
'I am a feminist (to an extent that I can be annoying about it) but this recent idea that s*x work is some sort of peak of women's liberation is just not something I will ever understand.'


'we are only judging Johns'

Of course you do darling

Local anti-porn twoxer Nooleef


'Oooh this is gonna be another /r/subredditdramadrama thread. Nothing gets dudes on Reddit absolutely seething more than women discussing what makes certain men fundamentally undateable.

The opinion that men who buy s*x are unappealing to women isn't even close to being controversial irl though (nor is it a high bar for most men to pass), so the fact that it causes such a stir on Reddit is as illuminating as it is hilarious.'

She is known for choosing the bear and having interesting takes over asians and africans ( claims to be African American and posts in black ladies)

'I hope they keep this same energy when we refuse to date women who've had an OnlyFans'

Kiatard invades

Reported by:

Total !chuds victory!

Are we dating same guy facebook groups are getting shut down left and right. Once again moid is free to gaslight foids as he wished.

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:marseysalutepride: :marseylgbtflag3: ITS ALMOST PRIDE MONTH :marseysalutepride: :marseylgbtflag3:

Please type the following phrase to receive full pride month benefits ‘GAY PRIDE WORLDWIDE' .

[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Message to the devs

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

"Hey devs these other games that died because they never got a hold of their balance? I want you to do the same for me."I got some bad news for you but a balance patch is already lined up for the 4th. (17)

I know I'm devastated by the news I'm trying my best to stop this game from being RUINED by a bunch of cry babies who refuse to develop talent and want their side that they enjoy most to be on easy mode I play both sides I enjoy both sides when you play as a coordinated team it's so much fun! Please spread the news we love the game as is and don't want balance changes just need people to get better at the game! (-8)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Meanwhile, here you are acting like a cry baby. Is this a bait post? (16)

No I love the game I don't want it changed I don't want my game ruined like all the other games I loved that were destroyed and no longer enjoy as much as I once did (-6)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

The game has to have things tweeked with balance changes. The good thing is that both sides are fun af to play. Somehow, they nailed it in this aspect. I usually main killer, but I love playing both in this game. I don't know if I will use the preference system. Maybe I will choose a preference if I'm getting stuck playing one side too much. But as it stands now, I'm fine flipping back and forth between humans and klowns. (8)

I love both sides at the moment what feels unbalanced to you? I will probably end up becoming a sweaty try hard human main though but this is the first game I enjoy being on the killer side of things as much as the human side (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

The devs listened to a loud and whiny subset of family mains who were unable to adapt. Just like ED devs listened to a loud and whiny subset of survivor mains who cried that playing solo on the side balanced around team play was too hard. (-2)

yeah you're in too deep to the "us vs them" mentaility 😑there is no adapting to incompetent balance, thats like me going to DBD and telling them to revert the Nurse nerfs because survivors should just "adapt". no bro some shit is just fu*king broken or designed incompetentlycase in point, in TCM, they nerfed leland who didn't need a nerf at that time, and they nerfed Johnny, who was already one of the worst killers in the game and getting dodged by a lot of family players at the time.alongside that, in the heat of horrible balance decisions, they introduced a victim "Danny" to the game with absurdly broken and practically uncounterable abilities the Family role was practically dead in that game because it was such a piss poor experience (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Offhand, limiting bomb squad when traps are infinite. (And saying that as a HH main.) Limiting choose flight without any negative impact to scout. Noise following which eliminated using noise as a distraction. While victims adapted, they significantly impacted the game quite a bit. (1)

TL:DR there were way more horrible design decisions that impacted the game then the personal grievances you mentioned. the things you're mentioning, the victims still stayed on the game and the family players left because their role was never fixed or addressed properly respectfully, even if i granted you that some of those weren't the "best" choice, those were nitpicks or personal grievances at best. i can't really say those are what really made everyone leave the game, every game has made dumb balance changes. the games victim playerbase was always relatively active. these changes didn't really make all the victims leave the game. the main issue with the game that spiraled everything out of control was when practically everybody stopped queuing for family. which then ran off interest from streamers because nobody wants to stream "lobby simulator", which then dropped the game from the eye of the general public since there was no eyes on the game really besides the die hards. Why di... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I didn't stick around long enough to see what killed those two games. I just know F13 was my longest played asym horror game and that just worked. I'm hoping a month from now I'm still playing this game cause it is fun currently. I actually enjoy playing both survivor and killer for some reason. (22)

for TCM it was game balance and map design, the Family role died off because the game design was overly courteous to victims to the point that no one wanted to be kited, bullied, and griefed by victims. this lead to victim mains leaving the game shortly after because they didn't want to deal with the long queue times. the competitive scene started and then died off comically quickly when they realized how much i frames, infinite loops, and just overall no win situations existed (7)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/LondonLobby

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


OP says they are from Sudan and they have some other pics. I choose to believe it because it's funny.


Thought provoking discussion on the subject matter.

!kino !fellas


If the president is bypassing the supreme court just to bribe even mayors to vote for him.... Folks... America is fricking done, accept it and proceed from there. It's over.

Just 2 hours left to sign up for the 10th monthly tournament [20k prize]

!g*mers and !goomblers you both really need this :marseycringe2:

Sign up :


The album is called Brown Eyes - Reason for Breathing?

This is the main single from the album

It was actually the second best selling album in korea in 2002 :marseyxd:

They also put pictures of african children on the original cover of their first album

But at some point they changed it to something more wholesome. This song has 52 million views btw

Anyway I found this on the korean internet looking for something else and it spooked the shit out of me, I had to share :marseyflagsouthkoreapat:

You could probably harvest some grade A seethe posting this on kpop twitter btw :marseyrapscallion: they hate how racist koreans are and I really doubt they've seen this before

Reported by:

@Aevann is looking :marseyoperasmug: for new blood! Someone to replace our dead fishy friend :marseychinchilla2: @FBIshill

Instead of modding people in exchange for nudes (@404notfound) or hundreds of thousands of dollars :marseycoin: (@The10thMan), The Capy has finally decided to accept :marseyokay: some western :marseycowboy: values into his heart :marseyxmr: and will be letting THE PEOPLE choose :marseyvalentine: a new moderator :marseymooserevenge: via DEMOCRACY.

For the primary, you can vote for as many or as few people as you want

Tomorrow at 10am est this vote will close :marseynoyouzoom: and the 4 people with the most votes will be entered in to the FINALS where :marseydrama: only one vote will be allowed.

ps - feel free to do write :marseychudnotes: ins in the comments by surrounding someones name with 2 dollar :marseysamhyde: signs :marseymoney: on either side

!poll_voters !r-slurs !metashit


It's time fffffffor

Zelenskyy Youth

At this point

Modern conflicts are interesting, like we can see everything.

Yesterday at night khohols launched himars at Belgorod

They all were shot down because Russia has tons of experience against those and can write now better PhD thesis about it that og manufacturer.

When it was launched pro khohols were happy telling its over for Russian in Kharkiv.

Then same night this happens

We also know that pension are being cut and pension age increased.

And media is still telling us Ukraine is winning jfl

We then get victims like this:

The source I was dunking at was this:

He basically told on May 29 that Ukraine has a great counteroffensive so by time I made my post (31 May) there was no proofs it ever happened but of course in Reddit dimension it happened. But interesting thing is the guy is legit insane he is Zaluzhnyy posting after Zaluzhnyy was bussy blasted by Zelenskyy 4 months ago :marseyrofl:

So Reddit promoting a shizo to cope. Also to add credit to this shizo grifter, he didn't mentioned Ukraine liberated most of the Volvchansk, that was just basically redditors shizo addon

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Zoomer sees Instagram stories from classmate with links to her onlyfans, decides to call her out in class.

Teacher spergs out, police spergs out, principal spergs out.

Chad doesnt care, sends the leaked photos to her dad.

Editing is pure cancer.

Katy Perry was calling scrotes soy boys before it was cool (2008's Ur So Gay) :gigachadqueen: :marseykneel:

Also 69M views nice :marseysoylentgrin#:

How did she know, lads?

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