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bad baldur's gate 3 tattoos




as you may know BG3 fans are currently some of the most cringe on earth ( :marseyropeyourselfmirror:). the game has been out for full access for 6 months now and that means that many of them have had time to get truly godawful tattoos. here are some of my favorites.

since Astarion is the winner of the Fujo's Choice Award 2023 we have a few different ones to admire.



i just chose one of these at random, there are so fricking many. for those who haven't played the game, Astarion is a huge heauxmeaux who was held captive in some sort of vampire s*x dungeon for 200 years(?). and his master (:marseypuke:) carved these runes into his back to sell his soul to the Devil? idk i'm still on Act II. anyway so many women have gotten this as a tattoo, which i remind you, is a rune meant to turn you into a mindless s*x slave and then send your soul to heck. i scrolled past like 10 of these while harvesting.



decent work but this could never be covered up. honestly lots of the Astarion (and Shadowheart) girlies got some really good work done and so i have to respect the quality of the art if not the taste. but this is just way too much man.



what part of the body is this. need i say more



who the frick is this lmao. idk i think they made a couple mistakes. she has two horns yes but also appears to be armed with a floating Bound Battleaxe :marseynerd2: and weighs 110lbs. also i think she might kill herself soon.



Gale is a character in the game who has this same mark due to having a bomb in his chest. except in the game it was done by powerful magic, not by Bubba from the next cell block over.

THE COOMERFOID MENACE MUST BE STOPPED https://i.rdrama.net/images/17064110906030312.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17064110908178225.webp

i have to credit the moids on this one because try as i might, i could not find a single Shadowheart, Lae'zel, or Minthara tattoo that came even close to this level of explicit. gale's peepee is on her fricking forearm lmao. imagine having some fricking bideo bame tentacle peepee cleavage just on display at your next job. your wedding day. your funeral.

thread is over because i got bored. hope you like it :marseythumbsup:

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the top one looks fine and like it could be not a video game one

the rest though...

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The runes are a literal slave contract for the character with the tattoos to be sacrificed in a ritual in order to turn his master into an ascended vampire god. The character in the game seduced and kidnapped several hundred people over the course of hundreds of years to be sacrificed for his master.

Might look cool, but getting it tattooed on your own body willingly is kind of missing the point of the character's whole arc.

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Its the berserk rune of sacrifice all over again

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maybe she's trying to get reparations and that's her proof she was a slave! 4D CHESS.

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I think a white woman could find a way to get reparations without getting a video game tattoo. They're kind of a master at finding ways to be the victim.

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missing :marseyaveragetotally: the point? nah thats 100% getting the point :marseygiganoyou: and being a degenerate :marseyfursuit: coomer :marseyembarassingpurchase: who gets off to it is my guess :marseyshrug:

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this is just like getting a hecking death mark tattoo from harry potter!

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I agree that it's a terrible choice for a tattoo, but the tattoo itself doesn't look too bad, it's not too big and it's in an area where it can be covered up.

I like Astarion because he is a cute twink who complains about everything but doesn't mind me (on my second, evil, play-through) wading through blood, but yeah. Those tattoos are a bad idea.

The Gale one, though. Oh dear God in Heaven. Not alone does it look nothing like the character, but she got in on her forearm. Where it's visible in public. Every time she does anything with her arm or hand. Three-quarters naked soft porn bad tattoo assaulting the eyes of everyone in the vicinity.

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it's also bad because runes are the tribal tattoos of the 2010s but it's basically the least bad of the bunch. it's really bad if you played the game lol

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It looks like fricking scribbles

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Astarion is the rick and morty of video game characters.

I really liked him till I saw how people who like him act online.

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i like him in the game too, i just don't interact with other fans ever (except here lol) or sperg about vidya irl. easy

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Him and Lae'zel where the only two characters I had a genuine interest in.

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Not that it was ever amazing, but the transformation that sub has made from being crpg nerds to being the most cringy stan-culture forum on earth is pretty insane.

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:#marseypirate2: Guys do people still piroooooote AAA pc games? Like, if I wanted to play BG3 could I piroooote? aaaaaaaaaahhhhh I want to piroooooote :#marseypirate2:

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It's actually a great game. Play it with your foid. I doubt it'd be much fun single player. You can act really fricking stupid and it'll make her laugh.

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>Play it with your foid.

She's so r-slurred she can't handle games with WASD controls.

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Its point to click not wasd

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It has controller support. It'll be fine.

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You could but that would make carp sad

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Yes, that's what I did

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certain weebs and g*mers are awful about getting that shit etched onto their body within the first month of consumption. or maybe it's all burgers but the anime ones are just wildly conspicuous. i.e

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17064156203873117.webp = https://i.rdrama.net/images/17064157426400115.webp :!#marseyeyelidpulling:

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Snow crash has a guy who as part of a punishment has "POOR IMPULSE CONTROL" tattooed on his forehead and I'm reminded of that a lot

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:#marseykino: I wanted a tattoo until I noticed that everyone else with one was either r-slurred or a foid (same difference). Truly a sign how far we've fallen when it's considered acceptable to get some vidya ephemera more or less permanently attached to you. Burger King would kill for this kind of exposure.

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War paint that you can wash off is much superior. Building a routine of applying it regularly turns it into something of a skill even

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I tried but I couldn't get into that game at all. :marseygameritsover:

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The combat isn't fun.

It works in DnD, it's not great as a video game. The traps are also so fricking annoying.

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it's definitely not as fun as it could be. kinda slow, doesn't feel very reactive or dynamic. DOS2 combat was way better.

it would be even faster and more fun if it was RTWP @kaamrev :marseysulk:

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Wait, the combat in BG3 is not similar to DOS2? That's the one thing I was sure they would export from that game.

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BG3 is D&D 5th edition rules.

Dos2 is Larian's homegrown ruleset. Dos2 has the superior gameplay, kinda sad they didn't stick with it.

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That's disappointing. DOS2's combat was so fun because you could get so creative with it. It has the best combat in all CRPGs I've played

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tbf In Bg3 you can still be fairly creative but in different ways. It's a blast throwing things, esp. enemies around.

I like the game a lot. It's better than dos2 in a lot of other ways. The combat isn't bad, just not as stramlined because of all the 5e rules. You could just try it on steam in the 2 hour refund window and decide whether it's for you.

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That one trapped cellar of the guy making the boobytrapped toys? Where every two steps forward there's another trap? and not even any good loot at the end, either! Apart from that, I grin and bear it.

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Same. The combat's boring and the endless dice rolls break any immersion

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i actually really love the dice rolls. most games have checks to most encounters where calculations are made and it's just fun to have an element of chance involved and be initiated by the player. i wouldn't like it in every game but it's cool to have it in one specific game. also i press triangle and ps5 makes fun noise.

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It's fun. It's not the greatest game in the world, it is a Larian Game so they have their own tics and tropes incorporated, and the dice rolls can be annoying when "frick it, my character is plenty well able to lock pick this stupid door, why do I have to roll the stupid dice again?" but since even a filthy casual like me can pick it up and play it, then yeah. Good fun for the masses. It's not deep but it does have some replay value and if you want you can choose easy, normal or hard mode to make it more interesting. (I'm playing easy because I am more interested in game lore and exploration than grinding mobs, yes I am a loser).

Anyone got any recommendations on Diablo IV? Never played any previous Diablo games, kind of want to give it a try, but the mixed (to be charitable) reviews are stopping me doing so. Worth it? Save my money? Advice?

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i'm not a good person to ask, i refuse to play any always-online games.

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@Marth love sucking peepee

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Ikr who wears a lime green sweater with pinstripe? Absolutely no taste.

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:#marseywould: or :#marseywouldnt:


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Gross why would you frick a fat pig !thotpatrol !thotpatrollers kill this straggot simp

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she looks like a nut in this pic idk i'd have to see more

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Would, but the online r*pe allegation 6 years later won't be worth it

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I hate that pinup means ugly now

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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>heckin bear s*x, girl bosses and :marseytrain2:ery! :soyjackwow:

Glad I didn't buy BG3. The devs are giant soystrags and so are the fans.

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Are there trains in game? I haven't finished it yet but the closest I've seen is an objectively evil flamboyantly gay cross dresser who asks you to retrieve a diced up corpse for them.

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Yes, when you do the Shadowheart quest. The train is voiced by none other than that philosophytube :marseytrain:.

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Crazy how in a high fantasy game with all that magic, they still can't become a real woman.

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IS THIS TRUE. NOOOO :marseybangfast:

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Oh yeah, the childhood friend. I thought that was a bit ambiguous, if you want to think of them as trans you can, but if you don't care you can just ignore it. I honestly don't see the point of getting all excited over a NPC who doesn't even do anything as either 'representation' or 'they're spoiling the game with this LGBT+ shit'.

The circus ringmaster is a drag queen, maybe trans. But they're only there to give you a quest and it's a circus so it fits in. I didn't mind that character. The gay/trans stuff is there, no denying it, but it's not as in your face as made out (well, sure you can have gay s*x with other characters but that's on you if you don't want to just keep it friendly).

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It's a bit part for sure. It was just annoying because it took me out of the game, like it would with any stupid ytuber making an appearance.

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Proud of you bb, standing up for your principles (hating gay furry :marseytrain:s) make you a 10/10 imo

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so are most tattoos just bad?

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i like tattoos just not these ones :marseyhappy2:

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I kept getting killed :marseyconfuseddead: in a cave filled with spiders so I quit playing

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git gud

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Just knock the big spider into the chasm. Done.

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Lure the spider on to the web bridges and burn the webs

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I never :marseyitsover: thought :marseymindblown: of that. This game is too complicated. You're supposed to hit them more times than they hit you.

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if you're talking about the Spider Queen, i died to her a couple times. stealth killing her eggs and the smaller spiders, splitting the party, and staggering entering combat while approaching from both sides trivialized that fight for me.

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Bro just cannon them or have Lae'zel blend them

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The modern LGBT movement, regardless of your moral compass, is a glimpse of the ideal in a dystopian capitalist technocracy.

They signify the quintessential consumer, one who's identity is derived from the brands, movies, fashion, gay clubs etc. in a symbiotic relationship with the capitalist system, as opposed to previous organic identities derived from Tradition.

A trans person, for instance, is a being who lives, day to day, on a cocktail of hormone pills & ointments, whose life is punctuated suddenly by a series of violent surgical interventions, all designed to make of them a man or woman. This is the end of our civilizational narrative concerning the sexes (and indeed all identity).

Traditional, organic identities have been replaced by synthetic, disaggregated attributes (hormone level, facial structure, sexual organ etc.)

Now that man as such has been replaced in his war-making capacity by the genderless professional soldier (drone) & woman in her child-bearing capacity is to be replaced by the artificial womb, what are we left with but disembodied attributes?

This is in line with the nature of unfettered Capitalism. To unfettered capitalism, all forms of tradition and and identity are limits to commodification. It's nature is to take limits and turn them into barriers to overcome. Trying to maintain tradition or national identity within unfettered capitalism is like trying to force a river backwards.

Any anti capitalist movement needs to not only address the material aspects of capitalism like wealth inequality and exploitation, but also the meta narrative of hyper modernity itself, which has been brought forth by Capitalism.







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Theres a photo of pube tattoo lady. Is it just me or does she look a bit :marseyretard:?

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By the Bloody Nine, that's a cool username.

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Gets a tattoo of nude Gale and not of nude Minthara. What a cute twink.

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