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  • Impassionata : RDRAMA'S BEST WORK THUS FAR
  • Healthy : If you're interested in pics of a woman's literal shit in the potty look through this user's posts.
  • soapysoapy : it was a contest :((
Even BPD girls can find True Love? (Part 1) :marseyheart:

I come to you writing this from a polar heck-scape, somewhere I never thought I'd end up. My fingers move at a snail's pace and the toes of my right foot have gone numb. Frozen fog fills my lungs. Thick blankets of snow absorb almost all sound, except for the faint whistling of a breeze brushing through my unwashed shit colored hair, and the sound of my heart beating strongly with anxiety...

Women with my particular issue sometimes struggle to find their one and only. I gave up this endeavor before even starting, doomed to a life of ao3 scrolling and liveleak watching. I've actually known him for more than a year, and you wouldn't believe where we met. Our relationship is something straight out of a Shoujo romance... If you've ever read Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai you know what I'm talking about. He's like a beautiful flower I found and keep locked in my garden, of course I ensure he's well taken care of. He wants for practically nothing with me, and I truly believe that he'll never need another person in his entire life ever again.

They warned him about me. Some people fear me, but I know it's because of the demonic presence that have taken up residence in their souls. I have the cunning ability to expel these demonic spirits. Infected peoples can sense this unique strength I posses and without even really understanding why, they feel a sense of hatred towards me. Through the goodness of my heart I do not hold it against them, only pity them, and hopefully one day bring sanctity to their poor souls. They run from me though, and my more worthy endeavors demand the most of my attention.

Despite being warned by liars of my doings, he does not fear me. Even still I believe he is drawn much closer to me and the flame that is my burning heart. It's greatly endearing and he will be rewarded for this loyalty. Even in the bitter cold, I don't need a coat or boots because my demon expelling spirit burns hotter than the sun. He is drawn to this aspect of me, among many other things.

Recently, he flew me out to visit him. No man has ever done such a kind gesture for me, so I was honestly taken aback. Nevertheless, like a stag in a snowstorm, I pushed ahead into the unknown. And by god I was rewarded for it. Chat, you could never know how innocent and perfect he looks while asleep. Like a puppy, my flower is. I always carry a pocket knife in my bra, for safety and utility reasons, and I honestly just couldn't help myself. He was in a deep sleep, but not even snoring or drooling. Perfectly laying on his back, soft hair tumbling over his forehead in an angelic fashion. The temptation to bite him until I drew blood was overwhelming but even better ideas flooded my mind.

Slowly, I knelt over the bed, careful not to wake my perfect sleeping flower. My movements were as delayed as they were precise- can't frick this perfect opportunity up. The knife was removed from my bra and I flicked it open with a singular, smooth motion. He doesn't even notice the sound of a pocket knife flipping open inches from his face while he's sleeping (can you imagine how lucky I am?) I quietly warm the blade up to body temperature by pressing it against my forearm, enjoying the view from beneath me. Like I've been possessed, the tiny but deadly sharp blade is moved up to his neck. At this point, I'm not even myself anymore- someone completely different. An "out of body experience" would be a massive understatement. My flower isn't awoken by the blade at it's vulnerable stem, the control is all mine- so is he. 'Is he having a nice dream?' I wonder. This control is intoxicating. After withdrawing my pocket knife from his neck, I take this opportunity to check his driver's license for valuable information on him. It's always good to know more about those you love.

Anyways, I think that despite my many faults, I've really found the one for me. He's perfect in every way and I will never let him go. Do other girls with BPD struggle finding long-term romantic partners? It would be nice to talk about this issue with some other BPD sisters :)

Happy Valentine's Day! <3

The Navy With More Admirals Than Warships

!historychads !britbongs

!brics It's time to take the Falklands back!!



Canada, as it turns out, isn't broken. That was the message coming out of Pierre Poilievre's big rebrand rally, where he tried to reposition himself as a champion of Canada's virtues rather than just another critic of its failures. And while Liberal partisans will look skeptically on this attempted political metamorphosis, the biggest doubters might actually be some of his erstwhile fans: the freedom convoy.

Right out of the gate it clearly is a hit piece on Pierre.

Check the social media accounts of any prominent convoy participant, whether it's Tamara Lich, Pat King, or their dedicated transcriptionists in the alt-press, and their sympathy for Donald Trump and antipathy towards Canada becomes immediately apparent. "Your sudden, newfound, fake patriotism is truly indicative of how stupid you think we are," Lich said. "The entitlement of certain Canadians is humorous," fellow organizer Chris Barber wrote. "If we had leadership in Canada who cared about Canadians like Trump cared about Americans … we wouldn't be in this situation."

Yes the !leafs who like freedom want to be part of a country that unarguably has more rights and freedoms.

They insist the real problem isn't Trump's ongoing threats to our sovereignty but Justin Trudeau's continued existence β€” and, of course, the injustices and affronts that were inflicted upon them by his government. Rupa Subramanya, one of the most sympathetic chroniclers of the convoy's exploits, suggested that "Canadians have bought into the lie by politicians across the board that Trump wants to annex Canada, when what I believe is that he really wants Canadians to get rid of the Liberal government and have greater economic integration and cooperation with the US."

Trudeau drove the country into the shitter. He is why it sucks here. I don't give a frick about Trump and his "threats", "threats" which amount to "We'll make you a full state and give you all full citizenship in the best country on the gods green earth"

That's right: for these folks, public health orders aimed at protecting them and their fellow citizens are a greater threat to their liberty than an American government explicitly threatening their liberty. Policies like vaccine mandates and mask regulations β€” most of which, it's worth reiterating, were implemented by provincial governments β€” are worth resisting, apparently, but unjustified economic warfare is best met with submission and docility.

Yes forcing me to wear a mask that doesn't stop the spread (inb4: well you shoulda worn a kn95! No I don't care they were sold out everywhere and tons of the one in circulation were fake!) and get vaxxed to be able to buy food (This was seriously floated and why I finally gave in, well that and being able to work) is and was a massive threat to my freedom.

Getting to be American is the opposite of a threat to my freedom.

In some respects, the convoy's refusal to join the rest of the country in its fight against Trump's repeated provocations isn't all that surprising.

The convoy is over. It ended years ago. This is some g*mergate in current year shit.

What brought them to Ottawa in 2022 wasn't love of their country but hatred of the government in charge of it

No shit r-slur

hich helps explain the very conspicuous presence of American flags, Trump flags, and even Confederate and Nazi flags. It's why they plotted, at least in the beginning, to overthrow that government. And it's why, in a moment where the country they claim to love is being actively threatened with economic and political subjugation, they're rooting for the person doing the threatening.

I'm getting a stars and bars shirt just to piss off this jslu

They're welcome to believe whatever they want, of course. That's one of the virtues of living in a free and democratic society: you can pretend it's a woke dictatorship if that makes you feel better about your life choices.

"Dear subhuman filth"

Kiwi mayos in shambles when the indigenous people are rowdy :marseyemojilaugh:




I haven't found any drama yet but I'm sure reddit is :marseysoylentgrin: :soyjakwow:

Red pill me on this book and it's author. Is it worth it or just a meme? :marseyreading:

There's a sub entirely dedicated to that book btw

!bookworms !poll_voters how do you classify Infinity Jest?




The data privacy company bills itself as a Virginia-based service for helping people remove their personal information from almost 200 people-search websites. However, an investigation into the history of finds this company is operating out of Belarus and Cyprus, and that its founder has launched dozens of people-search services over the years.


Oh boy oh gee willikers Braveman. Another week another Furryfox is fricking shit-tier garbage post lmfao


Go on Mozzarellacels, do it

Do you find this attractive?

!coomers !2dgooners

main sub Ls


I don't know who else to tell about this but I feel the need to tell someone. For reference I'm a 25 year old guy who hasn't shit himself since he was a kid. Anyway I got up this morning as usual, left the house to go to work and as I was approaching the train I felt the sudden urge to shit. I searched around for a cafe or something with a bathroom I could use but couldn't find anything. It happened in that moment of complete defeat. For a split second I thought I was farting, but no. Naturally I ran home as fast as I could, trying to hold my pants up as much as I could for fear of the shit (diarrhea) dripping further down my legs, and washed up, washed as much off of my butt, pants, thermal underwear, underwear and sweatpants I was wearing under my regular pants to protect myself from this horrible NYC cold. I texted my boss saying I "had a problem at home" and was gonna be about 45 min late. I put all my dirty clothes in a trash bag and will do laundry when I get home tonight.

I kinda need help coming up with an excuse for being late. I don't really know what to say and I do not want to tell them what actually happened.

how bad is your diet if you shit yourself as an adult

:marseyschizoshaking: Cyberdaddy is coming for you :marseysnappyenraged2:


Rebel Wilson in Cats :marseyobesescale:
Reported by:
  • Quixote : Actual good rdrama post
Extremely :marseymayo: subreddit doesn't like the :blackwomanspeaking: that was forced into their cooking show after :marseycantsneed:


Very little drama, skip to the bottom two links for the actual drama But this subreddit's janny is pretty hands off and the last slap fight got a reply 15 minutes ago so it might pick up.

Cook's Illustrated is a magazine featuring extremely well tested but labor intensive recipes for upper middle class :marseymayo: while America's Tesk Kitchen is the PBS show featuring their recipes. Cook's Country is a spin off that features regional American recipes that are slightly simpler in both a magazine and PBS TV show. The entire company was started by an extremely WASPy nerd, Chris Kimball, who got pushed out in favor of more diverse individuals after selling to a private equity firm (mid 2010s).

He then recreated the whole enterprise as a new competing company called Milk Street (which is another drama).

After the :marseyfloyd: induced moral panic of 2020, the company replaced the editor of Cooks' Country with a :blackwomanspeaking: for both the magazine and TV show (the previous editor never appeared on the TV show as far as I can recall).

In the newer seasons, Toni Tipton-Martin opens the show with a monologue about the featured recipes' hisotry and explains how these recipes (as well as ALL other recipes) were created by Black women. She then awkwardly supervises while the actual cooks make the recipes.

Unfortunately some uppity :marseymayo#: dared to notice this :marseynoootice#r:

Is this a safe space to talk about Toni's on screen presence?? She is SO stiff and it seems like everyone else is on edge or less comfortable when they're cooking with her. I didn't mind her reading her piece about different dishes but this new season is way too much Toni and the vibes are off. Am I way off base?

The uppity mayos are a little too comfortable and start agreeing:

I dont like her. At all. She's fake af.

She's ruining cooks country. I miss Bridget and Julia spearheading that show. Toni is boring, monotone, and seems atrocious to be around let alone work under. They need to get her off screen fast. We fast forward through any segment with her. She really doesn't add anything to the show.

Where did she come from anyway? She just appeared one season like some sort of expert.

:marseywrongthonk#: :#marseynooticeglow: :donkeykonggigathonk#:

Luckily a :marseywomanmoment2: ally lets the mayos know "this is ain't it, chief" :

I just want to say maybe take a sec.and think about these comments. A little bit of self reflection. I enjoy the show, she is an academic and is likely evolving her camera presence.


Finally :blackwomanspeaking: fully puts the :marseymayo: and :marseychingchong: in their place:

Wow, some of these comments are….not it.

I've always assumed she leaned more towards the academia side of things. Being a bit stiff until one can relax in a hosting- type role is not unexpected. Not everyone is going give the same vibe on camera. Perhaps she's getting her sea legs when it comes to the cooking segments v the history bits she does.

But yeah, calling her fake, scary (?), etc. Harsh af.

She's not white. Hence the criticism.



I'm sure she's a nice person but she doesn't fit in with the show. I always fast forward her reading segments and now I don't even want to watch the cooking segments she's on.

She doesn't fit in because she's not white.

That's not it. Lan isn't white. She's enjoyable to watch. Elle isn't white and she's charismatic. It's not her race. It's her demeanor.

Agree - non white woman here and I'm not a fan of Toni. Way too little energy and sometimes she comes across like she's new to a kitchen

non white woman here

So you're not black. POC solidarity doesn't exist.

Um okay - that is an interesting take on my comment

You're not a fan of the only black person on the show along with Elle. Tap dancer.


Why do American women vocal fry? (380 comments) - /r/TooAfraidToAsk/ :marseychonkerfoid: :amerimuttdance:


!foidmoment !burgers

Reported by:
  • Grue : Why was the "stonewall website" run by the feds??

Erasing our history won't erase us. Transgender people have always been here β€” and we always will be.

ACLU ( 2025-02-14T00:24:16.388Z



5 screenshots are now appearing on my IG feed :marseyspit: :!marseymarfan:
'Cancelations are Canceled': Science Fiction Competition Tries To Cancel Author, Sees Backlash

Seven authors have pulled out of the competition, citing free speech concerns.

Cancel cultureβ€”the practice of ruining someone's career for not sufficiently adhering to Leftist principlesβ€”appears to be dying after decades of victimizing innocent people. In what seems to be the first attempted cancelation of the new Trump administration, Self-Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC) announced on Wednesday that it was removing author Devon Eriksen's book from consideration for an award. The SPSFC said that it made the decision because Eriksen violated the competition's code of conductβ€”which had been published to X the day before this announcement.

SPSFC Twitter "We apologize for the extended delay and radio silence. Devon Eriksen has been removed from the SPSFC effective immediately for violation of our code of conduct," the SPSFC posted on X.

Eriksen is the author of "Theft of Fire: Orbital Space #1," a popular self-published book that has received glowing reviews, including one from the creator of Doom. He didn't even enter the book into the competition; his wife did, thinking she might surprise him if he won. After seeing that he had been booted from the competition, he published a fictional account of learning that he had been entered into a competition without his knowledge and had somehow violated that competition's code of conduct, which he never agreed to.

Read the whole thing

That code of conduct stated that contestants could not harass judges or other authors, which Devon didn't doβ€”and couldn't doβ€”since he didn't even know he was entered. But one of the judges posted on Bluesky, in a message provided to The Daily Wire, that even though Eriksen "didn't directly contact judges or other authors," his posts were "driving away judges, authors, and prospective contestants/members in huge numbers."

The SPSFC competition has been around for a few years and is currently in its fourth iteration. Nearly 200 books from independent authors are submitted and divided among various reviewers, each reviewing around 30 books. Each group then selects around four books as quarterfinalists, reads those four books, and selects two semi-finalists. Eventually, the list is narrowed down, and a winner is selected. There is no cash prize, but it allows the authors to collect reviews and publicity.

According to Christine, Eriksen's book had been selected as a quarterfinalist and was the only author to receive a "strong yes" in his batch. After dozens of authors had been cut, at least one began complaining about Eriksen's inclusion in the competition based on his numerous blog posts and tweets, which contain comments about immigration and transgenderism that frequently offend the Left. Dozens of people on Bluesky and the SPSFC groomercord started calling Eriksen a "nazi" for his posts and published some screenshots of them on Reddit along with a summary of the situation at the SPSFC. Following the prolonged outcry, the SPSFC put together a code of conduct and then used it to boot Eriksen from the competition.

But the code of conduct claims that its "goal is not to eradicate these 'bad' opinions" and that they are "not here to police people's opinions," they do just that after claiming Eriksen's posts amount to "hate speech" and "backwards attitudes."

Eriksen was not the only author targeted. E.J. Fisch, author of "Dakiti: Ziva Payvan Book 1," who wasn't even part of the SPSFC competition, spoke out against the handling of Eriksen and quickly saw her book dropped out of a promotion that is reportedly being run by one of the authors involved in the mob against Eriksen.

The announcement that Eriksen was booted from the competition was met with immediate backlash, with many other authors pulling their books from the competition. Moe Lane, whose book "Ghosts of an Alien Wind" was in the competition, asked the organizers to remove his book from consideration, though his reasoning is unclear. His announcement was posted on the Groomercord for the competition and was shared with The Daily Wire.

Other authors were more explicit about why they asked for their books to be removed from the competition. Gregory Michael, author of "Chloe's Kingdom," asked for his book to be removed because "free speech is crucial."

G.S. Jennsen, author of "The Thief," posted a lengthy letter on X outlining why she wanted her book removed from the competition as well.

C.R. Walton, author of "Wilderness Five," also noted that Eriksen's removal had nothing to do with his actions relating to the competition, writing that the decision to drop him was "very clearly just caving to a hateful mob that hates the guy."

Zachary Forbes requested his book, "Slipspace: Terra Nullius" be removed from the competition as well, also writing a lengthy X post about how the SPSFC's recently introduced code of conduct "was done hastily and sloppily, left intentionally vague, for the sole purpose of banning one particular contestant."

Steve Gavin also requested his book "Cosmic Strife Assault" be removed from competition, writing a short post on X calling the situation involving Eriksen a "mess."

Grace Walker publicly distanced herself from the SPSFC, seeking to have her book, "ASH (Rogues: Legends Book 1)," removed from the competition as well.

Danielle Ste. Just also cut ties with the SPSFC, although her book, "The Disk Mirror Solution (Galaxia Mortem Book 1)," had already been cut from the competition.

Haldane B. Doyle, author of "Our Vitreous Womb," announced he was also withdrawing from the competition, thanking the volunteer judges but saying he only wants "to participate in indie sci fi competitions that judge the books and not the authors, regardless of the criteria applied."

Even one of the competition's judging teams decided to pull out of the competitionβ€”not because they agreed with what Eriksen had saidβ€”but because of how SPSFC handled the situation. The eight authorsβ€”other than Ste. Justβ€”who have so far withdrawn from the competition were quarterfinalists, meaning they had already advanced over about 30 other competitors in each of their respective judging groups.

Eric Kay, author of "Above Dark Waters," wrote on X that his book had already been cut, but questioned why the people behind the competition couldn't just cut Eriksen and write a nice review for his book, as they had done for Kay's book.

The idea that fellow competitors would drop out of a competition in solidarity with one of their own is almost unheard of when it comes to these types of cancelations and shows the ideology of "cancel culture" may no longer be tolerated. Christine Eriksen wrote on X that "cancelations are canceled" and pointed out that her husband's book has had one of its best sales days to date.

Other authors who dropped out of the competition said they had seen an increase in sales. Michael, who was the first to withdraw from the competition, noted that "Chloe's Kingdom" was now #1 on Amazon, "not from winning a competition – but for standing up for free speech. Doing the right thing feels good."

In a post shared with The Daily Wire, John A. Douglas, author of "The Black Crown," commented that the SPSFC doesn't "fully understand the schism kicking Devon out has caused in the indie author spaces." "DevonGate is a seismic shift in the indie landscape," Douglas added. "And he didn't even DO anything!"


Unfortunately Jannies have been on high alert mopping duty but heres some REDdit scrapes:

Reported by:
  • Grue : I'm traveling not driving
[Poll] do you have a drivers license

!boozers !schizomaxxxers !friendsofsneedman !hawktuah

Guardian does a review of an extremely important product and the results will surprise you.
share some concubine luring memes


Very amusing foid moment on the TL today.

My wife(F42)(Emily) and I(M42) have been together since freshman year, [...]

Last night when I arrived home from an exhausting shift, Emily sat me down and told me we had to talk, she proceeded to tell me how she's a lesbian, that she's known since college, and that she's gone with multiple dates with many women over our entire marriage.


She justified herself, saying that her family would've never accepted her and that she never actually cheated on me because she was being her true self with the women she slept with

>:marseyfoidretard: It wasn't cheating because I've been lying to you for 20 years(?)

and to end it all she wanted us to have a lavender marriage so she cold be herself while her parents thought she was a straight woman

>:marseyfoidretard: anyway can you continue to financially support me please :marseyflirt: otherwise I'd have to take accountability

I'm not happy for her, or proud or anything like that, if anything I feel pure rage towards her.

:marseydoi#t: you know what to do

By the way, this is the :snipsnip: moid's fault but you're not ready for that conversation :marseynails:

India had the world's largest floating solar power farm. Had :marseylightning:
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