The United States has already effectively lost to China, right? : TrueAnon


Sуříа аskíng Řussíаn tо stау

@DaddyReagan whо ís hаstļу řunníng аwау , b-word? Yоu wеřе tеļļíng sоmеthíng аnd Í just dídnt undеřstооd whаt wаs уоuř роínt


r/BlackPeopleTwitter debates whether Sexy Indian dudes are allowed to say the No-No word after an unfortunate rap concert


Who typed this Wikipedia article? Were they allowed?

B..based :marseydarktrump:


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One large snake celebrating Chinese New Year :marseyonemediumsnekvibing:

Happy Lunar New Year to the dramanauts who celebrate it. 2025 is the Year of the Snake.

I made this for @NotX (definitely not @X, formerly chiobu) even though he never actually asked for it.

The following have sparks. Which one do you like best?

Update: Slightly more than a day later, 1 has 36 votes, 2 has 15 votes, and 3 has 21 votes. I will submit 1.

Yes, I realize that you wouldn't actually hold firecrackers like that. I copied the design from something on Google because I waited too long to start drawing this and couldn't come up with a better design that wasn't too similar to the previous ones. I started it around January 24.

:marseytigernewyear: :marseyrabbitnewyear3: :marseyrabbitnewyear4: :marseydragonnewyear: :marseydragonnewyear2:

The tiger is by @Dramarama. The others are by me.

Without Firecrackers

The title is a reference to @TwoLargeSnakesMating, former rDrama codecel who left rDrama in early 2023

(Drawn with Inkscape, referenced :marseysnek: :marseyill:)

The /r/WaltDisneyWorld flasher is back, this time holding his crotch in a public bathroom


I'll keep posting this guy here while he keeps posting to /r/WaltDisneyWorld. He's absolutely dominating the subreddit - three of his selfies this month have more upkongs than the news that beloved ride Muppets 3D is closing down and this will soon be the fourth.

The mods are still working overtime to protect him - they do more work in his threads than every other /r/WaltDisneyWorld thread combined. Comment locks and sneedy mod comments everywhere. OP seems to have free rein to be as toxic as he wants in an otherwise civil subreddit:

How indeed?

I want to get him over here but I don't want to log into my Reddit account again.

you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Republicans move to create millions of new voters



Orange Site

This is why you should use Brave instead !braveshills :marseybraveglow:

What's the line between safe edgy and actual edgy?

And is performative edginess actually any less cringe, or just a slightly more offensive manifestation of the same ODD toddler mindset? Can you be outré without being a ten year old who finally worked up the nerve to curse on voicechat?

Notes on the Crises | Day Five of the Trump-Musk Treasury Payments Crisis of 2025: Not "Read Only" access anymore

For anyone unfamiliar, the eponymous "crises" in the title are NOT about the evil orange man who is bad - Notes on the Crises is a political economy newsletter started a few years ago by Nathan Tankus to comment on the intersecting global economic disasters triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nathan is a @TracingWoodgrains style "truth neurodivergent" not a wingcucked political hack. He's just a big giant dork who does things like FOIA request the minutes from all US Federal Reserve Board meetings from 1967-1973

Nathan looks like this, and I would believe almost anything that he writes, because it is backed by powerful neurodivergent spirits.

When he writes about the COBOL code in the treasury department, I'm confident he's talking to beardy old men who write and maintain that code.

I would also like to clarify some confusion on social media. The issue with understanding and grasping a COBOL system is not knowing COBOL, as a programming language, in the abstract. Nor is it, god help me, something that AI can "do" because you fired one of these chatbots up and got some code that could compile when you asked "write me some COBOL code". The issue is understanding the specific physical limitations of the system, the way that it interacts with the "Business Logic" of the code and a million other contextual factors.

There is specific code which tells you where to direct specific payments in specific ways and the structures, and why they are structured the way they are, requires deep contextual knowledge. This is "business logic". The entire issue with COBOL and why it has been such a struggle to maintain it is that COBOL systems (both private and public) developed for decades with very little documentation, have a million different path dependent coding choices. Mar Hicks 2020 article in Logic Magazine "Built to Last" is worth a read on this topic.

This is what I meant yesterday when I referenced that 30 different COBOL systems at Treasury had developed their own "dialects" and they launched Payment Application Modernization (PAM), which among other things, unified them. What they unified was the business logic of those systems (as well as likely other factors, most notably the physical architecture of the systems they ran on). Part of me wishes they didn't modernize with PAM because those 30 different and distinct systems would have been more secure from their infiltration. PAM processed 4.7 trillion dollars of payments in 2024.

It's also true that some similar issues can emerge with other more recent programming languages and the way "business logic" emerges if a mission critical IT system developed using a more recent programming language. But COBOL is unique; after all it's literally "common business-oriented language". So while knowing the COBOL programming language is better than not knowing it, it does not make that much of a difference with these young Musk programmers mucking about.

Mаín ukřаíníаn Řаbbí аsk tо fřее аzоv nаzí bаttаļíоn роws :marseyxd:

Řussíа hаs ļíkе 10k+ ukřаíníаn роws аnd thеу jеřk аřоund thе mоst nаzí оnе. Ukřаíníаn mаřínеs thаt wеřе аļsо ín Mаříuроļ аřе аļmоst thířd уеаř ín рřísоn but ukřаínísn gоv nеvеř mеntíоn thеm оnļу thеíř роstеř сhíļd аzоv :marseyxd: hе аļsо sауs tо аzоv Gоd bļеss уоu :marseyemojilaugh: :marseyemojilaugh: :marseyemojilaugh: :marseyemojilaugh:

The real reason why the NBA is dying.
Reported by:
:requiredreading: WATCH THEM FROLIC One, Two and Four in the Woods

Could Elon potentially get Reddit banned? :marseyconfused: (or at least downgraded somehow)

There was 0 care when Elon gave his three word reply to a tweet :marseyelonmusktalking: about redditors wanting to kill him and his zoomer concubines :soysnooseethetalkingtyping: :!marseyfemboy: and the sub just went down at a snap of the finger. :marseydisintegrate:

We all know it's because of them needing to janny it up so he can't find anything more, :marseyjanny2: :marseygatekeeper2: :marseyelonmusk: but does he even have any power to potentially bring the entire site down? :marseysaturngenocide: :marseysnoogenocide: :#elonsalute:

He always replies to longposts about shit nobody cares about :!marseyelonmusk: :!marseylongpost: so could it be possible to compile a large list of Reddit wrongs :marseynotes: , threadify them for twitter :marseybluecheck: , then send it straight to him and see where this goes? :marseyelonmusk: :marseyattentionseeker:

Hey dramafoids, want to ride in my $610 Chinese aluminum/plastic car :marseysteerchingchong:

!cars !asians

Staff Sergeant Chad takes inadequate COLA raises into his own hands


>room full of MREs

>Also has uniforms and medical gear

>Needs a new truck

Either the local supply Sargeant snapped after he didn't get his reenlistment bonus he was expecting and the cost of Zyns went up, of Chadbuto Gigfasa is suffering from the cuts to USAID



Guys, we aren't even a month in. This is just the beginning.


We have a 2nd Amendment for this reason. This is the gun nuts wet dream but they're sitting on the sidelines cheering the destruction of the US Constitution.

>spend the past 100 years calling them gun nuts

>cry when they don't come to aid the Fed

This is evil


Pool's closed at the DNC.
What should I listen to tonight when I'm on acid?


I think the one-party system in Chinese style is the best proven political system

With an opinion like that, why should anyone listen to you?

Uh the one party system is not the best proven system. Hitler banned political parties so there was only one. China has authoritarian government. It's unamerican.

Edit: I expect to see more one party system good propaganda.

Darn, who let Elon Musk have a Reddit account?

As a non-American,

Then I do not care of your opinion on America

Hating from outside of the club is crazy.

Especially when it's the party you love so much that's not even going to let you in.

Funny that's how I feel about trumpers, I have no space for them anymore.

Kick rocks.

ur just a troll

Trump is pro pardoning mass murder, pro torture and pro lying...

There is nothing good about trump and ur just trolling by playing the facist here

We will trans everybody you love

Fascism is growing in the US and the World

MAGA is a rapidly advancing Fascist party

We all have seen the events at the inauguration and having different thoughts about what Elon did, but I want to point to what they are doing with policy rather than one moment.

Trump is an Authoritarian leader. He wants control of everything, media, education, the economy, global politics. There will never be a point where he will be satisfied.

Before you know it, project 2025 will not just be the lefts boogie man but an actual threat to our safety and civil rights.

Trump will continue to push the most radical right wing beliefs onto our country until he has full control. One thing at a time, MAGA as a party will tear down each law in favor of the rich and powerful.

MAGA thrives on misinfor.ation and the suppression of education, and it will only get worse. The more you people chose to ignore the more MAGA will take from us. First is was Row V Wade, then it will be birthright citizenship. What about marriage equality? Nothing is off the table for Trump anymore. He's made it clear, but for someone reason, his followers don't speak the same language and misconstrue the truth.

Look, I wanted trump to win the election, but it wasn't because I think he's any kind of good guy. I know he's a whiny, loser pig, though I'm appreciating this more serious Trump over his last iteration..

I wanted Trump to win because I knew we needed some conservative counterbalance back. I'm not a leftist anymore, and it's because I don't agree with all of their positions. They are not my party when they refuse to capitulate to any sort of middle ground, so they have to be forced. I hope conservatives keep it cool, too, or else I'll have to stand against them all over again.

Our politics are not half as simple as they were 20 years ago. It was easy to be a leftist when conservative Christianity was forcing people to deny their own humanity. What I didn't know is that the left is just as capable of acting the same way.

Now playing: Tree Top Rock remix (DKC).mp3

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