish bowmasters" being a staple in many games, it takes me right the frick out of whatever I was being immersed in before

What. There's like 20+ cards in MTG history called "Orcish _______"

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See? It ruined that for me too :marseyindignant:

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@PunishedIVIaskerade is fricking pretty sure the fricking one ring not being banned is fricking somewhere in the fricking contract, there's no reason for it too still be in modern at this point.

White extinction is long overdue and this includes MaRo

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Magic already has brony cards and transformers. This is just more of the same ol' shit at this point.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17319786140076518.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17319786142485018.webp

Also they did lotr and Aragorn got BLACKED :marseyxd:


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Every attempt WotC has made to capitalize on "the mtg lore" in the last decade has been a humiliating failure.

it seems to me that it's impossible to get people invested into a TCG. Maybe there's a way to make it work but wotc certainly ain't gonna do it. They seem like a pretty dysfunctional organization. It seems crazy that they are just selling cards in the exact same way they did back in 1994.

From wotc's perspective the pivot to UB makes total sense. Might as well tap (get it?) into the only worthwhile assets they have, mainly the game system and treasure trove of r-slurred players. combine both of those things with characters and worlds that people actually give a shit about.

Most importantly: sales have never been higher!

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I wonder if they tried to emulate Yugioh which ranged from a great multitude of monsters, from Dinosaurs to anime girls to space ships to traditional monstrocities - but those usually have anime flavour which puts it apart from westoid shit

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They have been doing a "theme plane" shtick for like a decade at this point.

Wacky Egypt world. Dinosaur land. Vikings! Wild West!

There is a dearth of creativity at wotc. But can we really blame them? They've been making the exact same cards for 30 years .

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I don't know anything about the game but I'm sure the chuds at /r/freemagic are :marseysmug2:

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Please post the cards when they come out OP, i want to see if they make squidward a 1/1 pipsqueak or a 6/6 kraken

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>imagine playing a game of 40k and someone puts down a squidward miniature

Yeah that would be just too silly to face with my Inquisitor Obi-Wan Sherlock Cluseau and his retinue of dwarves, BDSM elves, and toaster frickers...

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and toaster frickers...


What did he do to be included in this list?

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literally started rewatching that show yesterday :derpthumbsup:

I hate that ladygarden even more on rewatching than when I saw it for the first time tbqh. Id probably add him to my list just to see him get killed on turn one every time. Not even as a bullet sponge but just for the satisfaction of killing him.

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Maybe something like "If he dies morale boost to everyone!"

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Reminds me that in the BSG board game, if morale gets too low, Dualla kills herself. Fantastic mechanic, probably wouldn't get implemented today because it's "triggering".

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Which board game? The one where some people are cylons and some are regular crew and run around on the ship doing missions? Where you can brick people? I really liked that one, sadly never got the Pegasus expansion

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That's the one.

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On the bright side, WotC has printed some alternate art cards that fit into the main universe and have the same abilities as Secret Lair cards (ie Rick, Steadfast Leader and Greymond, Avacyn's Stalwart). Although, differentiating the alternate universe cards and making them unique was a massive design mistake. It sucks butt NotC is milking it so hard, but slop enjoyers will be slop enjoyers. :marseyshrug:

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Here's why opposing this change is transphobic

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Go on... :marseychudnotes:

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:marseynoooticer: why aren't any of the anime cards raceswapped, is it because :marseyblackcock: :marseycactuar: would cause no one to buy it?

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This is why I only play Ascension now.

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Blame commander.

Everytime I've played an actual format it's been with the stereotypical nerd degenerates and normal people.

Prerelease and commander night is the one filled with women :marseytrain2:s and weebs.

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That's just because commander is the casual format, it's always been for casuals. But UB has always been legal there, UB coming to standard I don't think has much to do with it.

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As long as I still make $$$$ on the secondary market I could honestly care less.

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None of these words are in the Bible

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Why is yugioh going down?

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:#y: :#e: :#s: :#s: :#s: :#exclamationpoint: I fricking love brands! I fricking love established IP!!!!

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All the slow-butt corporate ladygardens are finally finishing their gay multiverse projects just in time for nobody to care anymore. This is 5x worse than 2010 era zombie slop

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let's submit marsey and carp as a card

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We Weiß Schwarz now?

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