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Rdrama is so white that we got scooped on this issue by fricking NBC News.

Joanna Georges, 22, of New Jersey, was excited to get her hair done. She had contacted Alexis Antoine on social media to get box braids, and paid the $100 deposit to secure her 6 a.m. spot on Antoine's schedule for Sept. 2. But the night before, Georges said, Antoine pushed her appointment, first to 8 a.m, then 9 a.m., then to 10 a.m. :marseysleep:

“I had a feeling after waking up and seeing my appointment was pushed back that it just wasn't going to work out,” Georges told NBC News. Still, she said she made the 20-minute walk to Antoine's home for the appointment, only to get no response from the stylist. :marseyw!alking:

“I'm just waiting outside her house for an hour,” she recalled. “I finally made my way home and she texted me, like, ‘I'm so sorry. I fell asleep.'” :gigachadqueen:

The botched appointment set off a monthslong ordeal, with Georges urging Antoine on social media to return her security deposit. Georges said Antoine repeatedly gave excuses for not sending back the money and continued to put it off. Unsuccessful, Georges ultimately decided to sue Antoine in small claims court in Hudson County's Superior Court of New Jersey. :marseysaulgoodman:

I figured there's got to be more so I searched "stylist" on /r/blackladies. And holy shit this is a hilarious cottage industry of random trashy bitches scamming people with their shitty dubiously licensed "small business" and I had no idea it was this bad. :marseyxd:

I have been looking to get my ends trimmed by one of the natural stylists. I dont wear my hair straight so I dont want to get it flat ironed for a trim plus it messes with the shape of the hair. All the places are $200. I have 2 inches of hair in the longest spots. I'm happy there are people offering the service and the knowledge is there but why dont any of these places have a middle ground.

I figured out why black women are poor :marseymindblown:

black hair stylist / braiders need to realize that their services are a LUXURY not a necessity because why am i being charged an extra $25 for being 5 minutes late? :marseyslowpoke:

these same stylist will be 10-20 minutes late to their appointments because they can't manage time and then charge the customer for being late. these stylists need to recognize that this is not a necessity. Even the necessary appointments give us a grace period, for FREE. the lack of customer service offered from a SERVICE is baffling to me. Plus, why is the cost for knotless braids like $200+ up now? :marseypoor:

If it's not a necessity than surely you can stop paying for it, right? :marseychartdowntrend: (pretend this is a demand curve)

There's a lot of reasons why I turned to YouTube University School of Cosmetology. :marseytv:

Incidentally this is the same school the stylist went to.

On the app some stylist don't release the location of their shop until 24-48 hrs before the appt so the day before I realized I still didn't know where the shop was. :marseymap: :itisamystery:

I'm not on enough levels of racism to understand why this could be :marseyracist: !chuds any ideas?

I booked a fulani braid for juneteenth two years ago on style seat. I live in phoenix az. It was 120 degrees outside she was an hour late because she was moving from her apartment. When she finally got there and Im boiling alive in my car, she says she needs lunch. WHY BOOK ME IF YOURE BUSY??? :marseyburn: :marseychonkerfoid!:

dude I'm busy lmao

Booked the appointment and sent her a message asking if I could book a blow out as well. She said yes but it would have to be a silk press. Fine, whatever. Booked the silk press ($125) in addition to the take down ($175). Then she messaged me asking if I wanted an Olaplex treatment and trim (extra $70+). I said no thank you, I just had a trim before I had my braids put in. :marseydisagree:

She continued to try and sell me on it as being healthy for my hair, and I just said thanks again, but I'm only interested in the take down and silk press. :marseymoney:

Then she said, "As a healthy hair stylist, that doesn't work for me. I'm cancelling both of your appointments". I asked her if she would just do the braid take down and she said no. :marseyragecomicfu: :gigachadqueen:

$300 deposit :marseymerchantelf:

Apparently these people do house calls:

We had an appointment yesterday for 9am and she texted me that she had arrived at 9:03 and there was no parking. I responded “no worries, take your time and hopefully something open up soon”

About 15 minutes later, I receive this text along with her leaving and me scrambling to find another braider:

“I've realized over the past year of service you in your home. There has been a lack of care for me as your stylist having proper parking. It would have been helpful as my client to make sure parking is available when I arrive to start in a timely manner. Unfortunately, I can't continue to service you anymore. I wish you the best in your future. God Bless. “


My appointment was for 8:30 [...] By 8:50am -9am, a woman shows up, opens the salon, shes not my stylist. :marseysus:

I introduce my self, sit on the couch and she tells me to sit in the salon chair so she can start my hair. I dont even know who she is and if she is able to even do my hair. So I comply because im desperate. Turns out to be my stylists cousin.

Then my stylist rolls in at 9:30 am, and AFTER eating, starts doing my hair around 9:50~ along with their cousin.

We really need a black :marseychonkerfoid:

I've never had a hair appointment start on time. Like you, I usually book the earliest appointment available. That way if I'm meant to be in the chair at 9:00 a.m. I know I'll at least get started by 10:30. It's an unfortunate part of the experience. :marseyslowpoke:

It truly is. I didnt eat breakfast, have coffee or even have water because I was running late. I know for next time.

This is how it would feel if you didn't eat breakfast. :marseyitsover:

Would you be offended if your stylist was on the phone the whole time they were doing your hair? I think maybe a 5 or 10 minute conversation but the whole time strikes me as unprofessional and not relaxing. :marseyphonecall:

i prefer it, less time i have to speak to them :marseyautism:

They may be black women but they're still redditors :marseysnoo:

There's no non-racist way to ask this but why don't they just do whatever they did back in slavery days

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Some of these posts might be bait of course :marseybaitretard: since obviously some of us dramanauts are still unbanned on Reddit and running around in the old sub.

But I don't know some of these seem pretty real. Let's go see what the normie squatters have done with our former neurodivergent goonboy mansion :marseyneat:

My father has MANY kids with multiple women (which is rich coming from a man that calls women whres and slts). He never married and none of his children has his last name. He's just realizing this and is begging all of us to change our last name to his so we can “pass down” HIS last name. First off, I'm a woman who might get married one day and take my husband's name so that wouldn't even make sense to go through all this trouble and money to change it just to change it to a new last name especially as an adult. Second, he never raised me. Why would I change MY last name just so he can have his name passed down? Apparently the sons didn't want to do it either. Who can blame them. He should have thought about it before getting multiple women pregnant and leaving them without even child support…

… I really just don't understand what's wrong with him. I'm just tired of it.

Choice replies:

tell him to show some bussy and be gone

What's your Dads contact info?

I've been needing my bussy bred for awhile now. He seems like the perfect candidate.

Ok not gonna lie that "my parents should have raised me better" was chefs kiss perfect! I admire you for your quick wit and humor

But we also have,

tell him to suck ur peepee. my mom is the same way, left for 7 years, comes back and assumes all is well. people shouldnt have access to semen.

By /u/ewsalemm who's been primarily posting in /r/cd_collectors, /r/teenagers, and /r/drugs. A real reply? In our subreddit? :marseyshook:

OP of the post /u/starrblacc is posting in /r/trueoffmychest and /r/askreddit and frequently mentions not having parents and growing up as a poor @Sphereserf3232 relative :marseycherokee:

My gpa dying in a four wheeler accident and my mom and gma ODing

My mom OD'd a year ago and I had a dream that she was alive and I didn't realize I was dreaming and that I thought that I somehow went back in time so I warned her not to take any meds bc she will die.

When I was in foster care, the woman made a 13 year old foster kid cook for us.

Mine is a cultural thing (Native American). I was raised by my grandparents and they were strict about my hair. I wasn't allowed to cut it. Only trim. When my mom cut it, it caused a fight between my mom and gma. To this day I have it long to my tailbone and only trim it. I started putting it up in a satin cap and scarf bc it gets in the way. Hair is our pride.

Are real people using our subreddit to post about their silly Reddit lives? :marseypearlclutch: OUR SUBREDDIT?!

Let's go through a few more of these and look at the OP accounts that at least might be real

So this one had a write up already but I didn't realize it came from our sub :marseyfortykeks:

I thought that was the joke for revitalizing the sub. I had to check a few profiles to see that it is not a joke. I'm guessing zoomers are looking up "drama" and reddit and finding this sub somehow.

If only they sorted by top, all time and see what it really was,

Zoomers don't know their history :marseyzoomer:

I would file a complaint with the police department because this is not something they should have gotten involved in. Just keep posting everything they do on social media. Let them destroy themselves

Girl just hire a personal injury attorney and sue them for damages, and harassment/intimidation by engaging actual law enforcement to become The Hair Police to intimidate you into removing your posts.

I read through both posts. I've never gotten hair extensions and really don't know anything about them - but holy heck, even I can tell it shouldn't look like that!

Why did they call the cops on you, though? I'm very confused about why they are wasting police resources on a civil dispute. Is there something more to it that I missed?

If these are normal comments then how do these normies find our sub anyway? Is it just because we have such a classic name?

/u/Hot_Door7211 has been posting about this for awhile too. Dramatards don't usually (:marseypenny:) have that kind of patience for larping

Okay so I'll start from the beginning I'm female (18), My best friend at the time let's just call her Nicole (17) at that time I recently had a break up so I decided tinder would be a good try and soon found a male 22 let's call him Cam.He would often come get me to go back to his house a sneaky link type of thing…

… I completely cut off communication blocked Nicole on everything.Then a few months later I'm with my boyfriend and Nicole decided she wants to get her friends I don't even know to call me and text me.Saying things such as calling me a hoe,fat,r-slurred saying when she see me she will beat my butt.Keep in mind in 3 months I'll be 19 and she will be a minor still.Nicole says if I do fight her she won't press charges but I know that's a lie.So how am I the butthole in this situation.

This one seems foid coded and the youngins are about that r-slurred :marseyhmm: The account has only made this post

So. I am thirteen. A female who generally enjoys kpop and music. My sister (let's call her Yuna) is going on twenty-three who also typically enjoys kpop and others. Im pretty sure she has selective speaking. She's a highschool dropout. She has diabetes and she'd been diagnosed with autism recently and i know i cant hate her for it—but it is infuriating. (P.S, we are an Asian-American household)…

… In summary, my sister is living carelessly, worklessly, rent free in my parents' house with the chore of doing nothing but eating the house out of food, stealing everyone's sh!t, not sharing anything with my elderly grandma, and only going out with me and my family for food. Only labor she's doing is taking out the weekly trash. She gets the biggest room in the house, too—WITH a walk-in closet.

Please give me some advice 😭🙏 (Yes, i used a kpop idol's name to replace my sisters even though i absolutely LOVE itzy Yuna.)

Some of us are calling bait

Changbin's, hyunjin's, felix's, and seungmin's are the most adorable to me. Jeongin's has an earthy(?) vibe for whatever reason or whatever that even means. Chan legitimately surrendered and i absolutely RESPECT. Jisung fits so cutely it's actually nauseating. Maybe im biased. idk. But something about (hana)_doolsetnet IS SO CUTEEE. lino's is actually pretty random idk where he got that from 💀

literally all of the freeze and fight or escape album. PLUS NO RULES AND GBGB

P1H NEVER disappoints in live singing.

But this seems to be a real K-pop brain :marseybrain:

Hi guys, don't know where to talk about this. But I work with my family members at this third party trading company. I've been working here for 2 years , and since day 1 I've been very suspicious about my uncle. He's always going to this particular secretary in my office. She's like 34 and he's already 50. Worst part is that he's the boss of my building where I work at. If I'm not mistaken, it is against company policy to most companies for management to have something with a regular employee especially if you work under them. Everyday he visits her desk about 7-8 times during the entire 10 hour shift. He brings her food, always gives her snacks. For some reason they always tend to bump into each other at the break room or the hallways. It would be very coincidental. There would be times that I would be in the break room when she's there. He would randomly come in and always chit chats with her. When my other manager is absent and not in her office room , they tend to hide there but obviously leave the door open. My uncle has 3 kids, owns his home and has a great wife. This woman has been divorced and is known in my job for pretty much screwing everyone. Everytime I pass by them, she's always caressing his chest , back or arm. I had reported all this to my boss but she keeps saying that she knows my uncle , that she knows my uncle loves his wife deeply. I said yeah sure deep enough that he's constantly wanting to touch another woman's hand right in front of a person who has close ties with the family. The girl basically does nothing at the office, it's mostly me and 3 other girls doing her Job. The secretary ends up getting a promotion as supervisor. My uncle and my boss are basically the decision makers . So I had told my boss if this continues I will report this to HR and directly to his wife. I also said I am also convinced that her promotion was rigged because of a certain influence. I need advice on what to do. Though I had this talk with my boss, they continue doing the same thing.

OP /u/DeliriousMofo has also been commenting "hmu" a lot on /r/bigboobsgw :coomerface:

my boyfriend of 6 months (25m) and i (19f) caught him cheating if thats what you would call it im not sure but he was streaming on twitch a couple of nights ago with one of his girl friends playing league of legends and he got a message from our dealer and called me to see if i would be interested etc etc when we ended the phone call i said i love you and he said yeah love ya and the call ended i went and joined his stream and heard the girl say “aw thats cute” he said its not like that and hes just a people pleaser and she agreed that she was the same she liled to help each other out ive got video proof of it because i had a friend screen record it and send it to me that was in the chat aswell i messaged him asking what he meant by that and he said “ugh nothing goodnight” today i went to go see him and confront him about it and told him i have the proof and he said no i thought she said druggie when she actually laughed about him saying its not like that thats why he apparently said im just a people pleaser… i dont know if you would classify this as cheating but all my friends agreed with me and said he was 100% flirting any advice on what i should do to not feel sad about this or what this is?

OP /u/Far-Cat7261 has posted this same thing in /r/help, /r/helpme, /r/helpmecope, and /r/cheatersconfronted

Choice comment,

This makes no fricking sense. You should upper decker him anyway just to be safe tho

Be patient with me here, I sure lack a talent in storytelling. This happened about 4 years ago and now that my mom is no longer at her current job I feel I can post about this incident. To give you some of a background, I live in a somewhat small town. My family has lived here for years. It is one of those towns where growing up I had to be on my best behavior because everyone knows everyone. One time I was picked up by some friends who were egging before picking me up and by the time I got home my mom had already had 3 phone calls from people telling on me that I was in the car that was egging. Everyone knows everyone and everyone is related to everyone. My grandma was very involved in the community and everyone calls her grandma. My mom is also very involved in the community and I swear she knows everyone. She also was on the school board and President at the time of the event that I am about to share…

… Talk about small town drama. This mayor is still the current mayor. Constantly, we see her breaking rules and she continues to create conflicts of interest for herself. Were we the buttholes in this situation? Should we just forget it and move on? Do we have the right to be mad still?

OP /u/lsha052513 has posted this same story in /r/smalltownstories, /r/AITAH, and /r/entitledpeople. Has otherwise been a Redditor for eight years and posts a lot in /r/LittlePeopleBigWorld

Choice comment,

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.

I'm currently involved in a musical production, and we've been facing some backstage drama that's been causing tensions among the cast and crew. It all started with a simple comment that got twisted into rumors and escalated into unnecessary conflict. I believe that clear communication and strategies for conflict resolution are crucial in preventing such situations.

I'm reaching out to you all for advice and tips: Have you been in a similar situation in a musical or theatrical production? How did you and your team handle backstage drama effectively? Do you have any strategies or best practices to share that can help reduce conflicts and promote a positive environment backstage?

I'm looking for insights, personal experiences, or any advice you may have on fostering a harmonious and drama-free environment behind the scenes of a production.

Your input and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and helping our musical production run smoothly and harmoniously.

OP /u/JediWilliam has been a Redditor for four years and posts in /r/neurodivergentadults.

Choice comment thread,

OP: Just to clarify, when you use the word orgy, are you being humorous or does it mean something else that what I think it does?

Just an FYI you are in the wrong sub for this kind of advice/ question

OP: What's sub should I be in?

You're in the right place for orgy content. Bussy, am I right?

My best friend recently broke up with his 5-month girlfriend (let's call her X) cause he found out she was cheating. Recently his ex's best friend contacted him accusing him of cheating on X from the beginning and she claimed that her best friend never cheated on him. Looking at this I got pissed and told him to block her cause what's over is over and there is no use in flipping the pages. He refused and told me that he wanted to prove his innocence and also wanted to prove her disloyalty...

... He called me an AH and stopped talking to me.


OP deleted the account. Choice comments,

AITA Posting on the drama's so over.

We were still reeling from the shock of colonization a month ago

nta hes not entitled to that information and honestly sounds like obsessive behavior

Normal comment? :marseyclueless:

INFO - Does your best friend have a breedable boykitty?

OP chose to respond to this one :marseythonk:

I am a freshman in college, trying to figure out my roommate situation. I will use fake names to keep it confidential. I have a verbal agreement to room with Bob and Joe. After we made the verbal agreement, Joe started to act differently, especially after he got his girlfriend Mary. Bob and I have decided that rooming with Joe is going to cause a big headache throughout the year, because Joe and Mary have problems all the time. The plot thickens due to my girlfriend being Mary's roommate next year, so I feel like I will screw everything up if I tell Joe that I don't wanna room with him anymore. What should I do? Joe also has bad hygiene. It would be fine if Joe had his own room, but we do not want to get screwed over in a triple room, because Joe has Mary sleep over ALL THE TIME.

OP /u/drewevansss has been a Redditor for four years and posted this same story in /advice and /college. Otherwise posts in /r/askreddit and /r/oldschoolcool.

Choice comments,

They fear your powers - that's why Joe “smells”; he is giving out anxiety/stress pheromones.

Just play it cool for now and write every interaction and observation in a notebook. Add runes for extra effect. Give it to them after you all graduate.

They will read the words and fondly remember the good times — or they may launch an attack.

In the event of the latter, you are free to use your powers wisely. Just make sure that Mary stays besties with your girlfriend to avoid this.

Alternatively, get some febreeze and spritz it on Joe.

To which OP replies,

Should I tell Joe that Bob and I don't wanna room with you anymore? :clueless:

Going back it seems like the sub was partially reborn a month back when text posts started showing up again. Initially we were the ones making posts again like with Lapp's Taco Bell Insider Information and a Lawlz post but it also didn't take long at all for what might have been the first normal post to appear.

So there's a dude at work who I would run into every now and then and we'd always say “what's up” and give a fist bump. We also go to the same gym and we'd happen to see each other there as well. As of several months ago he started dating a girl who works with us and ever since he started dating her, he seems to have gotten colder and saltier towards me. Almost as if he thinks I'm after his girl or something. I had the same scenario happen with one of my friends but we settled it and I made it clear I wasn't trying to steal his girlfriend (they broke up a few months later lol). Now whenever we cross paths or run into each other, all I get is a mean mug and a stare. Like, why are people so insecure? Is it something to do with me? I hate when this happens but it seems to happen every so often.

OP /u/Visible_Ad_2990 has been a Redditor for three years and posts in places like /r/veteransaffairs, /r/invisalign, and /r/phenotypes. Did this man start rDrama's second life as a normie sub? Otherwise it might have been this post but it's a little r-slurred

Choice comment,

Dating a foid made him realize he actually likes bussy, and he is only mean to you cause he has a crush on you.

OP responded to the normal seeming comment

Do you have contact with either of these significant others? Maybe friendly interactions were misinterpreted as desire and ticked off the boyfriends?


are you good looking? Maybe they are insecure with having you around if their girlfriend mentioned you being handsome.

OP: I haven't said a word to his girl minus work-related small talk that lasted no longer than 5 minutes.

That could be it. Some guys get weird and territorial even if their relationship is completely unthreatened if someone is around they deem a threat.

OP: Makes sense. Makes it even worse when it's in the workplace.

Anyway maybe I've fallen entirely for bait and/or maybe I'm a little :marseyslowpoke: here but I just wanted to do a thread for anyone who wasn't aware our once thriving Minoan subreddit has been taken over by disgusting Grecian normies. :marseymedusa: They're like pioneer species arriving at a newly born volcanic island, or in this case more like hardy roaches returning to the site of a nuclear test :marseynukegoggles:

It'd be funny if the subreddit took off again as a normie drama sub only for the admiggers to see the uptick in traffic and reflexively hit the ban button :marseyban:



If you're a non-g*mer, you might want to read this part. G*mers can skip ahead.

Run by the roguishly handsome Todd Howard, Bethesda is a gaming giant known for its immersive open-world games from the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls franchises. Starfield is an upcoming game by the studio. It is set in the 24th century, in a future where mankind has conquered The Settled Systems. The game begins during a period of relative peace between the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies. To say that anticipation is high is an understatement.

So why the hype for Starfield? Well, a few reasons. Firstly, it is Bethesda's first new IP in over two decades. Secondly, it is a game that has been in development for a very long time. Though the first teaser was shown in 2018, Todd Howard had been discussing ideas for a sci-fi game since the late 90s. In fact, Bethesda had a game in development titled The Tenth Planet, though it was canceled before release. Thirdly, Todd Howard is 53 years old. Due to the length of time it takes to develop modern AAA games, this is almost certainly his last game as head of Bethesda. Starfield will determine Todd's legacy. If it succeeds, he will forever be remembered as a gaming icon who released the archetypal sci-fi game. If he fails, his entire career may be cast into doubt.

Lastly, Starfield will be the first exclusive released by Bethesda since its parent company, ZeniMax Media, was acquired by Microsoft. As g*mers will know, Xbox's main draw has been Game Pass, but it has lacked the first party games to compete with Nintendo and Sony. The recent spree of purchasing studios was Microsoft's way of mending this problem. With a cool $7.5 billion price tag attached to the acquisition, this is undeniably gaming's biggest hail-mary of all time. No competitive move has ever been this major, not even during the Nintendo vs Sega years.

Decades of research have gone into this game, and Howard visited both NASA and SpaceX during development. Developers kept an entire vault of ideas, indicating just how large the lore is. Starfield is set to release on September 6 on Xbox Series X/S and PC. Owners of the Premium Edition and Constellation Edition have early access from September 1.


Review copies were sent roughly a week ago, so it's expected that leaks would spring up. The manner in which it happened is a huge surprise. Earlier this week, shoddy footage of a African American gentleman playing Starfield was seen on the internet. In the footage you can hear dogs barking and a baby crying, but the footage is undeniably Starfield.

Now, there are some legal reasons to not leak. If you've been given a review copy, a leak involves the violation of your NDA, which can result in you being sued. If you illegally obtained the game, you can face charges, as the leaker of GTA 6 has discovered.


None of this deterred Tyrone, who posted a vieo of him smoking a blunt (an emptied cigar filled with marijuana) on his porch. He reviews Starfield stating: "Todd, no offense man, that's a good game."

All his videos have been archived here: As you can tell, in addition to being a g*mer, he is also a gambler. Well, Tyrone is about to get royally flushed.


After finding a little internet fame among g*mers, Tyrone's videos were taken down from TikTok and YouTube. This did not stop him, and he vowed to upload more footage, which he did. He then revealed that he can get more copies of Starfield. He posted a video of himself in his car with several copies of Starfield, including the Constellation Edition boxes which cost a fortune. He also revealed he has an online store, and upon visiting, it was discovered that he sells tons of items in bulk.

Internet fellows bought copies of Starfield, despite not knowing how the game was sourced. It is alleged that he works at a warehouse. Tyrone filmed himself sending copies via FedEx.


Tyrone's antics were wild. They were flagrant. He had no care for the law.

The walls started closing in when his xbox account was deleted and his console was hardware banned, rendering it unusable. Next, netizens discovered that his online store had been taken down. Then... the arrest record. Tyrone, full name Darin Tyrone Harris, is charged with marijuana possession and two counts of theft (one a misdemeanour and the other a felony).

People on Reddit who claimed to have purchased from Tyrone have since deleted their messages.


Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone.

Stealing is wrong. There will now almost certainly be g*mers who will not get their games on time because Tyrone stole them. He could have just enjoyed the game. Heck, he could have just sold them on the low. But no, he had to show his face online and bask in the clout. That is what did him in.

This story has been reported by major publications who all have his face and details. He got the fame he wanted, but I doubt he's enjoying it right now. Forever, he will be known as a thief, and he will never find gainful employment.

Lastly, it is worth noting the following:

  • a Black man named Tyrone

  • he's a weed smoking thief




Tbh, I'm surprised rdrama managed to make something out of this. I never thought we would ever make another successful bait sub again.

Disclaimer: Note that I'm only discussing the drama, I was not involved in the Justice4Darrell drama nor am I open for any journo interviews. Cite this page if you'd like.

Anyway, here's a recap of everything I saved. Did I miss anything? Comment below. @jannies pls pin. Check the bold link for an archive.

News coverage (obligatory /h/mnn plug): - tweet from Law & Crime Network producer

Thanks @volcel

More from @justcool393

More links:

There @Landlord_Messiah, we answered your question when you asked when was the last time we made a successful troll op on Twitter? The answer is Today landlet! :marseycapitalistmanlet: :marseylaugh:

As part of the record...

News Articles - tweet from Law & Crime Network producer

Chronological updates as the post was made

7:21 PM CT: 35,000 users on the subreddit now


7:45 CT: the pinned post now links to

News articles:

Edit 8:17 PM:

The subreddit has now been banned for violating the mod code of conduct


Edit 8:45 PM:

Producer from Law & Crime Network shouts out

Edit 8:59 PM: /r/SubredditDrama post:

rdrama threads: - recap [in 10/25 stream it's around the 2:05 mark iirc] - trolls trolling trolls

Edit 9:11 PM:

Video from Law & Crime Network

Edit 9:58

holy shit there are so many notifications


Edit 10:03 PM: a /pol/ thread (archive:

Edit 10:37 PM: OutOfTheLoop post:

Edit 10:43 PM: LegalAdviceOffTopic post:

Edit 11:09 PM: post:

Edit 10/26 12:30 AM: /h/museumofrdrama post from @SlackerNews:

Edit 12:49 AM: reformatting to clean up

Edit 2:14 AM: WebSleuths forum post: (and add Fox and Daily Caller article)

Edit 9:03 AM: Darrell Brooks asks for mistrial because of reddit post, is denied

Edit 9:52 AM: Following this event, user @weev has verifiably joined the site

Edit 10:32 AM: added a link

EFFORTPOST Why I don't believe female dog bite victims

I'll admit it - I don't like dogs. They're dangerous, loud, dirty, and they have no place in residential areas. Nevertheless, it is evident that many members of society, particularly women, are exceptionally fond of these creatures. The perception that woman love dogs disproportionately isn't imagined, and it's worth noting that it's a new trend. Many millennial women have opted to have dogs over children, and sometimes even husbands!

>72% of childless millennial women explicitly state that they prefer the company of their pet over the company of children.

>69% of millennial women who have chosen not to become a mother say that having a pet is easier than having a child.

>70% of the women who have chosen not to have children view their dog or cat as their child.

This is all good news for dogs. They're being invited into some of the most affluent homes in the world, and they are being pampered beyond belief. All that money that would have went to paying for a child's tuition, clothes, and other essentials is now spent caring for a canine.

>Sixty percent of pet owners are female, 75% have a household net worth greater than $220,000, and 77% are 50 years of age or older

With this information in mind, you would expect to see women have great relationships with dogs, and for dogs to appreciate their time with women. That is not what we're seeing. Instead, we are witnessing an increasing number of dog attacks on women specifically.

>In general, men are more likely to be bitten and delivery workers are a common victim. Dog attacks on middle-aged women are increasing the fastest

What could possibly explain this trend? Well, I have a theory. It is a drastic one, but I believe I have sufficient evidence to prove it. Warning, it does contain rather vile elements, but these are aspects of reality we cannot ignore. Please, feel free to debunk me where you find flaws, but I am certain there are few.

What causes dogs to bite?

So why do dogs bite? Well, a few reasons. Let's start with the least violent reasons. Dogs use their teeth to manipulate objects in the environment. This is typically known as a "soft bite" and it may be used to pick up a pup, for example. The soft bite is also used by hunters to retrieve fowl.

Some dogs have been bred to have a strong bite instinct to use when herding. This is especially useful when dealing with stubborn breeds of cattle that don't respond to the usual intimidation tactics from dogs. These small bites are known as "nips", and sometimes dogs will "nip" children in an attempt to hard them.

Dogs also bite as a form of communication. You see, dogs don't have words, but they do have barks and growls. Biting can be an extension of that. If a growl doesn't deter an unwanted threat, a bite is meant to get the job done.

Lastly, dogs bite to destroy. Like us, dogs can be angry, vengeful, and scared. In such situations, they may seek to destroy whatever is causing them upset. To do this, they maul. It is actually very rare for dogs to maul. Firstly, many dogs don't have the mauling instinct. They simply bite and release. Secondly, when dogs attack, they are typically scared. They don't want to spend more time near you than necessary. Mauling puts them close to their attacker, which is dangerous. Lastly, dogs are typically naive regarding humans, as we have bred them that way. There is very little benefit to biting a humans for a dog, unless they are defending themselves. This is not to say that dogs never bite for no reason. Of course not. However, they almost never maul for no reason.


Quite frankly, I don't consider pitbulls to be domesticated dogs. They're feral animals. There's nothing domesticated about a pitbull. For normal dogs, mauling for no reason is exceptionally rare (usually such instances are due to old dogs suffering from dementia).

So what's my theory? It is simple: Many cases of dog bites involving women are instances of self defence. The dogs weren't attacking. They were defending themselves from women. I will take things a step further, and I know this is where I will lose most of you. The dogs are typically defending themselves from sexual assault or rap. No, I'm not joking in the slightest. I'm aware of the seriousness of my statements. I express them publicly because of the conclusions I have drawn.

A Case Study

Jacqueline Durand was a 22 year old girl who loved dogs, was in the University of Texas, had a boyfriend, and would dog walk in her free time. She was hired to walk the dogs of Dr Bishop and his wife Ashley. It was two dogs, one a German Shepherd and the other a Boxer (according to some reports it was a Boxer and Pitbull mix, though this hasn't been confirmed). What's important to note here is that Jacqueline had met the dogs prior, and even she admits they were sweet and showed no signs of aggression.

On 21 December 2022, she arrived at the house where she was to meet the dogs. According to Jacqueline, as soon as she opened the door, it triggered the alarm, causing the dogs to attack her for over an hour. During the attack, she sustained over a hundred bits and lost love 30% of her blood. She was terribly disfigured, and she will be facing for the next two years, as she stated in an interview earlier this year.

There are a few points I'd like to highlight. If they attacked her at the door, why was the main location of the mauling at the beds of the dogs? So did they drag her from the door to the living room because they wanted somewhere private and secluded to ensue the mauling? I struggle to understand why dogs would want to drag someone into the home. Dogs are territorial. If anything, they'd be trying to get her out of the house.

Secondly, she was found completely naked. COMPLETELY. You can see a snippet of the bodycam footage here, but be warned that it is extremely graphic.

How do dogs take off clothes? They haven't any hands. Are we supposed to believe that dogs took off her clothes? Everything, including bra and panties?! Here's my big question: for the facial reconstruction surgery, they took skin from her buttocks. How did the dogs take off her underwear without ripping the skin off her buttocks as well? So they were vicious enough to rip off her underwear but delicate enough to leave the skin of her buttocks intact to the point where it could be used for grafting. Bullshit. Yes, it should be clear what I am implying - she entered the house of her own according, found the dogs alone as she was anticipating, and proceeded to remove her own clothing.

These dogs were in the home of a doctor, who lived with a child, and none of them had ever been victimized by the dogs. Why did they then, out of the blue, decide to chew on a human being for the next hour? Something triggered them. I put it to you that these dogs were provoked, and you know how.

Since then, she has tried to press charges on the Bishop family. The only evidence that the dogs showed any kind of aggression prior was a sign warning visitors not to press the doorbell or else it'll get the dogs going. Nothing at all abnormal about dogs reacting to the doorbell. Plenty of dogs go nuts when the doorbell rings, including friendly dogs anticipating visitors.

The clothing is the most darning piece of evidence for me. The second most darning evidence is the fact that Jacqueline still loves dogs. She still owns dogs (large ones of course), and she wants to work with dogs. This isn't a normal love of dogs. There is something else going on here, a deep attraction to these beasts that goes beyond anything rational. I will not overlook the fact that one of the worst dog attack victims in recent memory still can't keep her hands off dogs. That's not quirky, that's paraphilia.


Think about how many dogs have been put down following a dog attack. Oftentimes, we don't know what happened and the only people around to give an account are the victims and any potential survivors. Do you think we know the whole story? So many cases of mothers home with children who claim the dog suddenly snapped and ate the kids. We've been so quick to assume that the animals were acting wild. Never have we asked whether the dogs were the victims.

Self-defence is not a crime, especially against unwanted sexual contact. Next time you hear about a woman who was alone and suddenly got attacked by dogs, think twice.

EFFORTPOST Recap of the 2021 Battle of Portland

So yesterday was Portland's annual large street battle. There are a bunch of smaller brawls going on in Portland every month or so, but once a year a few hundred rightoids and leftoids from Oregon, Seattle, and California get together to beat the shit out of each other.

Here's the flyer for the "summer of love" event (which is a joke about the CHAZ)

Rightoids initially planned to get a permit for the event in Tom McCall Waterfront Park, but at the last minute moved it to a k-mart parking lot several miles away.

Leftoids got to the park around 1PM and played around there for a while before realizing that rightoids were somewhere else.

Then there was the usual threatening and attacking street preachers downtown as leftoids were waiting for the rightoids to show up:

There were some verbal arguments at KMart (which you can see on the streams) but nothing too crazy happened before this.

Then the leftoids figured out where the rightoids were and marched to the KMart, and that's where the streamers pick up the rest of what happened. First, the leftoids gathered around the entrances to the lot, blocking them off, and then the van leading the black bloc (leftoids) drove into the parking lot, which is what kicked off the battle:

The rest is caught on stream. Rightoids BLM the van, there's some fighting for 7 minutes, leftoids retreat as rightoids advance, then rightoids regroup at the parking lot. Leftoids attack journ*lists for 9 minutes, then rightoids come around the edge of the gas station. Rightoids push leftoids back for 8 minutes until they get to the lot where the leftoids parked. Rightoids BLM some supply and getaway cars for a few minutes before giving a statement to the media.

Oh and sometime after that there was a fun little shootout which no one knows anything about right now other than what we can see in these videos:

EFFORTPOST Orania: The town that has been causing drama for over 31 years

Introduction :#marseyfluffy:

In 1991, a group of 13 individuals bought a small piece of land in the middle of the desolate and dry desert of South Africa. This group had dreams and hopes of creating a prospering town for its people. However since its establishment, the town has been in an endless cycle of controversy with journoids all across the globe and the South African goverment sneeding that the town is an abomination that shouldn't exist. That town is Oriana.

Knowledge is Power :#marseyreading: :#marseybigbrain:

We must educate and familiarize ourselves with these terms:

  • Afrikaan - Colonizing Mayos who originated from germany, france, or the Netherlands

  • Boer - Means farmer but is used interchangeably with Afrikaan since most of them were farmers

  • Volkstaat - A proposed view to establish an all-white Afrikaner homeland within the borders of South Africa, most commonly proposed as a fully independent Boer/Afrikaner nation. The concept excludes Afrikaans-speaking coloureds and South Africans of English ancestry, yet is sometimes misunderstood to include them.

The Birth of a Nation Town :#marseypilgrim:

Shortly after the end of Apartheid in South Africa in the early 90's, The goverment of South Africa attempted to move forward in bringing all the diverse amd vibrant communities together in pursuit of a functional multicultural society.


Afrikaans realizing that they'll lose their majority rule and would have a harder time passing legislation, decided the best way to show umbrage with the new rules was to seperate and create an ethnically monogamous country of their own kind within South Africa. Unfournately for those Afrikaans they had virtually no chance in their conquest for land against the SA military and general population.

An example image of the Volkstaat the Afrikaan dreamed of creating:

But those subversive Afrikaans noticed a loop hole in the document (and later the constitution) "Accord on Afrikaner self-determination" that they could exploit to their advantage. Specifically the following amendment dealing with minority groups:

The Constitution may give expression to any particular form of self-determination provided there is substantial proven support within the community concerned for such a form of self-determination.

There's an excessive amount of legal jargon that we're gonna skip over because its boring :marseyyawn:. The key take away is that this allowed for Orania to legally create its own pseudo-Apartheid community. That's exactly what the Mayos Afrikaans of Orania did.

Afrikaan Utopia :#marseykwanza:

The original purpose of Orania was to form a self reliant society that was built from only the labor of purebred Afrikaans living in their town. Well technically, the original purpose of Orania was to expand in population and create a majority of Afrikaans in the northwestern cape within 15 years after the establishment of Orania. But, this plan was dropped due to Orania population not being able to breed enough and never reaching a population count of more than 3,000 individuals. It never even began for infertile mayos :marseymayo:

However, that isn't to say that the community was a total failure. In 1991, the town was formed by 13 individuals and in [current year] has reached a decent population size of 2,377. The town has made significant progress in growing its economy, especially due to the fact the town is located in the middle of nowhere in a desert.

Their main agriculture export is also pecans

Oriana has also created its own currency (but no one outside of the town recognizes it):

Alongside their own currency, they also have their own president and flag:

Flag is a bit weird looking, but what do you expect from mayos :marseysmug4:

Additionally, every house in Orania is built with solar power. This is one of their steps to becoming self-reliant and eco friendly:

Article Link

So instead of being regular facist chuds they're eco-facist chuds :marseytree:

Orania is expectionally selective in choosing which residents can move and live there. Generally several requirements have to be met to be granted permission to move there. These include:

  • Passing several criminal background checks

  • Having Afrikaan ancestry

  • Passing an Afrikaan culture test

  • Interviews with the Orania council members

The requirements ensures that the majority of the town is full of mayos. The diabolical plan was beyond successful. As of 2021 the current makeup of Orania is 97% Afrikaans (Yikes :marseycringe2:). Weirdly enough this has led to Orania having such a low crime rate that the town doesn't even have a police station. .


The town itself is very small with the total land of it being only 3.5 square miles. Orania currently has plans to reach a population of 10,000 and undergo urbanization in an effort to spread the cultural ideals of the Afrikaan "people".

Born from Sneed :marseysneed:

Since it's inception, Orania has been constantly scrutinized and sneeded at for having too much mayonnaise in its town. I'm not even exaggerating either. Every year mutiple sneed articles are written about this literally who town across the world from j*urnoids that dont even live there.

Here's a new york times article from 1994 talking about it. The article also contains this hilarious passage:

Mr. Vaughn, 33, said he moved here [Orania] from Los Angeles after being arrested for child abuse in the beating of his 5-year-old son. "Ach, you can't even give your child a hiding there," he said of the land he left behind. He came to Orania two years ago because he admired the "Calvinist values" and racial outlook, and was warmly welcomed with his wife, Brenda, and five children. A few neighbors objected when they learned Brenda Vaughn is three-sixteenths Cherokee, but, said Mr. Vaughn, "I threatened to beat a few people up and it died down."

History truly is beautiful :!marseyclapping:

Here are some relevant modern takes sneeding about Orania:

As expected, sneed about this town has been growing every year as the world is forced learning to embrace diversity (Our greatest strength!).

The South African goverment has sneeded at Orania every year and wants the town to be shutdown permanently and to accept South Africa's rainbow nationalism policy. But the town people just ignore the SA government since they have never taken action once against the town since its creation 21 years ago :marseyxd:

Panyaza Lesufi is a parliment member that despises Orania so much that he's called for the abolition of the city full of "mindless racists". Weirdly enough, the majority of the Orania population don't even consider themselves white but rather Afrikaan.

Let's head to the some current year drama of this irrelevant town :marseypopcorn:

Twitter Drama :#marseybluecheck:

Recently there was post on this site that revolved around a fragile mayo strangling a black boy for swimming in a mayos only pool. This conflict sparked discourse about racism within South Africa, and of course people began discussing Orania:

Orania must be banned, we cannot have a white only town in South Africa, not acceptable. If white people want to live on their own, they must go to Europe, not in Africa.

Based. Everyone should stay in whatever country their born and never be allowed to move or immigrate

Imagine going to live far away in the desert, just to be left alone, only to still be pathologically obsessed over by people who can't even find you on a map if they were given 1000 guesses.

This guy is unironically right. For all the news coverage and sneed that Orania gets for being on stolen land, they occupy only 3.5 square miles. But they live rent free in the minds of the South African population.


It’s private land, surely they can do what they like on private land? They are not disturbing anyone, living peacefully in their own space and retaining their culture. Why such chest pains over a tiny little place that has no bearing on your life at all?

Bullshit, we have many different races and cultures in this country, and no one stops a particular race from practicing their culture in our multiracial society. These Afrikaners in Orania are racist, we must stop them

Every race should be able to practice their culture except the ones I dont like!


We must go build our houses there and turn it into a city

"If they won't accept willingly, than we'll make them accept us with force"


What Our Grandfather's Failed To Do During Apartheid, We Need To Start Reminding White People They Are European And South Africa Belongs To Black South Africans We Will Not Shrink Ourselves To Accommodate Them The Soil Is Ours We Can No Longer Entertain European Rejects.

Europe has loads of black people now, who ran away from their leaders and they live there in peace. Are you saying they must also come back ?

You don't see us over there harassing white people because of their skin color you don't see us forcefully taking land from the poor causing division because we are not sick in the head like you mfs to think we deserve it all and other humans don't matter now argue about that


Lmao at European rejects

South Africans need to understand that so long as govt endorsed separatists towns like Orania exists, we will Never root out racism. Government has rubber stamped white supremacy We made racists feel comfortable in our own land. The fault is ours and those we voted for.

We cannot have whites showing they can run an efficient village without government funding . Makes us look bad


Volkstaat is an account of an Orania citizen. They post constant updates about the town and the different projects the townspeople are working on. Great place to find drama since people are always sneeding in the comments

There seems to be a misconception that Orania is some magical utopia where everything functions automatically. No. We work hard to keep it going and continue to build our city. It is very demanding to live here. We pay for it all and do all the work.

That's our land you must return it or pay rent for that piece of land

The Afrikaners actually did purchase the land from the South African goverment before they established their chud-town. It also led to the displacement of about 500 African individuals who lived there. However, I feel that the goverment is more to blame for this but who knows? :marseyshrug:

Oranians install a water meter. All labour is done with our own hands. We have worked very hard to get to this point. So much more to do but we are proud of our BIG little town.

Enjoy your little town while it last foreigners

What did he mean by this?

Making new roads in Orania. Our humble town is a massive construction site. A home for the Afrikaner.

Develop my guy... tell us when you are done then we invade our land

So you cannot develop where you staying? harrasing a small town who just want do better themselves? you call yourself a man of God?

Racism has no place in this world

Anyway, you say you want to take the land? Just to give you perspective, looking up into Africa, many own land, but still VERY POOR. Land does not make you rich. Creating value does.

Oh that's what he meant

Reddit Drama :#marseysnoo:

Some dramatic reddit threads on Orania:

Reddit Thread Link

So they segregated, themselves?

Yeah and given how they are treated by their peers, I can’t really blame them.

Won’t someone please think it the racists!!!” How is this back bush shit upvoted??

well considering apartheid south africa and these communities actively defending it…they deserve everything they get lol 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Most of these people weren't even born when it was abolished tough?

your point is? You think there isnt a knock on effect of past events in modern society?

If we want to move forward as a society we must hold grudge and hate from years ago and never let people forget what their ancestors did (This but unironically)

As a white South African speaking on behalf of most other whites in this country, we don't approve of these communities. Every country has its bad apples, and it's sad that others have to feel guilty for their nonsense, but hey, it is what it is.

Why? Shouldn’t people be allowed to decide who can be in their community?

Thats called discrimination buddy


Final Thoughts

So far the fate of Orania and its Afrikaan individuals reamins unknown. The hate for the town grows every year from South African citizens and the government but it looks like it's going to go nowhere :marseysal: in the next couple of years based on past trends.

If you do have time, you should definitely check out the history page on wikipedia or other sites. There's a lot I couldn't include that was somewhat interesting given the long history of the town.

Either way I hope you enjoyed this lengthy read, no better way to end the year with one final effortpost for 2022. Have a wonderful new years friends!


None :#marseybruh2:

In case you hate the shitty AI voice here's the summary

  • In 2018 when he was 12 he discovered reddit. He eventually finds out that there's a karma leaderboard.

  • By 2019 he has 3,000 karma. He cringes now looking back at his comments.

  • His "breakthrough" happened in March 2019 when a meme he posted got upvoted. It was even reviewed in one of Pewdiepies videos.

  • He makes it into /r/EternityClub realizes they're cringe and leaves.

  • Still he wants to make it into /r/CenturyClub. Gets banned for 3 days for telling a furry to kill himself :marseybased: Continues grinding and finally gets 100k and makes it into /r/CenturyClub. Realizes they're cringe 30+ year old Americans obsessed with politics and leaves.

  • In 2020 he turns his focus to minecraft. Gets bored with that and goes back to reddit.

  • He had much more time now because of the pandemic which kept him at home for almost 2 years.

  • Now he wanted 1 million karma. He messages Gallowboob for advice. Now he is locked in.

  • It took almost a year to reach 100k karma. Another 6 months to 200k. But now it only took 6 days to get to 300k.

  • He got every reddit award now. Some guy gave $175 worth of awards :marseyxd:

  • In September 2020 he reaches 1 million points after only 47 days of grinding. It was quite fast.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger even replied to one of his posts, but he didn't really know who Arnold was :marseyzoomer:

  • Now the American election is coming up. He's an Italian kid so he knows nothing about it, but he realizes reddit hates Trump so he starts posting anti Trump memes. They do well. He learns about more American politicians and which ones reddit hates so he can get more karma :marseydicklet:

  • By the end of 2020 he was over 2 million karma.

  • He joined a groomercord some Indian guy made called Redditors United where top karma accounts could share advice. He considered them idols, but later realized they were mostly "16 year old Indians with way too much free time. Just like me." :marseyemojirofl:

  • He still wanted to grind to 10 million karma. He now posted 100 times per day at regular intervals.

  • Time was not a problem since he had online school and could keep Google meet open while posting to reddit.

  • He made a google spreadsheet to track his progress and aimed for 30k points a day or 1 million a month.

  • By his 14th birthday he reached 5 million. He basically just spammed posts now and at one point was averaging 90k points per day. By May 2021 he reached 10 million karma after "5 months of grinding with no breaks."

  • But this was starting to negatively affect his school work so he had to take time off reddit to focus on algebra :marseylaughpoundfist:

  • He came back to reddit. Now he wanted to be number 1. The target was 38 million "set by /u/CheetahSperm18, a porn addicted American man who posted naked anime girls everyday." :marseydarkxd:

  • Someone gets suspicious and sees that this zoomer posted at almost the same times everyday. They assume he's a bot so he gets banned from the /r/BotDefense system. This banned him from 3k subs.

  • Undeterred he carried on eventually reaching 25 million karma.

  • Now he was back at in person school so he would run home when it finished and spam reddit with more posts. During this time he got banned twice. But appealed them successfully.

  • The start of 2022 was great because Putin invaded Russia so now he could spam Zelensky.

  • But he notices his karma started slowing. He was banned from too many subs. Had to focus on school. So he took 3 months off.

  • He claims now is when he learned python and made a bot to automate his posts. Posting 360 times a day.

  • People got mad. Someone reports him and reddit permanently bans him for content manipulation. Other big accounts got banned as well.

Now he was free to touch grass and just posts to his youtube.

Proving that reportmaxxing works!

I saw this here

I didn't plan to watch it all due to the annoying voice, but the autism of it drew me in. Where were this kids parents. Absolutely r-slurred. At least he got away from it eventually.

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