Eurotrash cope they are America's b-word


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I love r/TrollXChromosomes


Love checking in on my girlies more unhinged than /r/redscarepod and /r/rs_x

r*pe πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

also im gay and my peepee is small

/fit/ anon claims power cleans take years to learn, this causes another anon to flip out for multiple posts

Huge time investment, by the way.

It's a huge time investment you have to invest the time.



It's technical. Technique. Technical technique technicals.

You have to invest the time, invest huge time, to learn the technical technique.

Tim Pool reproduced and you did not

It's over for rdrama


А ļоt оf gСrms аrС СxсítСd

ThΠ΅rΠ΅ Γ­s nΠΎ rΠ΅ddΓ­t Ρ€ΠΎst Π°bΠΎut Γ­t Γ­n Π΅ngΔΌΓ­sh


ASMR: Illegal Alien Deportation Flight πŸ”Š (OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE ACCOUNT)


Careful, Elon reads what you say about him on reddit : EnoughMuskSpam


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:

Elon Musk is such a loser.

Cries to Rogan over people being mean to him.

:surewalz: is :bitchfight: with random :marseybluecheck: over :marseyzelensky:

Have you eaten yet? 你吃了吗?


Mayo foid discovers that gooks are actually very gross despite k pop existing.



Do you find this attractive?

!coomers !2dgooners

Runaway - YouTube

is this REALLY the first time this has been posted??

I'm doing some tryptamine powder (specifically 4-HO-MET) leftover from college several years ago because I unexpectedly have tomorrow off from work and have nothing better to do !druggies

It's working, I'm seeing depth and colors that I would not normally be seeing even though it's been at least 4 years since this powder was made

Someone update the spreadsheets for me thanks :marseytrippy:

>it was suggested they were first nations, but I cannot confirm that :marseysurejan:


Why are they standing up and sitting down ? Just stand and clap…duh


Putin wanted me to chew his cheese

I had a dream last night where I was eating I guess dinner with Vladimir Putin and he had three bodyguards and they were hanging out and he was speaking in English.

The real interesting part of the dream for me is that he wanted me to bite but not chew his cheese into small pieces and he's specifically wanted me to do that with his pepper jack cheese and then he would eat it.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

Frenchie chud posts chudpost. /leftyxitter/ tries to school and ratio him. Fails. :chudcheers:

Ok so you know how Drumpf and Elmo musk gutted usAIDS? Well rightoids started auditing and found funny things it was used for.

Here are some of the funny things it was used for (not limited to them ofc).

Now looking at it, a certain BAPoid centric rightoid frenchie on xitter who larps as a Napoleonic patriots makes a post basically saying that they should've used usAIDS to fund chud revolutions. Now with the persecution fetish lefty xitter users have, they pounce, talking about "muh CIA" and "muh ukraine". They tried to "ratio" him but the closest they got was this.

Even rightoids didn't like the idea and some took it seriously enough to start clapping back (insane).

Now here are some snippets of the leftoid sneed.

Here is a (((euROPE))) nationalist sneeding too

Now mr.NapoleonBonabot claps back at critics

The entire replies to this are as expected.

Here are some snippets:

Honestly it goes on and on. This was creative rightoid bait too because it basically attacks one of the most used argument that leftoids use, the "us meddling" shtick. Because the rightoid is basically denying it happened, the leftoids basically see this akin to genocide denial and are REALLY pissed of.

Do we think insulting Trump voters is effective? : AskALiberal


Rdrama bookclub. "Petersburg" Discussion Thread #6 :marseyflagrussia: :marseyww1russian1: Chapter 6

To discuss the 6th chapter of our bookclub current pick, "Petersburg" by Andrey Bely.


Jap vs Aus round 2.



Idk who to share this with anyway she's probably gonna throw it up all over the carpet later

Reddit - Dive into anythingx




Canada, as it turns out, isn't broken. That was the message coming out of Pierre Poilievre's big rebrand rally, where he tried to reposition himself as a champion of Canada's virtues rather than just another critic of its failures. And while Liberal partisans will look skeptically on this attempted political metamorphosis, the biggest doubters might actually be some of his erstwhile fans: the freedom convoy.

Right out of the gate it clearly is a hit piece on Pierre.

Check the social media accounts of any prominent convoy participant, whether it's Tamara Lich, Pat King, or their dedicated transcriptionists in the alt-press, and their sympathy for Donald Trump and antipathy towards Canada becomes immediately apparent. "Your sudden, newfound, fake patriotism is truly indicative of how stupid you think we are," Lich said. "The entitlement of certain Canadians is humorous," fellow organizer Chris Barber wrote. "If we had leadership in Canada who cared about Canadians like Trump cared about Americans … we wouldn't be in this situation."

Yes the !leafs who like freedom want to be part of a country that unarguably has more rights and freedoms.

They insist the real problem isn't Trump's ongoing threats to our sovereignty but Justin Trudeau's continued existence β€” and, of course, the injustices and affronts that were inflicted upon them by his government. Rupa Subramanya, one of the most sympathetic chroniclers of the convoy's exploits, suggested that "Canadians have bought into the lie by politicians across the board that Trump wants to annex Canada, when what I believe is that he really wants Canadians to get rid of the Liberal government and have greater economic integration and cooperation with the US."

Trudeau drove the country into the shitter. He is why it sucks here. I don't give a frick about Trump and his "threats", "threats" which amount to "We'll make you a full state and give you all full citizenship in the best country on the gods green earth"

That's right: for these folks, public health orders aimed at protecting them and their fellow citizens are a greater threat to their liberty than an American government explicitly threatening their liberty. Policies like vaccine mandates and mask regulations β€” most of which, it's worth reiterating, were implemented by provincial governments β€” are worth resisting, apparently, but unjustified economic warfare is best met with submission and docility.

Yes forcing me to wear a mask that doesn't stop the spread (inb4: well you shoulda worn a kn95! No I don't care they were sold out everywhere and tons of the one in circulation were fake!) and get vaxxed to be able to buy food (This was seriously floated and why I finally gave in, well that and being able to work) is and was a massive threat to my freedom.

Getting to be American is the opposite of a threat to my freedom.

In some respects, the convoy's refusal to join the rest of the country in its fight against Trump's repeated provocations isn't all that surprising.

The convoy is over. It ended years ago. This is some g*mergate in current year shit.

What brought them to Ottawa in 2022 wasn't love of their country but hatred of the government in charge of it

No shit r-slur

hich helps explain the very conspicuous presence of American flags, Trump flags, and even Confederate and Nazi flags. It's why they plotted, at least in the beginning, to overthrow that government. And it's why, in a moment where the country they claim to love is being actively threatened with economic and political subjugation, they're rooting for the person doing the threatening.

I'm getting a stars and bars shirt just to piss off this jslu

They're welcome to believe whatever they want, of course. That's one of the virtues of living in a free and democratic society: you can pretend it's a woke dictatorship if that makes you feel better about your life choices.

"Dear subhuman filth"

New Mexico Green Chile Stew

This is going to be a post where the one guy from New Mexico on rDrama gets really mad, like when Texas people get pissy because you added some kidney beans to your chili or whatever. Hey hypothetical future New Mexico angry guy, it's all good, you should be mad. I am literally raping your culture on purpose.

This post is about making something that's relevant to the state of New Mexico where they venerate a specific type of non-spicy pepper called the Hatch Green Chile. New Mexicans have made this product a point of cultural pride for their state and have done a pretty good job of exporting it all over the country during the brief window they're harvested (late August through part of September if you're looking for some). Now I said "non-spicy" but nowadays clever growers have created new varieties that are pretty spicy, although not much more so than a Jalapeno or something similar. If you want your green chile stew to be spicy, you can either look for those hot varieties, or just add some other peppers for heat. Personally, I don't like using the spicy Hatch peppers in this recipe because you need to add a LOT of peppers (like 30 or 40) which can get INSANE if you use the really spicy ones. It's up to you and your colon, though.

If you buy fresh peppers during the harvesting season, the grocery stores will roast them for you on site. Whole Foods likes to do this in some places. Otherwise, somebody in your town will probably get on the bandwagon. They bring a big roaster out in front of the store and sell the peppers by the pound. You'll probably need in the area of 1 - 2 pounds of peppers to make this recipe. If you go nuts for these things and buy a whole 25 pound case, make sure you have a vacuum sealer and a big freezer because these will not stay good in your fridge for more than a week. They're very wet after roasting, so you can only imagine how fast they're going to grow mold.

On to the stew. This recipe is dead simple to make. It's all just prep work. Hope you enjoy cutting things. You'll need:

  • 1 to 2 pounds of pork shoulder, cut into 1 inch cubes (actual size of the cubes is up to what you like to eat, but if you make them too big you'll have to cook everything longer)

  • 1 to 2 pounds of green chiles (I didn't weigh them or count them when I made this last night, but it looked like there were 25 - 35 peppers)

  • A big russet potato or a couple red potatoes

  • 2 big carrots (not traditional, but my favorite version of this had them so I use them too)

  • A big white onion

  • Lots of garlic

  • Chicken or beef stock

  • Onion powder, cumin, oregano, black pepper

  • MSG in the form of Sazon Goya (totally optional)

  • Plenty of salt

First, you need to process the chiles before cooking them. You need to chop off the seed pod that's on one end and scrape the skins off. The skins aren't exactly inedible, but they have a bad texture that will make you look like an idiot in front of your guests while they try to pretend they don't hate you and your lousy dinner. You don't need to be careful about removing all the seeds, they really won't hurt anything, you just want to remove the seed pod because it's hard as a rock.

You could scrape the skins off the peppers using a fork or a butter knife, but I suggest you use the back of your relatively new, extremely sharp chef's knife. That way, you can talk on the phone with a friend while you're doing it, get distracted while turning the knife over in your hand again and again (using the sharp side to cut out the seed pod and the dull side to scrape, naturally) and then nearly cut the end of your index finger off when you grab and squeeze the sharp side of your knife.

Once you get back from the emergency room, start by browning then removing the pork cubes, then saute the onions, garlic, and chiles a little with the dried spices, before adding back the meat, potatoes, stock and everything else. Cook for about 2 hours (45 min covered and the rest uncovered). If you want to cook longer, don't add the potatoes right away or they'll turn to mush. Add the MSG right at the end or it will lose some of its potency.

Real New Mexican recipes I found online don't have carrots, but the first place I ever had this stuff at was in Provo, Utah (Black Sheep Cafe) and it was so good that I have always tried to imitate it.

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