
>Canada's fertility rate, which has been steadily declining, has hit a record low and the country is now among the "lowest-low" fertility nations

:marseyitsover: :marseyrake:


kraka stupid :#marseybruh:

kranka akka *ckraaka supid :#marseybruh:

EFFORTPOST Darklands LP Part V: We finally briefly go out into the dark lands

We're finally ready to risk leaving the city and heading out into the countryside. But first, why would we even want to?

There's lots of things that we just can't get here in Duisburg. Remember how in part 2 I mentioned that knowledge of saints and alchemical formulas is going to be critical later in the game. We can't learn them all here. The shops here don't carry every product we might need. If we want an exotic weapon like a composite bow we'll have to search for a place that sells them. Also most items in the game have a quality rating and different cities are better at making different kinds of items. The best swords can be found in Nurnburg, the best hammers in Prag, and so on. Alchemy requires a lot of traveling to find the various components needed for making potions. If you want training, not all cities have a physician or alchemist who is actually skilled enough to teach you. And of course at some point we'll start doing quests which will send us all over the Empire.

Let's see if we can pick up a little knowledge here before we leave.


Remember that urban monastery where the nuns healed our wounds? That's not all they do. They have a library where one of our party can learn about a saint. There are many, many saints in the game, I think over 100, but this library gives us the choice of 4 of them. This is one of the things in Darklands that got a young Redactor to go into the real world library and read about these people so I could remember who they are and which ones to pick in the game. Let's see how my hagiography holds up:

  • Edward the Confessor - This one is easy. He was a famous King of England.

  • St. Jude - We just read about him earlier because coincidentally this happens to be one of the saints that Yuna started the game already knowing.

  • St. Albert - I blanked on this one. Tried to look him up but there's a million St. Alberts. Many of the saints in this game are really obscure ones who were important to medieval Christians but forgotten today, not ones who are currently hip and trendy. I think the one referred to here is a king in early medieval England.

  • St. Maurice - I used to know about this guy but forgot and had to look him up too. He was an Egyptian general in the Roman army. Long story short, he refused to kill civilians so he was martyred.

TW: If you're religious you might find what I'm about to say a little bit flippant and offensive because we're going to be comparing these saints based on what they can do for us in a video game. I totally get that, but I would argue that keeping them in mind even when doing frivolous things like playing games is a good thing. It never got in the way of me appreciating these peoples' lives and martyrdom. In fact it got me to learn who they were. In a later episode I'll go more in depth about how Christianity is depicted in the game, but for now just trust me that this is not atheist edgelords trying to take down God, either me or the people who made the game.

Having gotten that out of the way, let's ask ourselves, what can these saints do for us? Let's remember who we've already got. Redactor has St. Anthony, who does a lot of great things but is especially good for academics and dealing with people. Yuna has St. Jude, who can bail us out of desperate situations but isn't particularly focused on anything. So with that in mind, let's evaluate our choices.

  • Edward - He was a king, so I'm guessing in the game he will help us deal with nobility or something. And IIRC he was a scholar who spent a lot of time studying. That overlaps a lot with what St. Anthony already can do for us.

  • Jude - Even though Yuna already knows him, it's actually worth considering having Redactor learn him too. Having two people who can pray to the patron of lost causes would be useful.

  • Albert - I have no idea who this is so that rules him out.

  • Maurice - He was a soldier, so it's likely that he can temporarily boost our weapon skills. At this point, early in the game, that could give us a crucial edge in a tough fight.

Well that's not exactly what I was expecting. Sometimes saints end up being patrons of all kinds of places, jobs, etc. that are not immediately obvious. I gotta read more about this guy to figure out what he could possibly have to do with alchemy. Unfortunately, note the "Success: 0". He's one of the saints who doesn't just listen to every whiner. Yuna will need to earn the right to talk to him by living a virtuous life. In order to keep things simple for my loyal readers I haven't asked any saints to intercede for me yet, but in a later episode I will explain how that works.

What does this have to do with travel? Remember how the nuns healed us that one time but they're not going to just do it over and over again? Many things in Darklands are like this. It's intended to avoid the "water finds a crack" problem. You can't just always stay in the same place and do the same thing. The librarians here won't let you back in again for a long time, maybe 6 months. But there are other libraries out there.


Let's see if Redactor will be more successful. He knows three formulas for potions. We aren't going to actually make any of them any time soon because we first need to collect the necessary components which involves a lot of traveling and a lot of paying money, two things we haven't done yet. But maybe he can learn a formula now that will be useful later.

Notice that we only managed to find this guy because Redactor knows enough about alchemy. Let's try to trade formulas with him. If we're very lucky he'll accept and we'll get a new formula for free. But it's very unlikely. Redactor only knows those 3 formulas and with 13 charisma he is not, as Richard Nixon would say, a "personality boy". Alchemists aren't trying to be helpful like monks and nuns, they're neurodivergent neckbeards who need their ego to be stroked. Normally we would have Sasha handle a task like this as she has amazing charisma and knows how to speak well, but in this case it's got to be Redactor who does the talking. This is a really low-percentage shot like when I try to talk to girls but hey, it never hurts to try, does it? At least that's what I tell myself when I'm sexually harassing women on the internet.

It actually worked! He just gave us a formula for Stonetar. This is sticky goo, extremely useful stuff. You can use it in battle to slow down your enemies and it helps in all kinds of weird unexpected situations. Someday we will definitely be making this.

Why don't we just do this constantly in the hopes that we'll get lucky again and get another formula? It's like with the library. You can't pester these guys every day. If you want to discover new things you've got to go to new places.


Okay, I've been jerking you around long enough. It's time to get to what I promised you. We're going to leave town and go out into the wilderness of Germany in 1400, ravaged by plague and warfare, where you're stalked by everything from wolves to satanists to demons straight out of heck.

Note how you're given 6 different options just for leaving the city. These would be relevant if the cops were out looking for us, but we're clean so we can just walk through.

Wow, thanks buttholes for not even removing the fricking copy protection from the game before you sold it to me. I'm used to playing a cracked version where you can just click on anything and it lets you pass. But this time it booted me back to DOS. I guess next time I'll look it up in the fricking manual again just like in living in fricking 1992 again. Last time I saved was before I got that Stonetar formula so that's lost. Anyway, let's try this again.

Okay, here we are out in the open world where we hear that iconic music.


Anton's original marseys still remain among the best.

Let's walk around for a second. Oh wait, we just ran into a random encounter. Dealing with these is half of the game. If you've played King of Dragon Pass or Six Ages you'll get how this works. If you haven't, you're in for a learning experience. We're going to be constantly running into enemies, problems, opportunities, all kinds of stuff as we walk around the Empire.

These are just some old geezers who want an escort to Duisberg. Why not? TBQH there's not actually any purpose for us to be out here other than for me to show you what the world map looks like.

Through this act of Christian charity, Yuna's Virtue has increased. Maybe some of those saints will pay more attention to her.

Where should we go? Let's check out that village to the east.

Okay that's pretty dire. That last sentence "There is nothing you can do here." I have always found really haunting. So yeah, there's some pretty dark stuff going on out here. We'll find out later how that village got destroyed.

Let's follow that road up north. I know Duisberg is somewhere in the lower Rhine area, I think Westphalia. Oh look, it turns out there's another city very close by.

It's Wesel, a city I don't know that well. Just that it's pretty far down the river. I think we're almost getting into the Netherlands. I guess I'll just walk right in. Wait a second. A toll? B-word, please. I haven't paid a dime for music since Napster got started and I'm sure as heck not paying any toll to walk into your little shithole town. Let's have Sasha try to use her charm and get these guards to simp for her.

Frickin' moids, man. Works every time.

Next episode: Actually I'm not sure what to do. So far I've planned these out really well to gradually introduce important gameplay mechanics, but at this point we're in an awkward stage. There's big parts of the game that we can't get into yet just because we can't afford it. Maybe I'll grind for a little while and then we'll be in a position to take on our first quests. And if anything goes wrong I can just savescum and never tell you about it.

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-09-25 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

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:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseyclappingglasses: Zuck reveals new holographic AR Orion glasses with neural wrist interface

Zuck Presentation

Orange site discuss


Wootfatigue Vlog: Deck is done.

Reported by:
Luna & McCoy Maine Coons

I like to find videos of cats that have little to no views/comments and i try my best to give them praise.

1k subs community post

3k subs community post

This one is kind of sad and i was so excited to share this page with you, but then i was reading through their community notes.

I will explain:

This is Luna, a Maine coon brand cat

This orange(tabby?) Is McCoy

They were taking care of a cat that seems more of a special rescue kitty but unfortunately it passed away.

I was so sad when that hit me, as i understand these people were trying to share their kitties over gaining monetary value and shame ful videos exploiting their animals, that seems like the opposite of their true intentions, so it always gets to me personally when i take notice of whats going on in their videos.

They spent '2.5 years' taking care of Luna before she sadly passed away.

The orange cat, McCoy, is still star og the videos and i wanted to share them with toy.

Here is their first short video:

Im sorry if this was kinda sad, my intention was onky to share the cat video and i had to do a little reasearch first.

I feel like i missed something so i will edit it if i find out what it is, thank you!

redditors :soysnooseethe: upset :soyjaktantrum: at billionaire :marseycapitalistmanlet: handing out money :marseybux:

Is…is that allowed?

18 U.S. Code Β§ 597 - Expenditures to influence voting

25 P.S. Β§ 3539

If he's just giving them a hundred bucks and saying here you go that's totally fine

Asking a vote for him is what makes it illegal

Nah. That's true of the federal law but the PA law merely requires the intent to influence.


He's a New York billionaire in (what appears to be) a Dollar Tree in Pennsylvania while campaigning for president. What the heck else would he be doing there other than trying to garner votes?

Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

A man like himself probably has countless examples of donations over the decades

Oof. Be careful moving the goalposts so quickly. It can be a real strain on your back.

Proof is not my responsibility, nor is it even possible for some random person on the internet to acquire. An actual investigation would require access to the videos clearly being recorded, interviews with those who were present, and other things which I, a layperson, could not reasonably possess.

However, given his history of mental instability, his penchant for committing felonies, and his absolute disregard for the rule of law in pursuit of acquisition or retention of power... I think we can comfortably say that (while we cannot prove it beyond a reasonable doubt) it is reasonable, if not likely, that his intention was to exchange money for votes.


that's not moving the goalpost you r-slur

It literally is. The burden of proof is on the person accusing somebody of a crime. It's innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt

No goal posts are being moved

This is America mother fricker


I can guarantee you it's not his own money.


>politician not using his own money

That's the only way his voters will ever get their donation money back

>i am once again asking for your financial support


sorry i meant :#marseytrump:

Is buying votes legal?

it's not. but this isn't buying votes. :#marseymoreyouknow:

Holy heck his tiny hands make that dollar bill look big

Redditors when you bodyshame: >:(

Redditors when you bodyshame Trump: :)


Which, I believe, is against the law. Then again, once a felon always a felon.


God forbid a dude gives a dollar out yall are wacko

150 karma after 4 years.

is that supposed to be an insult? :#marseyrofl:

I'd say thax sill voting for Harris

I'd crumple it up and very carefully toss it back to him while holding eye contact. Seeing his response would easily be worth the money for me


An rslurred member of my family sent me this :!marseyrofl:

satanists on there way to venerate Catholic saints and observe the Sabbath.

White race status: saved :chudsmug:

Church Klenny!

Croissant Klenny!

Bed Klenny!

Kitchen Klenny!

More bed Klenny!

Klenny getting pets!

And crazy puppyrunning Klenny!

How can anyone possibly handle this much Klenny?!



Those who worship st the altar of Palestinian lives matter will surely perish

Neil R*ped, Man
John, anlegend

I knew this guy. He was an interesting guy, but mainly what he had was being interesting. He knew all these people all around town and was almost beloved in a way - most everybody would say about him, "Oh, I love that guy." He was clever and artistic and just hung around the art and music scene but knew a lot of people across different avenues. I used to talk to him sometimes either at parties or just hanging out at somebody's house. He and a lot of people said I was like him, but I didn't like that and disagreed, though I think we both took something of a shine to each other and would eventually gravitate if we were bumming the same street. Never explicitly hung out with him, always wondered if I should have. He kind of wanted to.

I drifted apart from a lot of people over the years, but a while back hit up 2 married close friends I hadn't seen in a long while. Serendipitously, they were in a bad way and told me John had shot himself the night before. Wild timing. I gave as many condolences as you can give over the phone and texts about a satellite friend to people you haven't spoken to in 2 years. We told some "john" stories to each other, caught up a bit, they seemed heartbroken. A little pissy at me at the end for being absent. I hit up 2 other old friends and asked about John, and they had a similar spiel. I looked on social media and saw a go fund me for the dude's mom for funeral expenses. Everybody commenting and telling stories, saw some local hipster website obituary. I don't know how many went to the funeral, but enough people donated and there was clearly a buzz, this guy would be missed right sure.

I couldn't help but laugh. When I knew him and all of them, nobody could fricking stand him. From what I'd heard and seen, most of the stories people told were from years before, a lot of people hadn't talked to him much recently, which matched what I knew. The guy was clever and funny, but kind of dumb, unskilled, poor. For every act of empathy and good heartedness, he was always letting someone down or ratfricking them. He was always doing some sketchy BPD shit someone was complaining about - some drug drama, some it's always sunny money making scheme, overstaying his welcome everywhere, getting in little tiffs with people, for a bit he had some weird obsession/relationship with some young guy who was allegedly 19 but maybe 18 but maybe 17.

The very first day I met him I had this weird thought, "That guy is going to kill himself one day." His name came up earlier because someone had given him money to buy them coke but had been ghosting them, and hours later he arrives (after most everyone is gone, particularly the dude looking for him), all fricked up hitting some high and low emotions in the same sentences, giddy at first, then eventually telling a story about how he had a court date because he just got in a fight with some dude on the street over one of them talking shit about the other's driving. By the end of the story he was bawling, but perked up and introduced himself to me. I entirely understood the feeling, but was getting real mixed vibes from the guy. Later I was assured he was the coolest dude ever and close friend to my close friends.

He always wanted to hang out another time whenever I saw him, but wasn't pushy about it. I never followed through because of those vibes. I actually had a dream near when I first met him where he drove me to a party in the sketchiest part of town, ditched me, and finally picked me up as I was walking home, but kept coming onto me borderline sexual assault and getting real apologetic, but doing it again. I told my friend and he didn't understand that it was just a dream at first because that could have been something John did. One time we were hanging out and I know me and John and this other dude discussed eventually killing ourselves when we got too old. Looking back, I think John and I explored the conversation further without the other dude, but I don't think it's like no one knew it was on John's mind. Maybe not, maybe I was the only one and talked him into suicide years before. That same night I remember he told me he really just wanted a good relationship, just something nice for 2-5 years, love like, longer the better, but realistic knowing it wouldn't work out because that shit doesn't. I respected that. But this did concern the 18? year old so, vibes still there.

But like I said, everybody fricking couldn't stand this guy. I was always told never to share my drugs with him - not because of protecting him from any habit, but he'd use it as an excuse to stay longer wherever he was. Every conversation that involved him was "I love John, but" this sketchy thing, this annoying thing. Someone was always avoiding him, he was always avoiding someone. I said he knew all sorts of different people, and some of those were cops, people he'd known before they were cops, and most everyone considered this useful because he allegedly could check somebody's narc status, but at the same time half of everyone figured he was a fricking narc, was weird. I suspected he didn't even know cops and maybe had access to some HR background check system at his job that he lied about. The cheap hipster area he lived in was becoming more crime ridden and shitty. He was getting old, in his early/mid 30s when I last saw him, probably approaching 40s when he popped.

I like to think that my relationship with him was more honest, arms distance in the first place. Almost like I knew him better than a lot of other people who claimed they were close. I wonder if maybe I started hanging out with him he could have been on a better path or I'd be part of some crazy stories where he keeps the party going by bringing some basically homeless people into his house for a musical jam session and is gifted a gold ring by one of the weirder ones. But what I kept thinking about is, what would I realistically say to say he shouldn't kill himself. The best I could come up with was that he should help take care of his shitty alkie mom. He painted a really cool picture of himself while he was on acid once and could play some musical instruments, but he was ultimately mediocre and uncreative in most ways, and more importantly unmotivated. Nobody fricking liked him. They liked the idea of him, but nobody could fricking stand him. I know that was lonely, I very much understood, but he did it to himself. He wasn't going to suddenly become an upright citizen and get some kind of certification or job advancement and improve his life and live in a nicer neighborhood and get high less and be friend that people with kids can even hang out with once a year. He didn't want that. It doesn't come across as some romantic "the candle that burns twice as bright" shit, because at the end of the day, he was kind of an unhappy loser.

I don't have an opinion on whether he should have done it, but I got all these wild feelings watching all these people who didn't want anything to do with the guy bemoan his passing. Oh, he shouldn't have done it. Oh, there was so much more to live for. It's great that he was a fricking legend I guess, but he lived his life sad and alone and fricking killed himself. I wondered what people actually think of me.

I don't know the point in telling this story. I haven't had anyone else to tell it to. Some anhero talk recently. I suppose I don't think anyone should kill themselves. I imagine some dramafoid meeting John in an inpatient center and mentally adding him as some quirky cool friend that they don't actually talk to. (Not that they should.) I don't know what he would have thought of this site, would probably depend on his mood that day, whether he loved or hated it. John is a dead though.



Caroline Ellison, former chief executive officer of Alameda Research LLC, was sentenced Tuesday for helping Sam Bankman-Fried cover up FTX's fraudulent misuse of customer funds.

US District Judge Lewis Kaplan noted that he is allowed to show Ellison leniency for providing "substantial assistance to the government." He then confirmed that he always considered the maximum sentence she faced of 110 years to be "absurd," considering that Ellison had no inconsistencies in her testimony and fully cooperated with the government throughout their FTX probe.

"I've seen a lot of cooperators in 30 years," Kaplan said. "I've never seen one quite like Ms. Ellison."

No honor among thieves.

[Kaplan] called Bankman-Fried her "Kryptonite" because the FTX co-founder so easily exploited such a "very strong person."

[US attorney Damian] Williams praised Ellison as exceptionally forthcoming, even alerting the government to criminal activity that they didn't even know about yet. He also credited her for persevering as a truth-teller "despite harsh media and public scrutiny and Bankman-Fried's efforts to publicly weaponize her personal writings to discredit and intimidate her."

"The Government cannot think of another cooperating witness in recent history who has received a greater level of attention and harassment," Williams wrote.

Geez, the government is really trying to get in her pants. :marseyflirt:

The Bad People keep gaining traction. r/eurocucks takes it well when Zoomers are the arbiters of Homofascism :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe:

Greetings Dramatards :marseywave2:




It was 90 today but I've begun Halloween decorating and no one can stop me

I also bought some ridiculous spooky eyeball solar lights for around the deck, stocked up on pumpkin spice essential oils, pumpkin spice tea and soap

Have you begun preparing yet

The season begins in 9 days

Join !hallowhitesupremacists today and get in early

:marsey57: Trump is really finished this time! :marseycop:
Reagan wouldve voted for Kamala
EFFORTPOST Mark Robinson - the Black Gooner Nazi. Can /ourguy/ pull through?

Preamable :marseyyawn#:

In 2016, Democrat Roy Cooper narrowly defeated Incumbent Republican Governor Pat McCroy by 1% in North Carolina - an incredibly impressive result, considering Donald Trump also won the state by roughly 2% at the same time. While McCroy had been a truly awful governor and Cooper's margin was about a c*nt's hair difference between win and lose, that's still a tremendously impressive result. Cooper even repeated the result in 2020, winning re-election by a respectable 4%, when Trump won the state by 1% again. Term limited, Cooper's impressive record and the state slipping out of Donald Trump's may suggest that North Carolina is becoming a Democratic state - not the case, as seen by the downballot elections. Mark Robinson, a hard right Republican, was nominated as the mostly ceremonial Lieutenant-Governor, and Dale Folwell was the moderate Republican treasurer. Still, the Attorney General Josh Stein was Democrat. North Carolina seems likely to be a new swing state in the new, Trumpian party system.

2024 :marseyzoom#er:

Roy Cooper, the proven winner, was term limited and couldn't run for re-election. In the Democratic primary, the standard, mainstream liberal and Attorney General Josh Stein won by nearly 70%. In the Republican Primary, the hard right Lieutenant-Governor Robinson beat the relatively moderate Treasurer Dale Folwell by 65%

Literally during the exact same day, audio was leaked by a mysterious Sosh Jtein where Robinson called for a 0 week abortion ban, saying on North Carolinas 12 week ban "I would love to get down to six weeks. And I'd like to get down to zero. I would like to push it back as far as we could and eliminate as many abortions as we can." This is exactly what Republicans want to hear, but when even safe Republican states like Ohio and Montana pass ballot initiatives protecting abortion, is not something you want leaked.

So that's how he started. He started with a scandal that could have cost him the campaign. This is the minor thing. It only gets worse/funnier from here.

The Black White Supremacist :marseyconfused#2:

Mark Robinson, described by Trump as "Martin Luther King on steroids", has shown a lot of sympathy for the White Supremacist movement, to the point the only thing that stops me from calling him a White Supremacist is the fact he's black - and I'm still fairly confident he is a White Supremacist.

On 2014, he posted on his facebook account "Note to liberals; I'll accept "Gay Pride" when you accept "White Pride"". Calling for White Pride (a phrase created by George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi Party, directly inspired by the Nation of Islam) is a pretty eyebrow raising statement, but it gets a lot better!

He was probably seething when Drumpf compared him to MLK, because Robinson hates MLK. In his shitty book, he says "December of 2007 was when I joined Facebook. Every political thought I had in my head, I put on there, up to and including my posting photos of Martin Luther King and calling him a communist." So understand that while these posts aren't explicit, he's pretty blunt about not liking him;

"I don't like Communist. No matter what 'color' they are."

"Tomorrow I will do my 'service to the community' by going to work to continue to support myself and my family so I'm not a leach on said community." - on MLK day.

"It is at once funny and sad that so many people will follow the lead of a bunch of atheists and worship an ersatz pastor as a deity."

Pooping on MLK is a really bad look, absolutely a race ender if you're white, but Robinson being black has given him a deflector shield. I wouldn't call him a White Supremacist based on any of this stuff. It's the following remarks he's made on the Civil Rights Movement that convinced me;

:marseykente: : "So many things were lost during the Civil Rights Movement. So many freedoms were lost during the Civil Rights Movement. They shouldn't have been lost. (...) You talk about the sit-in movement. We're in a free market system. So we've got a place called Woolworth in Greensboro that won't serve Blacks at the lunch counter. What do you do? You go down there and you sit at the lunch counter and you demand for these people to take your money. How crazy is that?"

:marseykente: : "The Civil Rights Movement destroyed hundreds of very well-run Black schools. They destroyed Black businesses across the nation."

So you have a man that dislikes MLK, dislikes the civil rights movement and called for White Pride. What a bizarre r-slur... and it gets even better. Like a lot of radicals, he has a fascinating stance on;

Da Joos :marseytinfoil2#:

With Republicans being the party of Israel while the Democrats try to balance their progressive base and not pissing off AIPAC too much, Robinson has been running a pretty strong platform against anti-semitism. Unfortunately for him, he forgot to delete some "interesting" comments on Jews and Nazis on his public facebook account.

:marseykente: : "I am so sick of seeing and hearing people STILL talk about Nazis and Hitler and how evil and manipulative they were. NEWS FLASH PEOPLE, THE NAZIS (National Socialist) ARE GONE! We did away with them!" (...) Marxist Socialist and communism pose the bigger threat and control the media. After all, who do you think has been pushing this Nazi boogeyman narrative all these years?"

So that's a pretty bad statement to make, but jeeze guys cut him some slack. 2017 was practically a different time. Later that same year;

:marseykente: : "Please STOP wasting my time, your time, and the time of your fellow conservatives talking about, and making mention of, the NAZIS who have been DEAD since 1945."

Well, that's not an awesome thing to have leak when you're trying to look strong on anti-semitism. Still, it could be worse right? 2018;

:marseykente: : "It is absolutely AMAZING to me that people who know so little about their true history and REFUSE to acknowledge the pure sorry state of their current condition can get so excited about a fictional 'hero' created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxists. How can this trash, that was only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets, invoke any pride?"

:marseywtf: Well, that's really bad. Really bad. Also 2018;

:marseykente: : "The center and leftist leaning Weimar Republic put heavy gun ownership restrictions on German citizens long before the Nazis took power. This foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash. Repeating that hogwash makes the conservative argument against the current attempts by liberal Marxist to push Unconstitutional gun control measures in this Nation look FOOLISH."

Did he just call the Holocaust hogswash. He of course, refused to apologise for any of these remarks.

So, those are two pretty massive scandals that would, and from all polls, did cost him the election. But then CNN did some investigative reporting, tracking down what he had been saying on his private accounts. This breaking news, less than 24 hours old, and it's all amazing

Minisoldr, and other tales of Coomerism :marseycoomer#:

A combination of tracking down his alt-user name and his weird phrases like "frog's fat butt", "dunder head" and "gag a maggot", CNN were able to track his porn account on a website called "Nude Africa".

He bragged about peeping on girls as a 14 year old, saying "I came to a spot that was a dead end but had two big vent covers over it! It just so happened it overlooked the showers! I sat there for about an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered (...) I went peeping again the next morning but after that I went back the ladder was locked! So those two times where the only times I got to do it! Ahhhhh memories!!!!"

Like most Republicans, he's a transphobe, and I'm sorry for the Arachnophobe meme posters, but he's the kind of guy that wants to frick spiders;

:marseykente: : "I like watching :marseytrain: on girl porn! That's f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in! And yeah I'm a 'perv' too!"

And despite his hardline stance on abortion, he said on Nude Africa; "I don't care. I just wanna see the s*x tape!"

If you had any doubts that he was a black white supremacist, he also made a lot of awesome non-coomer comments on Nude Africa. Quote: "I'm a black NAZI!", mostly unprompted when talking about Black Republicans, "Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it back. I would certainly buy a few.", "I'd take Hitler over any of the shit that's in Washington right now" which in fairness he's under the Obama Administration and Republicans are just like that when Dems are in power - when Reps are in power, Democrats just call them Hitler.

And finally, good old Martin Luther King. What did "Martin Luther King on Steroids" say about MLK on this porn forum for some reason? He said that MLK was a "commie bastard", a "ho-fricking phoney" (in fairness, he was a ho-fricker) and "worse then a maggot" while calling him "Martin Luther Coon", like George Lincoln Rockwell did.

The cherry on top - he is confirmed to have an Ashley Madison account, and an earlier, minor scandal (minor compared to the SHIT he'd get up to), was that he was a regular at a porn store.


The Trump Campaign was allegedly asking Robinson to drop out of the race, but it's too late for that. The NC GOP are stuck with the Black-Nazi-Coomer, with stories so disastrous constantly, as basically ensured that the Democrats will win North Carolina. There has never been a worse non-incumbent candidate - it's known Presidential Candidates affect the "down-ballot", things like the Senate and Gubernatorial races, but Robinson may be the first candidate to affect the up-ballot, making Trump the first Republican to lose North Carolina since Komrade McShame's blowout loss against Barack Obama - that itself being the first time the GOP lost the state since 1976, when Moderate Southern Democrat Jimmy Carter beat Moderate Northern Republican Jerry Ford.

But while Mark Robinson may be so terrible that he'll make North Carolina a full on Blue State in 2024, he'll live on in our hearts forever. He will be /ourgovernor/ - the biggest, dumbest r-slur to ever become successful despite not deserving it even a little.

Soytanification :marseysoytan:

Ever heard of the sharty's mascot, Soytan? :marseysoytan:

Some users have started making transformation fetish porn of her. Discuss whether this is based or cringe.

I have as far as I can tell a full collection of these so hmu if you're interested in more :thumbup:

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