- HailVictory1776 : Srd title blue lives matter
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Subreddit info
/r/bikecommuting is a simple subreddit for users to post biking photos, news discussions, or hot takes about biking.
OP's Complaint
OP, after being confronted taking their bike inside their local Home Depot (a home improvement store), makes the following post, complete with an image for reference:
Home Depot told me I can't bring my bike into the store
I typically bring my bike into the hardware store with me unless there are proper bike racks. I don't see a problem with it as it's no bigger than a cart. The Lowe's by me removed their bike racks for an air compressor so I take it in. This Home Depot is new and I had looked for their bike racks but couldn't see them in the front of the warehouse, so I took it in.
When checking out I was told I can't bring my bike in as it is a safety concern. I gave a rebuttal that it's no bigger than a cart and they said it could fall and block an entire aisle when the carts can't fall over. I didn't continue the questions because they just work there but it seemed ridiculous to me.
Apparently their bike racks are in the back of the warehouse completely isolated, not somewhere i would feel comfortable locking my bike.
I'm going to continue bringing my bike into the store.
[Image of bird's eye view of the Home Depot and parking lot shows the entrance on the northwest side (marked with an arrow by OP), and the outdoor bike racks on the southeast area (circled for our convenience)]
Users debate the bike hike
Bike traffic can be a safety concern around the entrance area with people, trolleys and cars. In some way this is not so bad. At least they have bike racks which is nice! Many stores don't provide that where I live.
When you say bike traffic, are you imagining OP riding their bike into the store?
Of course I'm not. I just mean that the store front is usually a place you don't want bikes parked and the traffic of them. Would be better to have bike parking on the parking lot, but we all know that is unlikely.
Get over it, you are being a whiny ninny. I park mine at the car corral at Lowe's and never had an issue.
OP: Straight to name calling huh, sticks and stones... I would have found a suitable spot to lock it up outside if it had been a problem before, this was the first time I had been told not to bring it in
I intentionally ram carts into bikes at the cart corral.
How would you feel if someone intentionally rammed a cart into your car?
Guess they'd have to decide how much their Cannondale and legs are worth to them
It was more a question about intentionally damaging someone's property than a question of whether you like cyclists or not. I think it's just rude to ruin someone's shit, even if you don't inherently like them. Treat people the way you want to be treated, that's at least how I feel.
Then strap your bike to the bike rack.
"there is no bike rack"
Edit: well, this guy has a bike rack at his place lmao, mine doesn't have it tho rip
Private property, private rules:
You sound like an entitled jerk.
It's private property, they can have a rule that doesn't allow bikes. Just because it isn't convenient for you, doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want. [downmarseyd]
You'd have a point if they didn't install bike racks on the back side of the building forcing users to walk all the way around. They KNEW what they were doing. Treating us like shit because they can and we have no power.
Okay? So shop somewhere else.
It's a private business, you have to follow their rules.
Oh my god you have to spend a whole extra minute walking around the corner. Life gets much harder, hunny
Be fair, to walk all the way around a super store is more like 3 minutes.
and it's more about the indignation. Like forcing women to breastfeed near the trash bins out of sight.
OP should get trespassing charges:
This is a reasonable rule. I hope OP gets trespassed. [downmarseyd]
Why? To both.
Bringing a bike into a store is weird, like the people who bring their dogs everywhere. At least dogs are cute.
OP feels like flouting rules on private property.
I get that to some degree, but the part about getting trespassed is extreme to me. It's not as if they shoplifted or hurt anybody.
wtf why would you bring a bike into the store
OP: Because I would be nervous about locking it in a place that, to me, would be ideal for a thief. And I was loading directly into my panniers using it as a cart
That's why people hate bicyclists [downmarseyd]
OP: Right...
I can bring my dog but you can't bring a bicycle!?
Bicycles shit in the aisles, dogs don't.
I was bitten by a bicycle in lighting.
Did you go to the hospital? I heard bicycles carry rabies
I actually died right there in the lighting aisle. So that why I'm against bikes and pro car now.
Singular takes
Full thread with more bike takes here
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Right off the bat, I'm American, and this is just my best guess, but I've been talking to and hearing a lot of Americans say stuff like "oh if it came to it it would be over in a day" or some stuff like that. WRONG
We. Would. Not. Be. Able. To. Stop. The. Bombings.
I don't think most Americans consider how much easier fighting a war is when you can identify your enemy by skin color and language, you guys speak English (mostly) you have basically the same demographic makeup as the US, basically what I'm saying is that you are the platonic ideal for a partisan guerilla campaign.
You can't buy KN03 in Canada because the government is worried people would make black powder with it. Americans have nothing to fear from !leafs bombing them.
I can pretty much guarantee that the first thing the Canadian military high command does is erase all records of who is in the Canadian military, hide all of their leopards, their jets, their stuff that is on par with US military tech in bunkers in the Northern Territories and destroy the fricking maps, you won't be using them for a while, but they're nice to have around if needed.
No. We haven't even destroyed the long gun registry 20 years after a court ordered it to happen.
The Canadian military will then systematically erase any identifiable signatures it has, servicemen and women will burn their ID cards, their uniforms, bury caches of small arms, explosives, anti tank weapons, anti air rockets.
Lmao no. Most CAF members have little to no real training. They don't have the ammo needed to train. Heck they got rid of post basic training! !burgers that right leafs go to basic and then "learn on the job".
This war would not look like anything the US has ever seen before in its history, this war would look like car bombs in Des Moines Iowa every day, Police Stations being shot up in every state of the Union, political assassinations.
Canadians allowed themselves to be disarmed (at least the lefties did). They don't have guns to shoot with.
/u/Grotesque_Bisque You're a moron jacking off to fantasy
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Trump banned indoctrination in education, resulting in shit jokes and some sneeding from r-slurs like these:
This is precisely why I, a closeted transgender grad student a year away from my teaching certificate, have been contemplating unaliving myself. There is no way I can legally and safely be happy in this lifetime anymore.
It's not worth it with legal avenues removed, never able to change documents, being discriminated against and witch-hunted.
Should do it, and is an unironic threat to children.
Scary stuff for a Health teacher because I actually do teach about sexuality and gender. It's not my whole job, but it is part of it, and the curriculum we use is very lgbtq+-friendly.
Wonder where parents are getting the idea that gays are out to indoctrinate their kids into being gay... :marseywrongthink:
The sub has a few posts on this shit, it got some insane "im such a dramatic hero" posters and a few breaking that circlejerk to actually comment on why the EO happened.
I hope my trans students know I'll go down swinging for them :/ i hate that shits gone backwards since i was in highschool, we got to celebrate gay marriage being legalized and obama and biden running through the whitehouse with pride flags. They get to experience being fear mongered scapegoats for people to direct their misguided hate towards, all with the guise of "protecting kids". Just wait for those suicide rates to go up higher.
Trans kids are not the result of him pushing them in that direction at all, totally normal development...
We need a national walkout. ASAP. Between the immigration bullshit and the trans students, they want to turn us all into deliverers of a different sort of indoctrination that doesn't value, honor, or respect the individual rights of our students, and will absolutely turn us into criminals for being safe spaces.
Literally the next MLK in the making bros
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He went on and on about how there was nothing canada or mexico could do to prevent the tariffs and then he rolled over in less then 48 hours. And as a canadian im not gonna forget about this anytime soon. Ill keep buying canadian.
Lol, he straight up said that the tarrifs were contingent on whether canada/mexico met his demands regarding illegal immigration/human trafficking/fentnyl which they did. Him threatening tarrifs worked and him not having to implement them is a good thing for the economy. How embarrassing tho
edit: dumb with the same illiterate sentiments
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this thread caught my eye so i had to look
sure emough:
OP post is
She is the definition of independence. When the world tells her to shrink, she chooses to expand.
Muscle mommies do not ask for permission.
They take what they deserve.
btw this is the same guy that huffed nitrogen
You forgot to mention that they are great cuddlers
All these women are fat nowadays
Muscle mommies is the kind of thing that looks great drawn
Haters to the left
this post sums it up
Porn Addition: The Thread
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Magneto is an Ashkenazi Jewish man who survived the Holocaust so I think he should be played by a Jewish man (if they get someone from Poland/Germany that would be a bonus) I usually support raceswaps but thought needs to be put into them don't expose actors to racist vitrol https://t.co/ymdM90Cn2Z
— MunchkinMarauder (@MunchkinM17) February 7, 2025
Spread rumors Denzel Washington is a black Israelite PLEASE
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Not copypasting the whole article, but nice fleet dorks:
Almost as soon as the Caleb entered the Pillar Point Harbor in the summer 2017, its crew ran into trouble, leading to the San Mateo County Harbor District filing a lawsuit against Danielson and Powell. The first time the U.S. Coast Guard boarded the tugboat for an inspection, the agency warned Danielson about the dangers of anchoring the dilapidated vessel, which carried 3,000 gallons of diesel fuel.
Danielson signed papers acknowledging her obligations under the Clean Water Act. But neighbors had already lodged complaints about the Caleb being docked illegally and storing 500 gallons of oily bilge water, court records show.
The Coast Guard called the boat "an imminent threat to the public health" and ordered the owners to finalize a mitigation plan. Rough seas in winter 2017 sent the tug into other anchored vessels, damaging them, the lawsuit stated.
By December 2017, Danielson had registered two more boats at Pillar Point Harbor, including the Islander that she and LaSota once shared and a boat called the Letoile de Mer. Over the next year, the vessels all faced anchor problems, and other harbor tenants raised concerns that the massive tug might ram them, harbor officials said.
A former employee at the harbor, who asked to remain anonymous out of concerns for his safety, described the vessel as less than seaworthy and its "shabby" crew as a nuisance.
"Feral humans we called them," the employee said. "They're just living, trying to get away with whatever they can under the wire. Most harbors have them, harbor rats that are just living the alternative lifestyle."
When the employee boarded the vessel to inspect it, he said the living quarters were a "mess." He recalled seeing s*x toys and lingerie in "plain view" in one of the bunkrooms. "It was filthy," he said. "They weren't hiding anything, that's for sure."
Back at Pillar Point, the Caleb's troubles mounted. In 2021, San Mateo County authorities determined the boat was no longer seaworthy and ordered the owners to remove it. No owner responded and its anchor continued to drag. Then in early 2022, winter storms tossed the boat around the harbor, endangering other vessels. No one responded to radio calls to the Caleb, the district alleged in a lawsuit.
The night of March 12, 2022, Danielson and her crew moved the Caleb to the harbor's work dock, but staff explained the boat was too large to be there, harbor officials said. "Danielson and crew got into a vehicle and drove off and have not been seen at (Pillar Point Harbor) or near the Caleb since," the harbor district's lawsuit stated.
The Caleb had been abandoned. The harbor district, records show, wound up paying a marine salvage company to remove hazardous materials from the boat and anchor it away from the dock.
A few months later, in August 2022, LaSota faked her own death.
While Danielson and LaSota haven't been seen at the harbor in three years, their legacy — a 345-ton heap of metal waste — rests near the community of Princeton-by-the-Sea and the cliffs of Mavericks Beach.
Harbor District General Manager Jim Pruett said the price tag for removing the ship would be about $2 million. It's a big ask for an agency with an annual budget of $13 million, Pruett said, so he's applying for grants to shoulder the cost.
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An Indian travel vlogger visited Nigeria and she never wishes to visit again. She gave some reasons here. pic.twitter.com/saiIi4HNe8
— Lord Immy Kant (Eastern Exile) (@KantInEast) January 31, 2025
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Where is the best place to post this on reddit to generate seethe?
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I bet whoever made this is really embarrassed now.
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tldr: Obama created the USDS (united states digital service) in 2014 after the launch of the buearecratic nightmare that was Obamacare to streamline govt digital services particularly the busted Obamacare website. Drumpf didnt actually create DOGE out of thin air, and instead simply rebranded the USDS which is why he didnt need congress to approve the agency/appropriate funds/authority.
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘
Come back after you graduate high school. Lol (78)
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘
Tolerance is for putting up with a bad smell, or physical pain, not the existence of gay people or other ethnicities. (413)
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘
Forget the politics, the stuff she's saying about your relationship should be enough to drop her NOR (3521)
You people are sick who would drop your family over differences in opinion (-100)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Biggest Lolcow: /u/Lopsided_Purchase235
Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+0🐮)
Number of comments: 10
Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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DISCLAIMER: I don't mean non-consensual or obligatory s*x at all. Men do not have a right to a woman's body just because you're in a relationship. I am a woman and I do think of myself as a feminist.
I was just wondering what people in general think about the idea of having s*x even if you don't necessarily 'feel like it' for the good of the relationship because you love your partner.
In my experience, my s*x drive isn't that high and I don't get an impulse to initiate s*x very often. It's not because im not attracted to my partner or don't enjoy s*x, I think im seriously just lazy and need to overcome that to keep my relationship strong. It's like, when I do have s*x with my partner I almost always enjoy it, the idea of it just doesn't sound good beforehand. Separately, I also notice that if my partner and I have not done it in a while, our relationship gets worse and we argue more, etc. So when I realize it's been awhile and I see an opportunity, I'll just initiate even if I don't really want to in the moment. Or if he initiates and my first instinct is no, I'll think about why im saying no before I respond. If there is a legit reason beyond me being lazy that I don't want to have s*x, I say no.
When I read dead bedrooms posts or talk to friends in bad relationships who tell me they haven't had s*x in 3 or 6 mos or whatever I've wanted to bring this up and ask if they've ever thought about it like this but I worry this is some weird internalized misogyny or patriarchy thing that im just trying to justify. What do the people of rsp think?
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You, working honestly
Government KING clicking delete on a legitimate email (most work xhe's done this week)
They're too nice
Smartest fed
Dipshit deep dive!
Meet /u/aqua410, Baltimore bureaucrat par excellence
Given the area code and how much she loves her sassy black woman gifs, you'd think she's one herself...
Besides not knowing how to google "metadata", she's doesn't know FB owns whatsapp:
Or why people don't just hack Elon Muskrat out of existence
Life is hard for a black woman in tech
She makes up for that small lapse by being extremely knowledgeable on laws:
Early life
Jews take great pride in being מאמינים בני מאמינים "believers, the sons of believers" - an unbroken lineage of faith in and loyalty to G-d from the times of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Similarly, this middle aged mammy is unfireable, the daughter of unfireables:
Sadly, they're not supportive enough of her having to... go back to work
She shuffles around lazily between agencies
Deleting every email she doesn't like
Pooping up everything she touches
Unfortunately, the country will fall apart if we can't reach her after 3:30 pm
Weigh in!
Which of the following metaphors best describes the role of HR in an organization?
visceral fat
metastasized stage 4 lymphoma
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No drama but it just seemed funny to me, like why are you humblebragging on Reddit to a bunch of minimum wage wagies?
Also what the frick is up with that house? Why does it have two garages?
OP also sucks at parking:
She posts to /r/ebayselleradvice so I assume she's a stay at home wife with a rich husband.
She really loves humblebragging
And she has some Karen story that I didn't read:
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sizing check
with text
You'll also notice that I've forcibly reenabled the cursor Marsey for everyone. This is so you can appreciate the adorable cursor kong by @Elias_Acorn. You are welcome.