Why is rocket league seperated by gender?:marseyclown2:

Have they tried getting gud? ***/s /s /s that’s a joke pls don’t kill me thank you


So they wanted to play competetively, without being good at the game? At that point just take the L


Tell me the coolest piece of lore from Elden Ring

The one I know about is that General Radahn was keeping the stars frozen in place with his gravity powers which was stopping an alien monster invasion from reaching the lands in between.

Tell me more such stuff.


I imagined porn g*mers to look different

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 and 2 on Steam, but no Champions of Norrath?

The cucks over at valve jipped us out of the better console ARPG being ported to PC.

F:NV creates gayboys.

These people are homos too the 1000th percentile.

Some VERY BASED takes from steam forums

im bored and one of my favorite games has a dlc coming up for it

i just realized steam discussions are pretty darn funny (at least, according to my :marseyretard3: opinion)

I hope nobody buys CHAMPS OF CHAOS

Cant wait to see N@KED mods of valkia

your pathetic devs

IT COST 15 DOLLARINOS :marseycry:


I will pre-order this DLC

it's just r-sluro seethe, i like it

This game vid felt creepier than a bunch of AAA horror games

On that note, why do so many horror games frick up the horror aspect, or make the horror feel like it pops out for a minority of the game. Why do so many horror games suck at creating a creepy disturbing atmosphere?

They all feel like soulless worlds.

The one in this video at least feels actually creepy even to watch. You don't know what's going on, the monsters look disturbing, you are feeling fricked up, you find other victims of the place and they are as clueless as you are. No over the top acting, just horror. Good shit.

House femboy wins again :marseyfemboy:

Look at these comments. Grown men profess nostalgia for a company that no longer exists. I began marking the back of an envelope each time that phrase was used. If there ever was a Blizzard that gave a darn, they're dead and gone. The cutscenes here are... lame. And derivative in the worst possible way. But there's no end of people asking for a live action film. I just don't get it. Blizzard fans remain enamored with a company that's frankly not super impressive given their reputation and funds.

post your favorite OST songs



Why are western video games failing so hard?

The last exciting western video game was cyberpunk 2077 and technically it's Polish not American. Even that was a shitshow.

Elden Ring meanwhile is game of the year. The year before that Death stranding was the big game everyone talked about.

The Last of US 2 went down the shitter too. Horizon zero dawn was crap too.

Last time a western game didn't disappoint and was really good was either God Of War or Spiderman 2018.

Since then there has been no worthwhile game that I can think of that's coming out of the western world except for GoW2.

Why have western games become so shit?

Are Americans not worries that they have lost the culture war? That all of video game culture that is successful seems to be coming from Japan and South Korea? Or does the current day US consider them equivalent to Italy and Spain?? That is the only way this state of affairs makes sense to me.


I'm angry that my controller keeps acting up, but I'll be trying this later regardless.


The CS port you thought you never needed.

RPCS3 now supports save states

Currently when you perform a Save State the game will close and you will have to re-boot the game to continue with your game-play session. Due to some technical reasons it is not possible to prevent the game from closing at this time. This will be worked on sometime in the future.

The size of each Save State file will vary depending on the game. Size can range from 50 MB to 2-3 GBs depending on the game and frequency of the feature's usage. This may change and become smaller in size in the future.

:marseygamer: Linux gaming is once again on the rise :marseypenguin:



no gaems

PlayStation 5 consoles are not being used as much because people are going outside, Sony has said.

During the pandemic, the PS5 was arguably the most coveted gadget in the world. Huge demand and issues with supply meant there was a booming market for the console, leading resale prices to shoot up and sending people on vast quests to try and find them.

But as restrictions relax, people are playing those consoles less, PlayStation said in its latest results.

The company saw total gameplay time fall 15 per cent this summer, it said in the results for the latest quarter. It improved slightly in June, with time up 3 per cent compared with the previous month, but that was still down 10 per cent on June 2021.

That is a “much lower level of engagement than we anticipated”, the company noted in the results.

It said that the game market as a whole had stopped growing as quickly because “opportunities have increased for users to go outside” as covid-19 infections fall.

It said that it would be looking to increase engagement in the second half of the year, which is expected to see a range of new games and by putting more consoles on sale.

It said that it still expected to sell 18 million consoles in the year, a number that will be restricted by the amount of PS5s that are actually available.

However, that problem should also be eased as suppliers recover from covid lockdowns and improve the supply of components.

PlayStation hopes to have more consoles on sale by the end of the year, for the popular holiday season, it said.

Sony also noted that it had bought a number of developers, which are expected to start releasing new games and so could encourage more people to spend more time on consoles.


Walk in the footsteps of Jesus in this incredible first-person retelling of the story of Christ from birth to resurrection. Perform amazing miracles, interact with a cast of biblical figures and travel around the Holy Land from Jerusalem to the Galilee. Become the Messiah in ‘I Am Jesus Christ.

Go back in time over 2,000 years and follow the same path as Jesus Christ, from his baptism to the resurrection. Inspired by the New Testament stories, ‘I Am Jesus Christ’ is a simulation like no other.

Are you prepared to fight with Satan in the desert, cure the sick and help the needy? Perform over 30 iconic miracles from the feeding of the 5,000 and healing lepers to the calming of the sea and giving sight to the blind.

Recharge the Holy Spirit’s power through prayer as brand new concepts work in conjunction with timeless tales. ‘I Am Jesus Christ’ is inspired by the New Testament and hopes to spread the Gospel uniquely and engagingly.

Journey through over 10 hours of gameplay across the desert, water and mountains. All culminating in the famous story of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

Key features:

  • Experience Christ’s life first-hand from his birth through to the crucifixion and resurrection

  • Explore accurate recreations of significant locations in the Holy Land including Jerusalem and the Galilee

  • Perform over 30 amazing miracles including the feeding of the 5,000 and walking on water

  • Receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and increase its power through prayer

  • Interact with over 60 characters, including Christ’s disciples. Recreate essential events including The Last Supper

Award winning!

“'I am Jesus Christ' video game causes stir”


“A new computer game called “I Am Jesus Christ,” will allow g*mers to role-play as the Good Shepherd himself.”


“Experience Jesus' miracles first-hand!”


Lets see what reviewers say! (I think this will get a "No" on the hentai review scale)

You know why they call it the xbox 360?

Because when you see it, you turn around 360° and walk away :#marseyemojirofl::#marseyemojirofl::#marseyemojirofl:

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